Health and Wellness - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Health and Wellness


... culture, and personal beliefs Health and Wellness Wellness: a life-long process of living ones life each day in a healthy ... you When you feel your best, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: best | health | life | living | wellness | your


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness
  • Health the combination of Physical,
    Mental, Emotional, Social, and Spiritual
    Well-Being. Each persons level of Health affects
    every component of their life.

  • On a sheet of paper, complete the following
    statement When you have good health, you
  • When you feel your best, you will perform at your
    best. How might maintaining a high level of
    wellness help you reach your goals?

Life Saving Health Discoveries
  • 1796 Edward Jenner develops the Small Pox
  • 1829 Louis Braille develops the Braille System
  • 1832 Thomas Hodgkin identifies Cancer Cells
  • 1865 Joseph Lister develops Antiseptics
  • 1885 Louis Pasteur develops the Rabies Vaccine
  • 1928 Alexander Fleming discovers Penicillin
  • 1952 Jonas Salk develops the Polio Vaccine
  • 1973 Henry Heimlich develops the Heimlich
  • 1984 Luc Montaginar identifies HIV
  • 1990s David Ho develops Protease Inhibitors for

Comprehensive Health Education
  • Proactive Health
  • Modern Day Approach
  • Being Pro-Active
  • Practices Prevention
  • Takes Precautions
  • Develops Healthy Lifestyles
  • Minimal Health Problems
  • Quality and Quantity of Life are Enhanced
  • Reactive Health
  • Old Fashion Approach
  • Being Re-Active
  • Engages in Risky Health Behaviors
  • Develops Unhealthy Lifestyles
  • Develops Health Problems
  • Shortened Lifespan-Premature Death

"Preventive Medicine" vs. "Traditional
Health and Wellness
  • Physical Health taking care of the body
    getting regular medical check ups, proper
    nutrition, regular physical exercise, proper rest
    and sleep, practicing good hygiene, avoiding
    drugs, tobacco, and alcohol

Health and Wellness
  • Mental Health the development of the mind
    obtaining knowledge, increasing thinking skills,
    developing problem solving, and decision making

Health and Wellness
  • Social Health the development of ones
    communication skills, and establishing
    relationships family unity, dating, intimacy,
    dealing with peers

Health and Wellness
  • Emotional Health the ability to develop inner
    feelings and expressing them in healthful ways
    handling stress, dealing with frustration, love,
    fear, jealousy, or prejudice

Health and Wellness
  • Spiritual Health the development of ones belief
    system individual character, values, morals,
    religion, culture, and personal beliefs

Health and Wellness
  • Wellness a life-long process of living ones life
    each day in a healthy way that is based on sound
    health knowledge, and healthy attitudes

Wellness Continuum
Unhealthy Lifestyle
Healthy Lifestyle
Quality and Quantity of Life
Premature Death
Health and Wellness
  • Health Education the ongoing process of
    providing current and accurate health information
    to people which gives them the opportunity to
    take positive action concerning their health and

An Ounce Of Prevention Is Worth More Than A Ton
Of Cure
Benjamin Franklin
Health Information
  • Inaccurate Information or Unreliable Sources
  • Disregarding Health Information
  • Engaging in Unhealthy Behaviors
  • Accurate Information from Credible Sources
  • Gaining Health Knowledge
  • Making Practical Application of the Health

Unhealthy Lifestyle
Healthy Lifestyle
Health Illiterate
Health Literate
Health and Wellness
  • Healthy Lifestyle Factors
  • Sleep 7-10 hours per night
  • Eat and snack nutritiously
  • Avoid drugs, alcohol, and tobacco
  • Maintain good personal hygiene
  • Get 20-30 minutes of exercise
  • 3-5 times per week
  • Get regular medical dental check ups seek out
    medical help if health problems occur
  • Develop good decision making skills

Developing PersonalHealth and Wellness
Making Critical Life Decisions
  • D Define the Problem
  • State the Situation What Decision Needs
    to be Made?
  • E Examine the Alternatives
  • List ALL the Possible Options Available
  • C Consider the Consequences
  • Weigh ALL the Possible Negative Outcomes
  • I Identify Ones Values Morals
  • Is Your Decision Legal, Healthy, Appropriate?
  • D Decide and Act
  • Choose the BEST Decision that has the
    MOST Benefit and the LEAST
  • E Evaluate the Outcome
  • What Did YOU Learn from this Practical
  • How Can this Life Experience help you in the
  • What Would YOU Change or Improve?

Decision Making-HELP Criteria
  • H Healthy will your decision affect the health
    of you and/or others?
  • E Ethical will your decision be consistent
    with your moral values?
  • L Legal will your decision be breaking any
    rules or violating the law?
  • P Parent-Guardian Approval will your decision
    get the approval of your parents, guardian, or
    family members?

Critical Life Decisions forTeens and Young Adults
  • Drugs, Alcohol, Smoking
  • Diet, Exercise, Sleep
  • Driving Situations, Car Insurance
  • School, Grades, ACT, PSAT
  • College, Career, Occupation, Military
  • Dating, Intimacy
  • Contraception, STDs, Unplanned Pregnancy
  • Marriage, Parenthood

Responsible Health Behaviors
  • Improving Health Well-Being
  • Recognize or Identify Unhealthy Behaviors
  • What is the personal benefit for change of
  • Set Goals and Develop a Plan of Action to Change
  • Obtain accurate Health Information
  • Make a Commitment to Healthy Lifestyle
  • Usually REQUIRES people to make changes
  • REQUIRES people to regularly evaluate progress,
    make adjustments when necessary

Health Behaviors
Improving Health and Well-Being
Awareness I recognize need for
change Thinking I could choose to
change Emotion I want to change Motivation I
realize benefits of change Decision I will
make changes Commitment I will set goals for
change Action I am implementing
changes Result I improved from
changes Evaluation I increased overall
health and well-being
Goal Setting
  • Goal a personal plan that you air for to achieve
    or accomplish something
  • Short-Term Goal a goal that you are going to
    complete in a day or so
  • Long-Term Goal a goal that is going to complete
    over weeks, months, or years
  • Goals for Life goals that you are going to
    complete within your lifetime

Goal Setting Guidelines
  • Select One Goal to Work on at a Time
  • Make a List of What Needs to be Done
  • Identify Sources for Help and Support
  • Establish a Time-Line to Reach the Goal
  • Build in Checkpoints to Monitor Progress
  • Revise Goal IF NEEDED
  • Provide Yourself With a Reward When You
    Accomplish Your Goal

Developing Healthy Attitudes
  • Self Talk conscious, and unconscious
    conversations that people have with themselves
  • Negative Self-Talk ridiculing statements
  • Positive Self-Talk encouraging statements
  • Self-Confidence the belief one has in their
    abilities to do things
  • Self-Image how one views themselves
  • Pessimist people that view things in their life
    from a negative point of view
  • Optimist people that view things in their life
    from a positive point of view
  • Resiliency ability to adapt and recover from set
    backs and disappointment

Risk Factors
  • Risky Behavior unhealthy behaviors and actions
    that increase the opportunity for health problems
    to develop
  • Cumulative Risks multiple risks that gradually
    add up over time to cause health problems
  • High Risk Behaviors actions that have a very
    high chance of causing health problems

Health and Wellness
  • Risky Behavior High Risk Lifestyles
  • Self-destructive Behaviors
  • Drug Abuse
  • Tobacco Use
  • Alcohol Abuse
  • Unhealthy Eating Behaviors
  • Physical Inactivity
  • Irresponsible Sexual Behavior

Medical Care Treatment Options
  • Health Insurance a plan to cover part or most
    costs and expenses associated with medical
  • Medicare health insurance available to people
    age 65 and older
  • Medicaid medical aid for people of all ages who
    are unable to afford medical care
  • HMO a group of physicians that work together to
    provide medical treatment to members
  • PPO a group of medical providers who agree to
    charge less to members in a specific treatment

Public Health Information
  • FDA ensures that over the counter and
    prescription medicines are properly labeled and
    safe and effective for people to take for their
    intended use
  • DHHS federal agency responsible for public
    health information in the United States
  • NIH public health agency that conducts medical
    research on all health problems
  • CDC conducts research and collects data on
    diseases in the United States
  • WHO addresses health problems world-wide

(No Transcript)
Questions of the day Read each story.  Then
provide an action plan to help that person
improve his/her wellness. Mental Wellness- Anne
is struggling in school.  She is having trouble
understanding the material in her Math class. 
She is starting to lose confidence in her
academic abilities.  Anne is extremely frustrated
and is ready to explode anytime someone talks to
her.  Emotional Wellness- Curtis has been
dating his girlfriend for almost a year.  Lately,
things haven't been the same between them.  The
thought of losing her upsets Curtis very much. 
His mind is consumed with negative thoughts about
their relationship.   Physical Wellness- Juana
was participating in P.E. class during the
swimming unit.  One of her peers made a rude
comment about her weight.  It stuck with her the
entire day and that's all she could think about. 
She went home that night and started a new
diet.   In the beginning it went great but as
time went on she started taking on bad eating
habits.  She is almost at the point of being
anorexic.  All she thinks about is losing weight
and gaining attention. Social Wellness- Taylor
is a freshmen in high school.  She tried out for
the volleyball team and didn't make it.  She
desperately wants to get involved so that she can
meet some new people.  So she joins a couple
clubs that she has interest in.  As her freshmen
year progresses Taylor feels isolated at school. 
Things aren't going as well as she anticipated. 
She's struggling making new friends and her old
friends have gone their different ways. 
Socially, Taylor is a mess and it is really
starting to affect her in negative ways.
Spiritual Wellness- Darrell is going through an
extremely tough time in his life.  He just lost
his older brother in a car accident.  His family
is a wreck and he feels like he has nobody to
lean on.  He is starting to feel like his he has
no worth.  With his brother gone he has no one to
talk with about his feelings. Environmental
Wellness- Nick is a big supporter of a clean
environment.  One of his goals as the newly
elected school board president is to clean up the
school environment.  His problem is that not many
people are willing to jump in and help.  He is
really taking this to heart.  He doesn't
understand why people wont support a great
cause.  He is determined to make this work. 
Activity Break students into five small groups,
and give each group a marker . Have each group
take a station before one of the five dimensions,
and instruct them to consider what behaviors,
characteristics and elements are a part of their
assigned dimension. Place a time limit on this
according to your class period, but it shouldn't
exceed more than five minutes per dimension.
Have students rotate from dimension to
dimension, brainstorming each. If a sheet fills
up and a second one is necessary, provide it, but
instruct the group that they cannot duplicate the
contributions of any prior group. Wrap Up Have
students walk around the room following the last
dimension to see how each dimension turned out.
Follow up with large group discussion about how
the individual dimensions were defined, overlap
and relationships between the dimensions, etc.
Conclude by asking them to arrive at their own
functional definitions of health and wellness.
Misleading Advertising
  • Subliminal hidden messages, objects, or words
    are used to persuade you to use the product
  • Testimonial famous people try to convince you
    that you can be like them if you use the product
  • Influential tells you that your lifestyle is
    going to be so much better if you use the product
  • Bandwagon tells you that everybody else is
    using the product, so why not you too
  • Promotional offers you free stuff or encourages
    you to buy apparel that will advertise the
    product for free
  • Sex Appeal SEX SELLS is the theme that
    sexually suggestive ads use to make you think
    that you can improve your sex life, and have the
    person of your dreams if you use the product

PLAN Create an advertising promotion plan that
encourages a healthy lifestyle in teens.
Healthy lifestyles like eating healthy and
exercising regularly can lead to a better life
physically and you will feel a lot better about
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