Title: Plant Genetic Engineering
1Plant Genetic Engineering
Sun Yue
2Plant Genetic Engineering
Genetically modified crops (GMCs, GM crops,
or biotech crops) are plants, the DNA of which
has been modified using genetic engineering
techniques, to resist pests and agents causing
harm to plants and to improve the growth of these
plants to assist in farmers efficiency.
3(No Transcript)
4- Both conventional and GM plant breeding change
the genes of a plant so that a new and better
variety is developed. - GM plant breeding changes the genes of a plant
more precisely and efficiently than conventional
plant breeding.
5General procedure
Gene cloning
Vector Construct
Plant transformation (Regeneration)
6Gene cloning
PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)
The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a
biochemical technology in molecular biology to
amplify a single or a few copies of a piece
of DNA across several orders of magnitude,
generating thousands to millions of copies of a
particular DNA sequence.
7Want more? You may be interested in
- Genome walking
- RACE (Rapid Amplification of cDNA ends)
8Vector Construct Plasmid Vector
Plasmid - small circular, double-stranded DNA
molecules in bacteria, In nature, plasmids carry
genes that may benefit survival of the organism.
Vector - Plasmids used in genetic engineering are
called vectors. They are commonly used to
multiply (make many copies of) or express
particular genes.
9Vector Construct Agrobacterium tumefaciens
Agrobacterium tumefaciens is the causal agent
of crown gall disease (the formation of tumours)
in over 140 species of dicot. It is a rod
shaped, Gram negative soil bacterium. Symptoms
are caused by the insertion of a small segment
of DNA (known as the T-DNA, for 'transfer DNA'),
from a plasmid, into the plant cell, which is
incorporated at a semi-random location into the
plant genome.
10Vector Construct Binary vector system
- In order to be virulent, the bacterium must
contain a tumour-inducing plasmid (Ti plasmid or
pTi), of 200 kb, which contains the T-DNA and all
the genes necessary to transfer it to the plant
cell. - The DNA transmission capabilities
of Agrobacterium have been vastly explored
in biotechnology as a means of inserting foreign
genes into plants.
11Vector Construct Binary vector system
binary plasmid (Expression/shutle vector)
T-DNA binary system
helper plasmid (Disarmed vector)
Engineered A. tumefaciens strains (EHA105/LB4404
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13Plant regeneration plant tissue culture
- Plant tissue culture is a collection of
techniques used to maintain or grow plant cells,
tissues or organs under sterile conditions on a
nutrient culture medium of known composition. - Based on the development of the Plant Cell
14GMO verification
Physiologically and Biochemically
- Southern blotting
- Real-time PCR
- Western blotting
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16Some part of my work
- Aphids are small sap sucking insects, and
members of the superfamily Aphidoidea. They are
tiny and fragile but make it to survive under
treacherous nature due to the feature of asexual
reproduction. - The soybean aphid (Aphis glycines) is native to
Asia.It is described as a common pest of soybeans
in China. - Heavy infestations of soybean aphids may cause
problem such as plant stunting, premature
defoliation, lower seed weight etc.. Yield losses
as high as 50 to 70 have been documented as a
result of prolonged exposure to high densities of
soybean aphids
- Trichomes can be superficially regarded as
Plants hair and fall into two categories which
are Glandular trichome and Non-glandular
trichome. - Glandular trichomes affect the plant in a number
of ways. It contains or secretes a mixture of
chemicals that can be used as pesticide,
pharmaceutical and flavour/fragrance industries.
Besides glandular trichomes on some crop species
confer resistance against insect pests. - One of the exudates from glandular trichomes is
20Partial results in this paper
Fig 1.
Fig1. (c,d,e) GUS expression in leaves of
transgenic tobacco plants with NtLTP1proGUS (g)
Leaf surface and (h) Root of transgenictobacco
plants expressing NtLTP1 with 35SproGUS
21To examine the biological function of NtLTP1 in
glandular trichome secretions, transgenic tobacco
overxpressing NtLTP1 and NtLTP1 RNAi were
Fig 3.
- Fig3. Liquid droplets secreted from trichomes in
transgenic and wild-type tobacco plants. - Microscopic view of trichome exudates in
NtLTP1-overexpressing plants. - Trichome exudates from NtLTP1-RNAi plants
- Trichome exudates from wild-type plants
- Volumes of trichome exudates in
NtLTP-overpressing or RNAi transgenic lines.
22Aphid choice tests
Fig 4.
- Transgenic tobacco plants overexpressing NtLTP1
demonstrate enhanced aphid resistance. - The NtLTP1 gene may play an important role in
active lipid secretion from long glandular
trichomes in tobacco. - Genetic manipulation of NtLTP1 may result in
genetic engineering techniques that could
stimulate the production of useful products from
glandular trichomes in economically important
23The features of NtLTP1
Fig 5.
Fig 6.
- Purified recombinant NtLTP1 binds the TNS
lipophilic probe. Black squares indicate
recombinant NtLTP1 proteins, white squares
indicate the protein buffer control. Results
suggest that NtLTP1 is able to bind lipids.
- Levels of NtLTP1 transcripts were approximately
3.1-fold higher in trichomes than in leaves
without trichomes. Its glandular trichome
24A shortcut
All I want to do is trying to endow soybean with
characteristic of aphid-resistance. Here, since
NtLTP1 in this article has been confirmed to be
lipid-transferred and resistant to aphid, a quite
straightforward way is inserting the
NtLTP1-overexpression construct directly into
soybean. Its probably the safest way to
achieve the goal. But by doing this, an article
of fine IF is not likely to be obtained. After
all I borrowed the fruitful achievement from
others. Also I need to take the time-consuming
soybean transformation into account.
- There is LTP gene in Nicotiana tabacum, then,
is there LTP gene in Glycine Max? I searched for
it in NCBI database, finally I found there is a
total of 7 candidate genes of which function
havent been proved yet. They are predicted as
GmLTP-like, but fall into the group of
Non-specific lipid-transfer protein 3-like. I
named them as No.1-No.7 and compared the amino
acid sequence with each other. It turns out the
identity is pretty high.
26Protein sequence comparison
27In order to find out which is the most identical
to NtLTP1, the next processes were carried on
- Analysis for conserved domains and functional
motifs by using Inter ProScan (
http//www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/pfa/iprscan/ ). - Physicochemical properties analysis by using
DNAMAN software. - Advanced protein structure prediction by using
Expasy ( http//swissmodel.expasy.org/ ). - Gene expression analysis in SoyBase database
(http//soybase.org/soyseq/ ).
28Fig 9. Conserved domains and Functional motifs
analysis indicates No.4,6,7 are the most
identical to NtLTP1
29No.6 was selected and performed related protein
properties analysis
No.6 GmLTP-like
Fig 10. Protein properties analysis. ( Amino acid
composition, Protein secondary structure and
Protein hydrophobic hydrophilic
30Advanced protein structure comparison (No.6
NtLTP 1)
Fig 11. Protein tertiary structure comparison
between No.6 and NtLTP1 from different
perspectives. (Expasy Prediction)
31Fig 12. Searching expression status of No.6 from
SoyBase (http//soybase.org/soyseq/). The result
illustrates in seeds of soybean, from 10th day
onwards, expression of the interest gene grows
dramatically and reaches the highest level when
the time has come to 35 days, which is consistent
with the predicted function of Lipid Transfer
32- By predicting related information of GmLTP-like
6, seemingly I found the gene in soybean which
is the most similar to NtLTP1 in terms of amino
acid sequence and function. Also according to the
result of gene expression status from SoyBase ,
the possibility of pseudogene is ruled out.
However, further validation of gene function is
necessary. For now general strategies designing
to achieve this purpose are as followings
- Trichomes being as the first defense system
facilitate plants against from pests either by
means of morphological obstacles or related
metabolites. But the particular mechanism of pest
resistance hasnt yet been discovered. According
to the result of field experiment conducted by
Hong (Hong et al., 2010), the trichome type
doesnt affect soybean aphid (Aphis glycines)
reproduction a lot. It may imply the morphology
of trichome is not the major concern for
aphid-resistance. -
- Correlation studies indicate that triterpene
possesses insecticidal activity towards aphids
(Ellen et al., 2011). Wax on plant surface can
also provide defense against pests and herbivores
by reducing their ability to attach to plants
(Eigenbrode, 2004). Both of these two substances
(triterpene, wax) belong to lipid family.
Moreover Joe identified two genes that regulate
metabolism of lipid synthesis in Arabidopsis
thaliana, and conferred resistance to aphid (Joe
et al., 2010). - In conclusion its reasonable to believe that
lipid and related metabolites are greatly
involved during aphid-resistance process.
34Some results
- The GmLtp-like cloned from soybean
- PCR verification about 35SGmltp-like construct
- Enzyme digestion of 35SGmltp-like construct
- Germ-free tobacco seedling
- Differentiation from infected tobacco leaf
- Regeneration bud of infected tobacco