Title: Control of Microbial Growth
1Chapter 7
- Control of Microbial Growth
Siti Sarah Jumali 06-4832123 www.slideshare.net/sa
- Sepsis refers to microbial contamination.
- Asepsis is the absence of significant
contamination. - Antisepsis Removal of pathogens from living
tissue - Degerming Removal of microbes from a limited
area - Sanitization Lower microbial counts on eating
3Terminology contd
- Decontaminated
- - item that has been treated to reduce of
disease causing organisms - Preservation
- - delaying spoilage of foods
- Sterilization, Disinfection, Antiseptic,
Bacteriocidal, Bacteriostatic
4Terms used
- Sterilization vs. Disinfection
- Sterilization destroying all forms of life
- Disinfection destroying pathogens or unwanted
- Disinfectant vs. Antiseptic
- Disinfectant antimicrobial agent used on
inanimate objects - Antiseptic antimicrobial agent used on living
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6cidal vs. static
- Biocide/Germicide Kills microbes
- Bacteriostasis Inhibiting, not killing, microbes
- Examples
- - Bactericidal - kills bacteria
- - Bacteriostasis (Bacteriostatic)- inhibits
bacterial growth - - Fungicidal
- - Fungistatic
- - Algacidal
- - Algastatic
7Methods of control
- Physical or chemical?
- physical control includes heat, irradiation,
filtration and mechanical removal - Chemical control involves the use of microbial
chemicals - Depends on the situation
- degree of control required
8Methods of control contd
- Daily life
- - Cooking
- - refrigeration
- - cleaning
- - soap water
Mechanical and chemical
9Methods of control contd
- Hospitals
- Important to minimize nosocomial infection
(hospital acquired infection) due to - - weakened patients condition
- - breaching of intact skin
- - high concentration of pathogens from patients
and workers - Sterile condition
10Methods of control contd
- Microbiology lab utilizes
- Sterile equipment
- Aseptic technique
- And possesses workers who takes care of the
nature of of microbiologists (GLP)
11Methods of control contd
- Foods/food production industry
- - physical removal
- - adding chemicals
- - may result in toxicity
- - clean surface/ machinery
12Selection of Control Method
- Antimicrobial procedure used for control of
microbial growth is based on - Types of microbe
- Extent of contamination
- Environmental conditions
- Potential risk
13Selection of Control Method contd
- Types of microorganism
- - some organisms are more resistant and require
stronger measures for control - - endospores require chemical treatment for
10 hours - - Mycobacteriums waxy cells are resistant
to chemicals
Mycobacterial cell wall 1-outer lipids,
2-mycolic acid, 3-polysaccharides
(arabinogalactan), 4-peptidoglycan, 5-plasma
membrane, 6-lipoarabinomannan (LAM),
7-phosphatidylinositol mannoside, 8-cell wall
14Selection of Control Method contd
- Extent of microbial population
- - larger population take more time to destroy
- - usually 90 of the population is destroyed in
- a given period
- e.g if in 1st 3 minutes 90 of the population
is destroyed, then 90 of the remaining
population gets destroyed in the next 3 minutes
and so on
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16Selection of Control Method contd
- Environmental conditions
- - pH, temperature
- - presence of
- - organics blood
- - dirt
- - grease
- - the potential risk of transmitting infectious
agents - - critical items
- - semicritical items
- - non-critical items
Must be cleaned first, then controlled
17Selection of Control contd
- Critical items have
- - indirect contact with body tissues
- - needles, scalpels
- Semicritical items have contact with
- - mucous membranes but it does not penetrate
- endoscopes, endotrachial tubes
18Selection of Control contd
- Non-critical items have
- - indirect contact with unbroken skin
- - countertops, stethoscopes
19Methods to Control Microbial Growth
20Physical Microbial Controls Heat
- Heat as a microbial control
- - fast, reliable, inexpensive
- - does not introduce potential toxic substances
- Types of heat control include
- - moist heat
- - pasteurization
- - pressurized steam
- - dry heat
21Physical Microbial Controls Heat contd
- Moist heat
- - causes irreversible coagulation of proteins
found in microorganisms - - 10 minutes of boiling
- - most microbes and viruses will be
destroyed except endospores and few others
which can survives hours of boiling
22Physical Microbial Controls Heat contd
- Pasteurization
- - reduces number of heat sensitive organisms
- - widely used in milk and juices
- increases shelf life and does not alter
quality - - original pasteurization was 62ºC, 30 mins
- - now UHT-shorter time 72ºC, 15 secs
23Physical Microbial Controls Heat contd
- Pressurized steam
- - pressure cooker or autoclave
- - higher air pressure increases the temperature
- at which steam forms
- - 15 psi (lbs/square inch) at 121ºC for 15 mins
- -effective to kill endospores
24The autoclave Moist heat and pressure
- 15psi, 121ºC, 15 minutes
- Thermal death point (TDP) Lowest temperature at
which all cells in a culture get killed in 10
mins - Thermal death time (TDT) time to kill all cells
in a culture - Decimal reduction time (DRT) Minutes to kill 90
of a population at a given temperature
25The autoclaving machine
26Temperature of steam and Pressure at sea level
27The autoclaving machine
28Physical Microbial Controls Heat contd
- Dry heat
- - without moisture e.g. flaming
- - burns cell constituents
- - object is oxidized to ash
- - irreversibly denatures proteins
- - takes longer (200ºC, 1.5 hrs dry121ºC, 15 min
moist) - - advantages are for powders, does not corrode
metals and blunt sharps - - e.g flasks, tubes, pipettes in microbiological
29Physical Microbial Controls Filtration
- Used for heat sensitive fluids
- air
30Physical Microbial Controls Filtration contd
- Fluids
- solutions of antibiotics, vitamins, tissue
extracts, animal serum, etc. - Depth filters
- able to retain microorganisms while allowing
fluids to pass through - Membrane Filter
- - The use of graded pore size 0.2-0.4µm
31Physical Microbial Controls Filtration contd
- Air
- - HEPA (High Efficient Particulate Air) filter
and laminar air flow are commonly used - - filter incoming air and outgoing air
respectively - - HEPA filter prevents the income of 0.3µm and
large size particles to enter.
32Physical Microbial Controls Radiation
- Cold sterilization for disposable materials
made up of plastics, wool, cotton, etc without
altering the material. - Radiation damages DNA
- Ionizing radiation (X-rays, gamma rays, electron
beams) - Non-ionizing radiation
- - UV
- - Microwaves kill by heat not especially
- antimicrobial
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34Physical Microbial Controls Radiation contd
- Gamma irradiation
- - penetrate deeply
- - for heat sensitive materials
- - causes biological damage to microorganisms
- - does not alter food flavor (meat)
35Physical Microbial Controls Radiation contd
- UV light
- damages the structure and function of nucleic
acids - Penetrate poorly- cannot penetrate even into
liquid. - Used to disinfect surfaces
- Can cause damage to human cells
- Germicidal lamps -kill or reduce the number of
viable microorganisms to sterilize
microbiological laboratories hospital operating
rooms, and specific filling rooms in various
36Physical Microbial Controls Radiation contd
- Microwave
- Kills by heat
- Does not affect microorganisms directly
37Physical Methods used to control Microbial growth
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42Chemical Microbial Control
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44Chemical Microbial Control contd
- Grouped according to potency
- Sterilants
- High-level
- Intermediate level
- Low level
45Chemical Control
- sterilants
- destroy microorganisms, endospores and viruses
- used for critical equipment-scalpels
46chemical control cont'd
- high level
- - destroy viruses and vegetative microorganisms
(no endospores) - - used for semicritical equipment endoscopes
- intermediate level
- - destroy vegetative microorganisms, some
viruses - - used for non-critical equipment sthetoscopes
- low level
- -destroy fungi, vegetative microorganisms
- - used for general purpose disinfectants
47Selecting Germicidal Chemical
- Germicide An agent capable of killing pathogens
and non-pathogens but not necessarily endospores - toxicity to human or environment?
- - weigh the benefits vs the risks
- presence of organic material
- - hypochlotrite is inactivated by the presence
of organic matter - compatibility
- -electrical equipment with a liquid??
- residue
- - some have to be rinsed with sterile water
- cost and availability
48Selecting germicidal Chemical cont'd
- storage and stability
- - may come in concentrated form for ease in
storing - - those have to be mixed
- environmental risk
- - is neutralization necessary before disposal?
49Classes of Germicidal Chemicals
- alcohols alcohols
- aldehydes
- biguanides
- ethylene oxide
- halogens oxidize proteins
50Classes of Germicidal Chemicals
- alcohols
- - coagulated enzymes and proteins
- - damage lipid membranes
- - on-toxic
- - inexpensive
- - no residue
51Classes of Germicidal Chemicals contd
- aldehydes
- - inactivate proteins and nucleic acids
- - toxic to humans
- Peroxygens
- - oxidizing agents
- - hydrogen peroxide
- - leaves no residue
52Classes of Germicidal Chemicals contd
- biguanides
- - extensive antiseptic use
- - adheres and persists on skin, mucous membranes
- - low toxicity
- Phenolic compounds
- Hitorically important
- Irritant, unpleasant odor
- Destroy cytoplasmic membrane and denatures
53Classes of Germicidal Chemicals contd
- ethylene oxide
- - reacts with proteins
- - gas penetrable
- - mutagenic
- Metal compounds
- Interfere protein function
- Toxic
- pollutants
54Classes of Germicidal Chemicals contd
- halogens oxidize proteins
- -chlorine
- -irritating to skin
- -organic compounds consume free chlorine
- -iodine
- -tincture
- - Iodophore
55Effect of germicidal activity on Microbes
56Effect of germicidal activity on Microbes
57Chemical methods of microbial control
- Evaluating a disinfectant
- - Disk diffusion method
58Preservation of Perishables
- Extends shelf life
- Slow or halts microbial growth thus delaying
59Preservation of Perishables
- Chemical preservatives
- Some chemical preservatives are used in non-food
items - Food preservatives must be non-toxic to humans
- Benzoic acid, propionic acids, nitrate are
commonly used - Nitrate
- Inhibits germination of C. botulinum endospores
60Preservation of Perishables
- Low temperature storage
- Temperature dependent
- most microorganisms do not reproduce in ordinary
refrigerator (0-7ºC) - Freezing
- ice crystals can cause irreversible damage to
many microorganisms (kills up to 50 growth) - Freezing stops all growth, but may start to
reproduce again once food is thawed -
61Preservation of Perishables
- Reducing water
- Salt/sugar
- Draw water out of cell
- Less available for microorganisms
- Drying
- Desiccation
- Removing water such as milk powder
Salt cured meat
62Preservation of Perishables
- Lyophilization
- Freeze drying
- Freeze food first
- followed by putting in vacuum
63Factors that influence effectiveness
- Number of microbes
- Environmental influences
- Time of exposure
- Microbial characteristics
64Microbial death curve
65Limitations Microbial Characteristics
66Actions of Microbial Control Agents
- Alteration of membrane permeability
- Damage to proteins
- Damage to nucleic acids
Sand rich in salts n nitrates preserved mummy