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Avoid birth asphyxia. 2. Avoid large fluctuations in blood pressure. 3. Avoid overly rapid infusion of volume expanders or hypertonic solutions. 4. Use prompt ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Mohammed PGY-2

  • I. IVH is an intracranial hemorrhage that
    originates in the periventricular subependymal
    germinal matrix with entrance of blood into the
    ventricular system. It is predominantly a
    disorder of preterm infants.
  • Early IVHIVH diagnosed at lt72 h after birth
  • Late IVHIVH diagnosed gt 72 h of life.
  • II. Incidence. The overall incidence of IVH has
    decreased in recent years from 40-60 to 20 or
    less in infants weighing lt1500 g at birth. The
    incidence and severity of IVH are inversely
    proportional to gestational age. Although cases
    of prenatal IVH have been reported, the "risk
    period" is during the first 3-4 postnatal days
    50 of IVH occurs in the first 6-12 h of life,
    75 by the second day, and 90 by the third day.
    10 to 65 of infants with early IVH have
    progression of the hemorrhage, with maximal
    extent occurring within 3-5 days of the initial

  •     A. The germinal matrix (GM) is a weakly
    supported and highly vascularized area that is
    located between the caudate nucleus and the
    thalamus at the level of, or slightly posterior
    to, the foramen of Monro. The blood vessels in
    these areas represent the "watershed" zone of the
    ventriculofugal and ventriculopedal vessels of
    the immature cerebrum and are prone to
    hypoxic-ischemic injury. These vessels are
    irregular, with large luminal areas, and are
    prone to rupture. The GM begins to involute after
    34 weeks' postconceptional age (PCA).
  •     B. Fluctuations in cerebral blood flow (CBF)
    play an extremely important role because sick
    premature infants have pressure-passive cerebral
    circulation. A sudden rise in systemic blood
    pressure can result in an increase in CBF with
    subsequent rupture of the GM vessels. Decreases
    in CBF can result in ischemic injury to the GM
    vessels, which rupture on reperfusion.
  •     C. The deep venous circulation takes a U-turn
    in the subependymal region at the level of the
    foramen of Monro. This unique venous anatomy and
    the open communication between the GM vessels and
    the venous circulation contribute to the
    importance of increased cerebral venous
  •     D. Rupture through the GM ependymal layer
    results in entrance of blood into the lateral
    ventricles. Eighty percent of IVH cases are
    accompanied by the spread of blood throughout the
    ventricular system.

(No Transcript)
Consequences of IVH
  •     A. GM is the site of production of neurons
    and glial cells of the cerebral cortex and basal
    ganglia. GM destruction may result in impairment
    of myelinization, brain growth, and subsequent
    cortical development.
  •     B. Periventricular hemorrhagic infarction is
    a venous infarction that is associated with
    severe and usually asymmetric IVH in 85 of
    cases and invariably occurs on the side with the
    larger amount of intraventricular blood.
  •     C. PHH is more common in those infants with
    the highest grade of hemorrhage. It is most
    frequently attributable to obliterative
    arachnoiditis either over the convexities of the
    cerebral hemispheres with occlusion of the
    arachnoid villi or in the posterior fossa with
    obstruction of outflow of the fourth ventricle.
    Rarely, aqueductal stenosis is caused by an acute
    clot or reactive gliosis.
  •     D. Periventricular leukomalacia (PVL) is a
    frequent accompaniment of IVH but is not caused
    by IVH itself. PVL is the ischemic, usually
    nonhemorrhagic, and symmetric lesion of
    periventricular white matter resulting from
    hypotension, apnea, and other ischemic events
    known to decrease CBF. Preterm infants born to
    mothers with prolonged rupture of membranes or
    chorioamnionitis are at an increased risk for

Risk factors
  •     A. Strong risk factors
  •         1. Extreme prematurity.        2.
    Presence of labor (early IVH).
  •       3. Birth asphyxia (early IVH).        4.
    The need for vigorous resuscitation at birth
    (early IVH).
  •         5. Pneumothorax.
  •         6. Ventilated preterm infants, especially
    those who breathe out of synchrony with the
  •         7. Seizures.        8. Sudden elevation
    in arterial blood pressure as in rapid volume
    expansion and administration of hypertonic sodium
  •     B. Other antenatal risk factors include heavy
    cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption,
    chorioamnionitis, use of indomethacin for
    tocolysis, and ominous fetal heart rate tracing.
  •     C. Other neonatal risk factors include
    hypothermia, hypotension, hypercarbia, acidosis,
    exchange transfusion, elevated central venous
    pressure, "restlessness," PDA, PDA ligation,
    decreased hematocrit resulting in decreased
    arterial oxygen content, hypoglycemia, heparin
    use, and disturbances of hemostasis. Even those
    procedures that we perceive as routine in the
    care of premature infants may also be
    contributory tracheal suctioning, abdominal
    examination, handling, and instillation of

  • Developed by Papile (developed for CT but, it has
    been applied to ultrasonography)
  • Grade I GM hemorrhage
  • Grade II IVH without ventricular dilatation
  • Grade III IVH with ventricular dilatation
  • Grade IV GM hemorrhage or IVH with parenchymal

Clinical presentation
  • The clinical presentation is extremely diverse,
    and diagnosis requires neuroimaging confirmation.
  • IVH may be totally asymptomatic, or there may be
    subtle symptoms (eg, a bulging fontanelle, a
    sudden drop in hematocrit, apnea, bradycardia,
    acidosis, seizures, and changes in muscle tone or
    level of consciousness).
  • Catastrophic syndrome is characterized by rapid
    onset of stupor or coma, respiratory
    abnormalities, seizures, decerebrate posturing,
    pupils fixed to light, eyes fixed to vestibular
    stimulation, and flaccid quadriparesis.

  •     A. Ultrasonography is the procedure of choice
    for screening and diagnosis.
  • Sonograms are done via the anterior
    fontanelle. If normal sized ventricles, scanning
    through the posterior fontanelle may increase the
    rate of detection of IVH. Although CT scanning
    and MRI are acceptable alternatives, they are
    more expensive and require transport from the
    intensive care unit to the imaging device.
  •         Indications            a. All infants
    with birth weight lt1500 g.            b. Larger
    infants, if risk factors are present or if there
    is evidence of increased ICP or hydrocephalus.
  •        Obtained on the first day of life in
    selected infants with risk factors for early IVH
    because 50 of cases of IVH occur during the
    first 6-12 h of life. And some also obtain a
    sonogram, CT, or MRI before discharge or at 36
    weeks' PCA        A scan obtained at 4-7 days of
    life will detect 90-100 of all hemorrhages.
  •       Periventricular white matter injury
    (detected as intraparenchymal echodensities
    IPEs) and PHH may be detected on scans obtained
    at 2 weeks of life.
  •     B. Laboratory studies
  •         LP. Examination of CSF is normal in up to
    20 of infants with IVH. Initially elevated red
    and white blood cells, with elevated protein
    concentration. The degree of elevation of CSF
    protein correlates with the severity of the
    hemorrhage. Sometimes difficult to distinguish
    IVH from a "traumatic tap." A few days after
    hemorrhage, the CSF becomes xanthochromic, with
    decreased glucose. Often, the CSF shows a
    persistent increase in white blood cells and
    protein and a decreased glucose level, making it
    difficult to rule out meningitis except by
    negative cultures.
  •         Elevated counts of absolute nucleated
    erythrocytes beyond day 1 of life may be a marker
    for impending or existing severe IVH.

  •     A. Prenatal prevention
  •         1. Avoidance of premature delivery.
  •         2. Transportation in utero.
  •         3. Active labor may be a risk factor for
    early IVH and that there may be a protective role
    for cesarean (C-) section. Studies have
    shownC-section before the active phase of labor
    resulted in a lower frequency of severe IVH and
    of progression to severe IVH, although it did not
    affect the overall incidence of IVH.
  •         4. Tocolysis using indomethacin probably
    should be avoided because it has been associated
    with an increased rate of necrotizing
    enterocolitis, IVH, PDA, respiratory distress
    syndrome (RDS), and bronchopulmonary dysplasia.
  •         5. Antenatal pharmacologic interventions
  •             a. Antenatal steroids. Several large,
    trials have shown a clear efficacy of antenatal
    steroids in reducing IVH.
  •             b. Phenobarbital. Clinical trials
    from the early 1990s strongly suggested an
    overall reduction in the total incidence of IVH
    in preterm infants. However due to newer studies,
    currently, antenatal phenobarbital is not
    recommended for prevention of IVH.

  • B. Postnatal prevention
  •         1. Avoid birth asphyxia.        2. Avoid
    large fluctuations in blood pressure.
  •         3. Avoid overly rapid infusion of volume
    expanders or hypertonic solutions.
  •         4. Use prompt but cautious cardiovascular
    support to prevent hypotension.
  •         5. Correct acid-base abnormalities.     
      6. Correct abnormalities of coagulation.
  •         7. Avoid poorly synchronized mechanical
    ventilation.        8. Blood sampling from
    umbilical arterial catheters (UACs) produces
    fluctuations in CBF velocity and may contribute
    to IVH.         9. Surfactant therapy may cause
    a transient increase in CBF velocity and cerebral
    blood volume as well as electroencephalographic
    depression, but the effects are generally not
    marked.         10. Postnatal pharmacologic
    interventions may be considered. None of the
    following regimens have been definitively proven
    to be safe and effective.
  •             a. Indomethacin. Indomethacin
    prophylaxis for IVH highly controversial.
  •             b. Pancuronium Is not currently
    recommended for the prevention of IVH
  •             c. Vitamin E. The timing, dosage, and
    route remain controversial. 

Management of acute hemorrhage
  •         1. General supportive care to maintain a
    normal blood volume and a stable acid-base
  •         2. Avoid fluctuations of arterial and
    venous blood pressures.
  •         3. Follow-up serial imaging
    (ultrasonography or CT scanning) to detect
    progressive hydrocephalus.
  • D. Prevention of PHH
  •         1. LPs. Several randomized controlled
    trials of infants with IVH failed to show a
    difference between infants undergoing LPs with
    supportive care and those receiving supportive
    care only.
  •         2. Intraventricular fibrinolytic therapy
    (tissue-type plasminogen activator, urokinase,
    and streptokinase). Data from preliminary studies
    are encouraging, but further studies are needed.
    The CSF plasminogen level is lower in neonates
    with IVH than in those without hemorrhage, and
    the potential for intraventricular fibrinolytic
    treatment may be limited by low concentrations of

Prognosis and outcome
  •     A. Short-term outcome is related to the
    severity of IVH, with a mortality rate and PHH
    rate of 5-10 and 5-20, respectively, for
    infants with mild to moderate IVH 20 and 55,
    respectively, for infants with severe IVH (blood
    filling the ventricles) and 50 and 80,
    respectively, for those with severe IVH and
    parenchymal involvement.
  •     B. Long-term major neurologic sequelae depend
    primarily on the extent of associated parenchymal
    injury, ranging from 5-15 in infants with minor
    degrees of hemorrhage to 30-40 in infants with
    severe hemorrhage, and as high as 100 in those
    infants with parenchymal involvement.
  •         1. Markers for poor prognosis include
    severe IVH, persistent or transient cerebral
    ventriculomegaly, persistent or transient IPEs,
    cystic PVL, and cranial midline shift.
  •         2. The incidence of major motor and
    cognitive deficits is markedly increased in
    infants with extensive IPEs compared with that in
    infants with localized IPEs.
  •         3. Resulting motor deficits correlate
    with the topography of the IPEs and usually
    manifest as either spastic hemiparesis or
    asymmetric spastic quadriparesis. Longitudinal
    studies have shown that there can be significant
    motor recovery in the first 2 years of life,
    especially in infants with grades III-IV IVH.
  •         4. Visual impairment can result from
    ventriculomegaly or from extensive
    periventricular white matter loss with
    involvement of the striate and parastriate
  •         5. Hearing impairment can result from
    injury to the auditory radiations.
  •         6. Children who were at high risk for IVH
    should be assessed periodically until school age
    because some studies have shown an increased risk
    of disability at 5-8 years of age in children who
    had no hemorrhage or minor hemorrhage.

Markers Better Prognosis
  •         a. A less severe grade of IVH.
  •             b. A normal sonogram at discharge
    from the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). 
              c. Absence of ventricular dilation.
  •             d. Absence of periventricular white
    matter injury.
  •             e. Shorter neonatal hospitalization.
  •             f. Higher social and environmental
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