Homocysteine and Creatine in Schizophrenia - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Homocysteine and Creatine in Schizophrenia


Homocysteine and Creatine in Schizophrenia Prof. J. Levine Beer Sheva Mental Health Center, Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Homocysteine and Creatine in Schizophrenia

Homocysteine and Creatine in Schizophrenia
Prof. J. Levine Beer Sheva Mental Health Center,
Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel
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Illness related symptomatology Negative symptoms
Cognitive impairment
Treatment induced side effects Extrapyramidal
symptoms Glucose metabolism abnormalities
Physical morbidity CVD,
Diabetes mellitus
  • Rare autosomal disease 1 200,000
  • High blood and urine homocysteine levels
  • Mental retardation, skeletal abnormalities,
    premature arteriosclerosis

Homocysteine blood level
  • Normal values 5-15 microgram/liter (µg/L)
  • Moderate elevation 16-30 µg/L
  • Intermediate elevation 31-100 µg/L
  • Severe elevation gt100 µg/L

Vitamin status Enzyme Deficiency B-12, folate,
B-6 Life style habits (smoking, obesity, coffee
consumption, decreased physical
activity) Age Gender Genetics (MTHFR) Drugs
CVD Renal failure Diabetes Thyroid
disease Cancer
Homocysteine Level
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Illness related symptomatology Negative symptoms
Cognitive impairment
Treatment induced side effects Extrapyramidal
symptoms Glucose metabolism
abnormalities Osteoporosis
Physical morbidity CVD,
Diabetes mellitus
Homocysteine as a risk factor for cognitive
deterioration and Alzheimer Disease
Seshadri S, Beiser A, Selhub J, Jacques PF,
Rosenberg IH, DAgostino RB, Wilson PWF, Wolf PA
Homocysteine may be a risk factor for several CNS
  • Elevated plasma homocysteine has been found to
    be a risk factor for Alzheimer disease as well as
    for cerebral vascular disease, suggesting that
    some risk factors can accelerate or increase the
    severity of several CNS disease processes.

Elevated Homocysteine in Mental Disorders
  • Schizophrenia
  • Depression
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Anxiety Disorders (OCD, PTSD)
  • Eating Disorders

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 1997 May 27 94 (11)
59235928NeurobiologyNeurotoxicity associated
with dual actions of homocysteine at the
N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor  Lipton et al
  • With physiological levels of glycine,
    homocysteine acts as a partial antagonist at the
    glycine coagonist site of the N-methyl-D-aspartate
  • Homocysteine acts as an agonist at the
    glutamate binding site of the N-methyl-D-aspartate
    receptor, under pathological conditions in which
    glycine levels in the nervous system are
    elevated, such as stroke and head trauma. In this
    case, homocysteine neurotoxicity (agonist effect)
    at 10100 µM level outweighs its neuroprotective
    antagonist activity.

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 1997 May 27 94 (11)
59235928Neurotoxicity associated with dual
actions of homocysteine at the N-methyl-D-aspartat
e receptor Stuart A. Lipton et al
  • Under these conditions neuronal damage derives
    from excessive Ca influx and reactive oxygen
  • Accordingly, homocysteine neurotoxicity through
    overstimulation of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors
    may contribute to the pathogenesis of both
    homocystinuria and modest hyperhomocysteinemia.

  • J Neurosci 2000 Sep 1520(18)6920-6Homocyst
    eine elicits a DNA damage response in neurons
    that promotes apoptosis and hypersensitivity to
    excitotoxicity.Kruman et al
  • Kruman et al (2000) reported that homocysteine
    induces apoptosis in rat hippocampal neurons.
  • DNA strand breaks occur rapidly after exposure to
    homocysteine and precede mitochondrial
    dysfunction, oxidative stress, and caspase
  • Homocysteine markedly increases the vulnerability
    of hippocampal neurons to excitotoxic and
    oxidative injury in cell culture and in vivo,
    suggesting a mechanism by which homocysteine may
    contribute to the pathogenesis of
    neurodegenerative disorders.

Mean SD of determinations made in 4-6 cultures
Homocysteine induces DNA damage and apoptosis in
cultured hippocampal neurons. Cultures were
exposed for to either saline (Con) or 250 µM
homocysteine (Hom) and then were stained with
fluorescent DNA-binding dye (top) or were
photographed under phase-contrast optics
(bottom). Note the nuclear DNA condensation and
fragmentation and the neurites damage in many of
the neurons in the culture exposed to
homocysteine Kruman et al,
Hyperhomocysteinemia may promote development of
cerebral endothelial dysfunction, oxidative
stress, and the enhancement of-amyloid
peptidedependent neurotoxicity and neuronal
apoptosis. Homocysteic acid, can also cause
neuronal excitotoxicity by stimulating
N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors. In addition, the
effects of homocysteine on atherothrombosis in
the cerebral vasculature promote central nervous
system ischemia, neuronal hypoxia, and injury.
Localzo N Engl J Med editorial,346465-8,
Illness related symptomatology Negative symptoms
Cognitive impairment
Treatment induced side effects Extrapyramidal
symptoms Glucose metabolism abnormalities
Physical morbidity CVD,
Diabetes mellitus
Does Homocysteine Play a Role in Schizophrenia
  • An oral methionine load has classically and
    consistently been reported to exacerbate
    schizophrenia and is of course converted to
  • Several authors including Regland (1997) and
    Susser (1998) suggested that high homocysteine
    levels may consist of a risk factor for
  • In order to find whether elevated homocysteine
    levels may be associated with schizophrenia we
    screened schizophrenic patients in our catchment
    area for plasma homocysteine levels.

 Elevated Homocysteine Levels in Young Male
Schizophrenic Inatients
  • Joseph Levine, Ziva Stahl, Ben Ami Sela, Slava
    Gavendo Vladimir Ruderman, RH Belmaker
  • Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva,
  • Am J Psychiat 1591790-1792, 2002

  Total plasma homocysteine levels were
screened in 193 schizophrenic
patients compared
to 762 controls subjects
(evaluated in a screening program for employee
  • Results
  • Homoysteine levels were significantly higher
    in schizophrenia patients compared with control
  • mean homocysteine level was
  • 16.3 11.8 (SD) mM in schizophrenic patients
  • versus
  • 10.6 3.6 (SD) mM in healthy controls.
  • One-way ANCOVA with age and sex as covariants
    showed a marked effect of diagnosis on
    homocysteine levels (F135.7, df 1951,
  • The increase was almost entirely in young
    male schizophrenic patients

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Next step
  • Next, we turned to explore whether the finding is
    related to poor hospital nutrition or to other
    yet unknown factors associated with
    hospitalization ?
  • One way to examine it, is to study homocysteine
    levels in newly admitted schizophrenic patients.

Plasma Homocysteine Levels in Newly Admitted
Schizophrenic Patients
  • J Applebaum, Hady Shimon, B-A Sela, RH Belmaker
    and J Levine1
  • Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beersheva,

J Psychiatric Research.
3 413-416, 2004
  Total plasma total homocysteine levels were
screened in 184 Newly admitted
schizophrenic patients
versus 305 controls subjects
(evaluated in a screening program for employee
schizophrenic patients
  • Figure 1 Distribution of serum homocysteine
    in male schizophrenic patients versus controls

  • Homocysteine blood levels are mainly elevated
    in a sub-group of

  • Homocysteine, methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase
    and risk of schizophrenia a meta-analysis
    Muntjewerff et al
  • A meta-analysis of eight retrospective studies
    (812 cases and 2113 control subjects) was carried
    out to examine the association between
    homocysteine and schizophrenia.
  • A 5 mol/l higher homocysteine level was
    associated with a 70 higher risk of
  • Molecular Psychiatry (2006) 11, 143149.

What next
  • Can anything be done to lower homocysteine levels
    in schizophrenia?
  • Well, elevated homocysteine can be lowered by
    oral administration of folic acid, B-12 and
  • If so, will such homocysteine lowering strategy
    be associated with clinical improvement or
    improved cognitive functioning in schizophrenia?

Homocysteine Reducing Strategy in Schizophrenia
 Homocysteine Reducing Strategies Improve
Symptoms in Chronic Schizophrenic Patients with
Hyperhomocysteinemia Joseph Levine, MD1, Ziva
Stahl, MSc1, Ben-Ami Sela, PhD2, Vladimir
Ruderman MD1, Oleg Shumaico MD1, RH Belmaker MD1
 1Stanley Research Center Beersheva Mental
Health Center Ben Gurion University of the Negev,
Beersheva, Israel, 2The Institute of Chemical
Pathology, Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer,
Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv
UniversityBiol Psychiatry. 2006 160(3)265-9
  • Homocysteine lowering strategy in
  • Inclusion criteria Schizophrenic patients with
    baseline homocysteine plasma levels gt15 microM/L
  • Exclusion Criteria Patients with any physical
    illness or abnormality in blood chemistry
    patients with alcohol or drug abuse in the last 6
  • The design was a double-blind crossover with one
    capsule a day containing 2mg folic acid, 25 mg
    pyridoxine and 400 mg B-12.
  • After 3 months patients were crossed over for
    another 3 months from active vitamin to placebo
    or vice versa.
  • Positive and Negative Symptom Scale (PANSS) was
    used to measure severity of symptoms
  • Fifty five patients entered the study. All
    patients entering the study were highly
    symptomatic but had shown no major clinical
    changes for at least one month

Figure3 Homocysteine levelsAfirst three
months, Bsecond three months Group I (vitamins
first, then placebo) Group II (placebo first,
then vitamins)
Homo c y s t I n e
BL 1 2 3
BL 4 5
Figure1PANSS resultsAfirst three months,
Bsecond three months Group I (vitamins first,
then placebo) Group II (placebo first, then
BL 1 2 3 BL
4 5 6
Figure 3 A model of life style factors
influencing schizophrenia prognosis via
Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2007 Jan64(1)31-9.Elevated
prenatal homocysteine levels as a risk factor
for schizophrenia.Brown AS, Bottiglieri T,
Schaefer CA, Quesenberry CP Jr, Liu L, Bresnahan
M, Susser ES. DESIGN Nested case-control study
of a large birth cohort, born from 1959 through
1967 and followed up for schizophrenia from 1981
through 1997. PARTICIPANTS Cases (n 63) were
diagnosed with schizophrenia and other
schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Controls (n
122) belonged to the birth cohort and were
matched to cases on date of birth, sex, length of
time in the cohort, and availability of maternal
serum samples.. RESULTS In a model that tested
for a threshold effect of third-trimester
homocysteine levels, an elevated homocysteine
level was associated with a greater than 2-fold
statistically significant increase in
schizophrenia risk (odds ratio, 2.39 95
confidence interval, 1.18-4.81 P
.02). CONCLUSIONS These findings indicate that
elevated third-trimester homocysteine levels may
be a risk factor for schizophrenia. as a strategy
for prevention of schizophrenia in offspring.
Illness related symptomatology Negative symptoms
Cognitive impairment
Treatment induced side effects Extrapyramidal
symptoms Glucose
metabolism abnormalities Osteoporosis
Physical morbidity CVD,
Diabetes mellitus
Does Homocysteine Play a Role in Neuroleptic
induced Drugs side effects ?
Extrapyramidal Side Effects
  • J Clin Psychiatry. 2005 661558-63.
  • High serum homocysteine levels in young male
    schizophrenic and schizoaffective patients with
  • tardive parkinsonism and/or tardive dyskinesia.
  • Lerner V, Miodownik C, Kaptsan A, Vishne T, Sela
  • and Levine J.
  • An elevated serum level of total homocysteine has
    been implicated as a risk factor for various
    neuropathologic states and some movement
  • The aim of our study was to determine whether
    there is an association between serum total
    homocysteine level and the presence of tardive
    movement disorders TMD among schizophrenic and
    schizoaffective patients.

  • METHOD 58 patients with schizophrenia or
    schizoaffective disorder (DSM-IV) and TMD for at
    least 1 year (38 men, 20 women age range, 28-73
    years) were compared to a control group of 188
    patients with DSM-IV-diagnosed schizophrenia or
    schizoaffective disorder without TMD (123 men, 65
    women age range, 19-66 years) regarding serum
    total homocysteine levels.
  • RESULTS Men with TMD (demonstrating tardive
    parkinsonism and/or TD) had significantly higher
    mean serum total homocysteine levels compared to
    sex- and age group-matched controls. The
    difference between groups was almost entirely
    attributable to the homocysteine levels of young
    male patients (age group, 19-40 years old) with
  • CONCLUSION High serum total homocysteine level
    may constitute a risk factor for certain variants
    of TMD, especially in young schizophrenic or
    schizo-affective male patients. Further
    prospective studies are needed to clarify these

Illness related symptomatology Negative symptoms
Cognitive impairment
Treatment induced side effects Extrapyramidal
symptoms Glucose metabolism abnormalities
Physical morbidity CVD,
diabetes mellitus
  • Am J Psychiatry 163549-a-550, March 2006Letter
    to the Editor
  • Osteoporosis and Schizophrenia
  • Martina Hummer, M.D., et al. (2005) reported the
    occurrence of low bone mineral density in a group
    of young male subjects with schizophrenia. Levine
    et al. (2002) and Applebaum et al (2004) reported
    elevated plasma homocysteine levels in young male
    schizophrenic patients.
  • Elevated homocysteine plasma levels were recently
    reported to be associated with osteoporotic bone
    fractures in the elderly in two large follow-up
  • McLean et al. (2004) analyzed blood samples
    obtained and stored from 1,999 men and women as
    part of the long-term Framingham Study. These
    researchers found that men and women in the upper
    quartile of homocysteine concentrations were
    nearly four and two times, respectively, as
    likely to later have a hip fracture in comparison
    to the lower quartile of homocysteine

  • The mechanism underlying homocysteines effect on
    bone metabolism is not yet clear. However,
    several mechanisms were suggested, including that
    elevated homocysteine disturbs the cross-linking
    of collagen in bone and disturbs osteoblast
  • Thus, it is suggested that elevated homocysteine
    levels may be a mechanism of the low bone mineral
    density reported by Dr. Hummer et al. (2005)
    among young male subjects suffering from
  • References
  • Hummer M, Malik P, Gasser RW, Hofer A, Kemmler G,
    Naveda RCM, Rettenbacher MA, Fleischhacker WW
    Osteoporosis in patients with schizophrenia. Am J
    Psychiatry 2005 162162167
  • McLean RR, Jacques PF, Selhub J, Tucker KL,
    Samelson EJ, Broe KE, Hannan MT, Cupples LA, Kiel
    DP Homocysteine as a predictive factor for hip
    fracture in older persons. N Engl J Med 2004

Illness related symptomatology Negative symptoms
Cognitive impairment
Treatment induced side effects Extrapyramidal
symptoms glucose metabolism abnormalities
Physical morbidity CVD,
Diabetes mellitus
Glucose Metabolism
Homocysteine levels and glucose metabolism in
non-obese, non-diabetic chronic schizophrenia
  • Henderson DC, Copeland PM, Nguyen DD, Borba CP,
    Cather C, Eden Evins A, Freudenreich O, Baer L,
    Goff DC.
  • METHOD Subjects underwent a nutritional
    assessment and fasting plasma, serum insulin and
    homocysteine tests.
  • RESULTS Males had a significantly higher
    homocysteine levels than females. Subjects with
    impaired fasting glucose had significantly higher
    homocysteine levels than those with normal
    fasting glucose
  • CONCLUSION The group with impaired fasting
    glucose had higher fasting serum homocysteine
    concentrations than those with normal fasting
    glucose which supports a connection to elevated
    homocysteine an important cardiovascular risk

Illness related symptomatology Negative symptoms
Cognitive impairment
Treatment induced side effects Extrapyramidal
symptoms Glucose metabolism abnormalities
Physical morbidity CVD,
Diabetes mellitus
Does Homocysteine Play a Role in Cardiovascular
Morbidity Associated with Schizophrenia ?
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  • Acknowledgement
  • Supported by a Stanley Medical Research
    Institute Grant (RHB JL). The Stanley Medical
    Research Institute had no role in study design,
    data collection, analysis or interpretation of
    data or in writing the report or in the decision
    to submit for publication.

Collaborators Belmaker RH Agam
Galila Ben-Ami Sela
Bersudsky Yuly
Ruderman Vladimir
Shumeiko Oleg
Babushkin I Shimon
Hady Bromberg Anna
Lerner Vladimir
Stahl Ziva
Appelbaum Julie
Beer Sheva Mental Health Center, Israel
Creatine in Psychiatric Disorders
(No Transcript)
Creatine is synthesized via guanidinoacetate that
is formed in the kidneys from Arginine
glycine Creatine is transported by the blood to
the muscle, brain and other cells.
Creatine is degraded by non-enzymatic cyclization
to creatinine that is renally excreted. This
process leads to the loss of about 2 4 grams
of the total creatine pool (about 140 grams) per
day that have to be replaced by creatine
synthesized by the liver or taken in with the
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  • Creatine is used as a storage form of high energy
    phosphate. The phosphate of ATP is transferred to
    creatine, generating creatine phosphate, through
    the action of creatine phosphokinase.
  • The reaction is reversible such that when energy
    demand is high creatine phosphate donates its
    phosphate to ADP to yield ATP. Both creatine and
    creatine phosphate are found in muscle, brain and

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Creatine plays a pivotal role in brain energy
homeostasis, being a temporal and spatial buffer
for cytosolic and mitochondrial pools of the
cellular energy currency adenosinetriphosphate
(Wyss Kaddurah-Daouk, 2000).
  • Creatine supplementation is widely used in
    enhancing sports performance, and has been tried
    in the treatment of neurological, neuromuscular
    and atherosclerotic disease with a paucity of
    side effects (Persky Brazeua, 2001).

Creatine in Huntington disease is safe,
tolerable, bioavailable in brain and reduces
serum 8OH2'dG.Hersch et alIn a randomized,
double-blind, placebo-controlled study in 64
subjects with Huntington disease (HD), 8 g/day of
creatine administered for 16 weeks was well
tolerated and safe. Serum and brain creatine
concentrations increased in the creatine-treated
group and returned to baseline after washout.
Serum 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8OH2'dG)
levels, an indicator of oxidative injury to DNA,
were markedly elevated in HD and reduced by
creatine treatment. Neurology. 2006 Jan
A pilot clinical trial of creatine and
minocycline in early Parkinson disease 18-month
results. NINDS NET-PD Investigators.
The NET-PD FS-1 futility study on creatine and
minocycline found neither agent futile in slowing
down the progression of disability in Parkinson
disease (PD) at 12 months using the prespecified
futility threshold. Additional 6 months of
follow-up in randomized, blinded phase II trial
of creatine (dosage, 10 g/d) and minocycline
(dosage, 200 mg/d) in subjects with early PD.
Data from this small, 18-month phase II trial of
creatine and minocycline do not demonstrate
safety concerns that would preclude a large,
phase III efficacy trial, although the decreased
tolerability of minocycline is a concern. Clin
Neuropharmacol. 2008 May-Jun31(3)141-50
Creatine enters the brain via a specialized
sodium dependent transporter. Dechent et al
(1999) studied the effect of oral creatine
supplementation of 20g/day for 4 wk demonstrating
a significant increase of mean concentration of
total creatine across brain regions (8.7
corresponding to 0.6mM, P lt 0.001). Lyoo et al
(2003) studied magnetic resonance spectroscopy of
high-energy phosphate metabolites in human brain
following oral supplementation of creatine
reporting that creatine (0.3 g/kg/day for the
first 7 days and 0.03 g/kg/day for the next 7
days) significantly increased brain creatine
  • These findings suggest the possibility of using
    oral creatine supplementation to modify brain
    high-energy phosphate metabolism in subjects with
    various brain disorders, including
  • schizophrenia major depression and bipolar
    disorder where alterations in brain high-energy
    phosphate metabolism have been reported.

(No Transcript)
  • Rae et al (2003) reported that creatine
    supplementation (5 grams per day for 6 weeks) had
    a significant positive effect on both working
    memory (backward digit span) and Raven's Advanced
    Progressive Matrices.
  • These findings suggest a role of brain energy
    capacity in influencing brain cognitive
    performance and that creatine via its effects on
    brain energy metabolism may exert beneficial
    effects on cognition.

Raven Advanced Progressive Matrices
Backward Digit Span
Several independent lines of evidence suggest
the possible involvement of altered cerebral
energy metabolism in the pathophysiology of
schizophrenia and affective disorders.
  • Several studies also observed alterations in
    brain metabolic rates in other brain regions
    including the temporal lobes, the thalamus and
    the basal ganglia in schizophrenia.
  • This led to the suggestion of an impairment in
    the fronto-striatal-thalamic circuitry in
    schizophrenia rather than in a specific brain
    region (Andreasen et al. 1997).

  • A direct link to phosphocreatine and ATP energy
    systems came from studies using 31P-MRS with or
    without chemical shift imaging, which enabled the
    measurement of ATP, phosphocreatine and inorganic
  • These studies showed reduced ATP in the
    frontal lobe and in left temporal lobe of
    schizophrenic patients as compared to controls
    (Volz et al. 2000).
  • Altered brain energy metabolism could be due
    to impairment of mitochondria and a variety of
    studies reviewed recently by Ben Shachar (2002)
    suggest impaired mitochondrial energy metabolism
    in schizophrenia.

  • J Neurochem. 2002 Dec83(6)1241-51.
  •   Mitochondrial dysfunction in schizophrenia a
    possible linkage to dopamine.
  • Ben-Shachar et al

Creatine as a New Treatment Strategy in
Schizophrenia A Double-Blind Trial
  • Kaptsan A, Odessky A, Osher Y, Belmaker RH
    and Levine J
  • Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beersheva,

  • Methods
  • Twelve patients were treated with creatine
    monohydrate or placebo, each for 3 months in a
    double-blind crossover design.
  • Rating scales included scales for assessing
    negative and positive symptoms of schizophrenia,
    clinical global impressions scale, scales for
    sideeffects and a cognitive battery

  • Creatine treatment was not superior over placebo
    in reducing the score of PANSS, CGI and the
    neurocognitive tests applied.
  • Side effects of creatine treatment were few
    and included nausea and vomiting

Table 1 Treatment effect of creatine vs.
placebo supplementation in patients with
schizophrenia (XSEM, n10)
Treatment Effect Change Baseline Treatment Clinical Scales
F0.24 P0.6 2.2 1.8 0.6 1.5 64.7 5.1 64.3 4.5 Creatine PANSS Total
F0.24 P0.6 2.2 1.8 0.6 1.5 64.7 5.1 64.3 4.5 Placebo PANSS Total
F0.1 P0.8 0.4 0.8 -0.9 1.2 11.6 1.4 11.8 1.1 Creatine PANSS Positive
F0.1 P0.8 0.4 0.8 -0.9 1.2 11.6 1.4 11.8 1.1 Placebo PANSS Positive
F0.4 P0.6 1.5 0.8 0.8 0.6 20.7 2.0 20.1 1.6 Creatine PANSS Negative
F0.4 P0.6 1.5 0.8 0.8 0.6 20.7 2.0 20.1 1.6 Placebo PANSS Negative
F1.8 P0.2 2.0 0.9 -0.4 1.1 33.3 2.1 32.4 2.3 Creatine PANSS General
F1.8 P0.2 2.0 0.9 -0.4 1.1 33.3 2.1 32.4 2.3 Placebo PANSS General
F0.96 p0.4 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.2 4.4 0.3 4.3 0.3 Creatine CGI Severity
F0.96 p0.4 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.2 4.4 0.3 4.3 0.3 Placebo CGI Severity
  • This study (creatine - 5 grams daily for 3
    months) failed to report an effect of creatine
    monohydrate treatment on the symptomatology and
    cognitive functions of patients with
  • Higher doses of creatine administered for longer
    periods of time may be still effective in
  • Alternatively, creatine is suggested to globally
    enhance brain energy metabolism. This does not
    necessarily refute the future use of agents with
    more specific effects on brain energy metabolism,
    affecting hypometabolic frontal brain regions,
    whereas sparing other normal or hypermetabolic
    brain areas.

  • Creatine Monohydrate in Resistant Depression
  • a preliminary study
  • Roitman S, Green T, Osher Y, Karni N
  • and Joseph Levine
  • Faculty of Health Sciences, Ben Gurion University
    of the Negev, Beersheva, Israel

  • Accumulated evidence suggests the possible
    involvement of hypoactive prefrontal cerebral
    energy metabolism in the pathophysiology of
    unipolar and bipolar depression (Ketter et al,
    2001) as well as decreased brain creatine
    containing compounds in depressed patients (Kato
    et al,1992 Dager et al, 2004).
  • In this regard, Kato et al (1992)reported
    decreased brain phosphocreatine in severely (as
    opposed to mildly) depressed patients and Dager
    et al (2004) studying depressed or mixed-state
    bipolar patients reported an inverse correlation
    between severity of depression and white matter
    creatine levels.

  • Several studies also suggest that agents with
    reported antidepressant activity may increase
    brain levels of creatine containing compounds
  • Silveri et al
  • S-adenosyl-L-methionine effects on brain
    bioenergetic status and transverse relaxation
    time in healthy subjects.
  • Biol Psychiatry 2003 54(8)833-9.

31P-MRS study of acetyl-L-carnitine treatment in
geriatric depression preliminary results.
  • Pettegrew JW, Levine J, Gershon S et al
  • Neurophysics Laboratory, Department of
    Psychiatry, School of Medicine, University of
    Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA.
  • A 12-week study of two elderly, depressed
    subjects investigated the effect of
    acetyl-L-carnitine (ALCAR) treatment on the
    Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) and on
    measures of high-energy phosphate and membrane
    phospholipid metabolism.
  • High-energy and membrane phospholipid metabolites
    were measured by phosphorus magnetic resonance
    spectroscopic imaging (31P MRSI) analysis.
  • HDRS and 31P MRSI measurements were taken at
    entry, 6 and 12 weeks for the depressed subjects.
  • 31P MRSI analysis revealed that ALCAR treatment
    resulted in increasing levels of the prefrontal
    phosphocreatine (PCr), which correlated with
  • Bipolar Disord. 2002

Bipolar Disord. 2002 Feb4(1)61-6. 31P-MRS
study of acetyl-L-carnitine treatment in
geriatric depression preliminary
results. Pettegrew JW, Levine J, Gershon S,
Stanley JA, Servan-Schreiber D, Panchalingam K,
McClure RJ.
  • Taken together, these findings suggest the
    possibility of using oral creatine
    supplementation to increase brain creatine
    containing compounds and modify brain high-energy
    phosphate metabolism in key hypoactive brain
    areas in subjects with unipolar and bipolar

  • Methods
  • The study was an open, 4 week clinical add-on
    trial examining the effect of creatine
    monohydrate in the treatment of resistant
  • All 10 patients except one bipolar patient had
    been treated with antidepressants in adequate
    doses for at least 6 weeks prior to participation
    in the study, without any clinically significant
  • Three patients had comorbid medically stable
    hypertension and/or diabetes mellitus type II.
    Patients had no history of alcohol or drug abuse.

  • Methods
  • Creatine monohydrate was administered for 4
    weeks (3 g. daily in the first week followed by
    5g. daily for another 3 weeks). Ongoing
    psychotropic treatment was not changed during the

  • The Hamilton Depression Scale (HDS), Hamilton
    Anxiety Scale (HAS), and Clinical Global
    Impression (CGI) scores were recorded at baseline
    and at weeks one, two, three, and four.

  • Results
  • Seven patients completed at least three weeks of
    the study. One way repeated measures ANOVA
    showed significant improvement on all scales
  • Mean( SD) CGI , score decreased from 4.43(0.5)
    at baseline to 3.00(1.4), at week 4 p0.02.
  • Mean( SD) HDS score decreased from 23.14(3.3) at
    baseline to 12.57(8.3) at week 4 p0.002.
  • Mean( SD) HAS scores decreased from 18.71(3.1)
    at baseline to 12.00(6.2) at week 4 p0.016.
  • LSD post-hoc testing revealed that each of the
    outcome measures improved significantly (plt0.012)
    over baseline by week one.

  • Results
  • Two female patients (ED ZC) showed transient
    increases in HDS scores following dose increase
    to 5 g/d. In both cases, when creatine dose was
    returned to 3 g/d, improvement was noted by the
    following week. One patient (MH) did not improve
    while on creatine treatment and withdrew from the
    study after week three.
  • Three patients did not complete at least three
    weeks of the study two bipolar patients showed
    improvement of depression first but then dropped
    out due to development of mania or hypomania the
    third patient improved considerably during the
    first week and discontinued treatment.

  • Adverse reactions were few and mild. Two
    patients complained of transient nuasea, in one
    case including transient flatus and constipation.
    These complaints disappeared by week four. .
  • Follow up after termination of the study three
    of the seven completers reported a worsening of
    their depressive and anxiety symptoms. They then
    restarted creatine with considerable improvement
    in their condition within one to two weeks.

  • Discussion
  • This preliminary open label
  • augmentation study of creatine monohydrate
  • an agent which enhances brain energy
    metabolism- demonstrated a beneficial effect in
    the treatment of resistant depression.
  • Five out of the seven completers achieved a
    reduction of greater than 50 in baseline HDS

  • Discussion
  • Two of our subjects have shown a transient
    increase in HDS. A reduction in Cr treatment from
    5 to 3 grams was associated in these subjects
    with a renewed decrease in HDS. While only
    indicative, this may suggest an inverted U shape
    response for creatine.
  • This study included two bipolar I patients. Each
    developed mania or hypomania while treated with
    Cr. Such a phenomenon may be of interest
    regarding the pathogenesis of mania. Is the
    induction of mania associated with the
    enhancement of brain energy by creatine in
    certain key brain structures? In this context,
    SAMe, an antidepressant and a precursor of
    creatine, was reported to be associated with high
    rate of manic/hypomanic switch in bipolar
    patients (Lipinski et al, 2003) and to increase
    brain phosphocreatine (Silveri et al, 1984).
  • Silveri MM, Parow AM, Villafuerte RA, Damico KE,
    Goren J, Stoll AL, Cohen BM, Renshaw PF
    S-adenosyl-L-methionine effects on brain
    bioenergetic status and transverse relaxation
    time in healthy subjects. Biol Psychiatry 2003
  • Lipinski JF, Cohen BM, Frankenburg F, Tohen M,
    Waternaux C, Altesman R, Jones B, Harris P Open
    trial of S-adenosylmethionine for treatment of
    depression. Am J Psychiatry 1984 141(3)448-50.

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