- Prepared by Brian Wilson, Principal Ecologist,
- Ecotone Ecological Consultants Pty Ltd
- for the ECA NSW 10th Anniversary Conference,
- 4 September 2008
Platt Street, Waratah NSW 2298 -
phone (02) 4968 4901 fax (02) 4968 4960 - web
21. What is Part 3A
- This is Part 3A of the NSW Environmental Planning
Assessment Act 1979. This part came into force
in August 2005 along with a new SEPP (Major
Projects). - Under this part of the Act, Major Projects are
assessed by the Minister for Planning, rather
than being assessed under Part 4 or Part 5. - Implemented to simplify the approval process for
Major Developments.
32. What is a Major Project?
- A very broad range of projects can be considered
a Major Project under the legislation - These are defined in the Act as either
- Projects of a type listed under SEPP (Major
Projects) 2005 or - An order by the Minister for Planning published
in the NSW Government Gazette.
4- Those projects of a type listed in the various
schedules of the SEPP (Major Projects) include - Schedule 1 Classes of Development
- Agriculture, timber, food and related industries
- Mining, petroleum production, extractive
industries and related industries - Chemical, manufacturing and related industries
- Other manufacturing industries, distribution and
storage facilities - Residential, commercial or retail projects
- Tourism and recreational facilities
- Health and public service facilities
- Transport, communications, energy and water
infrastructure - Resource and waste related industries
- that will meet the requirements for number of
people to be employed or capital investment value
of the project.
5- Schedule 2 Specified Sites
- Major development in any Coastal Area or at
Taronga Zoo, Australian Museum, Defence lands,
Honeysuckle Development in Newcastle etc, etc
under certain circumstances. - Schedule 3 State Significant Sites
- Major development at Sydney Opera House, Luna
Park etc, etc under certain circumstances. - Schedule 5 Critical Infrastructure Projects
- Kurnell desalination Plant, RNS Hospital,
Liverpool Hospital and Queensland Hunter Gas
63. How does Part 3A work?
- Proponent applies to DOP for consent to be
assessed under Part 3A (may include a Preliminary
Environmental Assessment Report) - DOP consults relevant public authorities such as
DECC, Local Councils, DWE, DPI etc for Agency
Comments - Proponent receives DOP Director-Generals EA
Requirements, sometimes including Agency Comments
or a requirement to consult the agencies - Proponent Prepares Draft Environmental Assessment
Report (usually a team or group of consultants) - Submit Draft Environmental Assessment to DOP
7- DOP D-G exhibits the EA documentation for minimum
of 30 days and invites public comment - Proponent prepares a response to issues raised in
submissions - D-G prepares an environmental report for the
Minister - Minister decides to approve (usually with
Conditions) or disapprove the project - Proponent is notified of Ministers Determination
and so are any people who made a submission, and
a notice of determination is placed on DOP
84. Examples of Part 3A Developments
- Part 3A Major Projects that Ecotone Ecological
Consultants have been involved with have been - Quarries (3)
- Water Supply Dam
- Pacific Highway Upgrades on the NSW North Coast
(2) - Coal Rail Infrastructure Upgrade
- Marina Redevelopment
- Correctional Centre Upgrade
- Coal Mine
- There is a register of the many Major Project
applications since 2005 on the DOP website and
most of the documents for each are available for
95. Where does the Ecological Consultant fit in?
- In our experience, the Ecological Consultant is
usually engaged by the proponent, or by the firm
preparing the overall EA for the proponent, after
the preparation of the PER or after the receipt
of the DOP D-Gs EA Requirements. - The Ecological Consultant must address the issues
raised in the D-Gs EA Requirements and those
issues raised in the Agency Comments (for
Ecological Consultants that could be DECC, DPI,
DWE, Local Council issues).
10- Typically there are requirements for field
surveys and impact assessment consultation with
Government Agencies, Authorities and Local
Councils and a Statement of Commitment detailing
measures that will be adopted for environmental
mitigation, management monitoring for the
project. - DECC/DPI prepared Draft Guidelines for Threatened
Species Assessment in July 2005 and these must be
considered in assessing potential impacts on
threatened species, populations or ecological
communities for Part 3A projects.
11- The Steps for Part 3A Threatened Species
Assessment are - Step 1 - Preliminary Assessment
- Step 2 - Field Survey Assessment
- Step 3 - Evaluation of Impacts
- Step 4 - Avoid, Mitigate and then offset
- Step 5 Justification of Preferred Development
Option in relation to Key Thresholds (maintain or
improve biodiversity, effects on viability,
acceleration of extinction, critical habitat)
12- While this looks fairly straightforward, there is
considerable variation in what is required in the
DOP D-Gs Requirements and some areas of confusion
occur. - Sometimes very general information on flora and
fauna is required and sometimes very specific
information is required. Sometimes all the
relevant reference documents (such as Policies,
Guidelines and Methodology) are listed in a table
at the back of the DOP D-Gs Requirements. - The ECA NSW forum contains some discussion
regarding DOP D-Gs requirements and whether SEPPs
14, 44 and 26 should be addressed for Part 3A
Matters? - Other confusion occurs regarding when the 7-part
test under Part 5A of the EP A Act is required
and when the DECC/DPI guidelines should be
13Example of List of Policies Guidelines from DOP
D-Gs Requirements
- Flora and Fauna
- Policy Guidelines - Aquatic Habitat Management
and Fish Conservation - (DPI Fisheries)
- Policy Guidelines for Fish Friendly Waterway
Crossings (DPI Fisheries) - Why do Fish Need to Cross the Road? Fish Passage
Requirements for - Waterway Crossings (DPI Fisheries)
- Threatened Biodiversity Survey and Assessment
Guidelines for - Developments and Activities. Working Draft (DECC)
- Draft Guidelines for Threatened Species
Assessment under Part 3A of the - Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979
(DECC) - Commonwealth Environmental Protection and
Biodiversity Conservation - Act 1999 - Guide to implementation in NSW (DOP)
- Environment Protection and Biodiversity
Conservation Regulations 2000 - (Schedule 4)
145. Examples of the range of Dept of Planning D-Gs
15A Hospital in Sydney (DOP D-Gs Requirements
February 2008)
16Quarry Southern Highlands (DOP D-Gs Requirements
January 2008)
17A Wind Farm at Goulburn (DOP D-Gs requirements
18Correctional Centre (DOP D-Gs Requirements
December 2006)
19- Thankyou for listening and I invite
clarification from anyone in the audience from
DOP, DECC or DPI during the question period.