Title: In 1969, Robert Wilson was called to justify the
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28In 1969, Robert Wilson was called to justify the
multimillion-dollar machine to the Congressional
Joint Committee on Atomic Energy. Wilson
emphasized it had nothing at all to do with
national security, rather It has only to do
with the respect with which we regard one
another, the dignity of men, our love of
culture. It has to do with Are we good
painters, good sculptors, great poets? I mean
all the things we really venerate in our country
and are patriotic about. It has nothing to do
directly with defending our country except to
make it worth defending.
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37But there is More than just Matter and Antimatter
Looking at our Universe we see much more than
ordinary matter (or antimatter)
Composition of the Universe
Ordinary matter
We call this extra stuff dark matter because
we cannot see it. But what is it?
38Much Evidence for its Existence
In galaxies and galaxy clusters
There is not enough visible mass in rotating
spiral galaxies to hold them together
Separation of dark matter and ordinary matter in
the collision of two clusters of galaxies
Photos courtesy of NASA
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