Introduction to Quantum mechanics and Molecular Spectra - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to Quantum mechanics and Molecular Spectra


Introduction to Quantum mechanics and Molecular Spectra Ka-Lok Ng Asia University Contents The postulates of quantum mechanics (QM) The wave equation Schrodinger ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Introduction to Quantum mechanics and Molecular Spectra

Introduction toQuantum mechanics and Molecular
  • Ka-Lok Ng
  • Asia University

  • The postulates of quantum mechanics (QM)The wave
    equation Schrodinger equation
  • Quantum mechanical operators
  • Eigenvalues of QM operators
  • Wave functions
  • The particle in a 1D box
  • Physical methods of determining the 3D structure
    of proteins
  • References
  • House J.E. Fundamentals of quantum chemistry, 2nd
    ed. Elsevier 2004
  • Whitford D. Proteins structure and function. J.
    Wiley 2005.
  • http//
  • Molecular spectra, see http//
  • http//

The postulates of quantum mechanics (QM)
  • Postulate I
  • For any possible state of a system, there is a
    function y of the coordinates of the parts of the
    system and time that completely describes the

Y Is called a wave function. For two particles
The wave function square Y2 is proportional to
probability. Since Y may be complex, we are
interested in YY, where Y is the complex
conjugate (i ? -i) of Y. The quantity YYdt is
proportional to the probability of finding the
particles of the system in the volume element, dt
that is the probability of finding the particle
in the universe is 1 ? normalization condition.
The postulates of quantum mechanics (QM)
  • Orthogonal of two wave functions

Example sinq and cosq are orthogonal functions.
Fourier series expansion sin(nq) and cos(nq)
orthogonal functions
The Wave Equation
  • In 1924 de Brogile shown that a moving particle
    has a wave character. This idea was demonstrated
    in 1927 by Davisson and Germer when an electron
    beam was diffracted by a nickel crystal.
  • According to the de Brogile relationship, there
    is a wavelength associate with a moving particle
    which is given by

where l, h, m and v denote the wavelength,
Plancks constant, mass and velocity. Erwin
Schrodinger adapted the wave model to the problem
of the hydrogen atom and propose the Schrodinger
equation. The model needs to describe a
three-dimensional wave. Classical physics the
flooded planet problem the waveforms that would
result form a disturbance of a sphere that is
covered with water The classical 3D wave equation
where f is the amplitude function and v is the
phase velocity of the wave.
Schrodinger equation
The Wave Equation
  • The Schrodinger wave equation

The 1D wave equation solution http//www-solar.mcs
The 2D wave equation solution http//www.math.harv
  • Postulate II
  • With every physical observable q there is
    associated an operator Q, which when operating
    upon the wavefunction associated with a definite
    value of that observable will yield that value
    times the wavefunction F, i.e. QF qF.

  • (1) The operators are linear, which means that
  • O(Y1 Y2) OY1 OY2
  • The linear character of the operator is related
    to the superposition of states and waves
    reinforcing each other in the process
  • (2) The second property of the operators is that
    they are Hermitian (the 19th century French
    mathematician Charles Hermite).
  • Hermitian matrix is defined as the transpose of
    the complex conjugate () of a matrix is equal to
    itself, i.e. (M)T M

In QM, the operator O is Hermitian if
C. Hermite
Eigenvalues of QM operator
  • Postulate III
  • The permissible values that a dynamical variable
    may have are those given by OF aF, where F is
    the eigenfunction of the QM operator (Hermitian)
    O that corresponds to the observable whose
    permissible real values are a.
  • The is postulate can be stated in the form of an
    equation as

O F a F
operator wave function eignevalue
wave function
Example Let F e2x and Od/dx ? dF/dx
d(e2x)/dx 2 e2x ? F is an eigenfunction of the
operator d/dx with an eigenvalue of 2.
Eigenvalues of QM operator
  • Eigenvalues of QM operator must be real !
  • Example

The two values for l are real
Wave functions
  • Postulate IV
  • The state function Y is given as a solution of
  • where is the total energy operator, that is
    the Hamiltonian operator.
  • The hamiltonian function is the total energy,
    TV, where T is the kinetic energy and V is the
    potential energy. In operator form

Schrodinger equation
where is the operator for kinetic energy and
is the operator for potential energy. In
differential operator form, the time dependent
Schrodinger equation is
where qi is the generalized coordinates, m is the
mass of the particle.
The particle in a one-dimensional box
  • We treat the behavior of a particle that is
    confined to motion in a box
  • The coordinate system for this problem is show at
    the right
  • The Hamiltonian operator, H, is H T V p2/2m
  • where p is the momentum, mass is the mass of the
    particle, and V is the potential energy
  • Outside the box V 8, so the Schrodinger equation

For the equation to be valid, y must be 0 ?
Boundary condition the probability of finding
the particle outside the box is zero Inside the
box, V 0, so the Schrodinger equation becomes
The particle in a one-dimensional box
  • Where k2 8p2mE/h2. This is a linear
    differential equation with constant coefficients,
    which have a solution fo the form Y A cos(kx)
    B sin(kx).
  • The constant A and B must be evaluated using the
    boundary conditions. Boundary conditions are
    those requirments that must be met becase of the
    the physical limits fo the system.
  • For the probability of finding the particle to
    vanish at the walls of the box, that is Y 0
    both at x?0 and x?L.
  • At x?0
  • Y 0 A B(0) ? A 0
  • At x?L
  • Y 0 B sin kL
  • Since B ? 0, otherwise the complete wavefunction
    0 !
  • ? sin kL 0 that is kL np ? quantization
    condition !

The particle in a one-dimensional box
  • quantization condition ? kL np
  • Recall k2 8p2mE/h2
  • k2 L2 8p2mE/h2 L2 n2p2, where n 1, 2 . is
    the quantum number
  • Zero-point energy
  • One quantum number arise from a 1D system

E n2 E 1/L2 E m To determine the
wavefunction Y, one uses the normalization
n 1, 2, 3
The particle in a one-dimensional box
  • Consider a carbon chain like
  • CC-CC-C
  • as an arrangement where the p electrons can move
    along the chain. If we take an average bond
    length of 1.40 Angstrom, the entire chain would
    be 5.60 Angstrom length, Therefore, the energy
    difference between the n1 and n2 state would be

The energy corresponds to a wavelength of 344 nm,
and the maximum in the absorption spectrum of
1,3-pentadiene is found at 224 nm. Although this
not close agreement, the simple model does
predict absorption in the UV region of the
Molecular Spectra
  • Three types of energy levels in molecules
  • electronic large energy separations (200-400
    kJ/mol) ? optical or UV
  • vibrational medium energy separations (10-40
    kJ/mol) ? Infrared
  • rotational small energy separations (10-40
    J/mol) ? microwave
  • All the energy levels are quantized

Molecular Spectra
  • For a spectral line of 6000 Angstrom, which is in
    the visible light region, the corresponding
    energy is E hc/l 3.3x10-12 erg
  • ? a molar quantity multiply by Avogadros number
    ? E 200 kJ/mol
  • Diatmoic molecule can be viewed as if they are
    held together by bonds that have some stretching
    and bending (vibrational) capability, and the
    whole molecule can rotate as a unit.

Molecular Spectra
  • Normal mode of vibration for the CO2 molecule
  • behaves much like a simple harmonic oscillator
  • The vibrational energies can therefore be
    described by the relation (?1/2)h?, where ?,
    the vibrational quantum number 0,1,2,3. and
    ?the classical frequency
  • the symmetric stretch mode
  • the asymmetric stretch mode
  • the bending mode

Vibrational and Rotational energy levels
transition spectra
  • The CO2 molecule is free to rotate. The energies
    of the rotational modes (E h2/(8p2I), where I
    is the moment of inertia)) are smaller than for
    vibrational modes. Hence, the energy levels for
    two vibrational states with the rotational
    divisions looks like

Vibrational and Rotational energy levels
transition spectra for HCl
Applications of the Vibrational Energy Levels
  • determination of bond lengths
  • determination of bond force constants
  • determination of bond dissociation energy
  • qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis

Selection rules for energy level transitions
  • Selection rules are divided into high probability
    or allowed transitions
  • and Forbidden transitions of much lower
  • Forbidden transition symmetry-forbidden and
    spin-forbidden transitions
  • Spin-forbidden transitions involve a change in
    spin multiplicity defined as 2S1 where S is the
    electron spin number. Spin multiplicity reflects
    electron pairing (see Table). For a favourable
    transition there is no change in multiplicity

Number of unpair electrons Electron spin S 2S1 Multiplicity
0 0 1 Singlet
1 ½ 2 Doublet
2 1 3 Triplet
3 3/2 4 quartet
Selection rules for energy level transitions
  • Symmetry-forbidden transitions reflect
    redistributin of charge during transitions in a
    quantity called the transition dipole moment.
  • Differences in dipole moment arise from the
    different electron distributions of ground and
    excited states
  • For an allowing transition it requires a change
    in dipole moment
  • EM radiation can induce Rotational transitions
    only in molecule with a permanent dipole moment.
  • Not all molecules have dipole moments!
  • (1) only polar molecules can absorb and emit
    electromagnetic photons
  • (2) non-polar molecules H2 ,CO2 ,CH4
  • (3) energy transfer can take place during
  • The intensity of the signals in a rotational
    spectrum increase with the molecular dipole

Fluorescence Spectroscopy
  • Fluorescence excited molecules decay to the
    ground state via the emission of a photon with DS
    0 ( no change in spin multiplicity, S1 ? S0)
  • Emission is occurs at longer wavelengths than the
    corresponding absorbance band
  • Quantum yield of Fluorescence emission
  • photons emitted/number of photons absorbed
  • maximum value of quantum yield is 1
  • Photophysical properties of a fluorophore can be
    used to obtain information on its immediate
    molecular environment. Relaxation of a
    fluorophore from its excited state can be
    accelerated by fluorescence resonance energy
    transfer (FRET).
  • FRETcan be used to characterize protein-protein
    interactions as observed in signaling complexes
    of ion channel proteins.

Raman Spectroscopy
  • Chandrasekhara Venkata Raman (1888-1970) who
    discovered in 1928 that light interacts with
    molecules vai absorbance, transmission or
  • the first Indian Nobel Laureate in physics
  • Raman made many major scientific discoveries in
    acoustics, ultrasonic, optics, magnetism and
    crystal physics
  • Scattering can occur at the same wavelength when
    it is known as Rayleigh scattering (elastic, n0)
    or it can occur at altered frequency (change in
    the colour of the scattered light) when it is the
    Raman effect

Figure. See http//
Figure. See http//
Raman Spectroscopy
  • some weaker bands of shifted frequency are
    detected. Moreover, while most of the shifted
    bands are of lower frequency n0 - ni, there are
    some at higher frequency, n0 ni. By analogy to
    fluorescence spectrometry, the former are called
    Stokes bands and the latter anti-Stokes bands.
    The Stokes and anti-Stokes bands are equally
    displaced about the Rayleigh band however, the
    intensity of the anti-Stokes bands is much weaker
    than the Stokes bands and they are seldom

Raman Spectroscopy Application
  • commonly used in chemistry
  • provides a fingerprint by which the molecule can
    be identified. The fingerprint region of organic
    molecules is in the range 500-2000 cm-1.
  • to study changes in chemical bonding, e.g. when a
    substrate is added to an enzyme.
  • Raman gas analyzers have many practical
    applications, for instance they are used in
    medicine for real-time monitoring of anaesthetic
    (???) and respiratory gas mixtures during
  • In solid state physics, spontaneous Raman
    spectroscopy is used to, among other things,
    characterize materials, measure temperature, and
    find the crystallographic orientation of a

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
  • In 1945, the NMR phenomenon was given by F. Bloch
    and E. M. Purcell (both share the 1952 Nobel
  • NMR spectra are observed upon the pulse
    absorption of a photon (radio frequency) of
    energy and the transition of nuclear spins from
    ground to excited states

Bloch F (1905-1983)
Purcell E.M. (1912-1997)
es/1952/ http//
tones/ http//
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
  • For 1H there are two orientations. In one
    orientation the protons are aligned with the
    external magnetic field (north pole of the
    nucleus aligned with the south pole of the magnet
    and south pole of the nucleus with the north pole
    of the magnet) and in the other where the nuclei
    are aligned against the field (north with north,
    south with south)

A spinning nucleus is equivalent to a magnet
htm http//
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
  • Nuclei possessing angular moment (also called
    spin) have an associated magnetic moment (current
    generate magnetic field). Certain atomic nuclei,
    such as 1H, 13C, 15N and 31P have spin S½ and
    2H, 14N have spin S1, 18O has S5/2).
  • For nuclei such as 12C is the most common isotope
    is NMR silent, that is not magnetic. If a nucleus
    is not magnetic, it can't be studied by nuclear
    magnetic resonance spectroscopy. For the
    purposes, biomolecular NMR spectroscopy requires
    proteins enriched with 1H, 13C or 15N or ideally
    all nuclei.
  • Nuclear transitions differed in frequency from
    one nucleus to another but also showed subtle
    differences according to the nature of the
    chemical group (chemical shift effect).
  • Methyl protons resonating at a frequency ?
    amide proton ? a-carbon proton ? b-carbon proton
    ? The chemical environment of such nuclei are
  • Probe by NMR and this technique can be exploited
    to give information on the distances between
    atoms in a molecules. These distances can then
    be used to derive a 3D model of the molecule.

The frequency range needed to excite protons is
relatively high. It ranges from 300 MHz to 900
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
  • Why do we see peaks ?
  • When the excited nuclei in the beta orientation
    start to relax back down to the alpha
    orientation, a fluctuating magnetic field is
    created. This fluctuating field generates a
    current in a receiver coil that is around the
    sample. The current is electronically converted
    into a peak.
  • Why do we see peaks at different positions?
  • because nuclei that are not in identical
    structural situations do not experience the
    external magnetic field to the same extent. The
    nuclei are shielded or deshielded due to small
    local fields generated by circulating s, p and
    lone pair electrons.

NMR spectra
Solid-state 900 MHz (21.1 tesla) NMR spectrometer
at the Canadian National Ultrahigh-field NMR
Facility for Solids.
agnetic-resonance http//
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
  • Limitations for NMR methods
  • 1. For small proteins with size lt 100 kD
  • 2. Require highly concentrated protein solutions
    on the order of 1-2 mM.
  • 3. pH of solution lt 6.
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