Brave New World Prophetic or Apocalyptic? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Brave New World Prophetic or Apocalyptic?


Brave New World Prophetic or Apocalyptic? Prophetic: predictive; presageful or portentous Apocalyptic: predicting or presaging imminent disaster and total/universal ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Brave New World Prophetic or Apocalyptic?

Brave New World Prophetic or Apocalyptic?
Prophetic predictive presageful or portentous
Apocalyptic predicting or presaging imminent
disaster and total/universal destruction
A collision of cultures to shake our beliefs as
Find a partner among your group to work with as
we delve into the allusions in the novel
Brave New World Allusions
Allusions references to history or literature
  • A variation of Lenin -- Nikolai Lenin, the
    Russian Socialist, who had a tremendous influence
    in the formation of the Union of Soviet
    Socialist Republics, the present-day Russia.

  • An important figure in the formation of the World
    State. His utilization of the mass-production
    technique influenced social, political, and
    economic life.
  • In Huxley's Utopia, the life, work, and teachings
    of Ford are the sources of inspiration and truth.
    Even time is reckoned according to Ford.

Bernard Marx
  • Marx is an obvious reference to Karl Marx, a
    German Socialist, whose best-known work, Das

Kapital, expresses his belief that the
fundamental factor in the development of society
is the method of production and exchange. Karl
Marx called religion the opium of the people in
Huxley's Brave New World, soma is substituted for
Neopavlovian Conditioning
  • Conditioning is defined as the training of an
    individual to respond to a stimulus in a
    particular way. The Russian scientist Ivan Pavlov
    conducted experiments to determine how this
    conditioning takes place. In Brave New World
    individuals are conditioned to think, act, feel,
    believe, and respond the way the government wants
    them to.

Benito Hoover
  • Benito Hoover combines the names of two men who
    wielded tremendous power at the time Huxley was
    writing Brave New World Benito Mussolini, the
    Italian dictator, and Herbert Hoover, the
    American President.

The Malthusian beltThomas Malthus
  • This English political economist believed that
    unless the population diminished, in time the
    means of life would be inadequate. Improvements
    in agriculture, he predicted, would never keep up
    with expanding population, and

increases in the standard of living would be
impossible. In the World State, mandatory
birth-control regulates the growth of population.
  • Predestination is the act of deciding an
    individual's fate or destiny.
  • Both the Old and New Testaments contain
    allusions to God as the Predestinator, but since
    the World State has eliminated God, this is now
    the function of government. In the World State
    each individual has been predestined according to
    the needs of society.

(No Transcript)
  • Since 1900, in any 10-year period, advances in
    science and technology have overshadowed
    advancements made during ANY previous 100-year

Periodic table in 1869Telephone in 1876 Light
bulb in 1879 Emc2 in 1887 Germ theory of disease
in 1890 Radium in 1899 Radio tube in 1905,
transmitter in 1914 Insulin in 1922 Sliced bread
in 1928 Jet engine in 1937
Huxleys warning!
Huxley realized that these advances, which were
welcomed as progress, were full of danger. Man
had built higher than he could climb man had
unleashed power he was unable to control.
  • Brave New World is Huxley's warning it is his
    attempt to make man realize that since knowledge
    is power, he who controls and uses knowledge
    wields the power.
  • Science and technology should be the servants of
    man -- man should not adapted and enslaved to
    them. Brave New World is a description of our
    lives as they could be in the none-too-distant

International political scene
  • Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, the dictatorship
    of Mussolini in Italy, and the Nazi Party
    movement in Germany. Concerned about threats to
    man's freedom and independence, Huxley realized
    that communism and fascism place the state above
    the individual and demand total allegiance to a

Economic changes
  • A time of more and bigger factories, more
    manufactured goods, the advent of mass-produced
  • Big business used and misused the individual --
    man became important as a producer and a

Societal changes
  • More people were moving to the cities ? change in
    attitude and point of view. As "one of the
    crowd," the individual is not responsible for
    himself or for anybody else. Huxley carries this
    loss of individuality one step further in his
    projection of Bokanovskified groups of identical
    twins performing identical tasks.

EQ How does Huxley present his message to the
reader through allusion and satire? ELABLRL1, 2, 3
  • What might a message be to a modern reader?
  • Lets analyze the allusions in order to answer
    these questions
  • 1. With your partner, create one level 2 question
    to support the facts on your handout
  • 2. With your partner, summarize the information,
    connecting the summary to the Huxleys beliefs
    and Historical factors questions.
  • 3. Complete a story map with your partner
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