Title: Minerals Exploration and Mining
116.2 Minerals Exploration and Mining
2I. Mineral Exploration
- Steps to finding mineral deposits
- Exploration
- Potential mining areas are monitored for
differences in gravity, magnetism, radioactivity.
This info coupled with photos creates a
geological map
b. Samples are taken from potential areas to be
c. If everything checks out, a mine may be
3II. Types of Mining
- Subsurface mining
- Longwall Mining
Large machine used to remove large deposits of
42. Solution Mining
Uses high pressure water to remove mineral
B. Surface mining
- Surface Coal Mining
Large machine used to remove large deposits of
52. Quarrying
Building stonesgranite, limestone, and marble
63. Solar Evaporation
Recovery of sea salt through the process of
74. Placer Deposits
Deposits of dissolved minerals in streams where
the current is slow. Can be recovered by dredging
5. Smelting
Crushed ore melted and separated