Title: The Effects of Fire on Soil Ecology
1The Effects of Fire on Soil Ecology
- Adapted from a lecture by Nick Brazee and Amy
2Lecture topics
- Introduction
- Fire in the NW
- Effects of Fire
- Soil Temperature
- Bacteria and fungi
- Mycorrhizae
- Invertebrates
- Decomposition
- Nitrogen
- Conclusions
3Decreasing moisture
4Low-severity prescribed fire
High-severity wildfire
5Soil Temperature
- During Wildfire
- Soil is heated through conduction from downed
logs, litter, and duff - Volatilization of nutrients, destruction of
microbes, plant roots, removal of organic layer - Soil Sterilization (high intensity fires)
- Post Wildfire
- Blackened residual organic matter, loss of
overstory vegetation - Warmer daytime temps, and cooler nighttime temps
Agee 1993
6Soil Temperature
- Ground temps
- Average 200-300OC
- Rarely gt750OC
- Hot Spots 1500OC
- Soil Moisture increases heat conductance
Agee 1973
7Soil Temperature
- 40-70OC protein degradation and plant tissue
death - 48-54OC roots killed
- 70-90OC seed mortality
- gt 50OC soil microbes begin to experience mortality
Swezy and Agee 1991
8Soil Temperature
- Soil Thermometer
- gt700OC Inorganic P, Na
- 350-600OC Organic P, S, and K volatize
- 200OC Nitrogen volatizes
- 175OC Hydrocarbons
- 100OC Carbon volatizes
Agee 1993
9Effects on Soil Microorganisms
- Depends on
- Intensity of fire
- Maximum temperatures
- Soil-water content
- Duration of heating
- Depth of heating
- Site conditions
- Fuels
- Aspect
- Elevation
- Etc.
- Pre- and post-fire weather
- Ecosystem type
- Vegetation
Hungerford et al. 1995, Neary et al. 1999
10Effects on Soil Microorganisms
- Hot fires more significant and long-lasting than
cooler fires - Low-intensity, rapidly-moving fires have no major
effects - Long duration, high-intensity fires have greatest
effects - Burning moist soils more severe effects than dry
soils - Microorganism impacts linked with effects and
responses of vegetation greatest in organic
horizon and top 1-2 cm
Agee 1993, Neary et al. 1999, Warcup 1981, Wells
et al. 1979
11Effects on Bacteria
- More resistant to heat than fungi
- Lethal temperatures
- 210C in dry soil
- 110C in wet soil
- Nitrosomonas (involved in nitrification)
- 140C in dry soil
- 75C in wet soil
- Immediate post-fire decline, followed by an
increase - Higher ratio of bacteria to fungi following fire
Photo from BLM, Dunn and DeBano 1977, Perry and
Rose 1983, Warcup 1981, Wells et al. 1979
12Effects on Fungi
- Lethal temperatures
- 155C in dry soil
- 100C in wet soil
- Saprophytic Fungi
- Successional patterns
- Mycorrhizas
- Highly dependent on fire intensity
Dunn and DeBano 1977, Holm 1995, Moser 1949,
Peterson 1970 and 1971, Rahko 1997
13Dahlberg 2002
14Effects on Mycorrhizas
- Generally fire decreases numbers and species
- Low intensity fires may have no effect
- Ectomycorrhizas
- May increase initially after high-intensity fire
due to increased nutrient release - Arbuscular mycorrhizas
- Greater numbers reduced in dry vs. wet soils
- Significant time to recover to pre-fire levels
Agee 1993, Herr et al. 1994, Klopatek et al.
1988, 1990, 1994, Schoenberger and Perry 1982,
Wright and Tarrant 1957
15Effects on Invertebrates
- Numbers and species change
- Increase, decrease, stay the same
- Habitat
- Litter invertebrates greater mortality
- Deeper in soil less mortality
- Fire-favoring characteristics
- Mobility
- Thick cuticle
http//www.biologie.fu-berlin.de/agachazi/ springs
chwanz.jpg, Collett 2003, Wikars and Schimmel 2001
16 (beetles)
Wikars and Schimmel 2001
- Fire is an agent of decomposition with biggest
impact on the O horizon - Loss of forest and
- shrub canopy (high intensity)
- Increased soil temperature and pH
- Increased nutrient cycling, and parent material
18Decomposition, continued
- Fire can remove litter and duff that took decades
to build up on the forest floor - CN can be changed in minutes to hours
- Decomposition of residual OM may be retarded, but
eventually returns to pre-fire levels - Pulse of inorganic nutrients, readily available
for plant uptake
20Ponderosa pine ecosystem
22POST FIRE - 2004
23SOIL ENZYMES Beta glucosidase degrades
cellulose and other carbohydrates Acid
phosphatase mineralization of organic P
N-acetyl-glucosaminidase (chitinase) NAG
degrades chitin Phenol oxidase degrades
24Pre (2001) and post treatment (2004) enzyme
activities in control sites at Mission Creek
(nmol g-1 hr-1) B glucosidase Acid
phosphatase NAG Phenol oxidase Pre post pr
e post pre post pre post Mean333 264 154 199 124
128 34 13 SD 218 106 87 144 106 98 118 32
- Nitrogen
- Easily volatized (200OC), and lost to ash
convection, erosion, and leaching - Increased soil temperature and pH increased
N-mineralization (organic - NH4) - Available NH4 and higher soil pH increased
nitrification (NH4 NO3-) - Increased water flow through soil and lack of
uptake allows nitrate to leach easily from the
26N-cycling Entiat wildfire, E. Washington
- 39 N-loss compared to unburned areas,
- 907 kg ha-1 of N lost
- Average annual inputs from precipitation, 1.0 kg
ha-1 yr-1
Grier 1975
- Fire intensity determines levels of soil heating,
and whether nutrients are volatized - Fire increases decomposition by burning OM, but
can reduce numbers of soil organisms. They
eventually recover depending on fire intensity.
Some soil organisms are favored by fire. - Pulse of N after the fire, first NH4 then after
time NO3- (leaches easily) - Prescribed fire influences soil enzymes some
increase activity, others decrease. - Fire adapted ecosystems are resilient to the
stresses that fire induces