Title: Isolation and Purification of Nucleic Acids: Sample Processing
1Isolation and Purification of Nucleic Acids
Sample Processing
- Donna C. Sullivan, PhD
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- University of Mississippi Medical Center
- Principles for handling clinical specimens
- Types of specimens
- Fundamentals of specimen handling
- Nucleic acid preparation
- DNA isolation methods
- RNA isolation methods
- Methods of analysis of nucleic acids
3Principles for Handling ofAll Clinical Specimens
- Observe universal precautions for biohazards.
- Use protective gowns, gloves, face and eye
shields. - Decontaminate all spills and work areas with 10
bleach. - Dispose of all waste in appropriate biologic
waste containers. - Use gloves. Your RNA depends on it!
4Types of Specimens for the Molecular Diagnostics
- Whole blood
- Bone marrow
- PBSC (phoresis product)
- Serum/plasma
- Buccal cells
- Cultured cells
- Blood spots
- Body fluids
- Bronchial lavage
- Amniotic
- Semen
- Urine
- Tissue samples
- Fresh/frozen
- Paraffin-embedded
- Hair (shaft/root)
5Fundamentals of Specimen Handling Specimen
- Patient name, date of birth, and medical record
number - Ordering physician
- Type of specimen
- Accession number
- Date and time of collection
- Laboratory technician identification (initials)
- Requested test(s)
6Blood and Bone Marrow
- Isolation of nucleic acids
- Genomic DNA
- Collection
- Collect in an anticoagulant, mix well but gently
to avoid disruption of cells
- Lavender-top Vacutainer
- Preferred specimen
- Yellow-top Vacutainer
- Heparin
- Green-top Vacutainer
- Inhibits several enzymes used in molecular assays
8Specimen Packaging and Shipping Blood and Bone
- Protect from temperature extremes
- Overnight delivery preferred
- Packaging must comply with shipping rules for
bloodborne pathogens - Protective container
- Absorbent material in packing
- Sealed container in plastic bag
- Labeled as Biohazard
9The Effect of Tissue Fixatives on the
Purification of Nucleic Acid
10Paraffin-embedded Tissue Sections
- Genetic testing, infectious disease testing,
identity testing - Formalin-fixed tissue is suitable.
- Mercury or other heavy metal fixatives are not
acceptable. - Tissue sections on glass slides can be used for
in situ applications and microdissection
11Specimen Storage RequirementsDNABlood, Bone
Marrow, Other Fluids
- 2225 C Not recommended (lt24 hours)
- 28 C Suitable condition for up to 72 hours
- 20 C Not recommended
- NOTE Do not freeze blood or bone marrow before
lysing red blood cells (RBCs). Leukocyte pellet
can be frozen for up to 1 year. - 70 C Not recommended
- NOTE Do not freeze blood or bone marrow before
lysing red blood cells (RBCs). Leukocyte pellet
can be frozen for gt1 year.
12Specimen Storage Requirements RNA Blood, Bone
Marrow, Other Fluids
- 2225 C Not recommended within 2 hours
- 28 C Not recommended within 2 hours
- 20 C Not recommended 24 weeks
- NOTE Do not freeze blood or bone marrow before
lysing red blood cells (RBCs). - 70 C Preferred storage condition
- NOTE Do not freeze blood or bone marrow before
lysing red blood cells (RBCs)
13Nucleic Acid Storage Requirements Storage of DNA
lt4 Months
13 Years
lt7 Years
gt7 Years
225 C
28 C
20 C
70 C
Not recommended
Recommended for long-term storage in ethanol
14Nucleic Acid PreparationApplication?
- Amplification methods (PCR, LCR)
- Restriction enzyme digest
- Hybridization methods (Southern analysis)
- Sequencing
15Nucleic Acid PreparationApplication?
- Amplification methods (RT-PCR)
- Hybridization methods (Northern analysis)
16Nucleic Acid PreparationSample Source?
- Whole blood
- Buffy coat
- Serum or plasma
- Bone material
- Buccal cells
- Cultured cells
- Amniocytes or amniotic fluid
- Dried blood spots
- Fresh or frozen tissue (biopsy material)
- Sputum, urine, CSF, or other body fluids
- Fixed or paraffin-embedded tissue
17Nucleic Acid PreparationOther Considerations
- What is the size or volume of each sample?
- Amount of DNA or RNA required
- Equipment and tube sizes required
- How many samples are being processed?
- Capacity of the centrifuge
- Isolation method speed
- Is a high-throughput or automated system
available? - 96-well plate methods
- Walk-away or semi-automation
18Nucleic Acid PreparationChoosing an Isolation
- Important factors are
- Processing speed
- Ease of use
- Yield of DNA or RNA
- Quality of DNA and RNA prepared (amplification
performance) - Shelf life/storage conditions
- Quality assurance criteria
- Cost of preparation
19Basic Steps in Isolating DNA from Clinical
20DNA Isolation MethodsLiquid Phase Organic
- Phenol (50)chloroform/isoamyl alcohol (50491)
- Lysed samples mixed with above two layers are
formed. - Proteins remain at interface.
- DNA is removed with top aqueous layer.
- DNA is precipitated with alcohol and rehydrated.
- Disadvantages
- Slow, labor-intensive, toxic (phenol, chloroform)
- Fume hood required, disposal of hazardous
materials required
21DNA Isolation Methods Liquid Phase Nonorganic
Salt Precipitation
- Cell membranes are lysed and proteins are
denatured by detergent (such as SDS). - RNA is removed with RNase.
- Proteins are precipitated with salt solution.
- DNA is precipitated with alcohol and rehydrated.
- Advantages
- Fast and easy method
- Uses nontoxic materials, no fume hood required,
no hazardous materials disposal issues - Produces high-quality DNA
22DNA Isolation MethodsSolid Phase Procedures
- Uses solid support columns, magnetic beads, or
chelating agents - Solid support columns Fibrous or silica matrices
bind DNA allowing separation from other
contaminants. - Magnetic beads DNA binds to beads beads are
separated from other contaminants with magnet. - Chelating resins
- Advantages
- Fast and easy, no precipitation required
23DNA Purification Method Comparison
24Basic Steps in IsolatingRNA from Clinical
25Precautions for Working with RNA in the Clinical
- RNA is not a stable molecule!
- It is easily degraded by RNase enzymes.
- Use sterile, disposable plastic ware (tubes,
filter tips) marked For RNA Use Only. - Always wear gloves and work in a hood whenever
possible/practical. - Treat liquids with DEPC, except Tris-based
26RNA Isolation MethodsCesium Chloride Gradient
- Used mainly to get clean RNA for Northern blots
- Homogenize cells in guanidinium isothiocyanate
and b-mercaptoethanol solution. - Add to CsCl gradient and centrifuge for 1220
hours RNA will be at the bottom of tube. - Re-dissolve in TE/SDS buffer.
- Precipitate RNA with salt and ethanol, then
rehydrate. - Advantage high quality
- Disadvantages extremely time-consuming,
hazardous materials disposal issues
27RNA Isolation MethodsGuanidinium-based Organic
- Phenol/guanidinium solution disrupts cells,
solubilizes cell components, but maintains
integrity of RNA. - Add chloroform, mix, and centrifuge.
- Proteins/DNA remain at interface.
- RNA is removed with aqueous top layer.
- RNA is precipitated with alcohol and rehydrated.
- Advantage faster than CsCl method
- Disadvantages fume hood required, hazardous
waste disposal issues
28RNA Isolation MethodsNonorganic Salt
- Cell membranes are lysed and proteins are
denatured by detergent (such as SDS) in the
presence of EDTA or other RNase inhibitors. - Proteins/DNA are precipitated with a high
concentration salt solution. - RNA is precipitated with alcohol and rehydrated.
- Advantages
- Fast and easy, nontoxic
- Produces high quality RNA
29Resuspending Final Nucleic Acid Samples
- Have some idea of expected nucleic acid yield.
- Choose diluent volume according to desired
concentration. - Calculating Expected DNA Yield
- Example
- 1 X 107 cells X 6 pg DNA/cell X 80 yield 48 mg
DNA - Resuspend DNA in TE buffer or ultra pure
DNAse-free water. - Resuspend RNA in ultra pure RNase-free water.
30Nucleic Acid Analysis
- DNA or RNA is characterized using several
different methods for assessing quantity,
quality, and molecular size. - UV spectrophotometry
- Agarose gel electrophoresis
- Fluorometry
- Colorimetric blotting
31Quantity from UV Spectrophotometry
- DNA and RNA absorb maximally at 260 nm.
- Proteins absorb at 280 nm.
- Background scatter absorbs at 320 nm.
32Quantity from UV Spectrophotometry
- (A260 A320) X dilution factor X 50 µg/mL
- (A260 A320) X dilution factor X 40 µg/mL
- Concentration µg of DNA or RNA per mL of
hydrating solution
33Quantity from UV Spectrophotometry Calculating
34Quality from UV Spectrophotometry
35Quality from Agarose Gel Electrophoresis
- Genomic DNA
- 0.6 to 1 gel, 0.125 µg/mL ethidium bromide in
gel and/or in running buffer - Electrophorese at 7080 volts, 4590 minutes.
- Total RNA
- 1 to 2 gel, 0.125 µg/ml ethidium bromide in gel
and/or in running buffer - Electrophorese at 80100 volts, 2040 minutes.
36DNA Size from Agarose Gel Electrophoresis
Compares unknown DNA to known size standards
37DNA Quality fromAgarose Gel Electrophoresis
- High molecular weight band (gt48.5 kb)
- Smearing indicates DNA degradation (or too much
DNA loaded).
38DNA Quality from Agarose Gel Electrophoresis
39RNA Size and Quality fromAgarose Gel
- Size mRNA may be smaller or larger than
ribosomal RNA (rRNA). - Quality High-quality RNA has these
characteristics - 28S rRNA band 18S rRNA band 21 intensity
- Little to no genomic DNA (high MW band)
- Note If 18S rRNA is more intense than 28S rRNA,
or if both bands are smeared, RNA degradation is
40Cultured Cell RNA
41Storage Conditions
- Store DNA in TE buffer at 4 C for weeks or at
20 C to 80 C for long term. - Store RNA in RNase-free ultra pure water at 70
42Troubleshooting Nucleic AcidPreparation Methods
- Problem No or low nucleic acid yield.
- Make sure that ample time was allowed for
resuspension or rehydration of sample. - Repeat isolation from any remaining original
sample (adjust procedure for possible low cell
number or poorly handled starting material). - Concentrate dilute nucleic acid using ethanol
43Troubleshooting Nucleic AcidPreparation Methods
- Problem Poor nucleic acid quality
- If sample is degraded, repeat isolation from
remaining original sample, if possible. - If sample is contaminated with proteins or other
substances, clean it up by re-isolating
(improvement depends on the extraction procedure