Title: Peripheral Blood Smear Morphology
1Peripheral Blood Smear Morphology
- William F. Kern, MD
- Director, Laboratory Hematology
2 None of the photographs, graphs or diagrams may
be downloaded from this presentation and used for
any purpose other than studying for the BHL
3Evaluation of Peripheral Blood Smears
- Low power examination
- Medium power examination
- High power examination
- RBCs
- WBCs
- Platelets
Systematic approach critical
4Low Power Examination (10x)
- Assess quality of smear
- Estimate the hemoglobin
- Look for gross RBC abnormalities
- Rouleaux
- Aggutination
- Estimate the WBC count
- Look for WBCs in feathered edge
- Find best area for higher power exam
5Medium Power Examination20x or 40x
- Assess WBC types
- Look for abnormal WBCs
- Large cells with high n-c ratios
- Scan feathered edge and sides of smear
- Rough estimate of platelet count
- Look for platelet clumps
Blasts and other immature cells may float to
feathered edge or sides of smear
6High Power Examination50x or 100x oil
- RBCs
- Size Compare to nucleus of small lymph
- Shape Any abnormal shapes?
- Inclusions?
- WBCs
- Predominant cell type
- Differential
- Immature or abnormal cells
7High Power Examination50x or 100x oil
- Platelets
- Number
- Size
- Clumping or satellitism
8Evaluation of Peripheral Blood Smears
- Determine the major abnormality or abnormalities
- Evaluate the context
9Evaluation of Peripheral Blood SmearsDetermine
the Major Abnormality
- Anemia
- Abnormal RBCs
- Abnormal WBC number
- Immature or abnormal WBCs
- Decreased or increased platelet count
- Abnormalities in multiple cell lines
10Evaluate the Context
Example Possible blasts on blood smear
- What is the WBC count?
- Are there multiple abnormal cells, or just one?
- Are there any other abnormalities
- Immature granulocytes
- Nucleated RBCs
11Evaluate the Context
Example Possible blasts on blood smear
- Is there anemia?
- Is there thrombocytopenia?
12Evaluate the Context
Example Lymphocytosis
- Absolute or relative lymphocytosis
- Child or adult
- What do the lymphs look like
- Reactive?
- Monomorphic or variable?
- What are the neutrophil platelet counts?
13Normal Blood Cells
15Segmented Neutrophil(PMN Seg or Poly)
- Nucleus with distinct lobes separated by thin
strands of chromatin - Finely granular cytoplasm
- Weakly staining granules
16Band Neutrophil (Band)
- Horseshoe-shaped, non-segmented nucleus
- Less mature than segmented neutrophil
- Fully functional
17Eosinophils (Eos)
- Segmented nucleus- usually bilobed
- Large, uniform, reddish cytoplasmic granules
18Basophil (Basos)
- Large, purple granules
- Segmented nucleus
19Lymphocytes (Lymphs)
- Small, round, condensed nucleus
- Scanty pale blue cytoplasm
- Nucleus same size as erythrocyte
20Large Granular Lymphocyte
- More cytoplasm
- Large azurophilic (reddish) granules
- 10-15 of blood lymphs
- Associated with natural killer function
21Reactive (Atypical) Lymphocytes
22Monocytes (Monos)
- Folded nucleus
- Abundant, light grey cytoplasm
- Cytoplasmic vacuoles common
- Few, small cytoplasmic granules
23Platelets (Thrombocytes)
24Erythrocyte Abnormalities
25Rouleaux Increased Immunoglobulins
26Cold Agglutination IgM Antibodies to RBC Antigen
27Microcytic, Hypochromic Anemia Iron Deficiency
28Target Cells Thalassemia, Liver Disease
29Sickled Cells Sickle Cell Anemia
30Schistocytes (Fragments) Microangiopathic
31Spherocytes (?), Nucleated RBC and
Polychromasia Immune Hemolysis
32Reticulocytes (new methylene blue stain)
33Echinocytes (Burr Cells) Uremia
34Teardrop Cells Space-Occupying Lesion in Marrow
35Leukocyte (WBC) Abnormalities
36Hypersegmented Neutrophil Megaloblastic Anemia
37Blood smear (100x)
Blasts Acute Leukemia
38Auer Rod
Bone Marrow Aspirate
Acute Myeloid Leukemia (with Auer Rod)
39Bone Marrow Aspirate Smear
Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (APL)
40Blood smear (low)
See also next photograph
41Blood smear (100x)
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML)
43Blood smear (100x)
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)
44Hairy Cell Leukemia (HCL)
45Platelet Abnormalities
46Platelet Clumping (EDTA artifact)
47Platelet Satellitism (EDTA artifact)
49Infectious Diseases
51Yeast (Histoplasma capsulatum)
53Loa Loa (Microfilaria)