Title: Myocardial Protection
1Myocardial Protection
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- Refers to strategies and methodologies used
either to attenuate or to prevent postischemic
myocardial dysfunction that occurs during and
after heart surgery.
3Multiple factors
- Pre-CPB hemodynamic stability
- Cardioplegic techniques
- Success adequacy of surgical repair
- Separation from CPB
- Hemodynamic stability in early postop.
- Preexisting systemic myocardial disease
5Preoperative factors
- Adult Vs pediatric
- CAD Vs Valv HD
- Preop hemodyn stability
- Ischemia/ infarction
- Arrhythmias, hypotension
6Intraoperative factors
- Anaesthetic
- Hypovolemia
- LV dysfn
- Arrhythmias, tachy, HT
- Inadeq ventilation
- Direct manipulation
7Postoperative factors
- Adequate ventilation
- Avoid vent distension
- Avoid vasospasm
- Maintain hemodynamics
- Control bleeding
- Maintain CBF
815-20 mins following normothermic ischemia
- Total diastolic arrest from cell membrane
depolarisation - Myocardial contracture stone heart
- Vacuolization of SR, mitochondria
- Release of lysosomal enzymes
- Uncoupling of oxidation and respiration
- Sequester calcium/expel hydrogen
9Depletion of ATP lt 50 of Normal Level-
- irreversible lethal cell injury
- glycolysis is blocked
- increasing cellular acidity
- protein denaturation
- structural, enzymatic, nuclear changes
10Hibernating myocardium
- Moderate and persistent reduction in myocardial
blood flow cause diminished regional contraction
(non-contractile) -
- Metabolic processes remain intact (viable)
- Decrease in the magnitude of the pulse of calcium
involved in the excitation-contraction process - (inadequate calcium levels in the cytsol during
each heart beat) -
11Stunned myocardium
- Severe reduction in myocardial blood flow
- Function of the myocardium remains impaired
(stunned) for a certain period despite
reestablishment of flow - But full recovery is expected
- Process occurs over a period of 1-2 weeks
- Contractile proteins recover if the myocyte is
reperfused before irreversible damage
12Myocardial injury..factors
- Ischemia
- Ventricular distension
- Tachycardia
- Hypertension / hypotension
- Fall in DPTITTI ratio
- Ventricular hypertrophy
- Reperfusion
13Pharmacological measures
14- Hypothermia and potassium infusions the
cornerstone of myocardial protection during
on-pump heart surgery, - Many other cardioprotective techniques and
methodologies available. - The ideal cardioprotective technique, solution,
and/or method of administration has yet to be
15Myocardial O2 demand
16Non cardioplegic techniques
- Quiet field (during ventricular fibrillation)
- Avoids the profound metabolic changes that occur
with more prolonged periods of ischemia. - Duration of fibrillation till completion of
distals - Heart defib, proximals using an aortic partial
18- In 1992, Bonchek et al- 3000 pts of CABG
- Elective operative mortality of rate 0.5, an
urgent mortality rate of 1.7, and an emergency
rate of 2.3. - Inotropic support was needed in only 6.6
- 1 required IABP.
19- In 2002, Raco et al-
- 800 pts CABG
- Mortality- 0.6, 3.1, 5.6 in elective, urgent,
emergent groups. - Intermittent AoXCl is a safe technique both in
elective and nonelective pts when performed by an
exp surgeon.
- Systemic hypothermia (25-28C)
- Elective fibrillatory arrest
- Maintenance of perf pres bet 80-100 mmHg
- Surgical field may be obscured by blood during
21- In 1984, Atkins et al reported a low incidence of
perioperative infarction (1.8 ) and a low
hospital mortality rate (0.4) in 500 consecutive
patients using this technique.
- Continous blood perfusion of empty beating heart
- Aortic root/ ostial infusion
- Used in OPCAB
- Unsafe for open heart
- Continous retro AoXCl- open heart
24Cardioplegic solutions
- Crystalloid cardioplegia
- Blood cardioplegia
25Cardioplegic principles
- Immediate arrest..rapid infusion for 2mins
- Hypothermia
- Substratesglucose/aa/adenosine
- Maintain pH..bicarb/ THAM/ blood
- Free radical damage mannitol/deferoxamine/LDBC/al
lopurinol - Edema ..mannitol/glucose/albumin
26Cardioplegic delivery
- Antegrade route
- Advantage immediate cardioplegia
- Problems
- Impaired perfusion beyond obstruction
- AVI..also in mitral surgery as aortic root
distorted on atrial retraction - Hypertrophied heart
27- Retrograde route
- Advantage
- Better septal cooling
- Cardioplegic solution perfuse beyond stenosis
- Problems
- RV not adequately protected
- Risk of coronary sinus perforation / myocardial
hemorrage / edema - Infusion pressure kept lt 50mmHg
- Antegrade retrograde
- More prompt arrest
- Better disribution of solution
- Basal metabolism
- in the absence of myocardial contraction, the
myocyte still requires oxygen for basic house
keeping functions -
- This basal cost can be further reduced with
hypothermia -
Oxygen Demand reduction - Normothermic Arrest (37oC) 1mL/100g/min
90 - Hypothermic Arrest (22oC) 0.30
mL/100g/min 97 - Hypothermic Arrest (10oC) 0.14 mL/100g/min
97 -
- Decreased metabolic rate
- Ischemia intracellular pH .. nonionised
ionised substrate ratio NI substrate escapeout
of cell. - Hypothermia NII ratio
- Semiliquid to semisolid memebrane.. calcium
influx. - glutamate release in brain ca sequest.
- Total extracorporeal circulation
- Surface cooling
- Surface cooling with partial CPB
- Deep hypothermic total circulatory arrest
- Low-flow, profoundly hypothermic perfusion
- All cooling for 30mins before starting CPB
32Problems of hypothermia
- DHCA can cause seizures, stroke, change in mental
status and muscle tone, post pump
choreoathetosis. - Neocortex, hippocampus, striatum
- Loss of cerebral autoregulationlt15C
- Coagulopathy,acidosis,enzyme dysfunction
- Along with alkalosis, shift Bohrs
oxy-dissociation curve to left.
33- In a multicenter trial- continuous warm blood
cardioplegia Vs intermittent cold blood
cardioplegia. - Similar myocardial preservation (mortality,
postoperative incidence of myocardial infarction,
need for intraaortic balloon counterpulsation).
- lt10-12C gradient between venous blood and water
temperature.also between arterial blood entering
and core temperature. - CPB withdrawn when bladder temp is 37C
- Prevent hyperthermia
- Esophageal/PAC temp not reliable
- Alpha stat method to correct pH. probably
better neuro. outcome in profound hypothermia
- Cell damage following ischaemia is biphasic
- injury being initiated during ischaemia
- exacerbated during reperfusion
- Intracell Ca2 overload during isch reper
- Oxidative stress induced by reactive oxygen
species (ROS) - Ischemia ? endogenous antioxidant defense
- Loss of cell memb integrity
37- conjugated dienes are chemical signatures of
oxygen free-radical lipid peroxidation - Romaschin AD, Rebeyka I, Wilson GJ, et al.
- J Mol Cell Cardiol 198719289-293
- free radicals are generated within 10 seconds of
reperfusion after ischaemia - Zweier JL, Flaherty JT, Weisfeldt ML.
- Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1987841404-1408
38Reduce reperfusion injury
- Reduce ionic calcium conc. in reperfusate
- 1.0 meq/Lchelate with CPD
- pH of 7.6-7.8
- Reperfusate pressure 50 mm Hg osmolality of 350
mOsm..reduce edema - Maintaining potassium arrest
- Infusing at 37C
39Calcium regulation
- Hallmark of reperfusion is Ca uptake
- Post ischemic failure of normal sequestration by
SR / contractile app. - Calcium phosphate crystal deposition in
mitochondrial matrix - Damage to respiratory chain and failure of ATP
40Other measures
- Antioxidants- Vit E, glutathione
- OFR scavengers-SOD, catalase, peroxidase,
allopurinol, mannitol, CoQ10, deferoxamine
mesylate - WBC filters
- Myocardial ischemia and reperfusion- activation
of neutrophils - Benefit of filtration in
- patients undergoing emergency CABG
- prolonged crossclamping,
- depressed ejection fraction,
- heart transplantation.
42- At least 90 of leucocytes must be removed to
attenuate reperfusion injury markedly. - Leucocyte depletion should be maintained for
510 min after the start of initial reperfusion
prior to aortic clamp release. - Filters remove more than 90 of WBCs
- Reduce reperfusion inj after ac coro occlusion.
- AoXCl release- blood CP given at 50 ml/min per
graft with a perfusion pressure 50 mmHg for
20 min into the grafts only. - Cannulation of a side branch of the vein graft.
- Multicenter trial, the results were evaluated in
156 pts with acute coronary occlusion- reduced
overall mortality from 8.7 to 3.9.
44Complications of protective strategies
- RV dysfunction..rewarming / poor
distributiontopical cooling - Coronary ostial stenosis..soft tipped
cannula/leakage around cannula - Endothelial damage to vein graft from
hyperkalemic crystalloid cardioplegic - Coronary sinus injury
- Infusion pressure lt50mmHg through sinus
45Energy depleted heart
- Cardiogenic shock/ unstable angina
- Preop stabilisation with IABP / pharmacological
support / MechVent - Prompt amino acid enriched warm blood
cardioplegia - Followed by cold cardioplegia
- Both antegrade retrograde flow
47Ischemic preconditioning
- Brief episode of ischemia slows the rate of ATP
depletion during subsequent ischemic episodes. - (1) slowing of ATP depletion, or
- (2) limitation of catabolite accumulation during
the terminal episode of ischemia. - Depletion of ATP could be slowed by a reduction
in energy demand during ischemia, or by an
increase in the net availability of high-energy
48- Brief periods of ischemia are known to cause
prolonged contractile dysfunction, the so called
"stunned myocardium." - preconditioning could effectively stun the
myocardium .reduce ATP utilization during the
early phase of ischemia. - Intermittent ischemia results in degradation of
larger molecules breakdown products, lactate,
H', NH3, inorganic phosphate, etc., are then
washed out upon reperfusion.limit catabolite
accumulation during the occlusion. - Alternatively, a reduced energy demand might
drive anaerobic glycolysis to a lesser extent.
49- Enzyme xanthine oxidase contributes to myocardial
cell death by generating superoxide anions - Preconditioning adenine nucleotide content of
the myocardium. limit hypoxanthine accumulation
and superoxide production. - Myocardial lipid peroxidation, estimated as MDA
formation, is common during intermittent
ischemia-reperfusion. - Huizer et al measured urate production by human
hearts with CADnet production of urate increased
in ischemia.
50- A reduction in catabolite accumulation could
limit the osmotic load that occurs during
ischemia. - Another possibility is that preconditioning could
limit accumulation of chemotactic factors that
attract neutrophils to ischemic/reperfused
tissue. - Preconditioning can only delay cell death
- ineff if sustained ischemic insult gt 3 hrs
- Preconditioning failed to protect the mid and
subepicardial myocardium
51- Second phase of protection req 24 hours to appear
sustained for up to 72 hours. - Second window of protection (SWOP), late phase
preconditioning, or delayed precond. - Unlike classical preconditioning, which protects
only against infarction, the late phase protects
against both infarction and myocardial stunning
52IP involves a complex cascade of intracellular
ischemic stimulus
adenosine subtype 1 (A1) receptor
G protein and protein kinase C (PKC).
ATPregulated potassium channel (KATP).
protective effect
53Anesthetic preconditioning
- A safer and simpler alternative to IP is
pharmacologic intervention by inhalation
anesthetics - APC shares the same mechanism of action as IP
- The effect of inhalation anesthetics was present
30 minutes after discontinuation window of
protection - During this time, which can last for 1 to 2
hours, there is an acute memory phase of
54Anesthetic preconditioning
- Isoflurane was administered in the
precardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) period - The higher cardiac index in the isoflurane group
was associated with a lesser degree of ST segment
changes than in the control group. - There was no significant difference between the 2
groups in the incidence of reperfusion
55Dogs were randomly assigned to receive 2 ml drug
vehicle (50 polyethylene glycol in ethyl
alcohol control experiments) or glyburide (0.05
mg/kg sup -1 administered intravenously) in the
presence or absence of 1 MAC (end-tidal)
isoflurane in four experimental groups
56- Sevoflurane decreases the inflammatory response
after CPB, as measured by the release of IL-6,
CD11b/CD18, and TNF-a. - Total intravenous anesthesia was provided for
both study and control groups by infusion of
propofol,fentanyl, and midazolam. Sevoflurane 2
was added to the cardioplegia solution in the
experimental group. - Myocardial function after CPB, as assessed by
RWMA and LVSVI, was also improved
57- 1. Normothermic global ischemia lasting 15 min
significantly augmented the adhesion of PMNs to
the coronary endothelium. - 2. This effect could be completely blocked by
halothane, isoflurane, or sevoflurane
continuously administered before and during
ischemia and reperfusion at 1 and 2 MAC each. - 3. Isoflurane given under control conditions
without ischemia had no effect on basal PMN
adhesion. - 4. Administration of sevoflurane just at the
onset of reperfusion was as effective as
continuous application. - 5. Suppression of the postischemic-enhanced PMN
adhesion by the volatile anesthetics was
independent of their vasodilating potency. - 6. The volatile anesthetics did not influence the
severity of ischemic challenge, as judged by
myocardial lactate release.
58(No Transcript)
- Coronary vasodilatation
- Immediate arrest
- Ischemic preconditioning
- Retards ischemia-induced ATP deple, delays onset
of ischemic contracture, atten myo stun, ?infarct
size - ? lipid peroxidation, ?SOD, catalase, glutathione
peroxidase, glutath reductase.
60Sodium/Hydrogen Exchange Inhibition
- Amiloride, cariporide, eniporide, zoniporide
- Ejection fraction was greater, the resolution of
regional left ventricular wall motion
abnormalities tended to occur earlier, and the
cumulative release of CK-MB was less.
- Hibernating animals use only '10 of their
normal, active energy expenditure. - Hibernation is a process mediated by cyclical
variation in endogenous opiate compounds. - d-opiate receptor in particular is responsible.
- Hibernation reversed by opiate antagonists.
- Biological mechanism duplicated in humans,
thereby inducing a profound state of energy
conservation. - Drugs with d -opiate activity confer myocardial
protection, which is additive to cardioplegia.
- Short-acting beta blocker esmolol
- Cariporide and aprotinin- associated with a
marked attenuation of stunning.
- Ideal solution, technique, or delivery method has
yet to be identified - Complexity of ischemia/reperfusion injury,
- Ideal protection is no longer limited to OT
- Need to develop new therapeutic strategies to
protect the heart
64Thank you
Dr. Narender to continue.
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66Pediatric CPB
- Immature handling of calcium
- Immature myocardium can use carbo/
aa/ketones/MCFA/LCFA. - Hypoglycemia / hemodilution
- Resistant to ischemia
- increased gycolytic cabability
- decreased 5nucleotidase..increased ATP
100 0
DPTI diastolic pressure time index TTI tension
time index
.. .LA or PA wedge
Buckberg 1972
68Protection strategies
- Design of cardioplegic solution
- Temperature
- Electromechanical work state
- pH
- Metabolic substrates/additives
69Protection techniques
- Systemic hypothermia with VF
- Ischemic arrest with hypothermia
- Continuous coronary perfusion
- Chemical cardioplegia
70Coming off bypass
- Problems
- Systemic rewarming and aortic unclampingtachy/fev
er/ increased SVR / rise in circulating
catecholamines - More compliant heart..greater LVED
- Acute withdrawal of CCB/BB
- Coronary vasospasm
- Elevated O2 req. of recovering myocardium
71- Solutions
- Reinstitute bypass in ventricular distension
- Optimise hemodynamic parameters
- High dose ionotropes better avoided
- Adequate preload
- Afterload reduction or IABP
- Bleeding corrected
- Failure to achieve separation.IABP/LVAD
72 Cessation of Myocardial Blood Flow
mitochondria cellular pO2 lt 5mmHg within
seconds oxidative phosporilation stops
cytosol anaerobic glycolysis glycogen glucose-6-
phosphate pyruvate lactate cellular
acidosis depletion of ATP
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