The London Eye - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The London Eye


St. Basil s Cathedral in Moscow, Russia was built by Ivan the Terrible between 1555 and 1561. According to legends, the builder of this Cathedral was blinded so ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The London Eye

The London Eye
Thames River
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House of Commons House of Lords
Big Ben
Constitutional Monarchy
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
The Tomb of the Unknowns (also known as the Tomb
of the Unknown Soldier, although it has never
been officially named) is a monument dedicated to
American service members who have died without
their remains being identified. It is located in
Arlington National Cemetery in the United
States. The World War I Unknown is below the
marble sarcophagus. Other Unknowns are beneath
the white slabs on the ground (World War II,
right Korean War, left). A Vietnam War Unknown
was under the middle slab until 1998, when he was
identified. His remains were positively
identified in 1998 through DNA testing as First
Lieutenant Michael Blassie, United States Air
Force and were removed. Inscribed on the western
panel of the Tomb are the words HERE RESTS
The Changing of the Guard
Arlington National Cemetery
Arlington National Cemetery is a military
cemetery established during the American Civil
War on the grounds of Arlington House, formerly
the estate of the family of Confederate general
Robert E. Lee's wife Mary Anna (Custis). The
cemetery is situated directly across the Potomac
River from the Lincoln Memorial in Washington,
In an area of 624 acres, veterans and military
casualties from each of the nation's wars are
interred in the cemetery, ranging from the
American Civil War through to the military
actions in Afghanistan and Iraq. Pre-Civil War
dead were reinterred after 1900.
Eternal flame and marker at the grave of John F.
Kennedy, 35th president of the United States, as
it appeared prior to the parallel interment of
his widow, Jacqueline Kennedy, upon her death.
Arlington House
The Arc de Triomphe, one of the major landmarks
in Paris, was inspired by the Arch of Constantine
in Rome. It is the national war memorial of
Commissioned in 1806 by Napoleon, shortly after
his victory at Austerlitz, the Arc de Triomphe
was not finished until 1836. Napoléon, the French
emperor who conquered most of Europe at the
beginning of the 19th
Paris, France
century, admired the Roman people. In 1806,
following their example, he decided to build a
very big arch of triumph which stands at the top
of the Champs Elysées.
There are twelve avenues radiating from the Arc
de Triomphe. Napoleons victorious troops would
march on through the arch cheered by the
population of Paris. This never happened thanks
to General Wellington who defeated Napoléon at
Waterloo in 1815.
Beneath the Arch is the Tomb of the Unknown
Soldier, and eternal flame commemorating the dead
of the two world wars. Here every Armistice Day
(11 November) the President of the Republic lays
a wreath. On 14 July - the French National Day
(refered to as Bastille Day everywhere except in
France) - a military parade down the Champs
Elysées begins here.
For important occasions of state, and national
holidays, a huge French tricolor is unfurled and
hung from the vaulted ceiling inside of the Arch.
La Marseillaise by François Rude One of four
reliefs on the pillars of the Arch. The day the
Battle of Verdun started in 1916, the sword
carried by the figure representing the Republic
broke off.
The relief was immediately hidden to conceal the
accident and avoid any undesired associations or
interpretations as a bad omen. La Marseillaise is
more commonly known as the French national anthem.
Eiffel Tower
Gustave Eiffel
TOWER BASICS Years Built 1887-1889 for 1889
Universal Exhibition and Centennial of the French
Revolution Architect  Stephen Sauvestre
Contractor  Gustave Eiffel Number of Steel
Workers 300 Number of Workers Killed during
Construction 1
Height 300.51 meters (986 feet) (/- 15 cm
depending on temperature) Height including
television antenna 320.755 meters (1052 feet)
Weight 7,000 tons (1,000 tons removed during
1990's renovation) Base 412 feet square,
although also noted as about 2.5 acres) Paint
50 tons every 7 years Paint Color Dark Brown
Steps walkable by visitors (Ground to 2nd floor)
704 Year lighting added contributing to Paris'
reputation as "City of Lights" Maximum sway in
wind 12 cm Tallest Structure in the World
1889-1930 (until Chrysler Building) 2nd Tallest
Structure in the World 1930-1932 (Until Empire
State Bldg) Visibility on a clear day 67
kilometers (42 miles)
Leaning Tower of Pisa
Started in 1173, the Leaning Tower of Pisa in
Pisa, Italy, is an example of Romanesque
architecture. The leaning structure is actually
the campanile (Italian for belfry or
belltower) of the cathedral of Pisa.
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This group of buildings, built from 1053 to 1272
at Pisa, in Italy, includes the Leaning Tower a
cathedral and a baptistery.
The tiers of open colonnades (series of columns)
throughout the group are characteristic of the
Romanesque style of architecture, which preceded
the Gothic style in western Europe. The campanile
began leaning during construction due to the
settling of the foundation.
Italian physicist Galileo conducted his famous
experiments with gravity and the relative speed
of falling objects from the top story of the
The Taj Mahal, a mausoleum in Agra, India,
regarded as one of the most beautiful buildings
in the world. The Mughal emperor Shah Jahan had
it built in memory of his wife
On a hill overlooking Granada, Spain, the
Alhambraa sprawling palace-citadel that
comprised royal residential quarters, court
complexes flanked by official chambers, a bath,
and a mosquewas begun in the thirteenth century
and was continued by his successors in the
fourteenth century. Its most celebrated
portionsa series of courtyards surrounded by
roomspresent a varied repertoire of Moorish
arched, columnar, and domical forms.
The Alhambra
The romantic imagination of centuries of visitors
has been captivated by the special combination of
the slender columnar arcades, fountains, and
light-reflecting water basins found in those
courtyardsthe Lion Court in particular this
combination is understood from inscriptions to be
a physical realization of descriptions of
Paradise in Islamic poetry.
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St. Basils Cathedral
St. Basils Cathedral in Moscow, Russia was built
by Ivan the Terrible between 1555 and 1561.
According to legends, the builder of this
Cathedral was blinded so that such a beautiful
structure could never be built again. It is
vividly colorful and contains redbrick towers
that add to its beauty. Its design consists of
nine chapels, each mounted with its individual
dome. The Cathedral provides a strong religious
symbolism and is based on architectural designs
found in New Jerusalem.
Eight of the domes make a circular form around
the ninth dome, forming a star. The number eight
is considered an auspicious number according to
Jewish calendar. There is a deep contrast between
the interior and the exterior of the Cathedral.
The interior contains modest decorations and is
not that spectacular. The corridors inside are
narrow and dont have adequate space for
worshippers seating.
Sydney Opera House
The Sydney Opera House is a multi-venue
performing arts centre in the Australian city of
Sydney. It was conceived and largely built by
Danish architect Jørn Utzon, who received the
Pritzker Prize, architecture's highest honour, in
2003. According to legend, the Utzon design was
rescued from a final cut of 30 "rejects" by the
noted Finnish architect Eero Saarinen (Gateway
The building got under way in 1954, but Utzon
resigned in 1966 because of controversy regarding
cost and disagreements over interior design. The
Opera House was formally opened by Elizabeth II,
Queen of Australia, on 20 October 1973. The
architect, Jørn Utzon, was not invited to the
ceremony, nor was his name mentioned. The opening
was televised and included fireworks and a
performance of Beethoven's Symphony No. 9.
Beginning in the late 1990s, the Sydney Opera
House Trust began to communicate with Jørn Utzon
in an attempt to effect a reconciliation and to
secure his involvement in future changes to the
building. In 1999, he was appointed as a design
consultant for future work. In 2004, the first
interior space was opened, and renamed "The Utzon
Room" in his honor. Utzon died on 29 November
Frederic Bartholdi
Gustave Eiffel engineered the internal structure.
His best-known work is Liberty Enlightening the
World erected on Bedloe's Island, New York Bay,
and dedicated in 1886.
Liberty Island, c.10 acres, formerly Bedloe's
Island (renamed in 1956), was the former site of
a quarantine station and harbor fortifications.
The statue was proposed in 1865 to commemorate
the alliance of France with the American colonies
during the American Revolution. The statue was
designed by the French sculptor F. A. Bartholdi
in the form of a woman with an uplifted arm
holding a torch.
The statue, 152 ft (46 m) high, was constructed
of copper sheets, using Bartholdi's 9-ft (2.7-m)
model. It was shipped to New York City in 1885,
assembled, and dedicated in 1886. The base of the
statue is an 11-pointed star, part of old Fort
Wood a 150-ft (45-m) pedestal is made of
concrete faced with granite. On it is inscribed
"The New Colossus, the famous sonnet of Emma
Lazarus, welcoming immigrants to the United
States. An elevator runs to the top of the
pedestal, and steps within the statue lead to the
crown. These were refurbished along with the rest
of the statute for its centennial celebration in
1986. The Statue of Liberty became a national
monument in 1924. In 1965, Ellis Island, the
entrance point of millions of immigrants to the
United States, was added to the monument.
Gateway Arch
The Gateway Arch, or Gateway to the West, is an
arch that is the center-piece of the Jefferson
National Expansion Memorial in St. Louis,
Missouri. It was built as a monument to the
westward expansion
of the United States. At 630 feet, it is the
tallest man-made monument in the United States.
Located on the west bank of the Mississippi River
where the city of St. Louis was founded, the arch
was designed by Finnish American architect Eero
Mt. Rushmore
Mount Rushmore National Memorial is a sculpture
carved into the granite face of Mount Rushmore
near Keystone, South Dakota, in the United
States. Sculpted by Gutzon Borglum and later by
his son Lincoln Borglum, Mount Rushmore features
60-foot sculptures of the heads of former United
States presidents (in order from left to right)
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore
Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln.
Vietnam Veterans Memorial
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is a national
memorial in Washington, D.C. It honors U.S.
service members of the U.S. armed forces who
fought in the Vietnam War, service members who
died in service in Vietnam/South East Asia, and
those service members who were unaccounted for
(Missing In Action) during the War. Its
construction and related issues have been the
source of controversies, some of which have
resulted in additions to the memorial complex.
The memorial currently consists of three separate
parts the Three Soldiers statue, the Vietnam
Women's Memorial, and the Vietnam Veterans
Memorial Wall, which is the best-known part of
the memorial. It was designed by U.S. architect
Maya Lin and receives around 3 million visitors
each year.
Three Soldiers
The statue depicts three soldiers, purposefully
identifiable as White American, African American,
and Hispanic American. The statue and the Wall
appear to interact with each other, with the
soldiers looking on in solemn tribute at the
names of their fallen comrades.
Vietnam Womens Memorial
It was dedicated to the women of the United
States who served in the Vietnam War, most of
whom were nurses. The woman looking up is named
Hope, the woman praying is named Faith, and the
woman tending to a wounded soldier is named
Maya Lin
The Memorial Wall, designed by Maya Lin, is made
up of two walls 246 feet 9 inches long. The walls
are sunk into the ground, with the earth behind
them. At the highest tip (the apex where they
meet), they are 10.1 feet high, and they taper to
a height of eight inches at their extremities.
Stone for the wall came was deliberately chosen
because of its reflective quality. When a visitor
looks upon the wall, his or her reflection can
be seen simultaneously with the engraved names,
which is meant to symbolically bring the past and
present together. Each wall has 72 panels, 70
listing names and 2 very small blank panels at
the extremities. As of June 2010, there are
58,267 names. There is a pathway along the base
of the Wall, where visitors may walk, read the
names, make a pencil rubbing of a particular
name, or pray.
Louvre Pyramid
The Louvre Pyramid is a large glass and metal
pyramid, surrounded by three smaller pyramids, in
the main courtyard of the Louvre Palace in Paris
designed by Chinese American architect I. M. Pei.
The large pyramid serves as the main entrance to
the Louvre Museum. Completed in 1989, it has
become a landmark of the city of Paris.
I. M. Pei, is a Chinese American architect, often
called a master of modern architecture.
The pyramid and the underground lobby beneath it
were created because of a series of problems with
the Louvre's original main entrance, which could
no longer handle an enormous number of visitors
on an everyday basis. Visitors entering through
the pyramid descend into the spacious lobby then
re-ascend into the main Louvre buildings. Several
other museums have since duplicated this concept.
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