- Persistence of thrombocytopenia after initial
therapy, including splenectomy, with the need of
active treatment to maintain a safe platelet
count or to avoid bleeding symptoms
- Moderate ITP no treatment remain stable 5-10
will be reclassified as secondary - Severe ITP
- lt 5 primarily refractory to first line
therapies - 1020 stable response to corticosteroids
- 80-90 require splenectomy within 6 months
- 5 - 10 late spontaneous remission
- 65 75 stable response
- 15 20 require second line treatment (at least
on demand) - lt 5 spontaneous remission
- 75-85 responsive (10-15 of initial cohort)
- 10-15 unresponsive (5 of initial cohort)
3Refractory ITP
Hemorrhagic risk of ITP lt30.000/mcL (Cohen et al,
2000) Fatal hemorrhage
-meta-analysis of 17 studies, 1.817 patients with
platelet count lt 30.000/mcL -mean follow-up
from 1.258 to 3.023 patient-year -49 cases (31
SNC, 8 others sites) (9 studies) -annual rate
from 0.0162 to 0.0389 cases per
patient-year -rate for age 0.004 cases per
patient-year for age lt 40 years
0.13 cases per patient-years for age gt 60
4Refractory ITP
Hemorrhagic risk of ITP lt30.000/mcL (Cohen et al,
2000) Non-fatal hemorrhage
-meta-analysis of 17 studies, 1.817 patients with
platelet count lt 30.000/mcL -mean follow-up
from 77 to 105 patient-years -29 cases (major
episodes) (2 studies) -annual rate from 0.276 a
0.376 cases per patient-year -rate for age
0.03cases per patient-year for age lt 40 years
0.71 cases per patient-year for
age gt 60 years
5Refractory ITPmortality risk of ITP lt30.000/mcL
(Portijelie et al, 2000)
- 4 deaths within the first 2 years follow-up (1
for hemorrhage, 2 for infection during steroid
therapy, 1 for post-splenectomy sepsis) - - 20 deaths during the long term
follow-up(median 10 years) 2 ITP- related (1
for hemorrhage, 1 for infection) 18 ITP not
6Refractory ITP
Mortality in refractory patients Author
Haemorrhage-related deaths
Deaths due to
infection Shatner et al 1994
1/120-480 (0.8) 2/120-480 (1.6) George
et al 1996 25/465 (5)
NR Cohen
et al 2000 49/1817 (2.6)
NR Vianelli et al 2001
1/33 (3)
0/33 Portielje et al 2001
1/12 (8.3) 1/12 (8.3) McMillan
et al 2001 3/13 (23) 2/13
(15) Total 80/2460 (3.2)
5/178 (2.8)
7Refractory ITPa challenge
- Propose a widely accepted definition of
refractory ITP - Prospective inception cohort study (GIMEMA
experience) for refractory ITP patients, to
identify the clinical outcome - Identify high risk patients for bleeding
- Clinical trial to identify splenectomy-sparing
therapy - Clinical and biological prospective study to
identify factors associated with response to
splenectomy - Randomized clinical trial to identify the
treatments with the most favourable cost-benefit
ratio, including quality of life assessment