Title: New Technologies in the inspirational Physics Teaching
1 New Technologies in the inspirational Physics
- J.D. Vergados
- University of Ioannina, Greece
2I hope that you agree that
- Delivering technically good lectures and
executing accurate physics experiments is a
necessary, but not sufficient condition
3I hope that you agree that
- Delivering technically good lectures and
executing accurate physics experiments is a
necessary, but not sufficient condition - A good teacher must excite the minds of the young
to motivate them to pursue knowledge, especially
in the hard and not economically rewarding
4I hope that you agree that
- Delivering technically good lectures and
executing accurate physics experiments is a
necessary, but not sufficient condition - A good teacher must excite the minds of the young
to motivate them to pursue knowledge, especially
in hard and not economically rewarding
disciplines. - Inspirational teaching has to fight against the
odds of the short term goals imposed, e.g., by
the University Entrance Exam.
5New technologies can
- Aid in delivering technically and pedagogically
fine lectures - Aid an inspired teacher in preparing and
presenting exciting material - I will concentrate here on the second aspect
drawing from my long experience as a University
Teacher and benefiting from my contact with high
school teachers
6Broaden Horizons of Science
- Expand to other sciences
- e.g. Cosmology and Biology (physics is
invaluable in biology. It provides concepts,
instruments, modeling) - Explain exciting events of everyday life (a
specific illustration will be the perception of
color) - Exhibit the broad applicability of the basic
physics concepts Length, energy etc - (specific illustration will be the measurement
of length) - Exploit current experimental facilities to study
ordinary problems, e.g. learning magnetism from
8Color perception is not just radiation of a given
9The three colors (r, g, b) when combined yield a
variety of colors
10The mechanism of vision
- Cones responsible for color and detail
- Rods responsible for seeing in dim light and
spotting movement
11Color sensors Cones.There exist three types of
12The three basic colors (r, g, b) ?white
?Additive colors (screens)
- Scanners
- screens
- emit light
- They mix
- light
- Additive
- process
13Subtractive basic colors YMC-K (cyan, magenta,
yellow)?black? printers
- Printers are
- covered with
- colored
- substance.
- For viewing they
- reflect light
- Subtractive
- process
14The 1976 CIE Chromaticity Diagram (see Zaharis,
Thesis, UOI)
- RGE cannot
- reproduce
- all colors seen
- by the eye
- Only those
- Inside
- The triangle
- The equally exciting small scale is not going to
be discussed here.
16Measurement of Length I Body Length Units the
measuring stick
17Standard meter (CGPM, 1889)
- Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures (CGPM)
established the International Prototype Metre as
the distance between two lines on a standard bar
of an alloy of ninety percent platinum and ten
percent iridium, measured at the melting point of
18Standard meter (CGPM, 1960)
- The standard meter is defined as equal to
1,650,763.73 wavelengths in vacuum of the
radiation corresponding to the transition between
the 2p10 and 5d5 quantum levels of the
krypton-86 (86Kr) atom.
19Standard meter (CGPM, 1960)
- The seventeenth CGPM defines the length to be the
distance travelled by light in vacuum during a
time interval of 1/299 792 458 of a second. - The speed of light is set exactly at
299792458 - International System, the 13th CGPM (1967)
decided to replace the definition of the second
by the following (affirmed by the CIPM in 1997
that this definition refers to a cesium atom in
its ground state at a temperature of 0 K) - The second is the duration of 9 192 631 770
periods of the radiation corresponding to the
transition between the two hyperfine levels of
the ground state of the cesium 133 atom.
20Measurement of Length II Similar
- The Measurement of unreachable objects, e.g. the
width of a river, the height of pyramids etc. - Estimation of distance by the eye
- (air-line type measurement).
- Triangulation ?Knowledge of one side and two
angles of a triangle determines the triangle
21Measurement of height Use of the shade of a
known object
22What is the width of a River (AX)? Choose some
length AB. Choose a BC, e.g. BC(AB)/2, and D so
that DBXstraight line ? (AX)2 (CD)
23 Measurement of Length IIb Triangulation
24Measure angle B (520) and distance AB450m?AT675
25Back in biology.Measurement of Length IIc
(inside the body). What is the distance between
the cones of the fovea?
- Attach on a wall a sheet of paper with a set of
parallel lines separated by a distance D3mm - Ask a student to approach the sheet so that the
lines a barely resolved. Let the students
distance from the sheet be L10m - Assume that the distance from the iris (front of
the eye) to the retina is l15cm
26Here is the geometry D3mm, l15mm, L10m, d?
- d/15mm1mm/10m ? d1.5x10-6m 1.5 µm (diameter
of a cone)
27The eye vs a digital camera.Cone diameter d1.5µm
- The area of the fovea is 1mm2 ?
- The number of cones (pixels) is 500000
- Typical good digital camera 5x106pixels!
- Yet, the eye has a better view of a pretty
landscape. How come? - The eye can at will change the point it focuses
28How does the eye estimate the distance of a car
in the highway?
- Do it! Simple geometrical optics
29Measurement of Length III The Earths radius
(Eratosthenes, 276-194 AD)
- Radius R(360/?)( (??)/2p)
- (AB)distance between
- Syene (B) and Alexandria (A)
- 5000 stadiums800 km
- ??A- ?B 7.2 deg
- ?Bangle of the sun rays
- from zenith in Syene (zero
- that day)
- ?A angle of the sun rays
- from zenith in
- Alexandria
- ?
- R6366 km
- Present value
- R6378 km
30Measurement of Length IV The parallax Method.
- Fact Close objects move (relative to distant
ones) as the observer moves. - Essential quantities
- a) A known long baseline. Typically
- -The diameter of the earth
- -The diameter of the ecliptic
- b) the angle the baseline is seen from a distant
31The notion of parallax Put a finger in front of
your nose. Look at it with one eye closed. Then
with the other
32The notion of parallax Put a finger in front of
your nose. Look at it with one eye closed. Then
with the other
33Parallax Application Close objects move
(relative to distant ones) as the observer moves!
34Animated Parallax (exaggerated)
35On paper everything fine, but.
d(1AU)/p?d3.262/(p/1) ly
- 1AU149597900km p0.762 (a-century)
36Still Larger Distances
- Triangulation cannot be applied for distances
greater than 500 ly - (1 ly0.946x1016 m6.324x104 AU)
- We need a new idea
- Standard candles
- a) Cepheid variable stars up to 50x106 ly
- b) Supernovae Ia up to 1x109 ly 1/10 of
the radius of the universe (so far!)
37Identical stars may show different brightness
(relative luminosity)
38The Luminosity falls as 1/r2
39 Prototype Cosmic Candles
- L Absolute Luminosity (emitted power)
- ? Relative Luminosity
- (Power per unit area of detector)
- That is Knowledge of L and Measurement of ?
- Determine the optical
depth" D - L depends on the physics governing the emitting
40Prototype A Cepheids Variable stars. Absolute
luminosity is related to their period.
41The cycle of a large mass star SourceImagine the
Universe, NASA
42Supernovae Ia All have the same mass (1.4
msolar)? All have the same (absolute) luminosity
- They are very bright
- They are easily detectable (but very rare, one
every 500 years in our galaxy) - They can be identified from their spectrum and
light curve
43Supernova I A white Dwarf is eating up the mass
of a red giant. It explodes when its mass becomes
1.4 msolar
44Light curve of supernovae Ia
45Bonus Once one can see so deep, one can get the
deepest picture of the sky as it looked 12
billion years ago!
46Concluding remarks from the chosen experiment
on Length
- It may be interesting to look at any fundamental
observable (Length, time, mass, energy, momentum,
angular momentum etc) from a broader perspective,
while making the presentation technically as easy
as possible. - This approach requires a different operational
definition of the chosen observable at each
level. A new idea leading to a different
apparatus is usually needed. - The successive levels must have a common range to
allow for the needed calibration.
47Concluding remarks
- The new technology
- Allows the teacher to easier follow the recent
developments in the field. - Allows for an easy accumulation of the needed
information. - Allows a technically superior presentation of the
ideas - It cannot, however, tell anyone what the
interesting material is
48This experiment is fine, but..
- Will the physics teachers appreciate this
approach? - Will they merely view it as an obstacle in their
efforts towards covering the material? - Given their pupil body, will they be able execute
such a program properly to motivate them to
overcome their frustration with having to do the
tedious day-to-day work? - Will some pupils/students find this approach
interesting? - Will any pupils/students find this approach
useful? Or - will the pupils/students find this approach
derailing them from their basic goals? Do not
forget the grade hunting and the Minotaur
University Entrance Examination.
49 50 51Stellar Parallax
52(No Transcript)