Title: A Unified Theory of Information
1A Unified Theory of Information
- Information based upon Self-Organisation
- Wolfgang Hofkirchner
- Vienna University of Technology
2A New Information Concept
- Requirements
- Concepts
- The Unifying Perspective
- 3.1 Information (in general)
- 3.2 Information (concrete)
- 3.2.1 Dimensions
- 3.2.2 Types
- 3.2.3 Categories (Dimensions and Types
31 Requirements for a Unified Concept
- A flexible, unity-in-diversity-like concept is
needed - as general as necessary to comprise the whole
diversity of manifestations (genus proximum) - as concrete as possible to fit the most
particular manifestation (differentia specifica)
42 Information Concepts
Cognition Communication Co-operation
Science and technology perspective Information is a thing that is... Information is a thing that is... Information is a thing that is...
Science and technology perspective received and processed transmitted stored and retrieved
Humanities perspective Or is constructed by actors... Or is constructed by actors... Or is constructed by actors...
Humanities perspective internally interactionally externally
Unifying perspective It emerges whenever systems relate to... It emerges whenever systems relate to... It emerges whenever systems relate to...
Unifying perspective their umwelt each other their supersystem
53 The Unifying Perspective
- Information-generating systems are
self-organising systems
63.1 Information (in general)
- The system allows a difference in its
environment/co-systems/supersystem to make a
difference to itself - The system a self-organising system
- The difference outside a change in the control
parameter (critical value) - The difference inside a change in the order
parameter brought about by the very process of
73.1 Information (in general) in
Self-Organisation Terms
- The system allows a difference in its
environment/co-systems/supersystem to make a
difference to itself
83.1 Information (in general) in
Self-Organisation Terms
- The system allows a difference in its
environment/co-systems/supersystem to make a
difference to itself - The system a self-organising system
93.1 Information (in general) in
Self-Organisation Terms
- The system allows a difference in its
environment/co-systems/supersystem to make a
difference to itself - The system a self-organising system
- The difference outside a change in the control
parameter (critical value)
103.1 Information (in general) in
Self-Organisation Terms
- The system allows a difference in its
environment/co-systems/supersystem to make a
difference to itself - The system a self-organising system
- The difference outside a change in the control
parameter (critical value) - The difference inside a change in the order
parameter brought about by the very process of
113.1 Information (in general) in Semiotic Terms
- The system allows a difference in its
environment/co-systems/supersystem to make a
difference to itself
123.1 Information (in general) in Semiotic Terms
- The system allows a difference in its
environment/co-systems/supersystem to make a
difference to itself - The system the signmaker (signator)
133.1 Information (in general) in Semiotic Terms
- The system allows a difference in its
environment/co-systems/supersystem to make a
difference to itself - The system the signmaker (signator)
- The difference outside the object to
be/signified (signandum/signatum)
143.1 Information (in general) in Semiotic Terms
- The system allows a difference in its
environment/co-systems/supersystem to make a
difference to itself - The system the signmaker (signator)
- The difference outside the object to
be/signified (signandum/signatum) - The difference inside the sign (signans)
153.2 Information (concrete)
- Information processes vary due to the respective
self-organisation process - Dimensions
- Types
- Categories (dimensions and types cross-tabled)
163.2.1 Dimensions
- Self-organisation Dimensions
- Individual
- Interactional
- Integrational
- Information Generation Dimensions
- Cognitive
- Communicative
- Co-operative
173.2.1 DimensionsProcess of Self-Organisation
183.2.1 DimensionsCognitive Information
193.2.1 DimensionsCommunicative Information
203.2.1 DimensionsCo-operative Information
213.2.2 Types
- Self-organisation Types
- Dissipation
- Autopoiesis
- Re-creation
- Information Generation Types
- Pattern Formation
- Formation of Survival Functions
- Formation of HumanExpectations
223.2.2 TypesPattern Formation
233.2.2 Types Formation of (Survival) Functions
243.2.2 Types Formation of (Human) Expectations
253.2.3 Categories
Pattern Formation Ability Ability to Form Functions Ability to Form Expectations
Cogni-sability Reflectivity Psyche Conscious-ness
Communi-cability Coherency Signalability Language-ability
Co-operability Cohesive-ness Organicity Sociability
263.2.3 Cognisability
- In dissipative systemsReflectivity REFLECTION
(protosemiotic echoes) - In autopoietic systems Psyche FLEXIBLE
RESPONSE (parasyntactic sensation
para-semanticopragmatic motivation) - In re-creative systems Consciousness IDEA
(syntactic data semantic knowledge pragmatic
273.2.3 Communicability
- In dissipative systemsCoherency
COHERENCE(protosemiotic resonances) - In autopoietic systems Signalability
ANTICIPATION (para-syntactic re-presentation
para-semanticopragmatic reorientation) - In re-creative systems Languageability
UNDERSTANDING (syntactic expressive tuning
semantic indicative tuning pragmatic
appellative tuning)
283.2.3 Co-operability
- In dissipative systemsCohesiveness COHESION
(protosemiotic collectives) - In autopoietic systems Organicity ORGANIC
ORGANISATION (para-syntactic specialisation
para-semanticopragmatic complementation) - In re-creative systems Sociability SENSE
(syntactic coordination semantic collaboration
pragmatic consensualisation)