Title: Sabbath School Teachers Training Course
1Sabbath School Teachers Training Course
- The theoretical foundation
- How to study the Bible
- How to prepare the lesson
- Teaching styles
- The art of asking questions
- The technology of small groups
- Teaching resources
2How to Prepare a Sabbath School Lesson
3Quarterly Preparation
4The Bible Study Guide
5What does the cover tell us?
6What does the cover tell us?
- That it comes from my church
- That it is authentic Adventist information
- To me . . . .
7What else does the cover tell us?
8What Does a Guide Do?
9- That it has a special purpose
- That its special focus is . . .
What else does the cover tell us?
10What else does the cover say?
11What else does the cover tell us?
12What else does the cover tell us?
13What Did the Cover Tell Us?
- The purpose Sabbath School Bible Study Guide
- The topic Thy Word is a Lamp Unto My Feet
- The subtopic The Bible for Today
- The source Seventh-day Adventist Church
14Chronological Development
15Chronological Development
16Chronological Development
17(No Transcript)
18Page 1 Contents
- The Voice From Heaven
- The Final Word
- Bible Prophecy Fulfilled
- The Bible is Reliable
- When the Rocks Cry Out
- The Bible and Science
- The Word in Our Lives
- Revelation of Hope
- The Bible and Health
- The Bible and Happiness
- Daily Wisdom
- Growing Through the Word
- The Word of God Endures
- We believe . . . .
- The Bible is the greatest . . .
- . . . massive amount of evidence
- . . . Self-authenticating . . .
- . . . Perhaps the greatest evidence . . .
- These, and more, are some of the questions our
Bible Study Guide __________________ - Even more important . . .
20How to Identify the Focal Point of the Quarter
- Title and subtitle
- The Bible for Today
- The Introduction
- These, and more, are questions . . .
- Even more important . . .
- Scan the lessons (Even better, read them all).
21How Long does all this Take?
- Title and subtitle.
- The Bible for Today
- Introduction.
- These, and more, are some of the questions our
Bible Study Guide . . - Even more important . . .
- Scan the lessons (Even better, read them all).
22The Introduction 5 Paragraphs
- We believe . . .
- The final and ultimate standard . . .
- The Bible . . .makes claims
- Massive amount of evidence
- Perhaps the greatest evidence . . .
- Despite all the evidence . . .
- Some people challenge . . . How reliable?
- The authors show . . .
- Even more important . . .
23What Are We Trying to Do?
Point B I want them here
Point A My class is here
24The Point!
- In your group make a statement about what the
central point of the quarter is. - How can you keep this central point before the
class each week? - For your class, what is Point A and what is
25From that Central Point Emerges a Correlation
This diagram illustrates a central point
26The problem
27What is the central point?
28Correlation Chart
29Another Example
The Time of the End
- The End Times
- The Seals opened
- Signs in the Heavens
- The Last Church
- Global Distress
- The Antediluvians and the End Times
- Moral Degeneration
- Transformed Christianity
- Religious Trends
- Fascination with Spiritism
- The Diffusion of Spiritism
- Deceptive Miracles
- Natural Calamities
- Human Solutions or a Savior?
30- Major problems during the end times
- Moral decadence
- Transformed Christianity
- Religious trends
- Fascination with spiritism
- The diffusion of spiritism
- Deceiving miracles
- The weapons of God
- The role of nature
- Our anchor
- The Savior
- Locating the Time of the end
- Chronology
- Chronology and the judgment
- Signs in the heavens
- The resposibility of Gods people
- The last church
- Outline of world events
- Global distress
- The example of the antediluvians
31The Beatitudes
- The Kingdom of Heaven
- Poor in Spirit
- The Mourners
- The Meek
- Those Who Hunger and Thirst
- The Merciful
- The Pure in heart
- The Peacemakers
- The Persecuted
- When Men Revile You
- You Are the Salt
- You Are the Light
- The Two Gates
32- The Kingdom of God A current reality
- The Citizens of the Kingdom
- Poor in spirit
- The mourners
- The meek
- Those who hunger and thirst
- The merciful
- The pure in heart
- The peacemakers
- The persecuted
- The reviled
- The blessed become to blessings
- Salt of the earth 12. Light of the world
- To be or not to be That is the question!
- The two gates
33How to Prepare Students for the Quarter
34Weekly Preparation
35How Much Time Does it Take?
- The general rule is 2 hours study for each hour
in class.
36How to Divide Up the Time?
- 10 minutes in prayer.
- 50 minutes in direct lesson preparation.
- 20 minutes studying.
37Four Steps in Lesson Preparation
- Read the entire lesson, including the additional
materials for teachers.
Decide on the central point of the lesson
Place the lesson on your correlation chart.
Choose a teaching method.
38Use a Code System
- A new concept
- ? A personal need
- Personal help
- Something that the class needs to understand
- Important information of data
- _at_ An important theological point
39Developing the Lesson
- Sabbath The weekly texts, key thought, short
introduction - Sunday The Source of Wisdom
- Monday Social Wisdom
- Tuesday Wisdom in the Workplace
- Wednesday The Bible and Wealth
- Thursday Wise Leadership
- Friday Further Study.
- Discussion Questions
40Developing the Lesson
- What is the most complicated point in this weeks
lesson that students need to understand? - Monday. We are not only private persons but
public citizens - Wednesday Prov. 30 8, 9 Give me neither
poverty nor riches. . .
41Developing the Lesson
- Tuesdays lesson Wisdom in the Workplace
- Relationships with employer and/or employees.
- What kind of wisdom is this?
- Christian personality and characteristics
- Thursdays lesson Wise Leadership.
- What is that?
42Developing the Lesson
- Inasmuch as the Bible speaks about the need for
humans to work, and that working is a major
activity of human beings, its no surprise that
the Bible gives us wisdom regarding work.
(Teachers Edition, p. 130)
43Teaching Methods
- The number 1 problem in nearly all Sabbath
Schools is that teachers lecture instead of
teach. - To preach is to teach, but teaching is not just
44Teaching Methods in the Bible Study Guide
- I Have To Teach Tomorrow
- Lesson Outline
- Learning Cycle
- Step 1 Motivate
- Step 2 Explore
- Step 3 Practice
- Step 4 Apply
45Other Methods
- Information giving and development of
understanding and - Resolve problems.
- First hand expereinces
- Activities and personal interests.
- Skill development.
- Share concepts and opinions.
- Discover biblical truths
46Five Methodology Fundamentals
- Content
- Applications
- Controversial issues
- Controversial people
- Special points in the lesson