False and True - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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False and True


False and True in the Conflict in the Holy Land How to Transform an Unsolvable Conflict into a Lasting and Just Peace? The Palestinians Are an Arab People! – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: False and True

  • False and True

in the Conflict in the Holy Land How to
Transform an Unsolvable Conflict into a Lasting
and Just Peace?
The Palestinians Are an Arab People!
  • This declaration is taken for granted
  • But is it true?
  • Let us divide the question in two.
  • The first question
  • Are the Palestinians a separate people?
  • OR
  • How and when did a Palestinian people emerge?
  • What is true and what is false in this context

Arab Propaganda before 1967
  • Until 1967 the Arabs spoke openly of The Final
  • Arab declarations on the radio were direct and
  • Throw the Jews into the sea
  • The men into the sea, the women for us
  • The world remained silent, but this approach
    failed to gain support in the West.

  • The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)
  • The PLO was founded in 1964 in Cairo by Egyptian
    President Gamal Abdul Nasser before the 1967
    Israeli occupation
  • The organization was not labeled a Palestinian
  • The objective was not to work for the benefit of
    a Palestinian people.
  • The objective was pan-Arab - as the name
    indicates to liberate the land upon which Israel
    had been established.
  • No one thought to elect authentic leaders for the
    PLO from among the inhabitants of this land, or
    from greater Palestine.
  • Arab activists with partial ties to Palestine,
    trouble-makers, were elected as chairmen, to
    making troubles to the Jews.
  • This approach was in line with the Pre 1967 Arab

  • Who Are the Fathers of the Palestinian People?
  • The PLOs heads the alleged Founding Fathers
    of the people, were appointed from the outside
  • Akhmad Shukairy born in Lebanon to an expelled
    Palestinian father and a Turkish mother. Lived in
    Palestine until 1948, than fled to Lebanon,
    served as an Ambassador to the UN for Syria, for
    Saudia, and for the Arab League. Lost his
    position as the PLO chairman due to his extreme
    speeches that dragged the Arabs into the 1967
  • Yasser Arafat born in 1927 in Cairo to a
    Moroccan father and a Palestinian mother. Was
    expelled from Egypt to Kuwait due to his
    involvement in the Moslem Brotherhood. Replaced
    Shukairy as head of the PLO. Moved to Jordan,
    expelled to Lebanon and to Tunis.

The Turnabout in the Arab Propaganda
  • After the 1967 War tiny Israel won admiration and
    defendable borders.
  • up until 1967, the Arabs only excuse for
    attacking Israel were the 1948 refugees.
  • the Arabs realized that Israel would be defeated
    only through use of cunning.
  • Due to the new circumstances where Israels
    controlled most of the Palestinians,
  • The Arabs invented the Palestinian People to
    maneuver the delicate Western sensibilities.
  • The significance The Arab new message, about the
    right of the wretched Palestinian People to
    their own state, serves as a counterweight to the
    rights of the now strong Jews.

Role Reversal to Forge a New Reality
  • From the word factories of Arab propaganda
  • The Israeli David facing the Arab Goliath
  • was exchanged by the sophisticated lie of
  • The Israeli Goliath oppressing
  • the Palestinian David

..and the world swallowed this fabrication!!

But what did the PLO founder say?
  • Akhmad Shukairy, the first chairman of the PLO,
    declared in 1956, to the United Nations General
    Assembly, while serving as the Arab Leagues
    delegate to the UN
  • "There is no such thing as Palestine, this land
    is nothing but the southern part of Greater
  • The very same Akhmad Shukairy none other, in
    1964 became the first secretary general of the
    Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).

  • And Appointed Heir Yasser Arafat

Even the late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat
said in 1970, simply and sincerely, (even after
the change of tactics) The question of borders
doesn't interest us From the Arab standpoint, we
mustn't talk about borders. Palestine is nothing
but a drop in an enormous ocean. Our nation is
the Arabic nation that stretches from the
Atlantic Ocean to the Red Sea and beyond it
President Hafez Assad King Hussein
  • Even later in 1974, the late Syrian
    President Hafez al-Assad declared It would be
    good and proper that we remind Israeli
    authorities that we view Palestine not only as an
    indivisible part of the Arab nation, but part of
    southern Syria.
  • In 1987, Assad repeated, at a conference in
    Amman A country named Palestine never
  • The late King Hussein of Jordan replied
  • The emergence of a Palestinian national
    entity was a response to Israels claim that
    Palestine is Jewish.
  • In September 1993, Assad in an interview to
    an Egyptian newspaper When I speak of
    Palestine, I view it as part of Syria.

The crown jewel in 1977, the head of A-Saika
PLO member, said to Trouw Dutch newspaper
  • Zohair Mukhsain
  • The Palestinian people does not exist.
  • The creation of a Palestinian state is only a
    means for continuing our struggle against the
    State of Israel, for our Arab unity
  • Only for political and tactical reasons do we
    speak today about the existence of a Palestinian
    people, since Arab national interests demand that
    we posit the existence of a distinct Palestinian
    people to oppose Zionism.
  • For tactical reason Jordan, which is a sovereign
    sate with defined borders cannot raise claims to
    Haifa and Jaffa, while as a Palestinian I can
    demand Haifa, Jaffa, Beer-Sheva and Jerusalem.
  • However, the moment we reclaim our rights to all
    of Palestine, we will not wait even a minute to
    unite Palestine and Jordan

  • To summarize the answer to the first question
    (founded solely on the words of Arab leaders!)
  • Yasser Arafat when still in Jordan, reveals the
    truth to Italian journalist Arianna Palachi
  • The PLO fights Israel in the name of pan-Arabism.
  • What you call Trans-Jordan is nothing but

In light of the above, it is not surprising that
Arafat rejected every compromise that stopped
short of the elimination of Israel! In other
words the terror struggle is not on behalf of
the Palestinians, rather it is carried out at
their expense!!!
So then - Who are the Palestinians?
  • There is a population called Palestinians in the
    Holy Land, whose part lacks any citizenship.
  • This population has suffered and has been
    deprived for many years.
  • This population has lately become the victim of
    the struggles of radical Islam.
  • One cannot ignore these facts, and a just
    solution to this situation must be found.
  • To find a solution, the key question
  • is the second question
  • Are the Palestinians, indeed, Arabs?

Conclusions of primary Leaders of Zionism
  • Belkind The Arabs of Eretz-Israel are blood
    brothers of the Jews
  • Borochov The Arab peasantry (Fellahin) of
    Eretz-Israel are offspring of the remnants of
    Hebrew farmers in antiquity.
  • Ben-Gurion The majority of the peasantry and
    their offspring in Eretz-Israelundoubtedly have
    a lot of Jewish blood in their veins, from
    those simple Jewish farming folk who chose due to
    hard times chose to deny their religion to
    prevent being uprooted from their soil.
  • Ben-Zvi Anthropological studies on the Jewish
    origin of the Palestinians

Genetic StudiesIndependent, on proximity
of Jews Palestinians
  • Relatively old study on blood groups, enzymes
  • 1990s sickle-cell anemia study
  • Studies on the Y chromosome published in 2000
    (82 of the Palestinians are very close to the
  • Immune system research published on 2000
  • Study on DNA from Embryo Mitochondria
  • Hereditary deafness research (exclusive to the 2


Customs, Names and Testimony (Already discovered
among 50 of the Palestinians)
  • Sabbath and Hanukah candles,Tashlich, Yom Kippur,
    burial, mourning, circumcising, butchering,
    divorcing, 7 agricaltural species,Thfilin,
    hafrasht Khala, Bedouin Judgement, signs of
    mezuzahs, synagogues, menorah, books and Magen
  • Jewish family names
  • Village names that have not been changed
    evidence of continuity of population
  • The word kufur in names of Arab villages is
    not Arabic
  • The name Yahud el-Arab given to the Palestinians
  • Testimony of Bedouin, Palestinian villagers and
    in towns in the West Bank, the Galilee, Wadi Ara,
    Gaza, Hebron, Nablus, Lod and more
  • Palestinian leaders claims that they and the
    Jews are one people (King Feisal, Anton
    Atallah), sons of the prophet Samuel (Arafat),
    descendents of the Early Christians (Ashrawi),
    non-Arabs (historians, Arafat)

Historio-Geographic Research
Differentiations between two parts of the Holy
Land mountainous regions lowlands The Holy
Land as a land bridge major
crossroad Exposed to frequent penetration from
beyond the borders Most penetration concentrated
in the coastal region Population exchange in the
coastal region
The Geographic-Demographic Dimension
  • Differentiation between two types of movement of
  • The movement of colonizing peoples vs.
    imperialistic peoples
  • Settlement movements popular settlement
  • Imperialist movements regime change, not
    population changes

The Israelite Settlement in the mountain
Country (1200 BCE)
Only the Canaanites, the Philistines and the
Israelites were colonizing peoples. Only the
Israelites settled in the mountainous
regions. Canaanites and Philistines settled only
in the lowlands. All other peoples Assyrians,
Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs,
Crusaders, Turks and British were movements of
imperialistic peoples.
Settlement in Eretz-Israel on the Eve of Zionist
Settlement (1860 CE)
In the Muslim Period (from the 7th to the 19th
Century) primarily the lowlands were depopulated.
The population that survived was primarily in the
mountain regions. As a result The first
Zionists encountered a country that was largely a
wasteland in the lowlands compared to populated
areas in the mountainous regions. The
conclusion Most of the longtime population
(75) is in the mountainous regions and is of
Israelite descent.
Settlement in the Holy Land in Modern Times
Movement of people in the 19th 20th centuries
was primarily in the lowlands. Parallel to
Zionist settlement, there was influx of
foreigners from Arab countries. The violent
confrontation between the sides was primarily in
the lowlands. The inhabitants of the mountain
regions were for the most part outside the
arena. Result Most foreigners fled from the
lowlands created the refugee problem. The
Palestinian population that remained in the Holy
Land was for the most part Descendents of the
People of Israel (65-85) mainly dwellers of the
mountainous regions.
The Roots - A Demographic Survey of the History
of the Holy Land
  • The People of Israel 2000 years ago (in
  • 5.5 (M) Jews in Eretz-Israel.
  • Samaritans Israelites in Samaria 0.9
  • Others 0.2 small nations (Phoenicians,
    Philistines, Canaanites) and Romans
  • The People of Israel in the Holy land a 97
  • The damages of the Revolts against the Romans
    (135 CE)
  • 1 (M) Jews remained, 0.3 Samaritans
  • The People of Israel were Only 46 of the
  • Change of the name of the country from Judea to

The Arab Conquest (640 CE)
  • Came after depopulation following the wars
    between the Parthians and the Byzantines
  • There was no Arab settlement in the Holy Land
  • People of Israel 34 lowest in history
  • During the first 400 years of Arab rule, only a
    small percentage accepted Islam.
  • The Key Point - the al-Hakem Edict (1012)
  • Prohibition of non-Muslims to remain in the Holy
  • Most Christians leave
  • Most of the People of Israel become Mustaarbim
  • People of Israel (670,000) again becomes the vast
    majority (73)

  • 1914 - West of the Jordan Only
  • People of Israel among non-Jews 74
  • Local Descendants of Israel reside in the Hill
    Country, far distant from most Jews
  • Descendants of Israel that moved from the east
    feel threatened they will have to move again due
    to the influx of the Jews
  • They engage in terrorism against Jews
  • Up to 1948 Prior to the Flight
  • Influx of many Jews
  • Influx of Arab and Druze immigrants
  • People of Israel among non-Jews drops to 62
  • 1949 After the Flight
  • Most of the flight (75) not initiated by
  • Most of those fleeing Desc. of Israel from the
  • Arab refugees remained in West Bank Gaza
    awaiting next war
  • People of Israel among the non-Jews 55

  • Flight of many Arabs from the West Bank.
  • People of Israel rises to 71
  • By the close of 2008
  • Emigration of most Arabs gave up hope of
    defeating Israel (after 1967 1973 wars)
  • The number of Palestinians inflated by 2 millions
  • Genuine number of Palestinians, including Israeli
    Arabs 3.2 million (5.6 million Jews)
  • Desc. of Israel 2,750,000, Arabs - 90,000
  • Desc. of Israel among the Palestinians 89.5
  • Most of the Palestinian refugees are foreign to
    land west of the Jordan

The Finding is Supported from 7 directions
  • Genetic, based on various studies (82)
  • Religious behavior, based on Palestinians customs
    related to religious practice (Ben-Zvi and
  • Linguistic and nomenclature, Arabic dialect,
    names of villages and families (Condor, Ben-Zvi)
  • Palestinian traditions, according to testimony,
    claims and narratives of many Palestinians as to
    their origins (Ben-Zvi and many others)
  • Historio-Geographical (Elon Yarden 65-85)
  • Historio-Demographic (Tsvi Misinai 89.5)
  • National-Territorial, the uniqueness of the

  • The Conclusion The Biggest Hoax in History
  • The existence of an Arab Palestinian people
    is the biggest hoax in history, a lie of
    unparalleled magnitude and damage in the history
    of mankind.
  • It is such a Big Lie that most of the world
    doesnt even question its validity.
  • Hitler, Goebbels and Stalin The bigger a
    lie is, the greater the number of people who will
    believe it.
  • Radical Islam uses, without mercy, Jews
    forced to convert to Islam as cannon fodder in a
    war of extinction against the Remnant of the
    Jewish people, and to generate anti-Semitism in
    the world, by undermining belief in the justice
    and legitimacy of Zionism.

  • Another Conclusion

Do those who forcibly converted and murdered,
have the right to be heir to their victims
inheritance? A solution that views the
Palestinians as an Arab nation is a great
injustice towards both Jews Palestinians. A
Just Solution to the Problem of the Land of
Israel One State for One People One Reunited
People in One Homeland!
David Ben-Gurion
  • The common origins of Jews and Palestinians
    carries the keys to a future solution to the
    problem of the Holy Land!
  • To live in Israel without believing in miracles
    is impractical!
  • __________________________________________________
  • In reality Among the 50 with witness on Jewish
    or Israelite origin there is a desire to rejoin!!
  • __________________________________________________
  • This presentation was prepared based on the
    books The Palestine Bluff Zion in justice will
    be redeemed by Elon Yarden and on my The
    Engagement booklet Brother Shall not Lift Sword
    Against Brother book, as well as, in matters
    concerning the first question only on a script
    prepared by the late Tsafrir Ronen and a
    presentation prepared in his memory. Additional
    details can be found in
  • www.the-engagement.org
    Tsvi misinai

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