Title: Ramblings in Endocrine Biochemistry
1Ramblings in Endocrine Biochemistry
2To ramble
- to go as fancy leads
- to wander in mind or discourse
- to be desultory, incoherent or delerious
- an irregular excursion
- (Chambers)
3Brief excursions
- Life after Iodine 125
- Cushings and salivary cortisol
- Primary hyperaldosteronism
- and 18-hydroxycortisol
4Brief excursion 1
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6Assay Principle
- Biotin-labelled detector antibody for
immunometric assays - Biotin labelled steroid for competitive
immunoassays - Detect with Europium labelled streptavidin
7Antibody Biotinylation
- 1 mg Ab onto PD10 desalting column
- Elute with bicarb. Buffer
- Add biotinamidocaproyl-NHS ester
- 4o C overnight
- PD10 desalting column - elute with Tris-HCl
- Add purified BSA stabiliser
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11In-house DELFIA Salivary cortisol assay
12In-house DELFIA assays
- Steroids
- Salivary cortisol
- Salivary cortisone
- Salivary 17 OHP
- Plasma 17 OHP
- Plasma and urine 18-hydroxycortisol
- Peptides
- Intact insulin ( 2 assays)
- total proinsulin (for 32,33 split proinsulin)
- intact proinsulin
13Brief excursion 2
- Cushings and salivary cortisols
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16Problems with Screening for Cushings Syndrome
- Urine collections unreliable
- Some cases suppress with low-dose dexamethasone
- Cyclical Cushings
17Cyclical Cushings
- First described in 1971
- 1985 Atkinson and co-workers
- sequential urine samples collected in 9/14
successive patients with Cushings syndrome - 5/9 had evidence of cyclical Cushings
- 2 patients showed considerable variation without
a cyclical pattern being established.
18Cyclical Cushings
- Definition - 3 peaks and two troughs
- Cycle lengths 12 hours to 85 days
1975 year-old lady
- 12 kg weight loss and malaise
- NIDDM diagnosed 18 months previously
- Abdo CT - bilat. adrenal masses
- Responded to empirical treatment with dexameth.
- CT guided biopsy - adrenal hyperplasia
- Centripetal weight distribution, prox. myopathy
- No suppression of pl. cortisol to low and high
dose dex ( 48 hrs each) - ACTH low but measurable (8-11 ng/L)
- IPS/ CRH - 13/1 central/periph. gradient in ACTH
- Transsphenoidal surgery - no adenoma identified
2075 year-old lady (2)
- High plasma cortisols persisted , but variable
- 9 am and 10 pm salivary cortisols collected over
a total of 19 days - 3 hour urines collected over 24 hours on three
2119 consec. days
2275 year-old lady (3)
- Plasma cortisol
- Basal Peak
- Test Meal 197 704
- No meal - 278
- 1ug CRH - 414
- 1ug Synacthen - 647
2375 year-old lady (4)
- Bilateral adrenalectomy
- Histology - bilateral macronodular hyperplasia
- Why the false positive IPS/ CRH study ?
- Why the initial features of hypoadrenalism ?
24GIP - dependent Cushings
- GIP Gastric Inhibitory Peptide
- - now Glucose-dependent Insulinotrphic
Polypeptide - Expression of GIP receptors in the adrenal
- To date, identified in 17 patients with AIMAH,
- and 7 patients with unilateral adenoma
- not found in the adrenal cortex of normal
subjects, fetuses, or in other forms of Cushings
25Criteria - routine diagnostic salivary hormone
- Constant and predictable correlation must exist
between salivary and serum hormone concentrations - Diagnostic value at least equal to serum hormone
determinations - Single saliva samples as informative as single
serum samples
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29Yaneva M et al JCEM 89 3345-3351 2004
30Screening for Cushings syndrome
- Sens/Spec ()
- evening LDDST Combined
- saliva
- Raff et al 1998 92/95 - -
- (N 39)
- Castro et al 1999 93/93 91.4/94.4 100/93.3
- (N 33)
- Martinelli et al 1999 100/95.2 100/95.2 100/100
- (N 11)
- Yaneva et al 2004 100/96 - -
- (N 63)
31Findling and Raff JCEM 91(10) 3746-53 2006
32Brief Excursion 3
- Primary hyperaldosteronism
- / 18-hydroxycortisol
33Primary Hyperaldosteronism(PAL)
- Adrenal adenoma ( Conn 1955 )
- Familial hyperaldosteronism Type II
- As part of MEN1
- Adrenocortical carcinoma ( v. rare)
- Bilateral adrenal hyperplasia
- Glucocorticoid-Suppressible Hyperaldosteronism
(GSH) - (Familial Hyperaldosteronism Type 1)
34Primary Hyperaldosteronism
- Conventionally thought to be less than 1 of
patients with hypertension. - Recently, prevalence of 10 or more has been
reported in hypertensives - Not all patients are hypokalaemic
- Are we missing cases?
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36Prevalence of primary hyperaldosteronism
- Stowasser and Gordon
- (Trends in Endocrinol.Metab. 14 (7)310-317 2003)
- Pre- A/R ratios Post
- 1971-91 1992-99
- N136 N592
- Patients diagnosed/year 6.2 74.0
- hypokalaemic 67 20
- Conns adenoma 78 31.6
- Hyperplasia 22 68
- Aldosterone/ renin ratio ( ARR)
- Morning ambulant sample
- Do while on drugs and assess result in light of
known drug effects - Ratio gt 25 ng/mU with aldo gt150 suggests primary
38Drug therapy and A/R ratios
- A/R ratio
- b-blockers ?(62) false ves
- ACE inhibitors ?(-30)
- AT receptor antag ?(-43
- Ca Channel blockers ?(-17
- Diuretics - OK
- Spironolactone (?) false -ves BAH
- (Seifarth et al, Clin.Endocrinol. 57 457-465 2002
- Mulatero et al, Hypertension 40 897-902 2002)
39Confirmatory Tests
- Oral salt loading
- Saline infusion
- Fludrocortisone suppression test
40Differentiating the subtypes
- Questions
- Does the patient have GSH / FH-1 ?
- If GSH excluded, is autonomous aldo
- production unilateral or bilateral ?
41Unilateral vs bilateral
- Adrenal CT unreliable
- - fails to detect gt50 of adenomas
- Posture response limited value
- 50 of adenomas may be posture-responsive
- 18- hydroxycortisol may also be normal in some
posture responsive adenomas - Adrenal venous sampling best
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4418 - Hydroxy Cortisol A Hybrid Steroid
? in Conns adenoma and GSH, normal in BAH
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47Adenoma cell types
- Aldo producing adenoma cell types can resemble
ZG, ZF or ZR or hybrid ZF/ZG - One type of cell seems to predominate
- If 80 non-ZF cells (ZG or hybrid), adenoma
posture/ Angio II responsive - If 50-100 ZF cells, then adenoma is posture/
Angio II unresponsive
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49Southampton FIA
24 hr Urine 18-hydroxy cortisol nmol/day
Conns adenoma
50Edinburgh RIA
24 hr urine 18-hydroxy cortisol (nmol/day)
Conns adenoma