Title: Common Diseases of Dairy Cattle
1Common Diseases of Dairy Cattle
- Calving Disorders
- Early Lactation Pitfalls
- Everyday Problems
2Calving Disorders
- Dystocia
- Paralysis
- Prolapsed Uterus
- Retained Placenta
- Metritis
- Milk fever
3Calving DisordersDystocia
- What
- Difficulty with calving
- When
- No progress after calf in the birth canal
- Why
- Calf not presented properly
- Large calf
- Twins
- Milk fever
4Calving DisordersDystocia
- Diagnosis
- Vaginal Exam
- Must recognize proper presentations
- Front- 2 front legs, head
- Rear- 2 rear legs
- Spine to spine
- ALWAYS clean before examination
5Calving DisordersDystocia
- Treatment
- Assisted pulling
- Correct problems in presentation
- Consider veterinary help-especially if something
feels unusual
6Calving DisordersDystocia
- Prevention
- Breed heifers of proper size
- Calving ease bulls
- Frequent observation- better to check cow and ask
for unecessary help than have a dead cow - Always check for second calf
7Calving DisordersCalving Paralysis
- What
- Cow has nerve and muscle damage from trauma of
calving - When
- After calf is pulled
- Why
- Calf not presented properly
- Large calf
- Calving too long a time periuod
8Calving DisordersCalving Paralysis
- Diagnosis
- History of hard calving
- Cow is usually alert, eating, drinking
- Normal temperature
- Be careful of more serious problems
- Treatment
- Tincture of time
- Lifting
- Anti-inflammatory agents
- Treatment
9Calving DisordersCalving Paralysis
- Prevention
- Avoid dystocias
- Know when to call veterinarian
- Usually if hadnt made any progress in 30 minutes
of assistance
10Calving DisordersProlapsed Uterus
- What
- Cow has pushed uterus outside body- inside out
- When
- After calf is pulled out
- Why
- Dystocia
- Large calf
- Milk Fever
11Calving DisordersProlapsed Uterus
- Diagnosis
- Usually within hours after calving
- Uterus laying on ground behind cow
- Treatment
- Call veterinarian immediately
- Provide clean area, feedsacks, sheets to help
lift uterus - Antibacterials
12Calving DisordersProlapsed Uterus
- Prevention
- Avoid dystocias
- Treat milk fevers promptly
13Calving DisordersRetained Placenta
- What
- Cow has fetal membranes still attached to
uterus-partly outside the cow - When
- After calving- at least 12 hours later
- Why
- Dystocia
- Milk Fever
- Twins
14Retained Fetal MembranesWhat is Normal?
- 50 Citations in Literature from 1979 to 1995
- Lactational Incidence Rates Ranged from 1.3 to
39.2 - Median LIR was 8.6
Kelton, et al., 1998. JDS 812502
15Calving DisordersRetained Uterus
- Diagnosis
- Cow didnt clean
- Wait 12 hours after calving
- Treatment
- Nothing - if metritis isnt present
- Remove suspended membranes
- Lutalyse- consult veterinarian
16Calving DisordersRetained Placenta
- Prevention
- Avoid dystocias
- Prevent milk fever
- Well balanced dry cow rations
- ECP- consult veterinarian
17Calving DisordersMetritis
- What
- An infection of the uterus that has actually
invaded into tissue - When
- Usually observed within 2 weeks after calving
- Why
- Dystocia
- Twins
- Retained placenta
18MetritisWhat is Normal?
- 43 Citations in Literature from 1979 to 1995
- Lactational Incidence Rate Ranged from 2.2 to
37.3 - Median LIR was 10.1
Kelton, et al., 1998. JDS 812502
19Calving DisordersMetritis
- Diagnosis
- Vaginal discharge - foul smelling
- Cow may have fever, off feed
- Treatment
- More severe cases require antibacterials
- Lutalyse
- Consult veterinarian for protocol
20Calving DisordersMetritis
- Prevention
- Avoid dystocias
- Prevent milk fever
- Well balanced dry cow rations
- Prevent retained placentas
- PHYSICAL EXAMS of cows for 7 to 10 days after
21Calving DisordersMilk Fever
- What
- Hypocalcemia- low calcium in blood
- When
- Usually observed within 2 days after calving-can
occur before calving - Why
- Cows 3rd lactation or greater
- Rapid synthesis of milk into udder, drains
calcium from blood
22Serum Calcium Levels at Parturition
Goff, 1999. DHM 36(11)29
23Milk FeverWhat is Normal?
- 33 Citations in Literature from 1979to 1995
- Lactational Incidence Rates Ranged from 0.03 to
22.3 - Median LIR was 6.5
Kelton, et al., 1998. JDS 812502
24Calving DisordersMilk Fever
- Diagnosis
- No fever- or low body temperature
- Cow down- early may be staggering
- Off feed, no manure
- Glazed eyes, S bend in neck
- Be careful of other problems
- Treatment
- Calcium IV, subcutaneous
- Must be careful of overdosing
25Calving DisordersMilk Fever
- Prevention
- Early detection while cow still standing
- Well balanced ration, especially before calving
26Common Diseases of Dairy Cattle
- Calving Disorders
- Early Lactation Pitfalls
- Everyday Problems
27Early Lactation PitfallsDisplaced Abomasum
- What
- Abomasum in wrong place of abdomen- DA
- When
- Usually within 60 days after calving-can occur
anytime - Why
- Cows that go off feed
- Any previous health problem
28LDAWhat is Normal?
- 22 Citations in Literature from 1979 to 1995
- Lactational Incidence Rate Ranged from 0.3 to
6.3 - Median LIR was 1.7
Kelton, et al., 1998. JDS 812502
29Early Lactation PitfallsDisplaced Abomasum
- Diagnosis
- Ping heard on side of abdomen
- Off feed
- Ketosis
- Treatment
- Surgery
30Early Lactation PitfallsDisplaced Abomasum
- Prevention
- Balanced ration with fiber
- Balanced ration for transition cows
- Prevent causes of cows going off-feed
31Early Lactation PitfallsKetosis
- What
- Cow in low energy balance
- Burns off fat so fast creates ketones in blood
- When
- Usually within 30 days after calving
- Why
- Low body condition
- Any other cause for going off-feed
32KetosisWhat is Normal?
- 36 Citations in Literature from 1979 to 1995
- Lactational Incidence Rate Ranged from 1.3 to
18.3 - Median LIR was 4.8
Kelton, et al., 1998. JDS 812502
33Early Lactation PitfallsKetosis
- Diagnosis
- Smell of acetone on breath
- Keto-stick turns purple in urine
- Off feed
- Treatment
- Dextrose IV
- Propylene glycol drench
- Glucocorticoids
- Consult veterinarian for protocol
34Early Lactation PitfallsKetosis
- Prevention
- Balanced ration for all stages of lactation
cycle- including dry cows - Maintain proper body condition for all stages of
lactation cycle - Prevent other diseases
35Early Lactation PitfallsOther Diseases
- Rumen acidosis
- Abomasal Ulcers
- Fatty Liver
- All require veterinary assistance in
36Common Diseases of Dairy Cattle
- Calving Disorders
- Early Lactation Pitfalls
- Everyday Problems
37Everday ProblemsMastitis
- What
- Infection of the udder
- Most likely to treat clinical mastitis
- Can be mild to severe
- When
- Usually lactating cows
- Why
- Poor milking technique
- Unclean cow housing
38Clinical MastitisWhat is Normal?
- 62 Citations in Literature from 1979 to 1995
- Lactational Incidence Rate Ranged from 1.7 to
54.6 - Median LIR was 14.2
- Michigan study suggested 1-2 of cows each month
is a good goal
Kelton, et al., 1998. JDS 812502
39Everyday Problems Mastitis
- Diagnosis
- Abnormal milk
- Swollen quarter
- Cow may be off feed, fever
- Off feed
- Treatment
- Consult veterinarian
- Antibacterials
- Supportive care
40Everyday Problems Mastitis
- Prevention
- Important to keep records
- Culture of milk samples
- Proper milking technique
- Maintain clean, dry, comfortable cows
41Everday ProblemsPneumonia
- What
- Infection of the respiratory tract-lungs
- When
- Anytime
- Usually after new arrivals
- Rapid weather changes
- Why
- Lack of immunity (vaccination)
- Poor ventilation/housing
42Everyday Problems Pneumonia
- Diagnosis
- Fever
- Labored breathing/sounds
- Depression
- Off feed
- Treatment
- Consult veterinarian
- Antibacterials
- Supportive care
43Everyday Problems Pneumonia
- Prevention
- Important to keep records
- Vaccination program
- Biosecurity program
- Maintain well-ventilated, dry housing
44Everday ProblemsLameness
- What
- Infection or injury of feet or legs
- When
- Anytime
- Why
- Foot rot
- Heel warts
- Punctures
- Rumen acidosis/laminitis founder
45Everyday Problems Lameness
- Diagnosis
- Cow with limp
- Standing / walking with humped back
- Must examine foot
- Treatment
- Consult veterinarian-antibacterials
- Foot trimming/bandages
46Everyday Problems Lameness
- Prevention
- Regular foot trimming
- Foot baths
- Well designed stalls for cows
- Well balanced rations
47Everday ProblemsEnteritis
- What
- Infection of intestinal tract
- Can be acute (winter dysentery) or
- Chronic (Johnes)
- When
- Anytime
48Everday ProblemsEnteritis
- Why
- Feed changes
- Salmonella
- Winter dysentery
- Parasites (younger animals)
- Johnes disease
49Everyday Problems Enteritis
- Diagnosis
- Off feed
- Diarrhea
- Weight loss
- Blood or fecal tests
- Treatment
- Consult veterinarian-
50Everyday Problems Enteritis
- Prevention
- Vaccination (BVD)
- Strict biosecurity
- Sanitation
- Clean feed handling
- Separatiuon of calves from cows
- Culling
- Gradual feed changes
51Everday ProblemsHardware
- What
- Foreign object (metal) in digestive tract
- When
- Anytime
- Why
- Cows swallow nails, wire
- Causes punctures in digestive tract
- Liver abcesses
- Heart damage
52Everyday Problems Hardware
- Diagnosis
- Off feed
- Often normal to dry manure
- Arched back
- Usually no fever
- Diarrhea
- Treatment
- Consult veterinarian-antibacterials
- Magnet
53Everyday Problems Hardware
- Prevention
- Careful of needles, tools, wire, nails around
farm - Magnets to all heifers?
54Goals and Objectives of 100-Day Contract
Fresh Period
- Protect Fresh Cows from Pathogens via Sanitation
and Vaccination - Temp All Fresh Cows Daily for 10 Days
Post-Calving and Treat Appropriately - Use ECP Sterile Solution on Problem Cows to Keep
Uterus Sensitive to Oxytocin - Prevent Toxic Metritis
55Goals and Objectives of 100-Day Contract
Fresh Period
- Keep Cows on Feed Following Calving
- Early Identification Problems
- Day One if Possible
- Develop Standard Operating Procedures
- Return to Positive Energy Balance by 45 Days in
56Components of 100-Day Contract
Fresh Period
- Clean Calving Environment
- Third Upjohn J-5 Bacterin within Two Weeks of
Calving - Body Condition Score at Calving
- Daily Monitoring of Each Cow for First 10 Days
after Calving - Administer Supportive Therapy as Needed
5710 Day Postpartum Monitoring Program
- Involves evaluating each fresh cow every day for
10 days. - Observe Attitude of Cow
- Rectal temperature (gt103.0F.)
- Sick, Off feed
- Ketosis
- Displaced Abomasum
- Physical exam for other diseases
5810 Day Postpartum Monitoring Program
- Practical approach to managing uterine health
with 2 major goals - Maximize potential milk yield by keeping cows on
feed (pick up and diagnose problems early!) - Aid future reproduction by stimulating rapid
uterine involution
Dr. Lynn Upham, Bovine Proceedings, September,
59Fresh Cow Monitoring SystemFlow Chart
Fresh Cow
1) 10 Day PP Monitoring 2) ECP Sterile Solution,
2 cc. IM 3) LUTALYSE Sterile Solution, 1
ds. (14-28 days PP)
1) 10 Day PP Monitoring
Sick/"Off Feed"
Sick/"Off Feed"
60Abnormal Fresh Cow
- Assisted Calving - If chains/baling twine are
used or if vulva is entered. - Twins
- Dead Calves
- Milk Fever
- Retained Placenta
61Fresh Cow Program
Day One Problem CowsECP (4 mg once)
10-Day EvaluationTemperature andPhysical Exam
Fever /- Off-feed
Off-feed no fever
No treatment
Antibiotic ECP (4 mg - if not given day
one) PREDEF 2X (20 mg once) Supportive Rx as
PREDEF 2X (20 mg once) Supportive Rx as needed
LUTALYSEClean-UpDay 14-21
LUTALYSEClean-UpDay 14-21
62Why ?
- ECP (Estradiol cypionate) -- day one
- Very low dose (4mg)
- Effects last 5-7 days
- Keeps uterus sensitive to oxytocin
- Improved neutrophil function ?
63ECP (estradiol cypionate)
- All abnormal cows receive 2 cc IM as soon as
possible after calving. - Purpose
- Increases uterine contractions keeps the uterus
sensitive to oxytocin - Increases uterine blood supply
- Activates neutrophils
- When
- Early postpartum
- May repeat in seven days
- Do not use after 14 days
- Temperature monitoring
- GLA thermometers
- Early warning
- More effective treatment
- Improved Animal Welfare!
- Antibiotic Treatment
- Broad-spectrum systemic
- Fever of unknown origin
- Treating metritis
66What Can We Give These Cows Day One to Keep Them
From Becoming Toxic Metritis Day 5-10 ?
- Calcium ?
- Oxytocin ?
- Estrogens ?
- Antibiotics ?
67Parasite Control
- Parasite
- Is an organism that makes its living at the
expense of another
68Parasite Control
- Ectoparasites
- Flies, lice, ticks
- Endoparasites
- Nematodes (worms)
- Protozoans (coccidia, cryptosporidia)
69Parasite Control
- Ectoparasites (Flies, lice, ticks)
- Can cause loss of production
- More important as carriers (vectors) of disease
- Pink eye, Lyme disease, blue tongue,
anaplasmosis - Control by topical insectisides
- Eprinex, Ivomec (not for lactating cows)
70Parasite Control
- Endoparasites- Nematodes
- Most critical for younger animals
- Have to be ingested from pasture
- Most infective during warm, wet weather
- Can cause weight loss
- Control by deworming at strategic times of year-
summer, fall
71Parasite Control
- Endoparasites- Protozoans
- Most critical for younger animals
- Have to be ingested from contaminated feed,
feeders, bedding - Can cause weight loss-severe diarrhea
- Control by cleaning feeding equipment
- Coccidiostats in feed , e.g. ionophores for
heifers gt 3 mos of age