- Dr. Ömer Yagiz
- Department of Business Administration
2What is six-sigma?
- Six-sigma is a is a comprehensive and flexible
system for achieving, sustaining, and maximizing
business success by minimizing defects and
variability in processes. - It relies heavily on the principles and tools of
TQM. - It is driven by a close understanding of customer
needs the disciplined use of facts, data, and
statistical analysis and diligent attention to
managing, improving, and reinventing business
3What is six-sigma?
- Another definition from Isixsigma.com
- Six Sigma is a rigorous and disciplined
methodology that uses data and statistical
analysis to measure and improve a company's
operational performance by identifying and
eliminating "defects" in manufacturing and
service-related processes.
4What is six-sigma?
- GE and many other successful practitioners of
six-sigma, view it as - a strategy
- focusing on what the customer wants, internal or
external - aiming at total customer satisfaction
- achieve better business results as measured by
market share, revenue and profits
5What is six-sigma?
- a discipline
- it has a formal sequence of steps, called the
Six-sigma Improvement Model, to accomplish
desired improvements in process performance - the goal is to simplify processes in order to
make them more efficient and effective - a set of tools
- makes use of many powerful tools, some of them
statistical in nature, in order to monitor,
analyze, correct and/or redesign operations and
processes used in all areas of an organization
6Origins of Six-sigma
- Motorola
- credited with developing six-sigma in 1987 to
improve its manufacturing capability in a world
marketplace that was becoming increasingly
competitive - set a stretch goal in 1987 to
- Improve product and services quality ten times
by 1989, and at least one hundred fold by 1991.
Achieve six sigma capability by 1992.
7Origins of Six-sigma
- At Motorola, six sigma became part of the common
language of all employees. To them it meant near
perfection, even if some did not understand the
statistical details. - Six Sigma helped Motorola realize powerful
bottom-line results in their organization - in
fact, they documented more than 16 Billion in
savings as a result of Six Sigma efforts.
8Origins of Six-sigma
- Other early adopters of Six Sigma who achieved
well-publicized success include Honeywell
(previously known as AlliedSignal) and General
Electric, where the method was introduced by Jack
Welch. By the late 1990s, about two-thirds of the
Fortune 500 organizations had begun Six Sigma
initiatives with the aim of reducing costs and
improving quality.
9Statistical meaning of Six-sigma
- Every instance of a product coming off a
production line is in some way different from
every other instance. The thickness or length of
a part is never exactly the same - The amount of time it takes to perform a certain
transaction varies from instance to instance - In other words, variation is a fact of life in
manufacturing and services
10Statistical meaning of Six-sigma
Process variability
11Process Capability
- Süreç (proses) yeterlilik
- Process capability is the ability of the process
to meet the design specifications for a service
or product. - Nominal value is a target for design
specifications. - Tolerance is an allowance above or below the
nominal value.
12Process Capability
Process is capable
13Process Capability
Process is not capable
14Calculating population standard deviation from a
single large sample
15Standard deviation of a group of data
where arithmetic mean of data i
1, 2, , n n total number of
16Process Capability
Process Capability 6s
17Relationship of Proc. Cap. to specification limits
- Three cases (situations)
- 6s lt USL LSL
- 6s USL LSL
- 6s gt USL LSL
18Relationship of Proc. Cap. to specification limits
- Process Capability and the specification limits
(i.e., tolerances) are combined to form a
Capability Index
Case 3
Case 2
Case 1
19Capability Index Cp
- The capability index measures whether the process
or machine can produce pieces which conform to
the specifications. - The larger the index, the more likely the process
will generate conforming parts or pieces provided
that the process is centered at the nominal or
target value. (CP gt 1.33) - CAUTION The capability index does not indicate
process performance in terms of the nominal or
target value.
20An Illustration of Process Capability Index
Nominal 7 USL 9 LSL 5
Although Cp gt 1.33, the process is not capable.
Why not ?
21A better measure of process capability (Cpk)
This measure takes into account the centering of
the process. We first obtain two one-sided
indexes, then select the minimum of the two.
22Cpk Illustration
The process is capable.
23Cpk Illustration
24Cpk Illustration
The process is barely capable.
25Cpk Illustration
The process is barely capable.
26Process variation and its effect on process
defects per million opportunities (DPMO)
Process variation
Process variation
Process variation
Process variation
3 sigma process variation 66800 defects per
million opportunities
4 sigma process variation 6200 defects per
million opportunities
5 sigma process variation 230 defects per
million opportunities
6 sigma process variation 3.4 defects per
million opportunities
27Case of process shift in the long run
With the process centered exactly in the middle
(nominal dimension), only 2 defectives out of one
billion are expected. If the process mean shifts
1.5 sigma, the expected number of defectives
will be 3.4 per million.What is the key to
achieving six-sigma capability?
28Defects per million occurrencesDPMO
- Sigma quality levels (defects per million)
Sigmas DPMO
2 308,538
3 66,803
4 6,200
5 233
6 3.4
29Now what?
- What all this explanation boils down to is this
- The objective of Six Sigma improvement efforts is
to reduce process output variation so that on a
long term basis, which is the customer's
aggregate experience with our process over time,
this will result in no more than 3.4 Defects Per
Million Opportunities DPMO. - therefore make sure that you have a capable
process, i.e. keep 6s lt USL LSL with proper
centering, and - reduce process variation as much as you can so
that you achieve a DPMO of 3.4 defects. (In
reality, this is not achieved easily but this
should be the ultimate goal of your improvement
30What does six-sigma do?
- Six Sigma focuses on improving quality by helping
organizations produce products and services
better, faster and cheaper. - In more traditional terms, Six Sigma focuses on
defect prevention, cycle time reduction, and cost
savings. Unlike cost-cutting programs that reduce
value and quality, Six Sigma identifies and
eliminates costs that provide no value to
customers in other words, waste costs.
31What does six-sigma do?
- The Six Sigma quality philosophy incorporates
many of the traditional quality philosophies and
approaches established by Shewhart, Deming,
Juran, Taguchi, and Ishikawa, by developing an
organized framework for continuous improvement.
32Six-sigma infrastructure
- A very powerful feature of Six Sigma is the
creation of an infrastructure to assure that
performance improvement activities have the
necessary resources. Six Sigma makes improvement
and change the full time job of a small but
critical percentage of the organizations
33Six-sigma infrastructure
- These full time change agents who act as the
catalysts that institutionalize change are
classified as follow - Champions and Sponsors Six Sigma champions are
high-level individuals who understand Six Sigma
and are committed to its success. They are
usually a member of senior management who are
charged with leading and energizing the Six Sigma
effort and most often theirs is a full-time
position, such as an Executive Vice-President.
They are also often charged with identifying
projects, prioritizing those projects in relation
to the organizations strategy, and assigning
projects to Black Belts and/or Green Belts.
Sponsors are owners of processes and systems, who
help initiate and coordinate Six Sigma
improvement activities in their areas of
34Six-sigma infrastructure
- Master Black Belts Master Black Belts are the
senior technical advisors for a Six Sigma effort,
providing technical leadership for the Six Sigma
program. Thus, they must know everything the
Black Belts know, as well as understand the
theory on which the statistical methods are
based. Master Black Belts must be able to assist
Black Belts in applying the methods correctly in
unusual situations.
35Six-sigma infrastructure
- Black Belts The front line leaders of Six Sigma
are called black belts. These individuals are
full-time project leaders with the primary
responsibility of providing technical expertise
and leadership for process improvement projects.
Since they are dedicated to the implementation,
it becomes cost effective to invest additional
resources in developing the Black Belts ability
to apply a broad range of process improvement
tools and techniques
36Six-sigma infrastructure
- Green Belts are Six Sigma project leaders
capable of forming and facilitating Six Sigma
teams and managing Six Sigma projects from
concept to completion. They receive a wide range
of training that covers project management,
quality management tools, quality control tools,
problem solving, and descriptive data analysis.
It is generally a part-time commitment and
suitable for middle managers, engineers and
37Six-sigma infrastructure
- The good thing about the belt system is that
- everyone in the organization is speaking the same
language. - Another important impact of such company-wide
training is that it fosters a culture whereby the
ownership of quality is viewed as the
responsibility of the entire organization and not
just of the quality department.
38Six Sigma Improvement Model
- known as DMAIC model
- Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control
- highly disciplined and structured problem-solving
and improvement methodology - has five steps for improving processes and
solving problems both in goods production and
services - Let us take look at DMAIC in more detail..
39DMAIC Improvement Model
- Define
- Define the goals of the improvement activity. At
the top level the goals will be the strategic
objectives of the organization, such as a higher
ROI or market share. - at the operations level, a goal might be to
increase the throughput of a production or
service department. - at the project level goals might be to reduce the
defect/error level and increase throughput.
40DMAIC Improvement Model
- Measure
- Measure the existing system.
- establish valid and reliable metrics to help
monitor progress towards the goal(s) defined at
the previous step. - begin by determining the current baseline. Use
exploratory and descriptive data analysis to help
you understand the data.
41DMAIC Improvement Model
- Analyze
- Analyze the system to identify ways to eliminate
the gap between the current performance of the
system or process and the desired goal. - apply statistical and other tools provided by TQM
to guide the analysis. - identify several possible causes of variation or
defects that are affecting the outputs of the
42DMAIC Improvement Model
- Analyze contd
- one of the most frequently used tools in the
Analyze step is the cause and effect diagram.
Root cause is the number one team deliverable
coming out of the Analyze step.
43DMAIC Improvement Model
- Improve
- Improve the process or system.
- modify or redesign the process or system
- be creative in finding new ways to do things
better, cheaper, or faster. - use project management and other planning and
management tools to implement the new approach. - use statistical methods to validate the
improvement. - improvements should be selected based on
probability of success, time to execute, impact
on resources, and cost
44DMAIC Improvement Model
- Control
- teams may develop poka-yokes or mistake proof
devices to help control a process. The ultimate
goal for this step is to reduce variation by
controlling the inputs and monitoring the
outputs. - institutionalize the improved system by modifying
compensation and incentive systems, policies,
procedures, budgets, operating instructions and
other management systems.