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He ordered his cousin, Ali b. ... So Muhammad(pbuh) was chosen by Allah for a great message to all humanity, and Allah didn't choose his last Messenger randomly, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Some attributes of his beautiful Akhlaq.

  • What is Aklaq?
  • The word akhlaq is the plural for the word khulq
    which means disposition.
  • "Disposition" is that faculty of the soul which
    is the source of all those activities that man
    performs spontaneously without thinking about them

  • One of the names of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh),
    was Mustafa, that means "the chosen".
  • So Muhammad(pbuh) was chosen by Allah for a
    great message to all humanity, and Allah didn't
    choose his last Messenger randomly, he choosed
    him for his beautiful qualities.

Dua of the Nabi (pbuh)
  • The Holy Prophet (Sallallaho alaihe wasallam)
    used to invoke and pray to the Almighty Allah to
    grant him good manners and good treatment with
    the people and to adorn him with good character
    and conduct.
  • He use to say in his invocation "O Allah, make
    my constitution and conduct good. He used to
    pray O Allah, save me from bad character and

Mark of a Genuine Person
  • The Prophet (saas) taught thousands of people
    during his life, and was a means by which those
    who knew nothing of religion and morality came to
    be morally superior, well-behaved, thoughtful and
  • Even after his death, the Prophet (saas) is
    still teaching by means of his words, attitudes
    and behavior, and is a most noble guide and
  • This is the mark and influence of a true and
    genuine person

Think about it.
  • He appeared in the heart of a desert which was
    almost the most uncivilized part of the then
    inhabited world and where people were immersed in
    the worst kinds of immorality.
  • Then, who do you think brought him up as the most
    virtuous one with the highest morality and best

Who taught Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
  • He had lost his father while he was yet in the
    womb of his mother. When his mother died, he was
    only six years old. It was impossible for his
    grandfather and uncle to bring him up as the most
    virtuous of all times, as they themselves did not
    have all of the good moral qualities .
  • Muhammad (pbuh) had and in the same degree as he
    had. His teacher was God, as he himself said My
    Lord educated me and taught me good manners, and
    how well he educated me and how beautifully He
    taught me good manners

Amazing -is it not?
  • Whatever he did and whatever he said did not
    concern only his own time but he addressed all
    times and places and all peoples and levels
    throughout the world to come until the Last Day.
  • As none of his sayings have not been
    contradicted so far, no one has ever been able to
    criticize him for any of his actions, sayings and
  • Is it possible for one who is not a Prophet
    taught by God, the All-Knowing, to have such
    intelligence, foresight, sagacity, insight, sound
    reasoning and prudence?

What did Allah swt say about khuluq of Prophet
Muhammad (SAW)
  • wa innaka la 'alaa khuluqin adheem
  • Surah Qalam Ayah 4
  • 'Ala - On top of something isti'la Upon
  • Khuluqun AdhEEm - CONTINUOUSLY Great and
  • On top of Akhlaq you are in complete control
    of your Akhlaq

What others have to say about Prophet (SAW)
  • His wife Kaana khuluquhu al Qur'an
  • his manners/character/mode of behaviour was
    (consistent with) the Qur'an.
  • According to Aisha (ra), "I have never seen a man
    who was more compassionate to his family members
    than Muhammad (saas)."Sahih Muslim, Kitab
  • Who knows a person better than his spouse

About Himself he used to say
  • "Allah has sent me as an apostle so that I may
    demonstrate perfection of character, refinement
    of manners and loftiness of deportment.
  • I am a Prophet of Allah but I do not know what
    will be my end." (Bukhari, Sahih Bukhari

What did his Enemies say about him
  • Even his enemies acknowledged his Noble
  • . Abu Jahl, who was one of the harshest enemies
    of Islam, said O Muhammad! I do not say that
    you are a liar! I only deny what you brought and
    what you call people to

  • Even before prophethood he was nick named Al
    Amin. As Sadiq.
  • Even in Al Jahilliyah they used to turn to him
    for Judgement and consultation
  • Verse 633
  • We know indeed that what they say certainly
    grieves you, but surely they do not call you a
    liar but the unjust deny the verses of God."

  • Subhan'Allah... beautiful... the best
    character... Sallallahu aleihi wasallam...? so
    much to learn and practise.
  • Lets learn from his characteristics ,My brothers
    sisters lets become an Ummah again by
    following his character teachings

The Prophet (saas) practiced only that which was
revealed to him
  • One of the most important characteristics,
    frequently mentioned with regards to the Prophet
    (saas) in the Qur'an, is that he only practiced
    what Allah revealed and asked of him, with no
    concern about what others might think
  • Those are Allah's Signs which We recite to you
    with truth. You are indeed one of the
    Messengers.(Surat al-Baqara252)

His manners and disposition
  • By the grace of Allah, you are gentle towards the
    people if you had been stern and ill-tempered,
    they would have dispersed from round about you"
    (translation of Qur'an, Chapter 3 Verse 159)
  • By nature he was gentle and kind hearted, always
    inclined to be gracious and to overlook the
    faults of others.
  • Politeness and courtesy, compassion and
    tenderness, simplicity and humility, sympathy and
    sincerity were some of the keynotes of his

  • He was always the first to greet another and
    would not withdraw his hand from a handshake till
    the other man withdrew his.
  • He avoided sitting at a prominent place in a
    gathering, so much so that people coming in had
    difficulty in spotting him and had to ask which
    was the Prophet (pbuh)
  • There was no type of household work too low or
    too undignified for him. Aiysha (ra) has stated,
  • "He always joined in household work and would at
    times mend his clothes, repair his shoes and
    sweep the floor. He would milk, tether, and feed
    his animals and do the household shopping." (Qazi
    Iyaz Shifa Bukhari, Sahih Bukhari, Chapter
    Kitabul Adab

  • He was always jovial. His wife Aisha (RA) used to
    say he was always joking with us .
  • He used to say I joke but do not lie.
  • The companion? (ra) wanted a camel. The Prophet
    (peace be upon him) said 'I will give you a baby
    of a she-camel' . The companion asked what use
    the baby of a she-camel would be? (He assumed the
    prophet (peace be upon him) meant an actual baby
    camel). The joke is every camel is a baby of a
    she-camel no matter its age.

His advice on Joking
  • "I will joke, but I only speak the truth."
  • "It is not lawful for a Muslim to frighten his
  • "Do not dispute with your brother, not joke with
    him in mocking terms."
  • "Shame on him who speaks lies in order to
    entertain others."
  • "One cannot be a good believer until he ceases to
    tell lies, even in jest, and to dispute, even if
    he is in the right."
  • "Do not speak lies, even in jest."

  • To illustrate the importance of being truthful
    and not lying ,
  • the Prophet ( PBUH ) said ( For truthfulness
    guides to righteousness , and righteousness
    guides to paradise . A person keeps on saying the
    truth till he is written with Allah a truthful
    person and lying guides to wickedness , and
    wickedness guides to Hell . A person keeps on
    lying till he is written with Allah as a liar )

His speech
  • Never spoke unnecessary. He had long pauses of
  • They said 'The Messenger of Allah used to talk
    little and every thing was expressed in this
    brief talk.
  • In his speech, there was no defect of excess or
    brevity. The words came one after another like
  • Whoever heard them remembered them. He was the
    sweetest in talk among his companions. He used to
    keep silent for long and not talk without
    necessity. He used not to talk evil words and
    what he talked was just."

  • If we have nothing good to say , we should keep
    quiet and control our tongue .
  • Words can cause a great deal of harm .
  • The Prophet ( PBUH ) said ( Whoever believes
    in Allah and the Last Day , let him say something
    that is good or he should keep quiet ) .
  • He also said The Muslim is he who other
    Muslims feel no harm from his tongue or hand

Team workModesty
  • The Prophet (saas) would consult with the
  • Consulting with others is an approach that can
    bring about the most auspicious results for
  • In the first place, anyone who consults others
    demonstrates better morality by acting modestly.
    For instance, the Prophet (saas) was the wisest
    of the community of the faithful, and had the
    greatest foresight and understanding. Despite
    that, however, his consulting those around him
    and asking their opinion, enquiring how they
    would resolve a particular matter, shows what a
    modest person he truly was

He always elevated the blessing
  • No matter how small the blessing was.
  • Never found any fault in any type of food given
    to him.

He fought only for Allah swt
  • Mother of faithful believers, Hadrat Aisha (may
    Allah be pleased with her) said that the Holy
    Prophet (may Allah's blessings and peace be upon
    him) never struck anybody with his hand, neither
    a servant nor a women, but he did fight (jihad)
    in the cause of Allah.
  • He never avenged any wrong done to him
    personally, but he did avenge a wrong violating
    divine commandments. (Muslim)

His forgiveness
  • The most known situation as a proof of Muhammad's
    pbuh, forgiveness is the day when he came back to
    Mecca with the muslims army of 10,000.
  • Muslims this day return to Mecca victorious
  • , and our Nabi pbuh didn't take any revenge on
    anyone from those who rebuked and beat him and
    killed many muslims and fought so many battles
    against muslims like his deadliest enemy Abu

  • Another situation, when Prophet Muhammad go to
    city of Taif to invite them to Islam, they beat
    him and throw some stone towards him, Allah then
    sent the angel of mountains, seeking the
    permission of the Prophet to join together the
    two hills and crush the city of Taif, between
    which it was located. Out of his great tolerance,
    mercy and forgiveness, the Messenger of God
    replied,No! For, I hope that God will bring
    forth from their loins people who will worship
    God alone, associating nothing with Him. (Saheeh

  • Abdullah bin Ubayy worked all his life against
    Muhammad and Islam and left no stone unturned so
    as to bring him into disrepute and try to defeat
    his mission.
  • He withdrew his three hundered supporters in the
    battle of Uhud and thus almost broke the backbone
    of the Muslims at one stroke.
  • He engaged in intrigues and acts of hostility
    against the Prophet of Islam and the Muslims. It
    was he who tried to bring shame to the Prophet by
    inciting his allies to falsely accuse the
    Prophets wife, Aisha, of adultery in order to
    discredit him and his message.

  • Knowing his state of affairs, the Prophet
    Muhammad pbuh , still offered the funeral prayer
    for him and prayed to God for his forgiveness.
  • The Quran mentions this incident in these words
  • And never (O Muhammad) pray for one of them who
    dies, nor stand by his grave. Lo! They disbelieve
    in God and His Messenger, and they died while
    they were evil doers. (Quran 984)

Habir Ibn Al Aswad
  • Habir ibn al-Aswad was another vicious enemy of
    Muhammad and Islam.
  • He inflicted a serious injury to Zainab,
    daughter of the Noble Prophet when she decided to
    migrate to Medina. She was pregnant when she
    started her migration, and the polytheists of
    Mecca tried to stop her from leaving. This
    particular man, Habbar bin al-Aswad, physically
    assaulted her and intentionally caused her to
    fall down from her camel. Her fall had caused her
    to miscarry her baby, and she herself, was badly
  • He had committed many other crimes against
    Muslims as well. He wanted flee to Persia but,
    when he decided to come to prophet Muhammad pbuh
    instead, the Prophet magnanimously forgave him.

  • Prophet Muhammad, may God send His praises upon
    him, was an extraordinary husband, a perfect
    father, and a unique grandfather.
  • He was unique in every way. He treated his
    children and grandchildren with great compassion
    and never neglected to direct them to the
    straight path and to good deeds.
  • He loved them and treated them tenderly, but did
    not allow them to neglect matters related to the

  • His ultimate goal was to prepare them for the
    Hereafter. His perfect balance in such matters is
    another dimension of his divinely-inspired
    intellect. Anas Ibn Malik, the Messengers helper
    for 10 years, says
  • I have never seen a man who was more
    compassionate to his family members than

Treating daughters with respect.
  • He loved his granddaughter Umamah. He often went
    out with her on his shoulders, and even placed
    her on his shoulders while praying. When he
    prostrated, he put her down when he had finished
    praying, he placed her on his back again.
  • The Prophet showed this degree of love to Umamah
    to teach his male followers how to treat girls.
    This was a vital necessity only a decade
    earlier, it had been the social norm to bury
    infant or young girls alive.
  • Such public paternal affection for a
    granddaughter had never been seen before in

  • The traditions of Prophet Muhammad remind us that
    humankind was put on this earth to be the
    custodian of Gods creation.
  • Treating animals with kindness and mercy is just
    one of the responsibilities embedded in that
  • . Prophet Muhammads words and behaviour make it
    clear that causing defenceless creatures pain and
    suffering is not only completely unacceptable,
    but we will also be answerable to God for such

Kindness to Animals
  • The Prophet, may God praise him, said, Whoever
    kills a sparrow or anything bigger than that
    without a just cause, God will hold him
    accountable on the Day of Judgment. The
    listeners asked, O Messenger of God, what is a
    just cause? He replied, That he will kill it to
    eat, not simply to chop off its head and then
    throw it away

Kindness to Animals.
  • However, refraining from physical cruelty is not
    enough abstaining from mental cruelty is equally
    as important. Even a birds emotional distress
    should be treated seriously. One of Prophet
    Muhammads companions narrates, We were on a
    journey and during the Prophets absence, we saw
    a bird with its two chicks we took them. The
    mother bird was circling above us in the air,
    beating its wings in grief. When Prophet Muhammad
    returned he said, Who has hurt the feelings of
    this bird by taking its chicks? Return them to
    her.sahih muslim

Kindness to Animals
  • In Islam, the rules pertaining to slaughtering
    animals are very strict and fixed. Protecting
    animals from pain and undue suffering is
  • God has ordained kindness (and excellence) in
    everything. If the killing (of animals) is to be
    done, do it in the best manner, and when you
    slaughter, do it in the best manner by first
    sharpening the knife, and putting the animal at

  • Let not the hatred of a people swerve you away
    from justice. Be just, for this is closest to
    righteousness (Quran 58)
  • Textual analysis of prophets speeches also
    revealed he did not even discriminate between a
    near relative and a stranger in these matters if
    the stranger was in the right, he decreed against
    his relative and in favor of the stranger.

  • With regards to relations with non-Muslims, the
    Quran further states
  • God does not forbid you from doing good and
    being just to those who have neither fought you
    over your faith nor evicted you from your
    homes... (Quran 608)

  • Once a noble woman of the Quraish committed
    theft. Her relatives tried to intercede on her
    behalf. The Prophet called the people and
    addressed them in these words What destroyed
    your predecessors was just that when a person of
    rank among them committed a theft (or any crime),
    they left him alone, but when a weak one of their
    number committed a theft (or any crime), they
    inflicted the prescribed punishment on him. I
    swear by Allah that if Fatimah, daughter of
    Muhammad, should steal. I would have her hand cut
    off. (Bukhari, 6787)

Even on his death bed.
  • The Prophet firmly established the rule of
    justice among his people by his own example and
    practice. When he was on his deathbed, just a few
    moments before he breathed his last breath, he
    had it publicly announced Is there anyone among
    you whom I have stricken? Here is my back, let
    him strike me in return. Is there anyone whose
    character I have defamed or insulted? Let him now
    cast reproach upon me. Is there anyone from whom
    I have taken anything unjustly? Let him now come
    forward and be indemnified. (Rahaman,
    Encyclopaedia of Seerah, Vol.III, London, 1994,

  • Such was his consciousness and understanding of
    the rights of other people, and of the need to
    dispense them with absolute fairness and justice
    that he did not forget it even at the time of his
    last breath. This is an ever-living reminder to
    the Muslims of the great importance of fairness
    and justice

Honesty, trustworthiness and Reliability
  • The Prophet (pbuh) was wellknown for his honesty.
    The pagans of Makkah -who were openly hostile
    towards him- would leave their valuables with
  • His honesty and reliability was tested when the
    pagans of Makkah abused him and tortured his
    companions and drove them out of their homes.
  • He ordered his cousin, Ali b. Abi Talib to
    postpone his migration for three days to return
    to people their valuables

  • Many of us have been stricken with grief and
    depression in our day to day lives.
  • A loved one passes away. A financial downturn.
  • Some people face our worldly troubles by crying
    their tears out. Others are always expressing
    objection and un-acceptance of their destiny. A
    third party would simply frown in the face of the
    world and neglect its feeling. But Prophet
    Muhammad never did.

  • His children's deaths have always caused my heart
    to ache.
  • We might theorize a lot or preach a lot about the
    patience of prophets, but do we really feel it?
  • I keep on wondering how this lovely tender man
    tolerated the death of all his children, all
    except one, in his lifetime.
  • How would any father feel, when he reaches his
    sixties and finds himself burying a child after
    the other?

  • His patience was severely tested when he lost
    his loved ones.
  • His wife, Khadeejah, died during his lifetime,
    as did all his children, save his daughter,
  • His uncle Hamzah and Abu Talib passed away as
  • The Prophet (pbuh) was patient and sought the
    reward of God

  • Prophet Muhammad's patience never contradicted
    his sadness and grief. He grieved and experienced
    deep sadness
  • His words reflected that, when he uttered his
    famous words "The heart grieves, the eye tears,
    and for your departure, Ibrahim, we are sad. But
    the tongue never utters an objection that
    wouldn't please God." Subhan Allah. Salatu wa
    Salam Ala Rasoolullah.

  • Abu Hurayra reported that the Messenger of Allah
    may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said,
    When Allah desires good for someone, He afflicts
    him. Al-Bukhari

  • He was the most agonized person. He was an
    orphan. He was poor. He lost his beloved wife
    Khadijah. He was loaded with the responsibility
    of the divine message and with the responsibility
    of running a newly established state. Let alone
    his personal human sufferings.
  • Yet, he never frowned in the face of the world.
    He never objected to what God destined for him.
    He simply kept his smile and tender care for

His Sincere Appreciation of the Feelings of
  • The way he honestly shared feelings with others
    has always stopped me. In particular, the way he
    dealt with the feeling of a child. That child
    used to have a pet bird. Whenever Prophet
    Muhammad passed by the child, he would ask him
    about his pet bird.
  • One day, the Prophet passed by the child and
    found him crying because of the death of his pet.
    Prophet Muhammad simply interrupted his journey
    to whatever errand he was going to, and sat with
    the child to offer his condolences. It was
    reported that he stayed with him for a long time
    to soothe him.

Richness and contentment of heart
  • I entered the Messengers house and I found him
    sitting on a mat. He had a leather pillow stuffed
    with fibers. He had a pot of water by his feet,
    and there was some clothes hung on the wall. His
    side had marks due to the mat that he lay on.
    Umar wept when he saw this, and the Messenger
    (pbuh) asked him Why do you weep? Umar said
    O Prophet of God! Khosrau and Caesar enjoy the
    best of this world, and you are suffering in
    poverty?! He said Arent you pleased that they
    enjoy this world, and we will enjoy the
    Hereafter? (Bukhari 4629)

Simplification and Ease
  • The Prophet (pbuh) always sought to make things
    easy for people.
  • The Messenger of God (pbuh) said"I start the
    prayer with the intention of lengthening it, but
    when I hear a child crying, I shorten the prayer,
    as I know its mother would suffer from his
    screams!" (Bukhari 677)

  • He was a man who fasted most of his days, prayed
    most of his nights and spent all what he had for
    the sake of his beloved Creator.
  • Yet, when some of his Companions wanted to fast
    all days and never eat during daylight, pray all
    nights and never sleep at night, or abstain from
    marriage and lawful relations with women, he
    objected to that.
  • He explained to his Companions that he fasted
    some days and broke his fast on other days, he
    prayed much of his night time and yet he slept at
    night, and that he simply like any other man
    married and enjoyed marital life.

  • The examples of complete self-denail and
    inhumanly extreme attitudes by some complete
    self-denial and saints and good ones isn't really
    practical for all mankind.
  • man or woman can follow the steps of Prophet
    Muhammad be a spiritual worshipper and a good
    human simultaneously

Strong faith and dependence on Allah swt
  • Muhammad (pbuh) preached to the people to trust
    in Allah (swt).
  • His whole life was a sublime example of the
    precept. In the loneliness of Makkah, in the
    midst of persecution and danger, in adversity and
    tribulations, and in the thick of enemies in the
    battles of Uhud and Hunain, complete faith and
    trust in Allah (swt) appears as the dominant
    feature in his life

Strong faith and dependence on Allah swt
  • When Abu Bakr and the Prophet hid in a cave after
    they had left their homes in order to migrate to
    Madeenah, the disbelievers of Makkah had sent
    scouts in search of them. They came so close to
    the cave that Abu Bakr could see their feet. Abu
    Bakr said"I looked at the feet of the pagans
    while we were in the cave of Thawr. I said, O
    Prophet of God! If anyone of them looks down at
    his feet he would see us! The Messenger of God
    (pbuh) said O Abu Bakr! What do you think of
    two with whom God, the Exalted, is their Third?"
    (Muslim 1854)

  • One day Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
    noticed a Bedouin leaving his camel without tying
    it and he asked the Bedouin, Why dont you tie
    down your camel? The Bedouin answered, I put my
    trust in Allah. The Prophet then said, Tie your
    camel first, then put your trust in Allah

  • This Hadith does not indicate any pre-requisite
    for trusting Allah (SWT).
  • It does not, therefore suggest that somehow there
    is a link between tying the camel (an action )
    and putting one's trust in Allah (SWT).
  • However the Hadith conveys an important lesson to
    all of us that while trust in Allah (SWT) is
    absolute being independent of what we do, it is
    our responsibility to act on what we intend to

  • In this case tying the camel was a right thing to
    do, if the person feared that the camel would run
    away. Therefore he should have taken the
    precaution regardless of his trust in Allah
  • Tying the camel does not take away from his trust
    in Allah (SWT), nor does it become a requirement
    for trusting Allah (SWT).
  • Regardless of how he had acted the outcome would
    remain in accordance with the will of Allah

Excelling in acts of worship
  • Aishah said that the Prophet of God (pbuh) used
    to pray during the night until his feet would
    swell. She said, Why do you do this, O Messenger
    of God, while God has forgiven your past and
    future sins? The Prophet (pbuh) replied"Shall
    I not be a grateful slave (of God)?" (Bukhari

Seeking forgiveness
  • He said in an authentic Hadith reported by
  • O people repent to your Lord, for verily I seek
    forgiveness from Allah and repent to him more
    than seventy times in a day. (Bukhari)
  • It is reported in Saheeh Muslim that he said I
    seek forgiveness one hundred times in a day.

  • Allah the Exalted said
  • Those who seek forgiveness before dawn (at late
    night). (Quran, 317)
  • Some of them said "Give life to your nights by
    performing Prayer, and when the time of late
    night comes, concern yourself with seeking
  • It is related in the Saheeh that the Prophet
    Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam), when he
    finished his Prayer, he would seek forgiveness
    three times and say
  • O' my 'ilãh You are 'As-Salãm One free from
    flaws, and from You comes Salãm peace, or
    safety, blessed are Thee O' haver of glory and
    kindness. (Muslim)

  • The Messenger of Allah, sallallahu alaihi wa
    sallam, said
  • The master of invocations for forgiveness is
    that the servant says
  • O' my 'ilâh You are my Lord, there is no 'ilâh
    but You. You created me, and I am your
    bondservant, and I will stick to my covenant and
    promise of faith and sincere obedience to You,
    as to my ability. I seek refuge in You from the
    evil of what I have done, I acknowledge, to You,
    your bounties upon me, and I acknowledge, to You,
    my sin. Thus forgive me, for none forgives sins
    except You.
  • Whoever says this as he enters upon evening,
    then, dies that night, he would enter Paradise
    and if one says this as he enters upon morning,
    then, dies that day, he would enter Paradise.

Man and not divine
  • Allah says (what means) "Say (O Muhammad SAAW)
    I am only a man like you it is revealed to me
    that your God is One God So, let him who hopes
    for the meeting with his Lord, do righteousness,
    and not associate anything in the worship of hsi
    Lord." Al-Kahf 111.

  • The Prophet (SAAW) said (what means) "Do not
    overpraise me as the Christians overpraised the
    son of Mary (i.e. 'Isa AS). I am His slave, so
    say Allah's slave and Messenger." Al-Bukhari
    and Muslim

  • And Allah said
  • "Say (O Muhammad to mankind) If you (really)
    love Allah, then follow me." (v. 331)
  • Love for the Prophet means to acknowledge,
    cherish and glorify all the potential of goodness
    and greatness that God has created within Man

Love for Prophet
  • This is an action which the believer are
    commanded to do as Allah says in the Qur'an (what
  • "Indeed, Allah and His angels send Salaat (i.e.
    Allah mentions the Prophet's SAAW name in the
    presence of the angels) upon the Prophet (SAAW).
    O you who believe! Send your Salaat and your
    Salaam upon him (ie. by saying Salla Allahu
    'alaihi wa sallam, etc.)." Al-Ahzab 56.

  • Abu Huraira ra transmits that the Messenger of
    Allah pbuh stated "All of my followers will
    enter Paradise except those who have denied." He
    was asked "Who has denied?" He stated "Whoever
    has obeyed me will enter Paradise. Whoever has
    disobeyed has denied and will not enter
    Paradise." Bukhari

  • The best of the ways to love him is to
    wholeheartedly accept him as our leader, teacher
    and guide and to obey him in the spirit.
  • True love, in the Prophet's pbuh eyes was
    therefore obedience to his Sunnah and following
    his path.
  • Where is this obedience in our lives today in
    our lifestyles, our homes, our weddings, our
    festivals or deaths?

  • Can we really think that the love Prophet pbuh
    wanted from us was to decorate mosques and
    buildings in Rabi-ul-Awwal, to hold gatherings of
    poetry in his honour once a year on his birthday
    and that's all? The Prophet pbuh had himself
    warned against such innovations,

The Companions Who Knew How To Love
  • In his saw lifetime, they expressed their love
    for the Prophet pbuh in the form of respectful
    adoration, unquestioning obedience and mirroring
    his actions. Whenever the need arose, they
    competed with each other to sacrifice whatever
    they could for Allah and His Prophet pbuh.
  • Their love for the Prophet pbuh meant that
    even after he died, they sought guidance in his
    saws Sunnah. Most did not remain in Madina but
    spread out to the far corners of the earth to
    spread the message of the Prophet pbuh.

  • Till their departure from this world, they served
    the cause of Islam in whatever capacity they
    could, as generals or ordinary soldiers, as
    caliphs or advisors, as scribes preserving and
    compiling the Quran and hadith, as students and
    teachers of knowledge, as victors and martyrs

  • They could not tolerate even the slightest
    deviation or opposition to the Sunnah of the
    Messenger pbuh.
  • Urwa bin Zubair ra transmits that Abu Bakr ra
    stated,"I cannot leave a thing which was acted
    upon by the Messenger of Allah because I fear
    that if I leave anything from the deeds and the
    sayings of the Messenger of Allah, I will go
    astray." Bukhari and Muslim

Some quotes from prophet.
  • Do you know what is better than charity and
    fasting and prayer? It is keeping peace and good
    relations between people, as quarrels and bad
    feelings destroy mankind
  • What is Faith? When your good deed pleases you
    and your evil deed grieves you, you are a
    believer. What is Sin? When a thing disturbs (the
    peace of) your heart, give it up

Some Questions
  • Now let us compare our love to that of the
  • Do we hold the Prophet pbuh so dear that we
    can sacrifice our beloved most things for him?
  • Can we lay our comfort, honour, life and wealth
    on the line in order to safeguard his Sunnah?
  • When his Sunnah is ridiculed or denied, how
    upset do we feel?
  • Are we as worried for the cause of Islam as we
    are for our children?

  • Can we give up our desires in order to obey the
    Prophet pbuh?
  • Do we refrain from doing something because the
    Prophet pbuh had forbidden it?
  • Do we love him more than our forefathers and
    give his Sunnah preference over their customs and
  • Do we desire the Prophetpbuhs company in
    Paradise and what are we doing to attain it?

  • O Allah, make us of those who learn, understand
    and apply the true meanings of the shahadah,
  • Forgive us were we fall short or make mistakes,
  • Bring us closer to You by Your Mercy and enter us
    into Your Jennah, ameen.
  • Al Hamdulilah Rabbil Alameen was salat was salam
    ala Rasool al kareem.
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