Title: Adjustable 7Segment Alarmclock
1Adjustable 7-Segment Alarmclock
2Presentation Index
- Goals of the project
- Project Phases
- Project analyses
- Hardware set-up
- Software set-up
- Project round off
- Conclusion/Evaluation
- Questions?
3Technical Goals of the project
- Create a working concept of the idea
- Combine high accuracy with low costs
- Finish the project in time
4Project Phases
- Project analyses
- Time display
- Display driver
- Power supply
- Programming
5- Output Circuit
- Input Circuit
- Programming Circuit
- Clock Circuit
- Display Circuit
- Power Supply
6- Software Set-up
- Display driver
void writeSeg(int i) void writeSeg(int i)
//.GFEDCBA //Inverted in de hardware
//11000000 '0' //11111001 '1' //10100100
'2' //10110000 '3' //10011001 '4'
//10010010 '5' //10000010 '6' //11111000
'7' //10000000 '8' //10010000 '9'
//01111111 '.' //10000111 't' //11001111
'I' //11100001 'J' //10100001 'd'
const unsigned char cijfers150xc0,0xF9,0xa4,0x
b0,0x99 output_d(cijfersi)
displ() void displ(void) static int16
currentSeg0 selectCol(0)
selectCol(currentSeg1) currentSeg
if (currentSeggt3) currentSeg0
void selectCol(int16 i) if(i0)
Output_high(SEGMENT_0) // Schoonmaken
van display Output_high(SEGMENT_1)
Output_high(SEGMENT_3) if(i1)
Output_low(SEGMENT_0) //
aansturing digit 1
7int_TIMER2 //Dit interrupt word elke 4ms
aangesproken Tijd() Timer if(Timer gt
15000) if(cijfer0 lt
9)cijfer0 else
cijfer00 cijfer1
setup_timer_2 (T2_DIV_BY_4, 249,
10) Example setup_timer_2 (mode, period,
postscale) mode may be one of T2_DISABLED,
T2_DIV_BY_1, T2_DIV_BY_4, T2_DIV_BY_16 period
is a int 0-255 that determines when the clock
value is reset, postscale is a number 1-16
timer resets before interrupt
8The project round off
- How good is the accuracy of the clock?
- Did i achieve the main goals?
- Did i finisch the project in time?
Ber. (2sec x 365dagen)/60 12.16 minutes
(100/43200s)x43199s 99.997