Spinal Cord Injury SCI - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Spinal Cord Injury SCI


Constipation Simple kinks in the tubing or plugs in the urinary catheter can trigger autonomic dysreflexia * Crede s Method Cred 's method is a manual ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Spinal Cord Injury SCI

Spinal Cord Injury SCI
Concept Map Selected Topics in Neurological
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY Traumatic Brain Injury Spinal
Cord Injury Specific Disease Entities
Amyotropic Lateral Sclerosis Multiple
Sclerosis Huntingtons Disease
Alzheimers Disease Huntingtons Disease
Myasthenia Gravis Guillian-Barre Syndrome
Meningitis Parkinsons Disease
PHARMACOLOGY --Decrease ICP --Disease /
Condition Specific Meds
ASSESSMENT Physical Assessment Inspection
Palpation Percussion
Auscultation ICP Monitoring Neuro Checks Lab
Care Planning Plan for client adls, Monitoring,
med admin., Patient education, Discharge
Planning, morebased On Nursing Process A_D_P_I_E
Nursing Interventions Evaluation Execute the
care plan, evaluate for Efficacy, revise as
  • Explain pathophysiology of various SCIs and
    related conditions
  • Detail signs symptoms and functionality of
    different level SCIs
  • Differentiate between Neurogenic Shock and Spinal
  • Explain Autonomic Dysreflexia / Hyperreflexia and
    list appropriate nursing interventions
  • Discuss overall medical nursing management of

SCI Goals of Care
  • There's no way to reverse damage
  • Treatment focuses on
  • 1. Preventing further injury
  • 2. Enabling people to return to an active and
    productive life within the limits of their

  • Spinal Immobilization / Traction
  • High doses of corticosteroid drug
    Methylprednisolone (Medrol) STAT !
  • must be within eight hours of injury
  • A few days after injury medical reassessment and
    repeat of diagnostic tests will help determine
    the severity of the injury and likely extent of
  • Surgery as indicated

Tong Care to Prevent Infection
Stryker Frame Traction Bed
Log Rolling Technique
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SCI Meds
  • Glucocorticoids (Decadron suppress immune
  • Vasopressors (treat hypotension)
  • Plasma extenders (treat shock)
  • Atropine (treat bradycardia)
  • Muscle relaxants
  • Anti-Spasmodics (Dantrium)
  • Analgesics
  • Antidepressants
  • Zantac, Ranitidine (prevent gastric ulcers)
  • Stool Softeners
  • Vasodilaters (Hydralazine, nitroglycerin to
    treat HTN such as AD)
  • Anti-Seizure (gabapentin, phenytoin)

Neurogenic Shock
  • Occurs in acute stage of SCI (first hour per ATI)
  • Usually in injuries ABOVE T6
  • D/T interruption of the CNS
  • causing disruption of sympathetic outflow
    from T1 to L2
  • with unopposed vagal tone

Neurogenic Shock S Ss
  • Warm and DRY skin does not perspire on the
    paralyzed parts of body d/t blocked sympathetic
  • Hypotension Bradycardia Hypothermia
  • (d/t vascular dilation therefore blood
    pooling )

Spinal Shock
  • D/t concussive effect of the primary SCI on the
    nervous system
  • Can last days or months
  • Interferes with definitive diagnosis of permanent
  • Effect causes temporary (transient) depression of
    all reflexes
  • - paralysis (flaccid)
  • - loss of sensation
  • - loss of autonomic function
  • - loss of B B control (Sometimes priapism)
  • Spasticity or hyperreflexia signals end of this

Autonomic Dysreflexia ( Hyperreflexia )
  • SCI acute syndrome of excessive uncontrolled
    sympathetic output
  • Occurs ONLY after spinal shock has resolved
  • SCI above T6
  • Life-threatening HTN emergency

A. D. (Hyperreflexia)
  • Below T6 intact sensory nerves transmit noxious
    impulses up the spinal cord
  • . BUT
  • Sympathetic inhibitory impulses above T6
  • are blocked

  • Sympathetic outflow continues
  • causing release of norepinephhrine and dopamine

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  • Severe Vasoconstriction
  • H/A Sudden HTN

Result above the SCI
  • Sweating Flushing

Other Distinctive S S
  • Bradycardia
  • Blotching of the Skin
  • Restlessness
  • Goose bumps
  • Stuffy nose (nasal congestion)

A.D. / Hyperreflexia
  • Clients with spinal cord injuries at Thoracic 6
  • (T6 -T10) may be susceptible
  • Patients with Thoracic 10 (T-10) and below are
    usually not susceptible
  • The older the injury the less likely the person
    will experience autonomic dysreflexia

Common Causes
  • The most common cause of noxious stimuli is
    distension of the hollow viscera (80), such as
    the urinary bladder or bowel
  • 1. Urinary Retention
  • 2. Constipation
  • Simple kinks in the tubing or plugs in the
    urinary catheter can trigger autonomic dysreflexia

Credes Method
  • Credé's method is a manual suprapubic pressure
    exerted with a clenched fist or fingers, used to
    initiate micturition, in patients with spinal
    cord injury (SCI) who have neurovesical
  • However, it is currently NOT recommended practice
    because of the risk of bladder rupture.
  • Sources
  • Hockenberry, M.J. (2003). Wongs Nursing Care of
    Infants and Children. (7th ed.). St. Louis
    Mosby, pp. 1326-1328.
  • Reinberg Y., Fleming T., Gozalez, R. (1994).
    Renal Rupture After the Crede Maneuver. Journal

  • Assist to sitting position to lower the BP
    through lower-extremity vascular pooling
  • Loosen restrictive garments (shirts, belts,
    slacks, straps and even shoes)
  • Monitor Vitals
  • Look for Cause Eliminate!

  • Ensure catheter patency (make sure catheter not
    kinked or pulled too tight, and is actually
    draining urine)
  • Catheterize to decompress bladder
  • Assess for signs of urinary tract infection, such
    as dark, cloudy urine or sediment in catheter
  • If bowel is distended, disimpact after inserting
    anesthetic jelly or ointment per rectum
  • Hypertension should be treated medically if it

Still Cant Find Cause ? !!!
  • Cause may not be readily found
  • Careful physical exam is imperative during this
  • Other causative agents usually not considered in
    medical emergencies include skin irritations,
    wounds, pressure sores, burns, broken bones,
    pregnancy, ingrown toenails, appendicitis, and
    other medical complications
  • Still cannot find cause? .
  • focus on decreasing the blood pressure!

Antihypertensive Meds
  • Nifedipine (Adalat) 10 mg orally - instruct the
    patient to bite the capsule, then swallow it
  • Nitroglycerin sublingual or topical paste (1/2
  • Prazosin (Minipress)
  • Clonidine (Catapres) 0.1- 0.2 mg PO
  • Hydralazine (Apresoline) 10 - 20 mg IM/IV

Client Teaching
  • Provide education about early recognition and
    treatment of A.D.
  • Encourage the client to carry some type of medic
    alert identification
  • (It is estimated that approximately 85 of
    spinal cord injury patients at level T-6 will
  • suffer at least one episode of
    autonomic dysreflexia)

Client Teaching
  • Prevention
  • Frequent pressure relief in bed/chair
  • Avoid sun burn/scalds (avoid overexposure, use of
    15 sunscreen, watch water temperatures)
  • Faithful adherence to bowel program
  • Keep catheters clean and remain faithful to
    catheterization schedule
  • Well balanced diet and adequate fluid intake
  • Compliance with medications

SCI Recovery
  • Recovery typically starts between a week and six
    months after injury, if it occurs, with the
    majority of recovery taking place within one year
  • Doctors generally regard any impairment remaining
    after 12 to 24 months as likely to be permanent

SCI Nursing Interventions
  • Bowel retraining program
  • ROM
  • Sexual function adaptive strategies
  • PT
  • OT
  • Assistive devices
  • Q2H turns skin care
  • Nutrition

SCI Nursing Interventions
  • Referrals
  • Social Services
  • Support Groups
  • Appropriate specialists

SCI Rehabilitation
  • Initial rehabilitation emphasizes regaining leg
    and arm strength, redeveloping fine-motor skills
    and learning adaptive techniques to accomplish
    day-to-day tasks
  • Then long-term rehab typically includes exercise
    and training with
  • Modern wheelchairs - Improved, lighter weight
    wheelchairs are more mobile and more comfortable.
    The Food and Drug Administration has even
    approved a wheelchair that can climb stairs and
    elevate a seated passenger to eye level to reach
    high places without help
  • Computer devices - Computer-driven tools and
    gadgets can help with daily routines.
    Voice-activated computer technologies to answer
    and dial a phone, or to use a computer and pay
    bills. Computer-controlled technologies can also
    help with bathing, dressing, grooming, cleaning
    and reading

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  • Urinary tract problems - urinary incontinence
    increases risk of urinary tract infections,
    kidney infection, kidney or bladder stones. d/t
    ongoing catheterizations
  • Bowel management difficulties Reduced
    peristalsis and fecal incontinence
  • Pressure sores - particularly susceptible to
    pressure sores because the injury reduces or
    eliminates sensations, making it difficult to
    know when a sore is developing
  • Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism
  • Lung and breathing problems - Difficult to
    breathe and cough with weakened abdominal and
    chest muscles, so people with cervical and
    thoracic spinal cord injury may develop
    pneumonia, asthma or other lung problems

  • Spasticity some people develop muscle spasms
    and jumping of their arms and legs because some
    of the nerves in the lower spinal cord become
    more sensitive after injury and cause muscle
    contractions. However, because of the spinal cord
    injury, the brain can no longer send signals to
    the lower nerves to regulate the contractions
  • Weight control issues - Weight loss and muscle
    atrophy are common. But the change in lifestyle
    and activities may eventually cause weight gain,
    which can make it difficult for the pt lift
    themselves or be lifted from place to place

  • Pain
  • - It's possible to feel pain in areas where
    there's little or no sensation
  • - May also experience pain from overusing
    muscles in one part of the body. Many people
    develop shoulder tendinitis from manually
    operating a wheelchair for a long period of time
  • - Any kind of pain can have a negative impact
    on daily living
  • .
  • New Injuries
  • - Susceptible to injury of any part of the body
    that has impaired sensation
  • - May even receive a burn or cut without
    realizing it

Male Concerns
  • Sexual Dysfunction
  • Still have erections, even with little sensation
    in the genital area
  • But erections may not be firm enough or last long
    enough for sexual activity
  • Fertility also can be affected
  • - 99 aren't able to ejaculate during
  • - Low sperm counts
  • - Poor sperm motility
  • However, men can be sexually active and
    father a child

Female Concerns
  • Sexual Dysfunction
  • Most have no physical change that inhibits sexual
    intercourse or pregnancy
  • But may lose ability to produce vaginal
    lubrication or control vaginal muscles
  • Many experience changes in body image that affect
  • Any pregnancy will likely be considered high risk
  • There may be amenorrhea for about 6 months after

  • Grieving
  • Healthy part of recovery. It's natural and
    important to grieve the loss of the way the
    person was before. Thennecessary to set new
    goals and find a way to move forward with life
  • Depression and alcohol abuse
  • Taking control
  • Education about injury and options for
    reclaiming an independent life
  • Because the costs can be overwhelming, find out
    about economic assistance or support services
    from the state or federal government or from
    charitable organizations
  • Talking
  • Friends and family may respond in different ways

  • Dealing with intimacy
  • Self - Care
  • Looking ahead
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