Title: Beginning your Adventures in Electronics: Arduino
1Beginning your Adventures in Electronics Arduino
- Jaroslaw Lupinski
- NYCResistor Teacher Beyond Arduino
2The Recent Revolution
- Arduino has dominated the market
- Low-cost, easy to use
- Less hardware logic, more software
- Programmed in C
3What is the Arduino
- Easy to use platform
- Ease of programming
- Simple USB interface
- Modifiable IDE
- Many shields available
4Components of the Arduino
- ATMega168/328
- 16MHz crystal/filtering capacitors
- Onboard power regulators
- FTDI USB lt-gt Serial Chip
- Hardware
6Necessary parts for any circuit
- ATMega168/328
- The brains of the Arduino
- Program is loaded onto the chip
- Runs main loop until power is removed
- Thats it! All other parts are optional!
7Optional parts Timing
- 16Mhz Crystal
- The heartbeat of the ATMega chip
- Speed of crystal determines chip speed
- Possible to over/underclock depending on
application - ATMega series has onboard oscillator less precise
8Power Supply
- 5 Volt and 3.3 Volt Regulators
- Filtering capacitors
- Automatic switching between external and USB
Power - Leave it out if you have a filtered 5 Volt power
- Allows your Arduino to communicate with your
computer over a simple USB link - Abstraction
- Only necessary for communicating with USB
- Circuit Board
- Headers
- USB port
- Sockets
- All optional, use them
- if you need them
11Two methods of using the Arduino
- Working with the Arduino to solve a problem
- Temporary solution
- One time only
- Prototyping with the Arduino to solve a need
- Preparing a product for market
- Mass production
12Phases of Circuit Design
- Arduino Approach
- Idea
- Sketch
- Read datasheets
- Gather materials
- Prototype
- Testing
- Optional ----------------gt
- Stand-alone approach
- Idea
- Sketch
- Read datasheets
- Gather materials
- Prototype
- Testing
- Refining
- Testing
- Release to manufacture
13Using the Arduino as a Prototyping Platform
- You can prototype using an Arduino, and skip many
steps from the stand-alone approach - Use the Arduino to develop your product
- When your planned circuit works, skip straight
into stand-alone product testing
- Problem to be solved
- Market need to be filled
- Necessity is the mother of all invention.
- Draw out what you need to do to solve your
problem - No need to get technical, rough ideas and
abstractions will suffice - Take constraints into consideration Size,
budget, audience
16Optional step Present
- If the project requires substantial resources
(funding, rare materials/components), you will
need to create a presentation - Venture capitalists
- Crowd-sourcing
- Material Sourcing
17Read datasheets/Gather materials
- Start turning sketch into reality
- Read about chips/parts that are available
- Examine options for unavailable/non-existent
parts - Order materials
- Using protoshield or long jumper wires, develop
your solution - Attach external chips, sensors, circuits
- Leave breadboarded or solder permanently
- Most hands-on part, usually taught in labs or
dedicated classes
19Side-note How to learn to prototype
- Desire
- Choose a project that appeals to you
- Easier to rebuild an existing circuit, or have an
experienced tutor for your first design - Time-Cost/Experience tradeoff Premade kits are
less expensive, but may teach less technical
- Example of good first projects to complete by
yourself - Digital Clock
- Basic Robot
- Good projects to complete with a tutor
- Nixie tube clock
- Advanced Robot
- Does it fulfill its purpose?
- Can it be optimized?
- Can you add/remove features? (consider cost)
- Have friends, family, colleagues break it!
- Debugging
21Creating a Stand-alone Product
- Sketch out Arduino circuit
- Eliminate unnecessary/
- redundant components
- Add broken-down Arduino circuit back into design
22Side-Note Making your own shield
- Depending on your audience, you may choose this
route - Best of both worlds approach
- Assurance that it will work with any Arduino The
Mac Approach - Limited to Arduino-owning market
23Thats the great thing about Arduino
- Programming an identical chip with the same
Arduino code will result in identical execution - No need for complicated IDE, porting code
24Using EAGLE to design your circuit
- Powerful schematic capture tool
- Integrated circuit
- board design tool
- Free versions limitations are enough for a shield
25Lay out the circuit board
- Position components using electrical engineering
principles - There arent many, but there are a few critical
ones - Power supply splitting, Star Ground, Ground
plane, EMI
26Take your time laying out the board
- Most designers spend 5-10 hours laying out a
simple shield! - Personal preferences, aesthetic appeal, ease of
use, ease of manufacturing
27Send circuit board out for production
- Research fabrication houses
- Compare rates, lead times, shipping
- Consider assembly
- Kickstarter!
- Word of mouth
- Reach out to hackerspaces/hacker fairs
- Get people talking about it!
29Cost Analysis
- Determining costs is usually done at the idea
phase - Spreadsheets!
- Excel is your friend
- Understand that prices rise and fall, stock is
depleted and replenished, and suppliers may fail
to deliver - The longer it takes to develop, the more
variables will develop
30Start selling your product!
- Keep up to date on your products status
- Twitter, Facebook, Blogs, News
- Every product is 1 inspiration, 9 perspiration,
and 90 marketing!
- You are now a marketable inventor!
- Consider patenting your idea if it is worth more
than 10,000 - Open source alternatives
- Creative Commons
32Understand that your product will not always sell
- Many factors go into making a successful product
- Even if you did all the steps correctly, you may
still fail to make a profit - Engage the customers that you do bring in
- Contact
- Jaroslaw Lupinski
- jarek_at_soniktech.com
- AIM jarek319