Title: Boosting-based parse re-ranking with subtree features
1Boosting-based parse re-ranking with subtree
- Taku Kudo
- Jun Suzuki
- Hideki Isozaki
- NTT Communication Science Labs.
2Discriminative methods for parsing
- have shown a remarkable performance compared to
traditional generative models, e.g., PCFG - two approaches
- re-ranking Collins 00, Collins 02
- discriminative machine learning algorithms are
used to rerank n-best outputs of
generative/conditional parsers. - dynamic programming
- Max margin parsing Tasker 04
x I buy cars with money
n-best results
- Let x be an input sentence, and y be a parse tree
for x - Let G(x) be a function that returns a set of
n-best results for x - A re-ranker gives a score to each sentence and
selects the result which has the highest score
4Scoring with linear model
- is a feature function that maps output
y into space - is a parameter vector (weights) modeled with
training data
5Two issues in linear model 1/2
- How to estimate the weights ?
- try to minimize a loss for given training data
- definition of loss
6Two issues in linear model 2/2
- How to define the feature set ?
- use all subtrees
- Pros - natural extension of CFG rules
- - can capture long contextual
information - Cons naïve enumerations give huge complexities
7A question for all subtrees
- Do we always need all subtrees?
- only a small set of subtrees is informative
- most subtrees are redundant
- Goal automatic feature selection from all
subtrees - can perform fast parsing
- can give good interpretation to selected
subtrees - Boosting meets our demand!
8Why Boosting?
- Different regularization strategies for
- L1 (Boosting)
- better when most given features are irrelevant
- can remove redundant features
- L2 (SVMs)
- better when most given features are relevant
- uses features as much as they can
- Boosting meets our demand, because most subtrees
are irrelevant and redundant
9RankBoost Freund03
10How to find the optimal subtree?
- Set of all subtrees is huge
- Need to find the optimal subtree efficiently
11Ad-hoc techniques
- Size constraints
- Use subtrees whose size is less than s (s 68)
- Frequency constraints
- Use subtrees that occur no less than f times in
training data (f 2 5) - Pseudo iterations
- After several 5- or 10-iterations of boosting, we
alternately perform 100- or 300 pseudo
iterations, in which the optimal subtee is
selected from the cache that maintains the
features explored in the previous iterations.
12Relation to previous work
Boosting vs Kernel methods Collins 00 Boosting
vs Data Oriented Parsing Bod 98
13Kernels Collins 00
- Kernel methods reduce the problem into the dual
form that only depends on dot products of two
instances (parsed trees) - Pros
- No need to provide explicit feature vector
- A dynamic programming is used to calculate dot
products between trees, which is very efficient! - Cons
- Require a large number of kernel evaluations in
testing - Parsing is slow
- Difficult to see which features are relevant
14DOP Bod 98
- DOP is not based on re-ranking
- DOP deals with the all the subtrees
representation explicitly like our method - Pros
- high accuracy
- Cons
- exact computation is NP-complete
- cannot always provide sparse feature
representation - very slow since the number of subtrees the DOP
uses is huge
15Kernels vs DOP vs Boosting
Kernel DOP Boosting
How to enumerate all the subtrees? implicitly explicitly explicitly
Complexity in training polynomial NP-hard NP-hard (worst case) Branch-and-bound
Sparse feature representations No No Yes
Parsing speed slow slow fast
Can see relevant features? No Yes, but difficult because of redundant features Yes
16 Experiments
WSJ parsing Shallow parsing
- WSJ parsing
- Standard data training 2-21, test 23 of PTB
- Model2 of Collins 99 was used to obtain n-best
results - exactly the same setting as Collins 00
(Kernels) - Shallow parsing
- CoNLL 2000 shared task
- training15-18, test 20 of PTB
- CRF-based parser Sha 03 was used to obtain
n-best results
18Tree representations
- WSJ parsing
- lexicalized tree
- each non-terminal has a special node labeled
with a head word - Shallow parsing
- right-branching tree where adjacent phrases are
child/parent relation - special node for right/left boundaries
19Results WSJ parsing
LR/LP labeled recall/precision. CBs is the
average number of cross brackets per sentence. 0
CBs, and 2CBs are the percentage of sentences
with 0 or 2 crossing brackets, respectively
- Comparable to other methods
- Better than kernel method that uses all subtree
representations with different parameter
20Results Shallow parsing
Fß1 is a harmonic mean between precision and
- Comparable to other methods
- Our method is also comparable to Zhangs method
even without extra linguistic features
- Compact feature set
- WSJ parsing 8,000
- Shallow parsing 3,000
- Kernels implicitly use a huge number of features
- Parsing is very fast
- WSJ parsing 0.055 sec./sentence
- Shallow parsing 0.042 sec./sentence
(n-best parsing time is NOT included)
22Advantages, contd
- Sparse feature representations allow us to
analyze which kinds of subtrees are relevant
Shallow parsing
WSJ parsing
positive subtrees
positive subtrees
negative subtrees
negative subtrees
- All subtrees are potentially used as features
- Boosting
- L1 norm regularization performs automatic
feature selection - Branch and bound
- enables us to find the optimal subtrees
efficiently - Advantages
- comparable accuracy to other parsing methods
- fast parsing
- good interpretability
24Efficient computation
25Right most extension Asai02, Zaki02
- Extend a given tree of size (n-1) by adding a new
node to obtain trees of size n - a node is added to the right-most-path
- a node is added as the rightmost sibling
26Right most extension, cont.
- Recursive applications of right most extensions
create a search space
- For all propose an upper bound
such that - Can prune the node t if ,
- where is a suboptimal gain
28Upper bound of the gain
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