Title: Functional linkage of watersheds and streams: ArcGIS FLoWS tools
1Functional linkage of watersheds and streams
ArcGIS FLoWS tools
- David Theobald, John Norman, Erin Poston, Silvio
Ferraz - Natural Resource Ecology Lab, Dept of Recreation
Tourism, Colorado State University - Fort Collins, CO 80523 USA 26
July 2005
2Project context
- Challenges of STARMAP (EPA STAR)
- Addressing science needs Clean Water Act
- Integrate science with states/tribes needs
- Assisting statisticians to test tenable
hypotheses generated using understanding of
ecological processes
Goal to find measures that more closely
represent our understanding of how ecological
processes are operating
3From watersheds/catchments as hierarchical,
overlapping regions
River continuum concept (Vannote et al. 1980)
4 to network of catchments
Benda et al. BioScience 2004
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7- FLoWS v1 tools for ArcGIS v9.0
- Will migrate to v9.1
8Pre-processing segment contributing areas (SCAs)
- Automated delineation
- Inputs
- stream network (from USGS NHD 1100K)
- topography (USGS NED, 30 m)
- Process
- Grow contributing area away from segment until
ridgeline - Uses WATERSHED command
9Segments are linked to catchments
- 1 to 1 relationship
- Properties of the watershed can be linked to
network for accumulation operation
10Landscape networks with Python
- Need to represent relationships between features
- Using graph theory, networks
- Retain tie to geometry of features
- Flow relationships table (like NHD, but
flow-sorted!) - Implementation in ArcGIS
- Geometric Networks (ESRI complicated, slow)
- Landscape Networks Open, simple, fast
- Began with VBA (1.5 years), moved to Python (2
12Example Flow modification
- Deynesius and Nilsson, Science (1994) 77 of
upper 1/3 of northern hemisphere rivers are
strongly or moderately affected - - F regulated/total channel length
- - R of VMAD (cumulative reservoir live,
gross capacity) - Network-based flow modification
- 1. Degree of modification to flow cumulative
annual flow cum. dam max. storage - Q Q-S
- 2. Proportion of modified to VMAD (natural)
flow - F Q/Q
- Collaboration with Aquatic ecologists (Poff,
- 1. DEM
- 2. Slope
- 3. Flow dir.
- 4. Flow acc.
- 5. Hydro dist.
Dam shadow
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16Example Coho salmon distances
17Example Coho salmon distances
18Example 2D stream in Virginia
19Example 2D stream in Virginia
20Example 2D stream in Virginia
21Example 2D stream in Virginia
22Next steps
- Increase range of applications
- Attach additional datasets to SCA database
- Land cover (urban, ag, natural)
- Historical, current, future housing density
- Indexing of National Inventory of Dams?
- From segments to geomorphological reaches,
gradient - Project/tool website
- www.nrel.colostate.edu/projects/starmap
23- Thanks!
- Comments? Questions?
- Funding/Disclaimer The work reported here was
developed under the STAR Research Assistance
Agreement CR-829095 awarded by the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to Colorado
State University. This presentation has not been
formally reviewed by EPA. The views expressed
here are solely those of the presenter and
STARMAP, the Program (s)he represents. EPA does
not endorse any products or commercial services
mentioned in this presentation. - FLoWS www.nrel.colostate.edu/projects/starmap
- davet_at_nrel.colostate.edu