Title: Microlaryngoscopyairway management with anesthetic techniques for CO2 laser
1Microlaryngoscopy-airway management with
anesthetic techniques for CO2 laser
- Padiatric Anesthesia 20041490-94
- Jay A. Werkhaven MD
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- Carbon dioxide (CO2) laser
- Airway fire
- Selection of the airway / ventilation technique
- Jet ventilation
- Intermittent endotracheal intubation
- Endotracheal tubes
- Carbon dioxide laser bronchoscopy
3- Carbon dioxide (CO2) laser
4- Wavelength 10600 nm, mid-infrared range of the
spectrum - Close to the bending frequency of water
- Strongly absorbed by tissues that have higher
water content - Damage tissue surfaces to a depth of 0.2mm
5Advantages of CO2 laser
- Its effects on tissues can be controlled with
extreme precision - Spot size as small as 250 microns
- The depth of thermal injury can be controlled
within 50-80 microns
6Disadvantages of CO2 laser
- Produce a plume of vapour and vaporized tissue
- Viral particles might be transmitted in the
vapour - Smoke can obstruct the surgeons view and
obstruct the laser beam itself - Smoke inhalation followed by a pulmonary
parenchymal response - CO2 laser beam may ignite flammable materials
causing an airway fire
7 8- Flammable materials
- tubes placed to secure the airway of for
ventilation - cottonoid pledgets placed in the airway by the
surgeon for hemostasis - Oxygen concentration
- Jet ventilation
- Helium as a diluent gas
- Absence of helium
9Strategies to reduce the incidence of airway fire
- Reduction of the flammability of the endotracheal
tube - Removal of flammable materials from the airway
- Reduction of the available oxygen content to the
minimum required for reasonable arterial
10Management of airway fire
- Extract remove combustible material
- Eliminate shut-off oxygen being delivered to the
endotracheal tube - Extinguish any present fire in the airway need
to be extinguished by saline flush - Evaluate evaluation of damage from the fire
11- Selection of the airway ventilation technique
12Jet ventilation Subglottic jet ventilation
- The delivery system should potentially obstruct
portions of the surgical field - The delivery system may be a source of
combustible material - Significant risk of pneumothorax
13Jet ventilation Subglottic jet ventilation
- For certain surgical procedures, subglottic jet
ventilation is the only method available to
provide oxygen to the patient - Require very controlled insufflation of oxygen
with scrupulous monitoring of exhalation
14Jet ventilation Supraglottic jet ventilation
- True Venturi type of ventilation
- Entrain outside air through the laryngoscope
- 100 oxygen delivered via a cannula within the
lumen of the laryngoscope - The delivered system should be in a completely
closed position - Short-duration jet? Suspended ventilation?
15Jet ventilation Supraglottic jet ventilation
- The risk of airway fire is essentially zero
- Jet may force papilloma fragments deeper into the
airway - Jet may deliver the laser plume deeper into the
16Millers anesthesia, 6th edition, chap 67
17Intermittent endotracheal intubation
- Intermittent intubation and ventilation
- No obstructions within the operative field
- May allow the surgeon only a short time to
conduct the procedure - May disrupt the surgical field for some
procedures - Potential risk of fire, although seems very small
18Continuous endotracheal tubes
- Provide ventilation for the patient
- Obstruct the surgical field
- May be required when surgery is being performed
on the supraglottis or the hypopharynx - Fire resistance of various material
- malleable metal tubes ? flexible metal
- tubes ? red rubber endotracheal tubes
19Laser-safe endotracheal tubes
- wrap the tube with fire-resistant material (foil)
- Silver-foil-wrapping tube, soaked with water or
saline - Wire-impregnated tubes
- Wire-protected silicon tubes
20CO2 laser bronchoscopy
- No risk of fire with carbon dioxide laser
bronchoscopy - Ventilation can be maintained during use of the
laser - Ventilation rates are usually faster to allow
surgeon better visualization - Eliminate the humidifier from the anesthetic
21- Thanks for your attention!!