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RESTR CT VE CARD OMYOPATHY (RCMP): Definit on: The major abnormality is restriction of ventricular filling, thus an increase in filling presures. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Definition The major abnormality is restriction
    of ventricular filling, thus an increase in
    filling presures.
  • The usual abnormality impaired relaxation and
  • In contrast to Constrictive Pericarditis (CP) LV
    and RV diastolic filling pressures are
    discordant in RCMP, but concordant in CP.
  • Discordant, means the hemodynamic phenomenon of
    dissociation between LV and RV diastolic filling
    pressures during inspiration.
  • Concordant parallel changes in both LV and RV
    diastolic pressures during respiration.
  • Classification (Ety)
  • 1- Primary (a) Löfflers endocarditis, (b)
    Endomyocardial fibrosis.
  • 2- Secondary (a) Infiltrative diseases, (b)
    Storage disease. (c) Post- radiation disease.

  • RCMP
  • Primary characteristic is inflammation ( due to
    parasitic infection, autoimmun diseases,
    eosinophilic leukemia) and eosinophilia
    associated this chronic inflammatory processes.
  • Systemic form is classified by the spesific type
    of material (amiyloid, sarcoid,hemochromatosis,neo
    plasm) deposition ( ie. infiltration , storage
    or replacement).
  • Primary form The most important cause of RCM
    is Endomyocardial Fibrosis (EMF) which is seen in
    tropical regions. Another form is (called acute
    form) Hypereosinophilic heart disease (Löffler
  • Amiyloid deposition of myocardium may not be
    associated with systemic amiyloidosis. (West of
    the world).
  • Specific heart muscle disease This form, usually
    produces dilated CM with impaired both systolic
    and diastolic function .
  • Sarcoidosis, Hemosiderosis, Eosinophilic
    syndromes, Scleroderma, Adriamycin toxicity,
    infectious diseases including tuberculosis.
  • Restrictive patophysiology may be at pericardial
    (CP), endocardial (EMF), or myocardial (HCM)

Restrictive/Infiltrative cardiomyopathy The
gross image on top shows a heart with marked EMF
which prevents diastolic compliance of the LV.
Note the markedly thick (white) endocardium.The
lower part of the panel is a heart with patchy/
white areas involving the IVS from the base to
the apex and contiuning into the free wall of the
LV owing to infiltration by incaseating
granulomata in a case of sarcoidosis.
RCMP Patophysiology. Increased ventricular
diastolic pressure, decrased filling, and
clinical end-points.
RCMP Clinical Presentation
  • Intermittant fever, dyspnea, cough, palpitation,
    edema, tiredness.
  • Eosinophlia with abnormal eoosinophil
    degranulation seen in temperate climates (Löffler
  • Eosinophilia is less severe in tropical EMF.
  • S3 or S4 gallop may be visible an audible in the
    absence of HF.
  • Symptoms and signs of HF and of moderate- to-
    severe MR and TR owing to involvment of the
    papillary muscles serve differentiate RCM from
    CP, as does the greater degreee of cardiac
    enlargement on chest X-ray in the former
  • Chest radiogram Calsiffication may be seen on RV
    or LV apical myocardium in EMF.
  • Echocardiogram (a) Shows obliteration of apices
    of the ventricles by echogenic masses, likened
    boxing glove.
  • (b) Numerous echogenic areas are usually observed
    througout the ventricular myocardium. (c) Also,
    myocardial calcification may be detected, (d) an
    in later stages MR and TR.
  • ECG Non-specific. ST-T wave changes and LVH may
    be present.

RCM Treatment.
  • There is no standart and effective therapy (No
    medical therapy guideliness).
  • Steroids Beneficial in early inflammatory phase
    of hypereosinophilia. Hydroxyurea and Vincristin
    are also beneficial.
  • Anticoagulation is needed as thromboembolism is
  • Ventricular underfilling does not repond to
    digoxin, diüretics or vasodiators.
  • Digoxin may be used for rapid ventricular
    response in AF.
  • If dyspnea is prominent, ACEI should be tried.
  • Tachyarrythmia may respond to low doses of beta
  • Amiodarone may be needed during lethal
  • Resection of endocardial obliterating tissue and
    valve repair in EMF may cause symptomatic relief.

Preop (top) and postop (bottom) RV Angiograms
in patient with biventricular EMF
Characteristic, most pathognomic finding in
obliteration of the RV apex with a residual
bay- like formation. After decortication, the
RV becomes larger.
(No Transcript)
Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy- Arrythmogenic
right ventricular cardiomyopathy/displasy (RVC/D)
  • Uncommon. Occurs in young and children.
  • Male/Female2-3/1. Autosomal dominant.
  • Pathology Involve primarily RV. LV pathology is
  • Characteristic Segmentary, progressive,
    non-inflammatory myocyte loss, replaced by fat
    and fibrosis.
  • Myocytes are replaced with fibro-fatty tissue
    in RVC/D.
  • Diagnosis Cine Magnetic Resonance Imaging
    (cMRI). This can differantiate between normal and
    fatty myocardium. Morphologic changes can be
    detected. Regional and global ventricular
    dysfunctional abnormalities can be detected.
    Correlation between imaging and pathological
    tissue characteristics has been shown.

ARVD/C Major and Minor criteria
  • Familial disease documanted on autopsy or
  • ECG Epsilon wave or QRS duration gt110 ms in V1-3
  • Severe RV dilatation and systolic dysfunction.
    Mild LV pathology may or may not be present.
  • Localized RV aneurisms (diastolic ballooning,
    localized dyskinetic or akynetic regions). Severe
    RV segmentary dilatation.
  • Biopsy Myocardium replaced by fibro-fatty
  • Family history of sudden death (lt35 y). Family
    history of clinical diagnosis criteria.
  • Delayed potentials (signal averaged-ECG). T wave
    inversion in V2,3 in the absence of RBBB.
  • gt12 years ECG holter, exercise testing
    Tachycardia with LBBB patern. gt1000/24 hrs VES.
  • Mild RV dilatation/dysfunction LV function
    normal/near normal, mild RV segmentary
    dilatation. Regional hyperkinesis of RV.

Arrythmogenic Right Ventricular
Displasia/Cardiomyopathy Fatty tissue
infiltrates RV free wall. This is seen in AV
groove. Microscopic view of RV free wall is seen
at bottom.
ARVD/C ECG Epsilon wave is marked with arrow.
This is classic finding of ARVD. On right
precordial leads, epsilon wave and T wave
inversion is present. There is conduction delay
on right precordial derivations.
Dilated Cardiomyopathy (DCM)
  • Definition Chronic heart muscle disease
    characterized by cavity enlargement (getting
    spheric shape) and impaired globalsystolic
    function of the LV or both ventricles.
  • 3 Specific property (1) decreased systolic
    function. (2) Global dilatation and/or
    hypokinesis LV or RV. (3) If there is no CAD,
    congenital, valvular, hypertensive, specific
    heart muscle disease, and chronic alchohol
    consumption in absence of these secondary causes
    DCM must be considered in patients who have
    criterias (12).
  • Alcholol does not cause dilated cardiomyopathy.
    But augments dilated cardiomyopathy. Past viral
    infection is the estimated diagnosis in 50 of
  • It was thought that some of the disease were of
    familial origin. Now the genetic origin is known.
  • Patients are between 20-50 years old. But DCM may
    also be seen in children.
  • HF begins as NYHA clas III or IV in 75 of

DCMP Essential Process is Chronic volume
overload, due to Primary- MR / idiopathic LV
dysfunction, secondary- MR ( commonly ischemic
origin). Last phase LV cavity topography
degenerated to spheric- shape with manifest HF.
DCM (PostMI Remodelling) Infarct expansion,
nonInfarct regions hypertrophy, global LV
dilatation, HF.
(No Transcript)
DCM Clinical Presentation
  • Dyspnea Progressive exertional dyspnea.
  • Signs of both LHF and RHF are common .
  • Apical beat Is replaced left, lateral and
    inferiorly because of LV dilatation. Left
    sternal impuls are palpable because of RV
  • JVP Is raised, and may show systolic wave of TR.
    (large V wave).
  • MR/TR Both MR and TR murmurs of I III/IV
    degree may be heard because by the dilatation of
    both LV, RV,and the AV anulus of the AV valves
    both are dilate.
  • S3 and S4 And sinus tachycardia are nearly
    always present. Summation gallop is a frequent
    finding. S3 is heard in nearly all patients and
    may also be present in the absence of heart
    failure. This finding differantiates DCM from
    ischemic CM. Mild S3 is heard in the prescence of
    HF. In the absence of HF, and if LV aneurysm
    occured, no S3 can be heard.
  • BP Is frequently low and is a sign of poor
  • Diastolic murmur Is frequently abscent. This
    finding rules out HF of specific origin (as AR) .

DCM Lab. Tests (I)
  • ECG
  • Sinus tachycardia, AF in 25.
  • T wave inversion or flattening. Mild LVH may be
    masked because of low voltage.
  • Pseudoinfarct pattern Q wave, or poor R wave
    progression in V2-4.
  • Conduction disturbances in 75 of patients.
  • Intraventricular conduction delay LAH, and in a
    small group, LBBB or RBBB, infrequently.
  • Chest Radiogram (Tele)
  • Cardiomegaly, frequently all chambers are
  • Pulmonary vascular evidence of left atrial
    enlargement. Pulmonary venous congestion,
    interstitial edema, and pleural effusion.
  • Echocardiography
  • Severe dilatation in both ventricules. EF is
    generally between 10-30.
  • Atrial enlargement and ventricular thrombus is
    frequently seen.
  • Mild pericardial effusion is frequent.

DCMP Chest radiogram (Tele).
DCMP Lab. Tests (II)
  • To rule out myocardial disease.
  • Especially in myocarditis in which
    immunsuppressive therapy is planned.
  • To diagnose viral particles.
  • Pathologic properties Myocyte degeneration and
    necrosis. Interstitial fibrosis. Myocyte
  • In some patients, histologic findings are
  • Interstitial fibrosis points out past viral
  • Pathologic myocarditis diagnosis is made
    according to Dallas Criteria
  • Active myocarditis Myocytolysis and necrosis
    near the regions of infiltration.
  • Borderline myocarditis Increased infiltrates,
    without myocyte degeneration and necrosis.
  • HOLTER Monitorisation Helps diagnose lethal

DCM Prognosis.
  • Previous viral infections is suspected up to
    50 of patients.
  • Cardiomegali and reduced EF is present in 20 of
    patients with DCM.
  • In 26 of DCM patients autoimmune antibodies were
    detected. But lt3 of these were known heart
  • PROGNOSIS 1 year mortality was 25.
  • ACEI decrease 50 mortality, when was given
    early phase of HF.
  • Poor Prognostic Parameters
  • LV systolic function is the most important
    prognostic factor.
  • 1- Low EF, or high NYHA class III Is the
    worse prognostic factor.
  • 2- Echocardiography Global hypokinesis, EF
    lt20, spheric LV geometry, reduced LV mass
    volume, and RV dilatation.
  • 3- Clinical parameters Aging, history of
    syncope, S3 gallop, RV- Failure, AF, 1 or 2
    degree AV block, VT, LBBB.

DCM Treatment.
  • BASIC PRINCIPLE Preventing recurrence of HF,and
    systemic embolization, arrythmia, sudden death,
    and other life threating complications.
  • 1. Treatment of chronic DHF
  • (a) Bed rest, salt restriction, diet, restriction
    of alcholol consumption.
  • b) NYHA -III, -IV and Killip 2 patients must be
    hospitalized, and take standart therapy IV
    diuretic, vasodilators, inotropic agents, oxygen
  • c) Precipitating factors DHF must be evaluated,
    and treated. (Infection, anemia, arrythmia,
    tolerance to diet and drug therapy).
  • 2. Treatment of acute DHF Increase diuresis,
    decrease volume overload, relief symptoms.
  • 3. Complementary treatment( Secondary
    Prevention) (1) RAAS blockers (ACEI/ARB/AA,
    BBl). , (2) Statins, ASA (3) Anticoagulation, (4)
    Anti-arrythmic drugs, device (Amiodarone, ICD).
  • 4. Cardiac Transplantation Young, refractory HF,
    NYHA IV. Maximal oxygen consumption at
    cardio-pulmoner exercise testing lt 12 mL/kg/min,
    LVEFlt12, low quality of life. Contraindications
    Presence of non cardiac other comorbid diseases
    (Pulmonary, Hepatic, Renal, Psyciatric, and
  • 5. CRT. Indication NYHA class 3- 4,NSR, QRS gt120
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