- DR Norhasmah Sulaiman
- Department of Resources Management and Consumer
Studies - Faculty Of Human Ecology UPM
2Vitamin Primary functions Deficiency Overdose Food sources
Vitamin A Retinol Formation and maintenance of mucous membranes, skin, bones. Needed for vision in dim light. Increased susceptibility to infection, increased incidence and severity of infection. Impaired vision, blindness. Inability to see in dim light. Hyppervitaminosis A. Nausea, irritability, blurred vision, weakness Increase pressure in skull, headache Liver damage, hair loss, dry skin, birth defect. Animal products only. Liver, butter, margarine, milk, cheese, eggs. Ready to eat cereals.
3Vitamin Primary functions Deficiency Overdose Food sources
Vitamin A Beta- carotene Antioxidant Related only to lack of vitamin A. Lung damage. Skin may turn yellow-orange. Possibly related to reversible loss of fertility in women. Deep orange, yellow, and green vegetables and fruits.
4Vitamin Primary functions Deficiency Overdose Food sources
Vitamin E (Alpha- tocopherol) Antioxidant. Reduces the ability of LDL-cholesterol to form plague in arteries. Muscle loss, nerve damage. Anemia. Weakness. Many adults may have non-optimal blood levels May increasing bleeding-over 800 IU per day. Oils and fats. Salad dressings, mayonnaise, margarine,shortenin-g, butter. Whole grain, wheat germ. Leafy, green vegetable-s, tomatoes. Nuts and seeds. Eggs.
5Vitamin Primary functions Deficiency Overdose Food sources
Vitamin D (1,25- Dihydroxy cholicalciferol) Absorption of calcium and phosphorus, and for their utilization in bone formation, nerve and muscle activity. Weak, deformed bones (children)-rickets. Loss of calcium from bones (adults), osteoporosis Mental retardation in young children. Abnormal bone growth and formation. Nausea, diarrhea, irritability, weight loss. Deposition of calcium In organs such as kidneys, liver, and heart. Vitamin D fortified milk and margarine. Butter. Fish, eggs, mushrooms. Milk products cheese, yogurt, and ice cream are generally not fortified with vitamin D.
6Vitamin Primary functions Deficiency Overdose Food sources
Vitamin K 1. Phylloqui- none. 2. Menaqui- none. Essential component of mechanisms that cause blood to clot when bleeding occurs. Aids in the incorporation of calcium into bones. Bleeding, bruises. Decreased calcium in bones. Rare. May be induced by the long-term use of antibiotics. Liver disease if vitamin K in synthetic forms taken in Excessive amounts. Leafy, green vegetables. Grain products.