Title: of California
1of California
Brown Bag Lunch Series A statewide training
series on health and policy topics affecting
children and youth with special health care
needs. This series is geared towards diverse
stakeholders including families, youth,
professionals, parent-to-parent staff and
The voice of families the vision of quality
health care the future for children and youth
with special health care needs
2 Family Voices of California is locally based,
nationally connected A statewide collaborative
of locally-based parent run centers working to
ensure quality health care for children and youth
with special health care needs. As the State
Affiliate of National Family Voices, we are
Californias federally funded Family-to-Family-He
alth-Information-Center providing statewide
support to families of CYSHCN. For more info,
visit www.familyvoicesofca.org
3 Family Voices of California  (FVCA) strives to
present families and professionals with a wide
range of views and options in its materials and
trainings. Â The materials and trainings are not
necessarily comprehensive, are not meant to be
exhaustive, nor are they an endorsement of the
author and/or presenter. Â If you would like to
offer feedback or if you know of additional
resources, speakers and/or materials that may be
helpful, please do contact us at
4Access them anytime.
- To see one of our archived webinars, or join an
upcoming one, visit our website. - All PowerPoints materials posted online
following the webinar. - www.familyvoicesofca.org
- Margaret Mary Finn
- mfinn_at_familyvoicesofca.org
5Educationally Related Occupational and Physical
Therapy Services
California Childrens Services
- Family Voices of California Webinar
- October 3, 2012
- Carol Cohen, Parent Health Liaison, FRN Alameda
- Pat Louie, Assistant Chief Therapist, CCS Alameda
6How can my child qualify for Occupational or
Physical Therapy
- The question to ask is NOT Does the student
qualify for OT or PT in school?...but rather
Is an occupational therapists or physical
therapists skills and expertise a necessary
component of the students educational program
in order for him/her to achieve his/her IEP
7Related Services
- In order to receive any related service including
physical and/or occupational therapy in the
school setting a child must be found eligible for
Special Education in any of the 14 categories - When a child is found eligible for Special
Education services, the IEP team will determine
what additional services a child will need.
Related services should enable a child to - Make meaningful progress towards meeting their
annual goals - Be educated in the least restrictive environment
- Make progress in the general education
8Rules of the IEP Process
Educational Benefit
Assessment and Eligibility determination
- Establish a childs need and must be as complete
and accurate as possible. - Should be completed in all areas of a childs
suspected disability. - Documentation of all the childs needs is
absolutely essential.
- Goals establish reasonable expectations of how
much your child will progress. Think in terms of
where you want your child to be at the end of the
year. - If goals are set too low, services can be set
very low. - If goals are set too high, a child may not have
success - If goals are reasonable, yet a child is NOT
making adequate progress, you have a reason to
request additional services be put in place
- Description of all services and supports that are
needed as well as WHERE a child will receive
these services. Placement should include
everything that is necessary for a child to have
a reasonable chance of achieving his or her IEP
12How are OT and PT defined by IDEA?
- Occupational Therapy services must be provided by
a qualified occupational therapist and include - Improving, developing or restoring functions
impaired or lost through illness, injury or
deprivation - Improving ability to perform tasks for
independent functioning when functions are
impaired or lost - Preventing through early intervention initial or
further impairment or loss of function - Physical Therapy means services provided by a
qualified physical therapist - Note this is all that IDEA says about
educational PT
13What is Educationally Related OT?
- According to the American Occupational Therapy
Association (AOTA), OT is concerned with a
persons ability to participate in daily life
activities or occupations. In the school
setting, an OT - Uses their expertise to help children to be
prepared for and perform learning and school
related activities and to fulfill their role as
students. - Supports academic and non-academic outcomes,
including social skills, math, reading, writing,
recess, sports participation, self-help skills,
and prevocational/vocational participation for
children and students with disabilities, 3-22
years of age. - Is skilled in facilitating access to curricular
and extra-curricular activities for all students.
- Trains parents, staff members, and caregivers in
educating students with diverse learning needs
14- The School Occupational Therapist works with
- Students to improve their performance in a
variety of learning environments (e.g.,
playgrounds, classrooms, cafeterias, bathrooms) - Parents to help them support their childrens
learning and participation in school - Educators and other school support staff to
plan and develop activities and environments that
include all students - Para-educators to support child success and
promote child safety within the school
environment (e.g., physical and behavioral
assistance needs) - Administrators to provide training for
student, staff and parents, as well as to
recommend equipment for schools and ways to
modify existing classrooms, buildings and
15What is Educationally Related PT?
- According to the American Physical Therapy
Association (APTA), physical therapy services
support the educational team and help the student
perform successfully in school. - Physical therapy addresses the ability to move
parts of the body, assume and maintain postures,
and organize movement and functional gross motor
skills. - The PT works with students to build strength and
endurance for functional mobility (e.g., climbing
stairs, opening doors, mobility in and about the
school, carrying materials, accessing the
playground, participating in field trips and work
16OT and PT are Designated Instructional Services
(DIS) under IDEA
- DIS shall be available when the instruction and
services are necessary for the child to benefit
educationally from his or her instructional
program. - To receive any DIS a child must be identified as
having a disability under IDEA. - California Ed Code, Section 56031 defines DIS as
special education. In California, therefore, a
child who has been determined eligible for
special education may have an IEP that contains
DIS as the only special education service
provided, if an assessment demonstrates such
therapy is needed.
17PT and OT under Section 504
- A child who has a disability as defined under
Section 504, but who does not meet eligibility
criteria for an educationally disabling condition
under IDEA may still be eligible to receive
federally defined related services pursuant to a
504 plan - An OT or PT may be involved in providing
accommodations to the educational environment
and/or curriculum. Such accommodations may
include - Accessibility to classrooms, schools, rest rooms
and transportation - Provision of simple adaptive devices such as
pencil grips, specialized tools and lap trays - Adaptations for written communication
- Positioning or meeting specialized health care
needs - modifications of assignments and curriculum
18Indicators for Educationally Related
Occupational Therapy Referral
- Difficulty in learning new motor tasks
- Poor organization and sequencing of tasks
- Poor hand use (including writing and tool use)
- Difficulty in accomplishing tasks without the use
of adaptive equipment, environmental
modifications or assistive technology - Unusual or limited play patterns
- Deficits in adaptive self-help or feeding skills
in the educational setting - Poor attention to tasks
- Notable overreaction or underreaction to
textures, touch or movement
19Indicators for Educationally Related Physical
Therapy Referral
- Delayed Gross Motor skills
- Difficulty in learning new motor tasks
- Unusual walking or movement patterns
- Difficulty in moving or moving unsafely in the
school environment - Difficulty in maintaining an appropriate sitting
posture - Poor balance or falling frequently
- Difficulty in accomplishing tasks without the use
of adaptive equipment, environmental
modifications or assistive technology - Postural or orthopedic abnormalities
- Reduced endurance or fatigue
20Requesting an Evaluation
- A parent should request in writing that they
would like their child evaluated for Occupational
and/or Physical therapy. In the letter, request
prior written notice if the district plans on
denying the request. - A district may not require an Adaptive Physical
Education (APE) assessment or services before
referring for an assessment by an OT or PT. A
child does not need to fail in APE before an
evaluation is offered. They are different
services. - A district cannot require that the child be first
evaluated by California Childrens Services prior
to a district evaluation. - Only a Licensed OT or PT can assess a child for
services, or determine educational need.
21Levels of Service
- Direct services (either group or individual)
- Consultation to staff and/or parent
- In some cases services may be provided by a
special education teacher (especially if they are
OI credentialed) or by the adapted physical
education (APE) specialist if it determined the
child does not require the expertise of a
physical or occupational therapist to to receive
educational benefit - On the IEP, therapy services should be specified
for type (individual or group), level, duration
and frequency, not as needed.
22Adapted Physical Education
- Credentialed APE specialists have training in
basic body mechanics, kinesiology and other
medically oriented subjects that assist in
teaching the basic concepts of movement, speed,
force, rhythm, complex motor skills and
sequences, play and leisure skills, and social
and group interaction skills. APE can augment OT
or PT services
23Orthopedically Impaired Credential
- It is recommended that children with severe
orthopedic impairments have a teacher with an OI
credential as their case manager. OI teachers
have expertise in collaborating with medical
professionals and in adapting equipment. They are
trained in augmentative communication and
assistive technology. They are also able to
provide APE, positioning and seating adjustments,
and sensory integration activities.
24California Childrens Services (CCS)
- CCS provides medically necessary PT and OT
through the Medical Therapy Program (MTP).
Therapy must be prescribed by a CCS approved
physician. Active therapy services and
prescriptions are reviewed every 6 months. - Eligibility for CCS services is limited to
children ages 0-21 with specific neuromuscular,
musculoskeletal or muscular diseases such as
cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy. Please
visit the CMS website for more information.
- Children under three years of age may be served,
if they are at risk and show signs that they may
have an eligible condition, but dont yet have a
clear diagnosis. A medically eligible condition
must be diagnosed by age three in order to
continue to receive services.
25California Childrens Services (CCS)
- The IEP team determines where to record CCS
therapy services. - Frequency and duration of CCS services should be
recorded on a childs IEP - For more information on recording CCS therapy on
the IEP, see this publication www.disabilityright
26Can a child receive therapy from CCS and the
school district concurrently?
- School district therapy must be educationally
necessary and CCS therapy must be medically
necessary, so it is possible to receive services
from both. - School therapy services can not duplicate or
conflict with the CCS therapy plan. Goals and
objectives from the CCS and school district
therapists must be different.
27For example
- If a CCS Occupational Therapist is working on
self-feeding and dressing, and the school
district OT is working on keyboarding and
handwriting skills needed to complete school
work, this is not a duplication. - If the CCS Physical Therapist is working on
balancing on one leg and lifting the opposite
foot to step over a threshold, and a school
district PT is working on balancing on one leg
and lifting the other to kick a ball, this is a
duplication of services as both therapists are
working on the same muscle groups and movements. - Please visit the CMS website site earlier to view
CCS Numbered Letter 11-1600.
28Other options for therapy
- Request a physical or occupational therapy
evaluation referral from your childs
pediatrician. If your child is not eligible for
CCS, but still has a medical need for therapy
your insurance may agree to provide this service.
If denied the evaluation or recommended therapy,
you may need to file for an independent medical
review through Department of Managed Care or
Department of Insurance, depending on your
medical coverage.
- For children with Medi-Cal, therapy services may
be covered through EPSDT (Early Periodic
Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment). - EPSDT provides medically necessary and
ameliorative supplementary medical services - Visit this site for more information
30Beyond Therapy
- There are many opportunities for children to
develop physical skills outside of a medical or
educational setting. - Your child can participate in a special needs
programs like E-Soccer, Challenger Little League,
or wheelchair basketball. Also look for inclusive
programs offered by local recreation departments
or at private gymnastics, swimming, yoga or
martial arts programs.
31- Fine motor skills can be worked on in arts or
music programs. Many programs are open to all
children if requested, and offer your child a
chance to gain appropriate social skills with
typically developing children. Dont be afraid to
ask if your child can be included.
32- Therapy doesnt just happen with a therapist. If
your child is receiving therapy, continue
activities at home by requesting a home therapy
program. - Many exercises can be completed with low cost
items or things you might already own.
33Sources and Resources
- Guidelines for Occupational Therapy and Physical
Therapy in California Public Schools CDE, 1996 - A Composite of Laws, www.cde.ca.gov
- Special Education Rights and Responsibilities,
CASE and DRC www.disabilityrightsca.org - Family Resource Network Alameda, Recreation list
available by download at www.frnoakland.org - Get help with insurance from Office of the
Patient Advocate (916) 324-6407 www.opa.ca.gov - Medi-Cal Managed Care Ombudsman (888) 452-8609