Title: Extraordinary General Assembly
1Extraordinary General Assembly March 16 2007
2Thule Power at QGM- Expected delivery May
07 Rebuilt 250 ft Jack-up 30.000 feet
drilling depth Quarters up to 108 people
Automatic pipe handling Varco Drilling package
3Thule PowerCantilever with drill floor and
derrick under completion
4(No Transcript)
5Why Thule Drilling is actively supporting the
revised completion date
- Major changes in the QGM project organization
implemented early December 2006 - Experienced personnel from Davie Shipyard engaged
by QGM on management as well as supervisory
levels from end December 2006 - Experienced Commissioning Manager employed from
Keppel Fels, Singapore - Increased Owner site team personnel
- Integration of KCA Deutag operating personnel
into day to day construction activity
(supervision commissioning) - Adequate labour resources allocated (540 present
increasing to about 580 at peak) on TP - Optimal manning at all work fronts
- Increased manning on night shift to near dayshift
level - Involvement in planning by all managers and
supervisors 3 weeks to complete the plan
- Over 1,000 CTRs (Cost Time Resources document)
issued as basis for the new plan
6Thule Power Saudi Aramco Contract
- 4 year fixed contract, with one year option
- Commencement May 2007
- Penalties starts accruing at USD 73,500/day
from 1 March 2007 - Contract Value USD 215 mill incl. mob
- EBITDA contribution over the fixed contract
to Thule USD 123 mill - Manager and Contractor KCA Deutag
7JU New buildings at QGM
- Friede Goldman Super M2 Design
- Proven design 30 units built (L780)
- 300 ft water depth w/fixation
- 30 000 ft drilling depth capacity
- Accommodation 100 people
- 3 000 ton variable load
- 57 ft cantilever reach
- Ideally suited for the Middle East area
- Delivery
- 1st unit 1st quarter 2008
- 2nd unit 2nd quarter 2008
- Both units are on schedule for these
- adjusted deliveries.
8NEWBUILDINGSAssembly site at QGMs main yard at
Hamriyah, UAE (Jan 2007)
Thule Energy Thule Force
9Thule Drilling marketing strategy newbuildings
- Thule Energy Thule Force
- Objective Long term contract for one of the
rigs in place within 3Q 2007 - Market target Middle East South East Asia,
where rigs are best suited - Joint market approach with KCA Deutag to
present to the customers a fully integrated
Contractor - Several bids submitted and rigs have been
pre-qualified by several oil companies -
10QGM Financial status today
- QGM is still short of funding to complete all
three projects unless other work can be secured
or additional funds are made available - QGM and Thule Drilling are cooperating to find
alternative sources for this funding - Alternative sources being pursued
- Financial investors
- Industrial investors
- Thule Drilling already made USD 22 mill
available - All alternatives will probably entail change of
control or substantial ownership transfer of
shares in QGM - Value of QGM is more than funding required and
debt to Thule
11Financing May 2007
Bond Issue
- Amount USD 40 mill
- Duration 18 months
- Interest 13.75 semi annually
- Redemption USD 20 mill when 1 pri. bank
facility is established - Call structure 103 first 6 months, 102 next 6
months, 101 last 6 months - Security priority after the USD 130 mill bond
Equity issue
- Amount NOK 220 mill (aboutt USD 35 mill)
- Guaranteed by a group of existing shareholders
- Share price NOK 13.06
- Total number of shares 36.95 million 16.85
million 53.8 million
12Reason for Additional funding Required
All numbers in USD million
- Penalty Thule Power re Saudi Aramco contract 7
- Postponed income due to delay Thule Power 8
- Locked in Escrow (operational, KCA Deutag) 5
- Additional cost / change orders Thule Power 4
- Assumed no exercise of Warrants 18
- Phoenix upgrade for sale 1
- Remaining (fees, potential yard finance,
reserve) 41 - TOTAL 84
- Financed Through
- Equity 35
- Bond placed today 40
- Bond Feb Thule Phoenix 9
- Total 84
13Rig Mortgage overview after bond issue
- Market value of units less pledged USD 144 mill
- Market values as is
14Rig mortgage overview after delivery of Thule
- Market value of units less pledged USD 176 mill
- Market values as is for Thule Energy and Thule
15Rig mortgage overview end of Q3 2008 all rigs
- Market value of units less pledged USD 375 mill
- Market values as completed Jack-ups
16Total asset (book) value and interest bearing debt
17Thule Drilling continues to be an attractive
investment case
- Thule Power is a profitable project
- Cost is still low compared with new-buildings
- Attractive contract with payback well within
the contract term - Two new jack-ups under construction at attractive
prices - Two Jack-ups delivered at the right time in an
expected promising market - QGM a lesson learnt Thule has better control
of their operation - QGMs infrastructure and yard facilities nearly
fully upgraded (USD 20 mill invested) - Thule Drilling favorable balance sheet with
around 45 equity (on proforma balance)