Title: Entrepreneurship
- Glenn Muske
- Micro Business Specialist
- Oklahoma State University
- Entrepreneurship
- Myths
- Defined
- Opportunity, Risk and Reward
- What the social sciences tell us
- Entrepreneurs and the community
- Entrepreneurs vs. small business owners others
- Role of entrepreneurs in the local economy
- Building an entrepreneurial community
- Entrepreneurial examples
- Special entrepreneurial situations
- Final thoughts
4Personal Passion
- The freedom to pursue personal passion leads many
to start businesses.
- Nothing great in the world has been accomplished
without passion. - George Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
- German Philosopher (1770-1831)
5Questions often asked but arent the most
- What can I do? What business should I start?
- Can I get a grant?
- What business will earn lots of money?
- What about e-commerce?
6Questions often not asked but should be!!
- Am I an entrepreneur?
- Is there a market?
- Can I profitably tap that market?
- How do I get to market?
- - E-commerce is just a means to market
7The Myths of Entrepreneurship
8Myth 1
- Get Rich Quick!
- Truth is
- Life as an entrepreneur is not about money.
- Success rarely happens overnight.
- It's about what you want to do with your life.
9Myth 2
- You must be born an entrepreneur
- (trait theory)
- Truth is
- some of the most successful entrepreneurs are the
most unlikely. - It is a lifestyle choice, not an accident.
10Myth 3
- You must be at the right place at the right time
- (environment theory)
- Truth is
- successful entrepreneurs operate whatever the
macroeconomic and structural factors are
11Myth 4
- "I'll have all this free time"
- Truth is entrepreneurs work many hours
- advantages are
- control of time
- variety of tasks
12Myth 5
- It get easier.
- Truth is it gets more challenging
- must work faster, smarter longer
- must enjoy the battle
13Myth 6
- If you build it, they will come.
- Truth is building your business is just the
start. - Next is the real work
- planning
- timing
- strategizing and more.
14Myth 7
- It's all about the bottom line.
- Truth is that the bottom line is necessary but
not sufficient - purpose and meaning to the business
- inspire customers and employees
15Myth 8
- Entrepreneurs are risk takers
- Truth Entrepreneurs are calculators
- Studies show entrepreneurs are only moderate risk
16Myth 9
- You have to have a great idea
- Truth
- Your idea must be good
- Your idea must be doable
- Your idea must be wanted or needed
- Your idea must be priced right
17Myth 10
- It takes a lot of money
- Truth Over 50 start for under 10,000
- Also look for
- Certain business types
- Turn-around situations
- Possibility of using other peoples money
18Entrepreneurs goal is
to create or capitalize on new economic
opportunities through innovation
- By finding new solutions to existing problems
- Or by connecting existing solutions to unmet
needs or new opportunities - SOURCE Lichtenstein Lyons, Incubating New
Enterprises A Guide to Successful Practice, 1996
19Entrepreneurship Definitions
- Creation of an innovative economic organization
for the purpose of gain or growth under
conditions of risk and uncertainty - Self-employment through business ownership that
includes significant elements of risk, control,
and reward (Coleman Foundation) - Organizing a business venture assuming a certain
amount of risk to make a profit (Burns and Bolton)
20More Definitions
- Profits from bearing uncertainty and risk
- Purposeful activity to initiate and develop a
profit-oriented business - Moderate risk taking
- Creation of new organizations
- The pursuit of opportunity without regard to
resources currently controlled
21EntrepreneurshipBasic Elements
- Opportunity recognition
- Creation and/or innovation
- Resource gathering and the founding of an
economic organization - Desiring the chance for gain while accepting risk
and uncertainty
22Other Entrepreneurial Motivators
23Be my own boss!
Time With Family
24?? Tell a time when you were entrepreneurial ??
25Opportunity Recognition
26An Entrepreneurial Opportunity defined
- A situation in which changes in which changes in
technology, or economic, political, social, and
demographic conditions generate the potential to
create something new or to remarket something
27Entrepreneurial Opportunity Grid
Existing New
Existing New
Market Penetration
New Offering Development
Market Development
28What are opportunities?
- Small steps
- Little jumps
- Huge leaps
29"Don't be afraid to take a big step if one is
indicated you can't cross a chasm in two small
jumps." David Lloyd George
30Opportunities can be...
- Social demographic changes
- New raw material
- Product obsolescence
- Corporate stagnation
- One-product vulnerability
- Chance
- Technical or scientific
- Political and regulatory
- Process or production method
- Organizing
- New market and marketing
- Personnel
31Think like a..
- Manager Problem solving
- Entrepreneur Opportunity Exploitation
- External
- Unexpected event
- Technology changes and convergence
- Change in methods
- Demographics/market size,
- Changes in competition
- Internal
- Other methods
33The Opportunity Myth
- An Idea
- does not equal an
- Opportunity
34Creation Innovation
- Imagination is more important than knowledge -
36The Creative Process
- Planning definition
- focus on building the RIGHT product
- Design, demonstration customer support
- focus on building the product RIGHT
37Customer requirement
Product solution
Find a consumer
38Basic questions
- What is the customers need?
- How large is the opportunity?
- How likely is it to happen?
- What is the market timing?
- Is it aligned with our organizational strengths?
39Time is money!
- Delays give others time to develop the same
40Reduce product development time by 1/3 you will
triple profits growth.
- In groups of 3-4, think of 3 things you have
observed externally lately that would be a
potential business opportunity.
42Resource Gathering
- Resourced-based Theory of Entrepreneurship
43Dimensions of Entrepreneurship
Individual Characteristics
New Venture Creation
Constraints in the Environment
- any thing or quality that is useful
- used to develop sustainable competitive advantage
- heterogeneous immobile
- you have them, others cannot easily get them
45Strategic Resources
- Valuable Exploit an environmental opportunity
- Rare Not enough for all competitors
- Imperfectly imitable Cannot be merely copied
- Non-substitutable
46Competitive Advantage
No Advantage Resource Dimension Advantage
Common Valuable Exploits opportunities
Readily available cheap Rare Unique expensive
Ordinary Imitable Complex ambiguous
Many easy Substitutable Difficult
47Types of Resources
- Financial
- Physical
- Human
- Technology
- Reputation
- Organizational
48Risk and Reward
49If the business succeeds, the entrepreneur reaps
the reward of profits if it fails, one takes
the loss.
50Business Failure Rate
- 10 of small businesses fail each year
- 40 - 80 of small businesses do not survive for
5 years - Most small businesses closures do not result in
uncovered liabilities - Majority of small business owners who fail will
start another business
52Why do businesses fail?
- 2 general categories
- Financial
- Nonfinancial
53Financial Reasons
- Under-capitalized
- Poor cash flow planning
- Lack of record keeping
- Inadequate financial forecasting and review
- Lack of accounting training
- Excessive debt
54Nonfinancial Reasons
- Loneliness
- Lack of management skills and training
- Little passion
- Impact of regulations
- Inefficiency
- Inexperience
- Lack of planning
55"I never failed once. It just happened to be a
200l-step process." Thomas A. Edison
57- "In the realm of ideas everything depends on
enthusiasm, in the real world all rests on
perseverance." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
58The Social Sciences onWhat Makes an
59Trait Theory
- Energy/motivation
- Business orientation
- Business attitude
- People skills
60- http//www.sba.gov/starting_business/startup/entre
preneurialtest.html - http//www.toolkit.cch.com/tools/downloads/swchek.
61Personality Characteristics
- Need for achievement
- Locus of control
- Risk-taking propensity
62Career Anchors
- Motivate vocational choices
- Technical
- Managerial
- Security
- Creativity
- Autonomy
63Sociological Characteristics
- Negative displacement
- Between things
- Positive pull
- Positive push
64Situational Characteristics
- Perceptions of desirability
- Perceptions of feasibility
- Entrepreneurial event
- Change
- Your life
- A product or service
- The environment
66Entrepreneurs and the Community
67CARE Model (Dr. Mike Woods, Jack Frye, Stan
- Creation
- Attraction
- Retention
- Expansion
of New Jobs Created Attraction - 1 Retention
Expansion 44 Creation 55
68- We all want to find the next gazelle!!
69Entrepreneurs vs. Small Business Owners
- Carland, Hoy, Boulton, Carland argue they are
different - - Entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial businesses
involve innovation growth - Entrepreneurs goal-orientation is different
- financial success vs. other criteria
- need for achievement/power
- Entrepreneurs use strategic management practices
70Small Business
- Independently owned and operated, not dominant in
its field, and does not engage in any new
marketing or innovative practices - Owner Establishes and manages for purpose of
furthering personal goals. Business is primary
source of income consumes majority of time
resources. Owner perceived business as extension
of personality, intricately bound with family
needs and desires.
71Entrepreneurial Venture
- Engages in growth and profitability and
innovation by introducing new products, new
processes, opening new markets, or reorganizes
the industry - Entrepreneur Establishes and manages the
business for growth and profit. Is innovative
and employees strategic management practices.
- Are entrepreneurs and small business owners the
same thing? - Why??
- Why not??
- Does rural make a difference??
73Comparing Entrepreneurs toManagers and Leaders
Entrepreneur Manager Leader
Innovates Administers Innovates
Creates Maintains Develops
Sees opportunities See problems Sees the future
Asks how and when Asks how and when Asks what and why
Makes it happen Does things right Uses influence
Builds the team Relies on control Inspires trust
74- Entrepreneurship is a style and a general method
of operating, not just a set of business skills. - Jerry Gustafson
- Beloit College
- People who create and grow enterprises
- Aspiring entrepreneurs
- Survival entrepreneurs
- Lifestyle entrepreneurs
- Growth entrepreneurs
- Serial entrepreneurs
- Social entrepreneurs
- SOURCE WK Kellogg Foundation
76Entrepreneurs and the Community
77Does it matter what they are called?
- Both
- Add income to the household and jobs and wealth
to the community - Add economic strength to a community
- Add stability to a community
- Provide the owner with the ability to achieve his
or her goals - Create new opportunities within the community -
78Who entrepreneurs are?
- Classified as
- Small business
- Micro business
- Home-based business
- Family business
- Also
- Underground economy
- Informal economy
- Formal economy
79Metro, Micro, Rural Comparison20 of OK
households own run a business
Metro (n146) Micro (n54) Rural (n46)
Primary bus. Service Construction Retail Ag/For/Fish Service Retail Ag/For/Fish Construction, FIRE Service
Family bus. 62 74 78
Home-based 66 63 70
Spouse in bus. 48 46 65
80Metro, Micro, Rural Comparison
Metro (n146) Micro (n54) Rural (n46)
Avg empl 1.83 2.04 2.11
Gross inc. - Mean - Median 241,891 49,000 333,589 35,000 162,190 40,000
81The numbers
- Small businesses 16 million nonfarm
- OK 290,000 (employer nonemployer)
- 50 of private workforce
- OK 54
- Create 2/3 of all new jobs
- 52 of all nonfarm output
- Micro businesses ???
- OK 270,000 94
- 84,000 farm/ranch operations
82The numbers
- Family businesses 12.7 of households
- OK 185,000 - 6.5 billion inc transferred to
family - South 3.3 million - 109 billion transferred
- U.S. 9.7 million - 348 billion transferred
- Home-based businesses 5 - 18 of hh
- OK 67,000 176,000
- - 1 - 6.2 billion/year
83Creating Entrepreneurial Communities
Formal Institutions
Informal Organizations
84Entrepreneurial Communities
- 4 types
- Those that develop entrepreneurs
- Those that act entrepreneurially
- Those that do both
- Those that do neither
85- Entrepreneurship development
- the infrastructure of public and private supports
that facilitate entrepreneurship - Entrepreneurial communities
- those where significant economic and social
entrepreneurial activity exists and where there
is an effective system of entrepreneurship
development - SOURCE WK Kellogg Foundation
86Entrepreneurial Communities
- Has critical mass of entrepreneurs actively
engaged in capturing new market opportunities - Group of entrepreneurs recognizable within the
community - Community as a whole is entrepreneurial
- Social capital (Floras)
- Human capital-diversity (Florida)
- Clusters (Porter)
- Public-Private Partnerships (Tupelo-Grishom)
- Innovative Infrastructure (Feldman)
87Theory Expansion
- Social capital
- Trust, networks, reciprocity, and collective
action - Horizontal, vertical, and flexible (not in the
group at all times) - Human capital
- Education
- Beyond high school
- Continuous and life-life long
- Include specific and general
- Inclusive pre-K older citizen
- Just-in-time
- Knowledgeable and involved citizens
88Theory Expansion
- Clusters
- Why? Based on economies of scale, technology
transfer availability of human capital (Eric
Scorsone, Industrial clusters Enhancing rural
economies through business linkages, SRDC 21st
Century Series) - Innovative infrastructure
- Basics plus items such as a visionary government,
day care, technology
89Creating an Entrepreneurial Climate
- Entrepreneurship must be an explicit economic
development strategy - Community must embrace and nurture entrepreneurs
- Goal - A continuous pipeline of entrepreneurs
- Supportive public policies
- Balances regulations with business needs
- Education early on-going, formal and
nonformal - Access to capital banks, investment, angels
- Access to quality workers
- Recognize entrepreneurial efforts
90Enterprise Development
- Assistance to entrepreneurs in support of the
creation, growth, and survival of their
businesses Koven Lyons (2003)
- nonprofit, private, public service providers
- youth entrepreneurship programs
- micro enterprise programs
- business incubators
- manufacturing network
- small business development centers
- angel capital networks
- revolving loan funds
- technology transfer programs
91Nurturing of Entrepreneurs
- Mentors and coaches
- Business/management assistance support
- Coordinated, seamless, and local
- Access to technology
- Technical assistance
- Inclusion of all into events, programs, groups
92Other ExamplesHow Communities Can Help
- Purchase locally
- Help create new local businesses
- Develop human resources
- Free-up potentially productive space
- Initiate local investment strategies (endowments,
fundraising, micro-loan programs) - Mobilize external resources
93Challenges for Sustainable Rural Economic
- Translating models to place- based strategies
- - no silver bullet
- Implement strategy with tangible benefits
- - taxpayers see return on investment
- Need to create good jobs
- - self-sustaining wages
94Challenges for Sustainable Rural Economic
- Need for strategies that build on all assets
- - young, old, men, women, ethnicities
- Shortage of resources in most small towns.
- SOURCE Emery, Wall, Macke, 2004
95Shortcomings of Enterprise Development
- 1 Tool-Driven-Not Needs-Focused
- Worked one-place and one-time
- Solutions in search of a client base
- Voice of the customer-the entrepreneur-is missing
- Entrepreneurial Needs
- Hard for entrepreneurs to articulate
- Entrepreneurs may not trust those asking the
questions - Entrepreneurs difficult to identify and reach
- SOURCE Lichtenstein, Lyons, Kutzhanova, 2004
96Shortcomings of Enterprise Development (continued)
- 2 Fragmented and Categorical
- Creaming we need more than a quarterback
- 3 Too Little Focus on Execution
- Various gurus crisscross the country then go
home - Gap between ideas and education
- 4 The Broken Learning Cycle
- Best practices vs. successful practices
- SOURCE Lichtenstein, Lyons, Kutzhanova, 2004
97Shortcomings of Enterprise Development (continued)
- 5 Focus on the Business, not the Entrepreneur
- 6 Missing Function Responsibility for the
Communitys Supply of Entrepreneurs - 7 Funders, not Clients, Drive the Program
- 8 Impact is not Scalable
- Community-wide impact
- SOURCE Lichtenstein, Lyons, Kutzhanova, 2004
98Successful Entrepreneurial(?) Communities
- Acceptance of Controversy
- Ability to Depersonalize Politics
- Surplus Income to Invest
- Willingness to Take Risks
- Ability to Define Community More Broadly
- Networking Ability
- Emphasis on Academics
- Flexible, Dispersed Leadership
- SOURCE Flora and Flora
- Lichtenstein, Lyons, Kutzhanova
- Building Entrepreneurial Communities The
Appropriate Role of Enterprise Development
Activities Journal of the Community Development
Society, 2004 - Emery, Wall, Macke
- From Theory to Action Energizing
Entrepreneurship (E2), Strategies to Aid
Distressed Communities Grow Their Own Journal of
the Community Society, 2004
100Entrepreneurs We Know
101Do you know who they are?
- Stan Clark
- Frank Epperson
- Fred Smith
- Bill Bowerman Philip Knight
- Dr. John Pemberton Asa Chandler
102Do you know who they are?
- Jeff Bezos
- Cohen and Greenfield
- Ray Kroc
- Tom Monaghan
- Bill Gates
- Howard Schultz
- All are not equal,
- nor do they want to be!!
- People who create and grow enterprises
- Aspiring entrepreneurs
- Survival entrepreneurs
- Lifestyle entrepreneurs
- Growth entrepreneurs
- Serial entrepreneurs
- Social entrepreneurs
- SOURCE WK Kellogg Foundation
105Family Business Names
Wal-Mart Ford Weyerhaeuser Michelin Gap Anheuser-Busch Tyson Foods Dillards Cargill Koch Industries Ikea Cox Communication Enterprise Rent-A-Car Hallmark Levi Strauss Kohler
106Family Businesses
- Generate 62 of nonfarm business receipts - 16.8
trillion in 1996 - Even greater impact in midwest economy
- Dominate form in agriculture, retail, wholesale,
and distribution sectors - Employ 54.8 of workforce 69.5 million
- Provide higher than average household income and
net worth - Only 1 of households are poor vs. 11 overall
107Sustainable Family Business Model
108More info
- www.hce.osu.edu/fambus
- http//www.human.cornell.edu/ne167/
109Home-based Business Names
- Hewlet-Packard
- Nike
- Coke
- Mrs. Fields Cookies
- Microsoft
- Dell
110Home-based Business Facts
- Nine-state study (1988)
- Typical home-based worker
- 44 year old male, married, with children, 14 yrs.
education, a homeowner - Mean gross business income - 53,164
- Mean net business income - 15,628
- Mean household income - 42,263
- Had medical insurance from some other source
- As children increased, number of work hours
decreased (1 day per child on average) - Had greater longevity in the community
- Defined Couples in business together
- 31 of family businesses
- Have more children, lower educational levels,
rural location, business manager earns less per
year, more likely home-based, and have fewer
employees - Make significantly less business income and
business profits (by factor of 5) feel business
is less successful - Copreneurs more likely to view business as a way
of life as opposed to a way to earn income
112Copreneurs cont.
- More likely to intermingle money between business
and family More often family to business - Also use more ways of intermingling
- Approximately 20 of couples discontinued the
copreneurial relationship (but stayed together as
a couple) in a 3-year period - Made less money saw the business as less
successful. - Another 20 started a copreneurial relationship
- Made most money of all 3 groups, run by older men
with more education, had fewer dependents, and
spouse worked fewer hours in business.
113Value-Added Opportunities
- Defined Adding consumer-desired features to raw
materials - Done by
- Additional processing
- Marketing - change from the current method of
distribution - Use existing resources to produce a new, more
valued product/service - Some combination
115Reap New Profits
- Marketing
- Strategies
- for Farmers
- Ranchers
116Farmers Markets
117- People dont come all the way out here to get
- cheap food. They come because its fun and the
- berries are absolutely fresh.
- -- Earnie Bohner, Persimmon Hill Berry Farm
Pick Your Own
- Farm Stands
- Community supported agriculture (CSA)
- Cooperatives
- Restaurant sales
- Mail order/ Internet/ Direct marketing
120(No Transcript)
121(No Transcript)
- USDA Sustainable Agriculture Research and
Education (SARE) www.sare.org - Farmers Markets - www.ams.usda.gov/farmersmarkets
- Alternative Farming Systems Info Ctr
- www.nal.usda.gov/afsic
- USDA Farmer Direct Marketing
- www.ams.usda.gov/directmarketing
- North American Direct Marketing Assn.
- www.familyfarms.com
123Minorities and Women
124General Information
- Small business ownership rates for women and
minorities are increasing faster than for white
males Still men start new businesses at twice
the rate of women - Women 9.8 own businesses
- Translates to over 50 of all businesses
- Minorities Ranges from 5 (Blacks) to 10.4
(Asian) - Firm receipts average about 2/3 of all bus.
- Proprietor income averages about 50 of all other
businesses - Firms employee fewer people
125Special Issues
- Access to capital
- Acceptance by business community
- Acceptance by family and friends
- Networks are smaller and more family-focused
- Most often in retail or service industries
- Industries with highest failure rates and lowest
126Barriers to Entrepreneurship
127A lack of
- Steady stream of want-a-bes
- Can-do attitude held by the entrepreneur and
the community - Coordinated, accessible, long-term support
network - Coaches and mentors
- Capital
- Available human capital
- Multi-faceted healthy community
- Supportive regulatory environment
128- The man who makes no mistakes does not usually
make anything." - Edward John Phelps, American lawyer and diplomat
(1822-1900) - "Nothing great was ever achieved without
enthusiasm." Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Entrepreneurship is an ever-continuing, growing
trend - Entrepreneurs contribute to their household and
to their community - Entrepreneurship is a learned talent
- Entrepreneurs form our economic base
- Entrepreneurship allows people to remain in a
community - Communities can encourage entrepreneurship
131- Entrepreneurs
- - See opportunity
- - Are innovative in developing that
- opportunity through creativity
- and resource gathering
- - Seek gain while accepting risk
- and uncertainty
132One Last MythThe key to success is a great idea
The keys are
Good idea
Great plan
133How Extension can help?
134- Awareness of owners priorities
- Comfort with subject matter
- One-on-one
- Mentoring
- Advocating
- Partnering
- Community support
- Awareness of other programs
- Education
- Southern Rural Development Center
- http//srdc.msstate.edu/
- Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank
- Center for the Study of Rural America
- http//www.kc.frb.org/RuralCenter/RuralMain.htm
- Rural Policy Research Institute (RUPRI)
- http//www.rupri.org/
136Resources cont.
- Adult
- Cashing In On Business Opportunities
- NeXt Level/Fasttrac/other commercial
- Putting It All Together
- Food Based Business The Owners Guide
- An Exploration of Entrepreneurship
- Visual Merchandising
- Educational program
- Demonstration program
- Mapping Your Marketing Future
- Magazines, i.e. Entrepreneur
137Resources cont.
- Youth
- Mini-Society
- Be the E Entrepreneurship (4-H CCS)
- http//youngbiz.com/
- http//www.celcee.edu/ - clearinghouse
- General
- http//www.entre-ed.org/index.htm
- Glenn Muske
- Micro Business Specialist
- Oklahoma State University