Themes in Mark - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Themes in Mark


Synoptic gospels are: Mark, Matthew and Luke Literary forms generally expand rather than contract: Mark: 661 verses; 11,024 words Matthew: 1068 verses; ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Themes in Mark

Themes in Marks gospel
  • 1- The Markan priority
  • 2- The Messianic Secret
  • 3- The Suffering servant
  • 4- Power over evil

Theme 1 Markan priority
  • For many years it was believed that the Gospel of
    Matthew was the first gospel written
  • Hence its place in the gospel sequence in the
  • What is Markan Priotity?
  • Markan priority is the argument that the Gospel
    of Mark was the first gospel written and was
    subsequently used as a source by the other
    Synoptic gospels- Mt and Lk.
  • Synoptic gospels are Mark, Matthew and Luke

Why Markan priority?
  • Literary forms generally expand rather than
  • Mark 661 verses 11,024 words
  • Matthew 1068 verses 18, 293 words
  • Luke 1,149 verses 19,376 words.

Theme 2 Messianic Secret
What is the Messianic Secret
  • A phrase that refers to certain passages in the
    gospel where Jesus tells his disciples not to
    reveal his true identity.

Messianic Secret examples
  • Jesus wants to keep his identity a secret
  • When Jesus cast out demons he forbids anyone to
    mention this matter
  • When he heals a leper, he asks that no one says
    anything-continues the secrecy of his identity
  • When Peter proclaims him as messiah, he charges
    Peter and the apostles to say nothing.
  • He teaches in Parables

Why the Messianic secret
  • Jesus is clearly the Messiah
  • But just as clearly he is not the great king or
    cosmic warrior that Jews may have anticipated.

  • How do you explain the secrecy motif in the
    Gospel of Mark? See Mark 1461-65
  • See your warm-up
  • The High Priest asked if Jesus was the Messiah.
  • Jesus said YES
  • Jesus is accused of blasphemy

Why the commands to silence?
  • Jesus in Marks gospel does not want people to
    have the wrong idea about him
  • E.g. by thinking that he is the kind of messiah
    they have anticipated.
  • Therefore, Jesus wants to demonstrate he is the
    Messiah through his actions not his words
  • For Mark, the title Messiah does not signify
    earthly grandeur and power but just the opposite.
  • E.g. as messiah, Jesus was the Son of God who had
    to suffer and die

Theme 3 Jesus as sufferer
  • Throughout the gospel we are told by the narrator
    that Jesus will die (220 36)
  • On three occasions Jesus predicts his own
  • Passion comes from a Greek word that means
  • Jesus is anointed for burial by a woman

  • Jesus teaches that suffering is to be not only
    his lot but that of his followers as well
  • Whoever would come after me must take up the
    cross and follow me.?
  • Marks community understands this because they
    are suffering
  • Being a disciple means affliction and pain, not
    power and prestige.
  • It means giving up ones life in order to gain
    the world.

Theme 4 Apocalypse
  • The destruction of the temple
  • Persecution
  • The end is here
  • Jesus is coming

Theme 5 Power over Evil
  • Evil spirits know who Jesus is
  • What do you have against me/us?
  • Evil spirits obey Jesus
  • Drives them out of people
  • Legion
  • Mute boy
  • Mary Magdalene
  • Jesus is accused of being the master of the evil
  • People could not understand why evil spirit obey
  • Jesus gives the apostles authority over evil
  • Prayer is the key to drive out evil spirits

Belief on evil spirits today
  • Movie The Skeleton Key
  • Some people question Gods existence but believe
    on the existence of evil spirit
  • Some people dont believe on prayer, Mass,
    Eucharistic Adoration, but they believe that bad
    things can happen if you play the weegie (ouija)

Newspaper Front page
  • Your group will be responsible for creating a
    newspaper front page that reports on the events
    of the Gospel of Mark. Using Mark as Story, your
    front page must include
  • A title (5 pts)
  • Summary of the main story your group is in charge
    of reporting. Summarize your main story carefully
    providing all the details (10 pts.) And a picture
    that illustrates your main story (5 pts. )
  • One more story describing a separate event from
    the Gospel, and a drawing/illustration that goes
    with the story. (10 pts)
  • One interview of an eyewitness from one of
    your stories. Include at least 5 questions and
    the possible responses (5 pts)
  • Weather reports (5 pts)
  • Editorials by both Roman and Jewish commentators-
    offering their varying perspectives (opinion) on
    the events (10 pts)
  • 3 bonus points will be given for creating and
    including any cartooning in your paper- in
    addition to the above expectations.
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