Title: Distributed Resource Planning
1Wayne DC9435 13.2kV multi-grounded Y Emergency
installation of 2MW Diesel internal to the
distribution circuit operated in parallel to
grid uses wireless communication of
circuit loading from substation enabling
generator to manage circuit loading to a specific
2Richville 2.5 MVA, 41.57/4.8 kV Substation 2MW
Diesel Islanded to perform maintenance
17.5 miles of radial 41.57kV exposure feeds
Richville and Quail Substations Richville
Substation (rural substation in Michigans Thumb
region) 36 miles of 4.8kV delta Feeds 384
customers A peak load of 1.5 MVA
3Milford - 1 MW Nat Gas
Huron Valley Middle School
4SEOCWA Webster DC 371 Leased Water Board 500KW
5New 1.5MW 4.8kV direct connect blended fuel DG
6Keys to Siting
7Load Analysis for 2002 Summer
8Probable Run Time and Durations
97F 4 days 29 hrs
97F 4 days 29 hrs
Hrs 1-10 PM
Hrs 1-10 PM
3 PM-9 PM
1 PM-9 PM
9Noise db verse distance
Our practice is to talk to neighbors within 300
10The Lease
- The great enemy of clear language is
insincerity. When there - is a gap between ones real and ones declared
aim, one - turns, as it were instinctively, to long words
and exhausted - idioms, like a cuttlefish (octopus) squirting out
ink - George Orwell, Politics and the English
Language - Keep it Simple
- Copies of our beginning 3 page lease available on
11Automatic Load Following
12Automatic Load Following
Distribution Circuit Load
Transformer Load
Generator Load
13Methods of Operation
Radio,Phone Cell, Fiber etc
14Estimating Loads
Load Current, Communication and AC Power cables
16Load Monitoring
Recording Ammeter CT
Switchgear Position
X and Z Phase current brought to meter
Sum the returns to get Y Phase
17Communications (Union Lake)
Gen Meter
Hard wire
DC Meter
18DG Installations Load Analysis
2002 26 days of 90
2003 2 days of 90
2004 3 days of 90
2005 20 days of 90
Indicates that loading reached emergency rating
19Premium Power
20Premium Power Customers
- Adell Broadcasting
- Alps Automotive
- Arctic Cold Storage
- ASC Global
- Beaumont Hospital
- Botsford Hospital
- Flat Rock Community Center
- Karmann Manufacturing
- Lawrence Tech
- Meadowbrook Insurance
- Metropolitan Baking
- SY Systems
- Trinity Health Care-Warde Labs
- Washtenaw Co (multiple locations)
- Wayne State University
- Grand Total
- 600 kW
- 500 kW
- 750 kW
- 2,000 kW
- 300 kW
- 150 kW
- 500 kW
- 1,000 kW
- 300 kW
- 800 kW
- 600 kW
- 500 kW
- 600 kW
- 850 kW
- 300 kW
- 9,750 kW
- Key Markets
- Communications
- Education
- Food Service
- Healthcare
- Manufacturing
- Municipal
21ASC Incorporated
- Description 2000 kW diesel standby generator
with 3000 amp Closed-transition transfer
switch - Location Gibraltar, Michigan
- Service Keeping a Tier-1 auto parts
manufacturing facility operating - during utility power interruptions
- Drivers Avoided over 400k in line extension
capital expenditure - Lower energy cost by moving to
- interruptible tariff
- Support just-in-time delivery system
- Status Inservice September 2004
22Customer DG Interruptibles
23Customer DG Interruptibles
24Questions Discussion
25DTEs Other DER Work
- Annual Utility DG Conference (Apr 26-28, 2006)
- Hydrogen Power Park
- Next Energy
- Mobile Microgrid
- SCEs E2I RFP Development
- GridApps DoE, CTC, Utilities
- DoE DER Penetration limits study
- Army Collaborative Tools Disaster Recovery
- Voltage Regulation Study for CEC
- EPRI Utility DER Integration Best Practices
- DoE DER Integration Intentional Islanding
- DoE Aggregation Communication Control
26- DoE DER Aggregation Communication and Control
27Hierarchical Control
Level 3 Economic Dispatch of
Aggregated Units
Units available for economic dispatch
Level 2 Utility Concerns Constraints
Units available from a customer perspective
Level 1 Local Control
28DEW Modeling
Constraints Hours DG not available Total run
hours not to exceed e.g. diesel air permit limits
Real-time measurements Primarily circuit head
measurements with some SCADA internal to circuit
Set points
Load Scale
Power Flow
Historical measurements Customer meter info and
29Phase II DERs (Phase I Phase II)
Type No. Units kW Nat. Gas 16 4,575 Biogas 1 6,600
Diesel 6 8,350 Hydrogen/Nat. Gas Various 1,036 Lo
ad Reduction Substation 600 Micro
turbine 3 460 Fuel Cell 2 10 Solar 2 26 Battery 1
200 TOTAL 21,457
30Summary of DER Benefits
- Customer
- Manage demand
- Standby
- Lower rates
- Utility - Wires Company
- Customer retention
- Manage loading
- On peak
- Shutdowns
- Emergency
- Utility - Generation Company
- Energy
- Capacity
- Win Win (important that utility derive benefits
also) - Aggregation and Sale can be done through the
utility - Do not discourage participation with onerous
rules and penalties - DER are also important for sticks and wires (not
just generation capacity and energy) - Unity power factor at the point of Common
Coupling - (DGs to put out vars for voltage and var
support also) - Utilities need to experiment with DER
32Questions Discussion
- Distributed Generation in sellback mode
- Distributed Generation parallel non-sellback mode
- Standby Generator non-parallel non-sellback mode
- Interruptible Load
Sell Back
II - Non Sell Back
34Case Study
- TD Substation Expansion
4,000K 400K -
- DR 1 DR Capital Cost 880K 88K
- OM 15K 15K
- DR1 Total Cost 895K 103K
- DR2 DR Capital Installation 150K 15K
- OM 15K 15K
- DR2 Installation Total Cost 165K 30K
- The installation of the DER is a more economic
alternative for the initial deferral of the
substation, here again because of having already
purchased the DER the saving are even greater. -