Drugs, Addiction, and Reward - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Drugs, Addiction, and Reward


CHAPTER 5 Drugs, Addiction, and Reward Addiction * * * * * * * * * Figure 5.14 The brain of a cocaine abuser during craving PET scans are shown at two depths in the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Drugs, Addiction, and Reward

  • Drugs, Addiction, and Reward
  • Addiction

  • Societal definition not a scientific definition
  • obsession, compulsion, or excessive physical
    dependence or psychological dependence
  • E.g., drug addiction, alcoholism, compulsive
    overeating, problem gambling, computer addiction,
    pornography, etc.

  • Scientific definition of Addiction A state in
  • Physical dependence the body relies on a
    substance for normal functioning and develops
  • Withdrawal When the drug or substance on which
    someone is dependent is suddenly removed,
    physical symptoms occur.
  • Drug tolerance. More and more of the drug is
    required to achieve the same effect
  • However, common usage spread to include
    psychological dependence, but brain doesnt
    recognize this distinction

  • Addiction and withdrawal take place in different
    parts of the brain and are independent of each
  • The ventral tegmental area is suggested to be
    involved in addiction
  • Periventricular gray area produces classic signs
    of withdrawal.

  • Not mean that addicts never take drugs to avoid
    withdrawal symptoms
  • E.g., one type of alcoholism is avoidance of
    painful experiences via alcohol
  • Means that withdrawal is not necessary for
    addiction and avoidance of withdrawal is not an
    explanation of addiction.

Addiction pathways
Addiction involves Dopaminergic pathway
  • mesolimbicortical dopamine system
  • Major reward system
  • Many drugs (especially stimulants) mimic effects
    of normal reward.
  • begins in the midbrain (mesencephalon) and
    projects to the limbic system and prefrontal
  • The most important structures in the system
  • nucleus accumbens
  • medial forebrain bundle
  • ventral tegmental area.

(No Transcript)
Dopaminergic Reward pathways
  • Reward
  • Defined by your book positive effect an object
    or condition such as a drug, food, sexual
    contact, and warmth has on the user
  • Dopamine serves as a feedback signal do that
    behavior again, you got something!
  • General Reward System
  • Food- and thus any behaviors related to feeding
  • Water- and thus any behaviors related to drinking
  • Sex- and thus any behaviors related to sex
    (including maternal)
  • Drugs and drug related behavior

Reward and the Dopaminergic pathway
  • Schultz (2005) and others show
  • Dopamine is not released as a reward
  • Dopamine is a motivating neurotransmitter-
    produces increases in locomotion, action behavior
    that is oriented towards reward
  • Thus when dopamine released, body moves towards
    or continues doing whatever it was doing to keep
    getting that Reward
  • General DA reward system serves as feedback
    system that identifies
  • need to continue or shift behavior depending on
    reward situation
  • Helps select the appropriate response for the

Changing behavior with DA agonists
  • Virtually all the abused drugs increase dopamine
    levels in the nucleus accumbens.
  • Electrical stimulation of the brain (ESB),
  • Stimulate Nucleus accumbens
  • Animals press a level or engage in high rates of
    locomotion immediately after receiving
  • Why? DA release elicits search behavior
  • A reinforcer is any object or event that
    increases the probability of the response that
    precedes it
  • Thus, must keep doing the behavior that got you
    the reinforcer
  • DA maintains ongoing responses or kicks you into
    movement behaviors that increase likelihood of

Changing behavior with DA agonists
  • Think of symptoms of stimulant abuse/addiction
  • Lots of motor movement
  • Lots of perseverative motor behavior
  • Nose wiping
  • Tics
  • Perseveration
  • Paranoia is highly similar to schizophrenia
  • Why? Too much dopamine is overstimulating
    circuits, cognitive areas of brain are
  • What got you these feelings- the drug
  • What do to keep these feelings- get more drug
  • And, because you have replaced normal DA levels,
    now you will engage in seeking behaviors to
    maintain those levels!

Diminished dopamine?
  • Chronic drug users show diminished DA release
    from DA receptors
  • May be individual, and not the addiction
  • Lower levels of D2 autoreceptors
  • Note that those with high number of D2
    autoreceptors find DA drugs unpleasurable those
    with fewer report more pleasure
  • D2 autoreceptors help regulate general DA tone in
    synapse, regulate reuptake and production of DA
  • Thus, may be that DA-drug addicts have reward
    deficiency syndrome insufficient receptors to
    respond to DA, need more DA to get same effect

Addiction learning
  • Addiction learning
  • Learning produces changes in the brain
  • Addiction produces same changes
  • Specifically Step down reflex and compensation

Step down reflex
  • Drug release of DA
  • US(drug)? UR(drug effects)
  • Stimulus (CS) predicts drug that releases DA
  • CS(cue? US(drug)? UR(drug effects)

Step down reflex
  • Anticipate of reward ? DA release
  • BUT Body prefers homeostasis no sudden changes,
    maintain level
  • CS(cue? US(drug)? UR(drug effects)
  • \
  • ?CR(decrease DA release in anticipation of drug
    DA release)
  • Thus body REDUCES dopamine in ANTICIPATION of
    increase in DA

Compensation tolerance and withdrawal
  • Body REDUCES dopamine in ANTICIPATION of increase
    in DA
  • No longer get same effect for drug
  • Must take more
  • This is called tolerance
  • If stop taking the drug, no step-down reflex or
  • Now, reduction in DA in anticipation, but no DA
  • Now have too little DA shaky, motor tremors,
  • This is called withdrawal Setting cues are
    critically important

PET scans are shown at two depths in the brain.
Notice the increased activity during presentation
of cocaine-related stimuli. Frontal areas (DL,
MO) and temporal areas (TL, PH) are involved in
learning and emotion.
Evidence for Addiction?
  • Nora Volkow, et al.s work how do people
    transition from controlled drug use to compulsive
    drug intake
  • Found that it involves pathological changes in
    communication between prefrontal cortex and the
    nucleus accumbens.
  • addict returns to drug taking when stress or
    drug-related stimuli trigger increases in
    dopamine release in the prefrontal cortex and
    glutamate release in the nucleus accumbens.
  • Prefrontal release produces a compulsive focus on
    drugs at the expense of other reinforcers
  • Glutamate release cranks up the drive to engage
    in drug seeking.

Treating Addiction
  • Agonist treatments replace an addicting drug with
    another drug that has a similar effect.
  • Opiate addiction is often treated with a
    synthetic opiate called methadone.
  • Antagonist treatments involve drugs that block
    the effects of the addicting drugs.
  • Drugs that block opiate receptors are used to
    treat opiate addictions and alcoholism because
    they reduce the pleasurable effects of the drug.
  • Antabuse for alcohol
  • Another experimental strategy is to interfere
    with the dopamine reward system.
  • Baclofen reduces dopamine activity in the ventral
    tegmental area by activating GABAB receptors on
    dopaminergic neurons.

The two rats received the same amount of alcohol,
but the one on the right received a drug that
blocks the effect of alcohol at the GABAA receptor
  • Aversive treatments cause a negative reaction
    when the person takes the drug.
  • Antabuse interferes with alcohol metabolism, so
    drinking alcohol makes the person ill.
  • Antidrug vaccines are synthetic molecules that
    resemble the drug but have been modified to
    stimulate the animals immune system to make
    antibodies that will degrade the drug.

The Role of Genes in Addiction
  • If genetics plays such an important role in
    addiction, just what is inherited?
  • Most research on the genetics of addiction
    implicates various neurotransmitter systems.
  • Appears to be a syndrome or related group of
  • Addicts correlated with individuals who have
    family members with
  • Schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression
  • ADHD and related disorders
  • Autism and autism-spectrum disorders.

The Role of Genes in Addiction
  • Dopamine is one of the factors differentiating
    addictive from normal behavior.
  • There are several alleles, or alternate forms, or
    the gene responsible for the development of the
    D2 subtype of dopamine receptor.
  • Various alleles are associated with alcoholism,
    cocaine dependence, stimulant abuse, and multiple

The Role of Genes in Addiction
  • Serotonin is involved in drug abuse in general
  • Also in mood,
  • sexual behavior,
  • aggression,
  • the regulation of bodily rhythms and food and
    water intake.
  • Bottom line May have a predisposition
  • Stress bring out or turns on different coping
  • Best way to avoid reduce stress avoid
    situations with drug availability

A Societal comment on drug usage from the onion!
  • And now for something absolutely silly!
  • http//www.theonion.com/content/video/fda_approves
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