Title: Meridional Circulation from ring-diagram analysis
1Meridional Circulation from ring-diagram analysis
- Irene González Hernández
- and the GONG team
- National Solar Observatory
- Tucson, Arizona
2Meridional Circulation from ring-diagram analysis
- Science motivation
- Meridional circulation from ring analysis. A
quick history - Recent results
- The future
- Conclusions
3 Meridional Circulation and Dynamo Models
- Dikpati, Mausumi Gilman, Peter A.
"Flux-Transport Dynamos with a-Effect from Global
Instability of Tachocline Differential Rotation
A Solution for Magnetic Parity Selection in the
Sun". 2001, ApJ, 559, 428 - Gilman, P.A and Miesch, M. "Limits to
Penetration of Meridional Circulation Below the
Solar Convection Zone, 2004, ApJ, 611, 568. - Giles, P., 2000, PhD Thesis, Stanford
University. - Haber, Deborah A. Hindman, Bradley W. Toomre,
Juri Bogart, Richard S. Larsen, Rasmus M.
Hill, Frank. "Evolving Submerged Meridional
Circulation Cells within the Upper Convection
Zone Revealed by Ring-Diagram Analysis". 2002,
ApJ,570, 855 - McDonald, E. Dikpati, M. "Evolution of
Large-scale Solar Magnetic Fields in the Presence
of a Multi-cell Meridional Flow". 2004,American
Astronomical Society Meeting 204, 53.06
4A quick history of Meridional Circulation from
- González Hernández, I, Patr?n, J, Bogart, R. S.
and the SOI Ring Diagram Team, 1999, ApJ 510,
L153 - Basu, S. and Antia, H.M, 2002 Proceedings of the
SOHO 11 Symposium? 2003, ApJ 585, 553 - Haber, D.A., Hindman, B. W.,Toomre, J., Bogart,
R.S., Larsen, R.M., Hill, F.,2002, ApJ 570, 855. - González Hernández, I., Komm, R.,Hill,F.,Howe,R.,
Corbard, T. and Haber, D.A., 2006, ApJ 638, 576 - Zaatri, A., Komm,R., Gonzalez Hernandez, I.,
Howe, R. and Corbard, T., 2006, SoPh 236, 227
5Meridional Circulation from rings
Basu Antia, 2003
6Meridional Circulation from rings
Haber et al, 2002
7Meridional Circulation from rings
González Hernández et al, 2006
8Meridional Circulation from rings
González Hernández et al, 2006
9Meridional Circulation from rings
Zaatri et al, 2006
10Meridional Circulation from rings
Zaatri et al, 2006
11Recent results from MDI
Courtesy of D. Haber
12Recent results from GONG
13Recent results from GONG
14Meridional Circulation from small patches
Courtesy of B. Hindman and D. Haber
15The future
- Foreshortening / Projection
- Differential rotation in the area studied
- Effect of magnetic activity ? fitting method
- Other high latitude effects
- HMI (Solar Dynamics Observatory)
- VIM (Solar Orbiter)
- Ring analysis has made a big contribution to
the study of meridional circulation from the
surface to approx. 30Mm. - New results confirm solar cycle dependence close
to the surface from previous works but show
almost no dependence at deeper layers - Multi-cell circulation needs to be confirmed
- We are limited in latitude to /- 50 degrees
- Higher resolution observations (HMI)
- Observations off the ecliptic (Solar Orbiter
mission) - Several problems of the technique need to be