Development of the Self and Social Cognition - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Development of the Self and Social Cognition


Development of the Self and Social Cognition C. H. Cooley (1902) and G. H. Mead (1934) Key Points to the Development of Self Self-concept is a function of social ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Development of the Self and Social Cognition

Development of the Self and Social Cognition
C. H. Cooley (1902) and G. H. Mead (1934)
  • Key Points to the Development of Self
  • Self-concept is a function of social interactions
    and it undergoes many changes over the course of
    a life-time.
  • Newborns initially have no concept of self
  • They must first discover their existence separate
    from their environment (i.e., objects, people).
  • Once infants make this important distinction
    between self and non-self, they establish
    interactive routines with close companions (i.e.,
    develop socially) and learn that their behavior
    elicits predictable reactions from others.
  • Looking Glass Concept

Emerging Self
  • Although theorists and researchers disagree as to
    the prevalence of the emerging self at birth,
    most acknowledge that it is present within 2 to 3
    months of life.
  • Margaret Mahler believes that the child makes no
    distinction from the self and the environment at
    birth. The chick in the egg concept because
    all needs are being met from its environment,
    there is no need to differentiate.
  • Brown (1998) and Meltzoff (1990) believes that
    the child does have an ability to distinguish the
    self from the environment.
  • Conclusions are drawn from findings which
    identify changes in child responses regarding the
    emergence or anticipation of his on hands
    approaching mouth and an ability to discriminate
    her own voice when crying from the voices of
    other infants.
  • As noted by Piaget, continued experimentation
    produces an awareness and understanding of their
    actions and how it influences the
    environmentPersonal agency.

  • Self-Recognition appears to develop in children
    around 15 to 17 months in some children, however,
    more seem to demonstrate self-recognition within
    18 to 24 months (Lewis and Brooks-Gunn,1979).
  • Healthy and secure attachments seem to foster
    self-recognition in infants
  • Mastery of ones environment starts first with
    the self and then expands to significant others,
    and inevitably the environment.
  • The emergence of self-recognition sets the stage
    of later social and emotional outcomes such as
    feelings of embarrassment and pride.
  • Categorical self.
  • Toddlers awareness of self makes them more
    sensitive to the unique differences in others and
    they demonstrate early signs of classifying
    (i.e., age, sex, ethnicity).

Preschoolers Sense of Self
  • Preschoolers generally tend to describe
    themselves in concrete and physical ways
  • Preschoolers tend not to describe themselves in
    psychological ways

Childrens Theory of Mind and Private Self
  • Theory of mind. The understanding that people
    are cognitive beings with mental states (beliefs,
    motives, feelings, and intentions) that are not
    always accessible to others and that often guide
    their beliefs.
  • Public self (or me). Those aspects of self that
    others can see or infer.
  • Private self (or I). Those inner, or subjective
    aspects of self that are known only to the
    individual and are not available for public

Self-Esteem Development
  • Self-esteem is fostered by secure attachments. A
    relatively healthy and stable sense of
    self-esteem is established by age 4 and 5.
  • Unidimensional vs. Multidimensional Self-esteem
  • Susan Harters Notion of Self-Perception

Self-Perception Profile for Adolescents (Harter,
  • Scholastic Competence
  • Athletic Competence
  • Social Acceptance
  • Physical Appearance
  • Behavioral Conduct
  • Close Friendship (adolescents)
  • Romantic Appeal (adolescents)
  • Job Competence (adolescents)
  • According to Harter, children between 4 and 7
    tend to have inflated egos because they tend to
    rate themselves highly in several domains.

  • Childrens views of self tend to reflect their
    imagination and desires more than their actual
    capabilities. However, by age 8 children view of
    self tend to become more accurate.
  • Children begin to shape more of their
    understanding of self based on others views.
    Looking glass.
  • Relational self-worth. Feelings of self-esteem
    within a particular relationship context (e.g.,
    with parents, with male classmates) may differ
    across relationship contexts.

Changes in Self-Esteem
  • Is self-esteem a stable construct over time?
  • According to Erikson, self-esteem is affected
    when we experience certain changes or crises
    (biological, social, cognitive).
  • Parenting style and influence affects
  • Peers influence self-esteem. Social

Development of Achievement Motivation and
Academic Self-concept
  • Achievement motivation. A willingness to strive
    to succeed at challenging tasks and to meet high
    standards of accomplishment.
  • According Robert White, from infancy onward,
    human beings are intrinsically motivated to
    master their environmentsto have an effect on or
    to cope successfully with a world of people and
    objects. Mastery motivation.
  • Infants struggle to execute tasks (turn knobs,
    open cabinets, operate toys)

Mastery Motivation
  • Stipek and associates (1992) examined mastery
    motivation in 1 to 5 year olds by presenting them
    with a series of tasks and observing expression
    after succeeding or failing.
  • Joy in Mastery. Display pleasure in mastering a
    challenge. Do not seek recognition for their
    success and consequently do not express much
    regret upon failure. Instead, they transition to
    new tasks. (0-2 years).
  • Approval Seeking. Begin to anticipate the
    evaluation of others regarding their performance.
    They seek recognition for their success and
    expect disapproval when they fail at tasks. (2-3
  • Use of Standards. Children begin to react more
    independently to their successes and failures.
    They develop self standards and are less
    dependent on others for recognition. Tend to
    display feelings of pride or shame regarding
    their competence.

  • Studies have identified correlations in children
    in high mastery motivation to demonstrate high
    academic performance.
  • Home Influences--Three important factors
  • The quality of the childs attachment. Children
    securely attached tend to be better
    problem-solvers display eagerness to learn and
    approach tasks and demonstrate their competence.
  • The character of the home environment. Studies
    have shown that the quality of the home
    environment in the 1st year of life was
    correlated with later academic performance in
    school. Supportive environments foster IAO
  • Intrinsic achievement orientation (IAO). A
    desire to achieve in order to satisfy ones
    personal needs for competence or mastery (as
    opposed to achieving for external incentives such
    as grades).
  • The child rearing practices that the parents use.
    Parents who stress independence training (doing
    things on their own) and who warmly reinforce
    self-reliant behavior contribute in positive ways
    to mastery motivation. Studies supporting
    Vygotskys scaffolding view support the approach
    of supportive mentoring and independence training
    in helping children to reach particular goals.

  • Parents can foster motivation by
  • Setting high standards and encouraging children
    to succeed
  • Praise their success/downplay their failure
  • Provide children room to make decisions but set
  • Parents can foster poor motivation by
  • Uninvolved or offer little guidance with children
  • Highly controlling
  • Nag continually about homework
  • Offer tangible bribes for good grades or harp
    incessantly about bad grades

Peer Group Influences
  • Peer pressure can have both positive and negative
    effects on mastery motivation in children
  • Peer pressures that interfere with academic
    achievement may be especially acute for many
    lower-income African American and Latino students
    and may help explain the lag in academic
    achievement with respect to Euro Americans and
    Asian American students.
  • According to Steinberg (1992), peers among low
    income African American and Latino ethnic groups
    tend to discourage academic performance and some
    high achieving minority students run the risk of
    being rejected from their peer groups. Perceived
    as acting white.

Group Process
  • Theoretical Camps
  • Psych Phenomenological
  • Cognitive Behavioral
  • Ethological
  • Social Behavioral
  • Ecological
  • Develop separate theoretical groups
  • Explore key and critical issues as a function of
    these groups
  • Explore theory and research generation

Questions for Consideration
  • Given your theoretical emphasis, what is the most
    important factor for considering self development
    in infants? Why?
  • When does the self develop? What are three
    important conditions necessary for the
    development of a healthy self?
  • Is the development of the self a stable
  • Explain the role of parent-child interaction.
    What do parents need to know in order to foster
    healthy self development?
  • I believe that early development of self is
    critical for setting the tone to identity
    development during adolescence and even
    adulthood. Offer feedback that supports or fails
    to support this position.
  • Can an experience in early infancy significantly
    disrupt identity development in later childhood?
  • Where do these camps agree? On what grounds do
    they differ?
  • What type of methodological procedures could be
    employed to better conduct research to support
    your theoretical positions?
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