Title: Blue Ocean Strategy
1Blue Ocean Strategy
Nor Rokiah Hanum Bte Md Haron 58246208102 Mohd
Jafri Bin Kadzim 58246208082
2About UniKL
entrepreneurial technical University
which enterprising technopreneurs
Wholly subsidiaries by MARA
Education to entrepreneurship (E2E)
Consist of nine institute all over Malaysia
Consist of Aviation, Automotive, Electrical
Electronics, Marine, Manufacturing, Chemical,
Health and ICT, Transportation Logistics and
Business studies
3Factors of Competition/ Value Factors
- Reduces
- Study fees
- Study duration of certain programs
- especially for degree holder
- Eliminates
- Remove not suitable programs or
- same with others IPTA/S
- Raise
- New technology applications
- Flexible study schedule
- Technical hands-on
- Business accommodations
- Collaborate with well known
- universities
- Branches
- Programs offers
- Links
- Create
- Free books voucher for 1st intake
- Teaching graduate scheme
- Flexible entry requirements
- / Open for working adult option
- 2 degrees at the same time
- Student's abroad programmed
4The Strategy Canvas of UniKL________________
5The Case of UniKL____________Eliminate Reduce
Raise Create grid
Study fees Study durations
- New technology
- applications
- Flexible study
- schedule
- Technical hands
- on
Free books voucher Teaching Graduate scheme F
lexible entry requirements 2 degrees at the same
time Student's Abroad programmed