Improving your writing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Improving your writing


Comma Splices Fused sentences Run-on Sentences Fixing Fragments * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Definition of a Clause: part of a sentence ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Improving your writing

Improving your writing
  • Comma Splices
  • Fused sentences
  • Run-on Sentences
  • Fixing Fragments

Clause Refresher
  • Definition of a Clause part of a sentence with
    its own subject and predicate
  • Definition of Predicate unit of a verb and all
    words modifying the verb - example is here in
    Larry is here.
  • Clause Example The sentence
  • Mary has a friend who is rich
  • contains a main clause and
  • a subordinate clause (one that relies on the
    main for meaning)
  • Which is which? WHY???

fix those bad sentences!!!
  • Definitions of a comma splice and a fused
  • A comma splice contains two main clauses
    illegally joined by a comma. The problem looks
    like this
  • main clause , another main clause COMMA
  • A fused sentence, on the other hand, contains two
    main clauses illegally run together with no
    punctuation. The problem looks like this
  • main clause another main clause FUSED

More professional writing
  • Comma splices and fused sentences make you look
    like an amateur because they tell your reader
    that you cannot control the construction of a
  • So, how do you make your writing more
  • Julie is a real hypochondriac when her stomach
    hurts, she is certain that she has a bleeding
    ulcer, and if she has a backache, she believes
    that she has cancer of the spine.
  • First - Is this sentence a comma splice?
  • Or is it a fused sentence?
  • WHY???
  • NOW how do we fix it?

Strategy 1 Make two complete sentences.
  • Because comma splices and fused sentences contain
    two main clauses, you can always
  • add a period at the end of the first clause then
  • begin the second with a capital letter.
  • Grandma still rides her Harley motorcycle her toy
    poodle balances in a basket between the
  • Correct the above sentence
  • with Strategy 1.

Strategy 2 Use a comma anda coordinating
  • There are seven coordinating conjunctions.
  • Some students remember the seven by learning the
    word fanboys.
  • Each of the seven letters of fanboys stands for
    one of the coordinating conjunctions.
  • F for
  • A and
  • N nor
  • B but
  • O or
  • Y yet
  • S so

fix the problem with Strategy 2
  • Remember that you must use a coordinating
    conjunction that logically joins the two complete
  • But, for example, would not work in the example
    below because the writer is NOT showing contrast.
  • Teamed up with a comma, the seven coordinating
    conjunctions can correctly join two main clauses.
  • Correct the example sentence
  • with Strategy 2
  • Grandma still rides her Harley
  • motorcycle her toy poodle
  • balances in a basket between
  • the handlebars.

Strategy 3 Use a semicolon.
  • Unlike a comma, a semicolon IS a strong
  • enough mark of punctuation to join
  • two main clauses.
  • Keep these things in mind when you use a
  • - 1) The two main clauses that the semicolon
    joins should be closely related in meaning.
  • - 2) Do NOT capitalize the word that follows the
    semicolon UNLESS that word is a proper noun,
    which is always capitalized anyway.

  • Correct the example sentence with Strategy 3
  • Grandma still rides her Harley motorcycle her
    toy poodle balances in a basket between the
  • Good writers mix things up!
  • Limit your use of semicolons
  • you should not wantonly scatter
  • them throughout your writing.

Strategy 4 Use a conjunction.
  • First, here is a list to remind you of
    conjunctions we have covered before
  • After although as
  • because before even if
  • even though in order that If
  • once provided that rather than
  • since so that than
  • that though unless
  • until when whenever
  • where whereas wherever
  • whether while why

Using conjunctions
  • When you are fixing a comma splice or fused
    sentence, subordinating conjunctions can be the
    most tricky to use.
  • There are two reasons they are tricky
  • 1) there are many to choose from, and
  • 2) you must use the right punctuation.
  • Now fix original problem sentence using Strategy
  • Grandma still rides her Harley motorcycle her toy
    poodle balances in a basket between the

  • A good writer can fix problem sentences using
    all four strategies
  • adding a period and a capital letter
  • using a comma and a conjunction
  • joining the two main clauses with a semicolon
  • subordinating one part with a subordinate
  • Now it is your turn. With a partner, correct the
    following sentence with each of the four
    strategies you just learned.
  • http//
  • Most Freshmen feel overwhelmed by the workload
    in their college courses they usually spend more
    time socializing then studying

Check Ms. Bailey
  • 1- Most freshmen feel overwhelmed by the workload
    in their college courses. They usually spend
    more time socializing than studying.
  • 2- Most freshmen feel overwhelmed by the workload
    in their college courses, because they usually
    spend more time socializing than studying.
  • 3- Most freshmen feel overwhelmed by the workload
    in their college courses they usually spend more
    time socializing than studying.
  • 4- Most freshmen feel overwhelmed by the workload
    in their college courses, and usually spend more
    time socializing than studying.

Run-On Sentences
  • The length of a sentence has nothing to do with
    whether or not a sentence is considered a run-on.
  • An over-exuberant, run-off-at-the-mouth, 400-word
    gorilla of a sentence can be structurally fine.
  • A run-on sentence is one in
  • which two clauses have
  • been connected incorrectly.

Avoiding Run-on Sentences
  • There are three situations in which run-on
    sentences are apt to happen
  • 1. When a pronoun in the second clause refers to
    a noun in the first clause
  • The Presidents popularity has plummeted, she
    apparently underestimated the opposition.
  • 2. When a suggestion or directive occurs in the
    second clause
  • You will be responsible for this material on
    the final exam, study it thoroughly
  • 3. When two clauses are connected by a
  • Many people think protectionism can halt rising
    prices, however, the opposite is actually true.

Check yourself
  • 1. The Presidents popularity has plummeted, and
    she apparently underestimated the opposition.
  • 2. You will be responsible for this material on
    the final exam. Study it thoroughly now.
  • 3. Many people think protectionism can halt
    rising prices however, the opposite is actually

Charles Darling, PhD
  • The first thing you MUST be able to do is
    recognize the difference between a sentence and a
  • Simply put
  • a fragment does NOT contain a main clause.
  • When you analyze a group of words looking for
    the main clause, you have to find three things a
    subject, a verb, and a complete thought.
  • If one of these three items is missing, a
    fragment results.

examples of fragments
  • And yawned loudly enough to make everyone in
    class turn around.
  • NO subject verb yawned NO complete thought.
  • The boy sitting on the fire escape dropping water
    balloons on the pedestrians below.
  • Subject boy NO verb NO complete thought.
  • After Gabriel ate half a box of Devil Dogs.
  • Subject Gabriel verb ate
  • NO complete thought .

Watch words for fragment identification
  • Here are the words to watch for that will begin
    many fragments
  • After although asbecause before even
    ifeven though if in order thatonce provided
    that sinceso that is implied so that than
  • that though unlessuntil when wheneverwh
    ere whereas whereverwhether which whichever
    while who whoeverwhom whomever whose
  • Anything Look Familiar?

correct that fragment! A how to
  • 1) add the necessary main clause
  • 2) connect the fragment to a main clause already
    in the passage.
  • 3) remove a subordinating conjunction
  • Remember Whether you add
  • or connect, you must use the
  • right punctuation.

  • Because Chase caught the eye of the beautiful
    brunette in algebra.
  • Because subordinate conjunction Chase
    subject caught verb.
  • What happened? Was he able to cheat on the test?
    Did he quickly ask her for a date? The thought is
  • Until Rachel notices the toilet paper stuck to
    her shoe.
  • Until subordinate conjunction Rachel
    subject notices verb.
  • What will happen? Will she embarrass her date?
    Will people at the restaurant stare? Another
    incomplete thought.
  • Even though Fred stuck straws up his nose.
  • Even though subordinate conjunction Fred
    subject stuck verb.
  • What happened? Could he still not pass as a
    walrus? Did the McDonald's manager offer him a
    job anyway? This thought is incomplete too!

Some fragments begin or end with an ing or ed
  • Sunning themselves on the hot concrete until they
    heard human feet crashing down the sidewalk.
  • Twirling the baton with the speed and ferocity of
    helicopter blades.
  • Sucked down the pipe with a hearty slurp.
  • Hidden in the bureau drawer underneath a pile of
    mismatched socks.

infinitive phrase fragments
  • INFINITIVE Definition to verb
  • Although more words will follow to finish the
    phrase, you will not find a main clause to finish
    the thought.
  • An infinitive phraseby itselfcannot be a
  • Examples of Infinitive Verb Fragments
  • Only to watch in dismay as Dr. Frazier poured her
    chemistry experiment into the sink.
  • To catch butterflies for her biology project.
  • To break a piece of plywood with his bare hands.

Afterthought Fragments
  • An afterthought does not contain a main clause
  • Watch for these words especially, except,
    excluding, for example, for instance, including,
    like, and such as.
  • Examples of Afterthought Fragments
  • For example, leaky pens, candy wrappers, dollar
    bills, and paperclips.
  • Including the dog with three legs and the cat
    with one eye.
  • Such as leaving the stove on and teasing mean

Lonely Verb Fragments
  • Writers will sometimes forget to
  • include a subject in a sentence.
  • The result is a verb pining for its partner.
  • A lonely verb fragment will often begin with a
    coordinating conjunction
  • and, but, for, or, nor, so, yet
  • The marker for a lonely verb fragment will be the
    immediate expression of action.
  • Remember that a verb alone cannot be a sentence.

Lonely verb fragments
  • And dashed through the downpour as raindrops
    softened the hairspray shell holding her
    elaborate coif in place.
  • But knew that all of his effort would prove
    useless in the long run.
  • Took the thick book and, with a heavy sigh,
    loaded it on top of her research pile.

Appositive Fragments
  • Appositive Definition
  • a noun phrase that renames and clarifies another
  • Because an appositive can be long, writers
    sometimes mistake them for a complete sentence.
  • By itself an appositive is not a sentence.

Appositive fragment examples
  • The unprepared student who was always begging for
    an extra pencil and a couple sheets of blank
  • A slacker wasting his afternoon
  • in front of the television.
  • A dog around whom people need
  • to guard their fingers and food.

fix these fragment s
  • Because Chase caught the eye of the beautiful
    brunette in algebra.
  • Sunning themselves on the hot concrete until they
    heard human feet crashing down the sidewalk.
  • Only to watch in dismay as Dr. Frazier poured her
    chemistry experiment into the sink.
  • For example, leaky pens, candy wrappers, dollar
    bills, and paperclips.
  • And dashed through the downpour as raindrops
    softened the hairspray shell holding her
    elaborate coif in place.
  • The unprepared student who was always begging for
    an extra pencil and a couple sheets of blank

put your new knowledge to work!
  • You are going to peer edit, but
  • you are going to start at the end.
  • BTW, This is also a SUPER way to self-edit.
  • Beginning at the end, evaluate every sentence
  • Is there a comma splice? Use this mark CS
  • Is it a fragment? Use this mark frag.
  • Is it a run-on? Use this mark R-O
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