Title: Electronic structure and magnetic properties of II-VI DMS
1Electronic structure and magnetic properties of
Thomas Chanier ISEN Engineer PhD student IM2NP,
MARSEILLE, France Co-workers R. Hayn, M.
Sargolzaei, I. Opahle, M. Lannoo
PhD defense - 29/08/2008 Faculté de St-Jérôme,
Marseille, France
- Failure of Moores law
- The number of transistors / inch² on mP chips
doubles every two years - Current technology
- Based on electron charge
- Atomic scale
- Quantum nature of the electron
- Needed new science to replace classical micro-
- electronics
LGlt50 nm (1000 at.)
Fe corral on Au
TEM image
STM image, IBM
- SpinFET - Datta and Das, APL 56 665 (1990)
- Principals
- Rashbas precession
- Current challenge
- Injection of spin-polarized current
- in the SC channel
- Unsuccessful attempts
- S and D in FM metal weak injection
- due to conductivity mismatch with SC
- Schmidt et al., PRB 62 R4790 (2000)
- Alternative solution for spin injection
- DMS diluted magnetic SC
- - Classical SC doped with magnetic ions
- (TM or rare earth)
Scientific American
4Basics on II-VI DMS
Host SC covalent bonds Zn2 -
A2- Substitutional impurity TM2 config. Ar
3dn 4s0 - for Co, n7 ? S 3/2 - for Mn,
n5 ? S 5/2 ZB only 1 NN exchange integral
JNN W 2 NN exch. Int. in-plane Jin
out-of-plane Jout
Ref. 1 Jamieson, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 41 963
Ref. 2 CRC Handbook of Chemistry and
Physics Ref. 3 Sabine, Acta Cryst. B 25
2254 Ref. 4 Reeber, JAP 38 1531 Ref. 5 Yim,
J. Electr Soc Sol-St.Sci. Tech 119 381
5State of the art
Dietl (2001)
FM prediction for ZnTMO - Sato et al., Physica
E 10 251 (2001) LSDA FM JNN in ZnCoO - Dietl
et al., PRB 63 195205 (2001) Zener model, p-type
ZnMnO AFM FM competition for ZnCoO
AFM for ZnMnO - Lee et al., PRB 69 085205
(2004) - Sluiter et al. , PRL 94 187204 (2005)
LSDA pseudopotential BUT
in contrast to experiments
Sati (2007)
- Our study AFM NN exchange constants
- - LSDAU Hubbard-type correction to LSDA ? AFM
JNN - T. Chanier et al., PRB 73 134418 (2006)
- Predictions confirmed AFM interactions in
ZnCoO, - P. Sati et al., PRL 98 137204 (2007)
6d-d exchange Hamiltonian
- Heisenberg Hamiltonian
- J gt 0 ? FM
- J lt 0 ? AFM
- Comparison of ?E in the Heisenberg model with
?ETotal obtained - from FM and AFM First-principle calculations
- chain
- pair
- Where ST 2S the total spin for two
magnetic impurities of spin S - First-principle calculations
- FPLO full potential local orbital approximation
(Koepernic et al., PRB 59 1743) - LSDA Perdew-Wang 92 Vxc functional (Perdew and
Wang, PRB 45 13244)
7Supercell approach
8Exchange constants for ZnOCo
- LSDA competition between AFM and FM
interactions - for the two type of NN in constrast to exp.
- Necessity of better taking into account the
- strong electron correlation in the TM 3d-shell
- LSDAU AFM exchange constants for the two type
- of NN in quantitative agreement with exp.
- We use the same Slater parameters as those of
CoO - Two realistic values for U 6 and 8 eV
- Ref. Anisimov et al., PRB 44 943 (1991)
- Our values Jin -1.7 0.3 meV, Jout -0.8
0.3 meV - Experiments
- Tcw of magnetic susceptibility Jave -33 K
-2.8 meV - INS Jin -2.0 meV, Jout - 0.7 meV
Ref. 1 Lee and Chang, PRB 69 085205 (2004)
(LSDA, pseudopotential) Ref. 2 Sluiter et al.,
PRL 94 187204 (2005) (LSDA, pseudopotential)
9Exchange constants for ZnOMn
- LSDA underestimation of AFM exchange constants
- in either type of NN
- LSDAU AFM exchange constants in quantitative
- agreement with experiments (SP of MnO, U 6 8
eV) -
- Our values Jin -1.8 0.2 meV, Jout -1.1
0.2 meV - Experimental values two values of J (MST)
- J1 -2.08 meV, J2 -1.56 meV
- Ref. Gratens et al., PRB 69 125209 (2004)
- Ref. 2 Sluiter et al.,
PRL 94 187204 (2005)
10Spin density
Co-O-Co plane, in-plane NN Co-O-Co plane,
out-of-plane NN
- Chemical trends of JNN Supercells TM2Zn6A8 (ZB)
- U from Ref. Gunnarson et al., PRB 40 10407
(1989) - Charge transfer from FPLO
12sp-d exchange constants
- Chemical trends of Na and Nb Supercells TMZn3A4
(ZB) - Mean Field Approx.
- With N the cation concentration
- sp-d exch cst for CBE and VBH at G
17Main features of DOS
- The upper VB is formed by a semi-circle of width
W - LSDA BS inverted FM VB spin splitting DEv
Ev - Ev gt 0 - too high position of TM 3d level, always a bound
state - LSDAU formation of a BS FM DEv if Vpd gt Vpd
- If U , the occupied 3d levels are shifted by
-U/2 from VBM , 0 EBS-Ev - Hyp. Vpd ? f(U)
- mm
18Analytical model
- Bethe Lattice Model
- - TB Hamiltonian
- - Basis set - Hamiltonian matrix
- - Local Creen Funct.
(t2g 3d orb. for TM2) (t2 p
orb. for A2-)
- Host Green function
- Local Green function
- No bound state f0 lt a e0 lt a-f0
- A bound state out of continuum f0 gt a e0 gt
a-f0 - 2 bound states on both side of the continuum
- f0 gt a e0 lt a-f0
Vpd 0.90 eV
Vpd 0.90 eV
a 2 eV, e0 1 eV
a 2 eV, e0 1 eV
- Host Green function
- Local Green function
- No bound state f0 lt a e0 lt a-f0
- A bound state out of continuum f0 gt a e0 gt
a-f0 - 2 bound states on both side of the continuum
- f0 gt a e0 lt a-f0
Vpd 0.90 eV
Vpd 0.90 eV
a 2 eV, e0 1 eV
a 2 eV, e0 1 eV
- Host Green function
- Local Green function
- No bound state f0 lt a e0 lt a-f0
- A bound state out of continuum f0 gt a e0 gt
a-f0 - 2 bound states on both side of the continuum
- f0 gt a e0 lt a-f0
Vpd 0.90 eV
a 2 eV, e0 1 eV
22Formation of a Zhang-Rice Singlet
- Condition of formation of a bound state
- - Necessary condition for a BS
- f0 gt aW/2 e0 not too deep
- - for ZnOTM
- Two bound states
- Curve fitting - Results
- - Supercell MnZn31O32
- - Harrisons parametrization
24Vpd for Host II-VI SC
- - Host SC DOS - Critical hybridization param.
- - Harrisons parametrization
25Vacancy in II-VI SC ab initio study
- - Basis set - NN relaxation
- - Electronic structure
- - LSDA results DE ELDA-ELSDA
- Zn4A3 calc. Neutral anion vacancy is
26Analytical model
- Molecular cluster model - sp3 molecular
orbitals Yi (i1..4) - - Hamiltonian
- Group Theory SALC of Yi
- - monoelectronic states
- A1 and T2 representations
- - polyelectronic states direct product group
- Monoparticule eigenenergies
- Biparticle eigenenergies
- D -4 4 eV, U 4 eV, V 1 eV
- VZn0 in ZnO S 1 state characterized by
EPR - Ref. D. Galland et al., Phys. Lett. 33A,
1 (1970)
VA0 in ZnO, S 0 VZn0 in ZnO, S 1
- Mn- and Co-doped DMS
- Necessity of taking into account the strong
electron correlation on the TM 3d shell. - The LSDAU exchange constants are in quantitative
agreement with experiments. - Importance of the hybridation parameter Vpd to
describe correctly the DOS - of DMS.
- Single vacancy in II-VI SC
- Neutral cation vacancy in more ionic ZnO carries
a spin S 1 in agreement with experiments. - This state is quasi-degenerate with a S 0 state
in other less ionic II-VI SC. - Neutral anion vacancy is non-magnetic.
- Publications T. Chanier et al. , PRB 73 134418
(2006) T. Chanier et al. , PRL 100 026405 (2008)