No God' Now What - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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No God' Now What


A demagogue is someone who advocates a dogma by appealing to primitive (fear) ... Unlike the demagogues of religious fundamentalism, Secular Humanists do not ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: No God' Now What

No God. Now What?
  • An Introduction to Secular Humanism
  • Session I

The arguments for Gods existence all fail. So,
how are we to make sense of our world? Secular
Humanists believe that a fulfilling life can be
found outside religion.
You Will Learn
  • Why God is unnecessary to morality, liberal
    democracy happiness
  • Why faith and religious values should be rejected
    in favor of critical thinking and secular values
  • Why reason, experience and science (as opposed to
    faith, revelation and other superstitions) should
    be credited for the progress of humanity.

What Progress Has Resulted From Secular Humanist
Principles (Particularly the priority of reason
over faith)?
  • There was a time when religion ruled the world.
    It was called the Dark Ages. Because of
    rationalism, we have vastly improved
  • Health care disease control Life
    Expectancy Neanderthal gt Greek-Romans-30 yrs
    Medieval Europe-40 yrs. World Average
    Today-66 yrs. Death from childbirth 1935-1150.
    1955 12000. 2006 110,000)
  • Conquest of diseases, such as polio,
    cholera, and bubonic plague.
  • Medical dental treatment / pharmacology
    Open heart surgery laser vision correction
    dental implants colesterol-reducing drugs, hip
    replacement, etc.

More Progress Resulting from Secular Humanist
  • Agriculture animal husbandry People no
    longer have to live on the brink of starvation.
  • Communications (cost speed) Took 3 weeks
    for Geo. Washington to find out he had been
    elected President.
  • Today, we can communicate with just
    about anyone on the planet in seconds.
  • Transportation (safety, cost, speed) Before
    1850 - Three MPH World vs. 600 MPH Today. Took
    Ben Franklin 13 weeks to cross Atlantic. Today
    we routinely cross the pond in a few hours. Our
    food comes from farms thousands of miles away to
    our table in a single day.

More Progress Resulting from Secular Humanist
  • Comfort SafetyHeating Refrigeration. Gov.
    regulations against child labor for worker
    safety food drug quality product safety -
    cars, etc.
  • Widespread economic prosperity But only in
    societies where secular education secular
    government prevail. (or are primary customers
    ex petroleum producers)

More Progress Resulting From Secular Humanist
  • The invention of such revolutionary and
    beneficial concepts as
  • Liberal Democracy (majority rule/minority
  • Universal Human Rights (U.N. Declaration)
  • All of this beneficial physical, material,
    ethical, and political progress has been the
    result of critical thinking (18th century
    Enlightenment) overcoming religious thinking
    (Dark Ages).

More Progress Resulting From Secular Humanist
  • Faith is appealing to people who need an
    emotional crutch to deal with reality, but
  • If we want political freedom, economic security,
    continuing improvement in our standard of
    living, we have to embrace the principles of
    Secular Humanism (i.e., priority of reason
    compassion over superstition, willful ignorance
    magical thinking).

General Stuff
  • Course Six 2 hour sessions.
  • One hour presentation
  • Ten minute break
  • Twenty minute presentation
  • One half hour discussion

More General Stuff
  • Course Outline
  • Week 1
  • Introduction to Secular Humanism.
    Religious andsecular worldviews. Definition of
    key terms. Top 10 reasons not to believe. Top 10
    myths about SH.
  • Week 2
  • The Problem of Scripture and the Problem
    of Evil. Scriptural inconsistencies,
    contradictions, inaccuracies, and absurdities
    plus why good people suffer and die.

Course Outline (cont)
  • Week 3
  • The Dangers of Faith. How faith leads to
    preventable suffering and death by the billions.
  • Week 4
  • Why So Many Still Believe. The top 10 reasons
    people believe despite the lack of evidence or
    logic. The psychology sociology of belief

Course Outline (cont)
  • Week 5
  • Atheist Ethics. Can non-believers be moral? A
    simple godless ethic explained.
  • Week 6
  • The dangers of faith. The benefits of Secular
    Humanism. What would a society without religion
    be like? Free discussion. Course evaluations.

More General Stuff
  • If you need clarification regarding something we
    just said, please let us know right away and we
    will clarify.
  • If you have questions of a philosophical nature,
    please write them on the provided 3X5 cards
    hand them in at the first break. (Hint be
  • We will try to answer as many as we can in the
    last 30 minutes of each session.

More General Stuff
  • Given the controversial nature of this topic, an
    understanding of other points of view requires
    civility on the part of all participants.
  • After each session, a copy of the presentation
    will be made available at
  • http//
  • While we, the presenters, are members of CFI, not
    every member of CFI endorses every aspect of this

Who Are We?
  • Dr. Gil Shapiro, D.P.M., P.C. Dr. Shapiro is a
    Tucson Podiatrist Foot Surgeon who has been
    saving soles for more than a quarter century. His
    guest opinion columns are frequently published in
    the AZ Daily Star Tucson Citizen Newspapers.
  • Dr. Stephen Uhl, S.T.L., PH.D.Dr. Uhl is a
    former Roman Catholic priest a Doctor of
    Psychology (retired) and author of the book,
    Imagine No Superstition the Power to Enjoy Life
    with No Guilt, No Shame, No Blame.
  • Jim Gressinger, N.P.S. (No Particular
    Specialty)Jim is a retired newspaper publisher,
    a real estate investor, with a B.S. Degree in
    Anthropology, Philosophy, and History a Masters
    in Public Administration. His first job out of
    college was as a social worker in Watts.

Statement of Belief
  • Education has been defined as The process
    of replacing ignorance with knowledge.
  • But what kind of knowledge?
  • Secular Humanists believe that everyone will
    be best served by replacing superstition, willful
    ignorance, and wishful, magical thinking with
    empirical evidence, scientific proof, independent
    historical accounts and sound logic.
  • In other words education should be the
    process of replacing faith with reason.

Understanding Starts w/ Definitions
  • Secular worldly. Relating to the worldly or
    temporal as opposed to the sacred and eternal.
    Non-religious, but not necessarily anti-religion.
  • Humanism a broad category of ethical
    philosophies that affirm the dignity and worth of
    all people, based on the ability to determine
    right and wrong through universal human qualities
    particularly reason compassion. A worldview
    that disregards personal ethics political
    philosophies that are based on irrational beliefs
    or unprovable claims.
  • Secular Humanist one who views people as
    creatures of the natural world (without eternal
    souls or other supernatural attributes) capable
    of achieving technological progress, social
    justice, and general happiness through reason,
    scientific methodology, moral courage, and
  • (Note there are people who call themselves
    religious humanists. We arent of that

  • Stated somewhat differently
  • Secular Humanist one who, after careful
    consideration, finds no compelling evidence for
    the supernatural (angels, demons, gods, karma,
    ancestor spirits, etc.) but rather adheres to an
    ethic based on our common humanity (Premise we
    are all moral equals.), and our capacity for
    reason, courage, and empathy. One who seeks the
    best for all concerned without recourse to
    divinity (Gods Laws or Commandments).

  • God an eternal, transcendent, all-powerful,
    all-knowing, and benevolent being who created the
    universe and occasionally intervenes in some
    peoples lives.
  • Ethics a system of beliefs and related
    principles that guide behavior, especially toward
    others. As used in this course, ethics and
    morality are interchangeable terms.
  • Ethics can also refer to certain agreed upon
    values that hold society together, such as proper
    roles for men women thrift self-reliance,
    priority of community over individual or vice
    versa etc.

  • Fundamentalist a person of faith who adheres to
    the literal interpretation of scripture.
    Fundamentalists want laws and public policies to
    be based on their strict interpretation of their
    scriptures. All Protestant fundamentalists are
  • Evangelical a person of faith who believes that
    redemption (the ticket to eternal paradise)
    depends on a personal relationship with God and
    requires no priestly intermediary. IOW, if God
    likes you, you will go to heaven. All
    evangelicals are proselytizers, but not all are
  • Note this god really appreciates slavish

  • Presidents Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush
    are both evangelical Christians. But
  • Carter is not a fundamentalist. He believes that
    eternal salvation depends on an intimate,
    personal relationship between God and man but
    the Bible is not literally true in all respects.
  • George W. Bush is a fundamentalist. Like Carter,
    he believes salvation depends on having a
    personal relationship with the Almighty AND the
    Bible is literally true in all respects.
  • Thus, Carter strongly supports the teaching of
    evolution and opposes creationism while Bush
    believes only creationism should be taught
    because evolution contradicts the Bible.

Definitions (cont)
  • Religious Moderate one who typically considers
    portions of scripture to be allegory (symbolic of
    a deeper truth) or myth (a fanciful story with a
    moral lesson) as opposed to literal truth in
    every respect.
  • Main difference from fundamentalists religious
    moderates generally try to accommodate their
    beliefs to secular education (e.g., evolution)
    and secular government (e.g., separation of
    church state abortion, stem cell research).

  • Worldview ones perception of the world.
  • Our worldview is how we think the world really is
    and how it really works.
  • Most often, worldviews are expressed as claims of
    truth particularly religious truths.

  • Worldview 1. There really is a God.
  • God created and controls the universe.
  • God is all-powerful all-knowing and
  • benevolent.
  • God responds to our prayers
  • to protect the innocent and vulnerable.
  • God has revealed his will in holy scripture,
  • so we know how He wants us to think and
  • Therefore, we only need to have faith and all
    will be well.

  • Worldview 2. There really is no God.
  • Or at least there is no Deity that responds to
  • prayers and protects the innocent and vulnerable.
  • Scripture is mere speculation about the
  • by primitive, ignorant, and usually bigoted old
  • Therefore, we have only ourselves to rely on for
  • our well-being. The well-being of our children
  • grandchildren depends on our willingness to
  • extend our compassion, and be fair.
  • ( Biased against (1) people of other tribes
    faiths (2) women (3) secular government
  • (4) homosexuals and reason. Reason. The Devils
    harlot. Martin Luther)

Worldviews Have Consequences
  • Misunderstanding how the world really works
    usually leads to disappointment and sometimes
  • Jumping off a high bridge believing that you can
    soar like a bird can lead to disappointment.
  • Refusing to take your seriously ill child to a
    modern medical facility because you believe God
    will answer your prayers for recovery can lead to

Blair couple's faith healing appeal denied
  • Tuesday, May 01, 2001 By Tom Gibb, Post-Gazette
    Staff Writer HOLLIDAYSBURG, Pa.
  • The U.S. Supreme Court said yesterday that it
    won't hear the appeal of a Blair County couple
    who spurned medicine, put their trust in faith
    healing and lost two of their 13 children to
    treatable illnesses.Barring a last-resort appeal,
    Dennis and Lorie Nixon will go off sometime in
    the next 30 days to spend 21/2 to five years in
    state prisons, leaving behind their
    Hollidaysburg-area house and 10 children still
    living at home.
  • The case the Supreme Court rejected yesterday
    involved the death of daughter Shannon Nixon, 16,
    in 1996 of diabetes acidosis, a treatable
    condition that sent her blood sugar levels
    soaring more than 12 times above normal levels.
    Her family fasted, prayed over her and anointed
    her. The teen-ager told her parents "I feel I
    had my victory." But she lapsed into a coma and
    died, never seen by a doctor.

Worldviews Are Important
  • Worldviews determine our understanding of
  • Reality what is real?
  • Goodness what is good?
  • Righteousness What is right?

Reality what is real (or true) vs. what is
fantasy (or false)?
  • Examples
  • Is there really a god who will punish us if we
    disobey him and reward us if we make him happy?
    (as claimed by all three monotheistic religions)
  • Is there really a rain god and will he save our
    crops if we do a really good rain dance? (as
    claimed by every Southwestern Native American
  • Is there really a heavenly afterlife and will we
    have a better chance of going there if we forego
    sex outside of marriage? (as claimed by most

Reality (cont)
  • 4. Is an embryo really a person and is aborting
    it really murder? (as claimed by religious
    fundamentalists who identify themselves as
  • 5. Is there really a god who will destroy the
    world if we do not offer human sacrifices,
    especially virgins? (as claimed by the Aztec,
    Mayan, and Inca priests)
  • 6. Was 9/11 really the manifestation of Gods
    wrath for Americas tolerance of pagans, and the
    abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and
    lesbians? (as claimed by Rev. Falwell Rev.

Reality (cont)
  • 7. Was the holocaust only Zionist propaganda?
    (as claimed by Irans President Ahmadinejad)
  • 8. Is it true that morality requires religion?
    (as claimed by Republican presidential candidate
    Mitt Romney)
  • 9. Is it true that God made our world in 6 days
    about 6,000 years ago (as claimed by
    creationists) or is it true that life evolved
    over billions of years? (as claimed by Darwinian

Goodness what is good and what is evil?
  • Examples
  • Is it good to pursue ones own happiness, even
    at the expense of others? (as most people are
    inclined to do)
  • 2. Is it good for the government to eliminate
    undesirables, such as religious and ethnic
    minorities and the mentally handicapped, in order
    to purify society as a whole? (as claimed by the

Goodness (cont)
  • 3. Is government good if it protects its citizens
    by curtailing civil liberties, such as the right
    to privacy and due process? (as claimed by the
    Bush administration)
  • 4. Is it good to destroy the infidels or should
    we let them live and subjugate them? (the only
    acceptable options claimed by the Taliban)

Righteousness what is right (moral) vs. what is
wrong (immoral)?
  • Is it morally acceptable for a very poor man (say
    a Mexican or Guatemalan) to violate U.S. law by
    illegally immigrating to America in order to work
    if that is the only way he can feed his starving
    family? (U.S. laws claims that it is wrong.)
  • Is it morally acceptable to ignore the desperate
    needs of others, even when we could reasonably
    help them without causing something even worse to
    happen? (most people claim that it is morally
    acceptable, even required, to punish someone who
    acts to harm the innocent and vulnerable, but not
    acceptable to punish someone for not acting to
    protect them when they reasonably could.

Righteousness (cont)
  • 3. Is it morally acceptable to steal, so long as
    it is not from someone in our own tribe? (as
    claimed by some verses of the Hebrew scriptures
    then contradicts itself in other verses)
  • 4. Should gays be stoned to death (as claimed by
    the Bible and Quran) or should they be treated
    like everyone else? (as claimed by Secular
  • 5. Is it right to lie to a really bad person in
    order to protect the innocent? (Bible says thou
    shalt not bear false witness (lie or commit
    perjury) then contradicts itself elsewhere.)

Worldview gt Ethics gt Social Political Choices
  • Your answers to these kinds of questions are
    determined by your worldview.
  • Your worldview determines your personal ethics or
    moral principles.
  • Your personal ethics determine your stance on the
    social and political issues of the day.
  • If your worldview changes, chances are your
    ethical principles as well as your social and
    political choices will change too.

Law Public Policy Always Reflect Someones (or
Some Groups) Worldview Ethical Values
  • Who do you want making law public policy?
  • Justices Scalia Thomas or Ginsberg Stevens
  • Newt Gingrich or Nancy Pelosi
  • Osama bin Laden or Bishop Gene Robinson
  • Vladimir Putin or Nicolas Sarkozy
  • Robert Mugabe or Nelson Mandela
  • Hamas Hezbollah or Any Political Party that
    embraces the goals methods of the ACLU, Amnesty
    International, and Doctors w/o Borders.

Deciding How To Decide
  • Which worldview is probably realistic (true)
    and which is probably fantasy (false)?
  • First, we have to decide which is the best
    method for determining if a worldview (or claim
    of truth) is real or fantasy.

Basically, Only Two Approaches To Knowledge
  • Faith
  • Reason
  • Our choice of one over the other will have
    the biggest single influence over our worldview,
    ethics, and political stance.
  • And yes, these 2 approaches to discovering
    what is true and what is false are incompatible.

Those who rely on faith to determine reality want
those of us who rely on reason to believe there
is a spirit world in addition to the natural
  • The inner circle represents the natural
    (physical) world of animals (including humans),
    plants, wind, water, fire. Knowledge based on
    reason (empirical evidence, logic).
  • Everything outside the circle represents the
    supernatural world. Knowledge based on faith
    (revelation, tradition).

Belief In The Supernatural
  • The faithful claim that the supernatural
    world of gods, angels, and evil spirits is as
    real as the physical world despite the lack of
    empirical evidence, scientific proof, independent
    historical accounts, and sound logic.

Rules Of Logic
  • Skeptics in general and Secular Humanists in
    particular make no claim denying the existence of
    a supernatural world. (We dont know neither
    does anyone else.) We simply ask for credible
    proof that can stand rigorous objective
    scrutiny by independent peer review.
  • Logically, claimants have the burden of
    proof. In the past 10,000 years, the faithful
    have never offered objective, credible proof for
    their subjective, incredible claims about the
    supernatural including virgin births, bodily
    resurrections, and miraculous interventions
    (faith healings, etc.).

Thinking About Ideology
  • An ideology, including any theology, is simply a
    collection of ideas usually pertaining to a
    specific worldview and its ethical principles as
    they relate to personal, social, and political
  • Most ideologies claim to have the best solutions
    for personal, social, and political problems. (SH
    is no different.)
  • An ideologue is one who advocates an ideology.

Definitions (cont)
  • Today, ideology usually refers to fixed,
    intransigent beliefs of extremists - both on the
    right and left of the socio-political spectrum.
  • More accurate term is dogma a fixed,
    inflexible ideology or doctrine impervious to
    evidentiary challenge (new facts and better
  • A demagogue is someone who advocates a dogma by
    appealing to primitive (fear) emotions and
    prejudices usually to gain power over others.
    Example Hitler.

Definitions (cont)
  • Secular Humanism, like all other religions
    and philosophies, is ideological (a system of
    ideas). However, SH is not dogmatic
  • We welcome challenges to our beliefs and will
    change our minds if contrary evidence holds up to
    objective standards. People who are dogmatic
    refuse to do this.
  • Unlike the demagogues of religious
    fundamentalism, Secular Humanists do not appeal
    to primitive emotion, such as fear of the
    unknown, or prejudice, such as bigotry toward
    those of different ethnicity and faith.

Secular Humanism As Ideology
  • True, we believe passionately in the priority of
    reason over faith because the evidence strongly
    suggests that people are far better off when they
    make critical decisions based on empirical
    evidence, scientific proof, independent
    historical accounts, and sound logic, rather than
    superstition, willful ignorance, and wishful,
    magical thinking.
  • However, most Secular Humanists would change
    their minds if better facts and reasoning became
  • By contrast, fundamentalists can never change
    their minds because Gods Word is eternal and
  • To change their minds would make fundamentalists
    feel like they were forsaking their god and
    committing a mortal sin.

The 3 Central Ideas of Secular Humanism
  • We should use our best reasoning to discover
    reality for the benefit of all. (Assumes (1)
    knowing the difference between reality fantasy
    is good and (2) no one is inherently more
    important than anyone else. This means that no
    ones needs automatically come before anyone
    elses based on accidents of birth heredity,
    race, etc.)
  • Knowledge of reality is best discovered through
    independent, free inquiry. (Assumes no subject
    should be taboo. Subjects are taboo only to
    protect the powerful.)
  • Separation of church state is an essential
    condition for free inquiry. (Assumes, based on
    the evidence, that free inquiry leads to the best
    for all.)

Our Primary Goal
  • We want to create a world that is safe, just, and
    prosperous for all.
  • Consequently, we are rather intolerant of
    worldviews, ethics, and political stances that
    harm the innocent and vulnerable and make this
    world more dangerous for everyone.
  • As means to ends, we really do want to relegate
    religion and other superstitions forms of
    willful ignorance to the margins of society were
    they can do a lot less harm. Our primary means of
    accomplishing our goal is through education in
    critical thinking, science, and if necessary,

More Definitions
  • Faith (from the perspective of faith) Faith is
    belief in the supernatural (gods, demons,
    ancestor spirits, etc.) based on
  • Religious authorities (assumed to have special
    knowledge of the divine)
  • Scripture (assumed to be divinely authored)
  • Mystical experiences (assumed to be
    manifestations of the divine)

More Definitions (cont)
  • Faith (from the perspective of reason)
  • Faith is mere speculation about the supernatural.
  • Faith is belief in the supernatural unsupported
    by empirical (objective) evidence, scientific
    proof, independent historical accounts, or sound
  • Faith is superstition, willful ignorance, and
    wishful, magical thinking.
  • Faith is childish emotionalism, the antithesis of
    critical thinking.
  • (People believe because it makes them feel
    good faith offers comfort inspiration

Faith Is Superstition
  • because faith is belief in the supernatural
    (ghosts, demons, ancestor spirits, gods, etc.)
    based on imagination emotions (usually fear),
    not empirical evidence, scientific proof,
    independent historical accounts, or sound logic.
  • Superstition appears to be natural to humans - a
    highly imaginative response to fear of the
    unknown. Archeological evidence, anthropological
    research, and independent historical accounts
    strongly suggest that superstition was pervasive
    in all cultures throughout recorded history.
  • Superstition is still pervasive today, even in
    some of the most technologically advanced
    societies. Superstition, usually in the form of
    religion, still accounts for most of the
    preventable suffering and death in the world.

Faith Is Willful Ignorance
  • because the faithful choose to ignore the
    overwhelming evidence that scripture is simply
    the writings of primitive, ignorant, and often
    bigoted old men speculating about the
    supernatural in an unscientific, illogical effort
    to explain and control their world.

Faith Is Wishful, Magical Thinking
  • because the faithful use the same kind of
    fanciful thinking about gods and miracles that
    little children use when they sincerely believe
    in fairies, dragons, hobgoblins, leprechauns,
    demons, ghosts, Santa Claus, and the Easter
  • Both involve suspending disbelief and allowing
    our imagination and emotions to control our
    rational mind.

Faith Is Always Based On Fear
  • Priests, soothsayers, astrologers, rabbis,
    ministers of the gospels, etc., would have no
    following, except for this
  • We cannot bear the thought of our own destruction
    and the complete annihilation of our loved ones -
  • It is simply too painful to accept that when our
    loved ones die, we will never see or talk to them
    again - ever.
  • It takes a lot of courage to accept that death is
    final and permanent. Most people are not that
    courageous. It is much easier to believe that we
    will someday be re-united with our friends
    family in paradise.

Top Ten Reasons SH Reject Faith As The Basis Of
Knowledge About Reality
  • 10. All arguments for the existence of God are
    fatally flawed.
  • 9. Faith is illogical and therefore irrational.
  • 8. The Problem of Evil if god is good, why do
    the innocent suffer and die? No verifiable
  • The Problem of Scripture if God wrote the
    scriptures, why are there so many contradictions,
    inconsistencies, inaccuracies, and absurdities?
    Moreover, why didnt God provide us with the
    original texts?
  • (All of the above will be discussed in
    Session II.)

Top Ten Reasons (cont)
  • 6. Faith is dangerous yes, even the most liberal
    ones. (Session III)
  • 5. Faith is anti-democracy anti science
    advocates theocracy and rejects scientific
    methodology. (Session II)
  • 4. The ethical values of faith are generally
    bizarre and often cruel. (Session II)
  • 3. Faith is childish emotionalism. (Session IV)
  • 2. There is a much better alternative we would
    all be better off in a rational world. (Session

Top Ten Reasons (cont)
  • And most importantly
  • Faith leads to poor judgment that results in the
    preventable suffering and death of billions.
  • Example faith pressures billions of
    women to have children they dont want and cannot
    properly care for resulting in grinding poverty,
    horrific suffering, and untimely death.
  • Details to come in Session III The
    Dangers of Faith.

Superstition, willful ignorance, and wishful,
magical thinking are alive and well in America
  • Fast Facts
  • Nine out of 10 U.S. adults believe in some kind
    of god or gods.
  • More than 3 out of 10 believe the Bible should be
    interpreted literally.
  • Two in 10 believe the sun revolves around the
  • Seven out of 10 dont know that DNA is the key to
  • Twenty-five out of 100 high school biology
    teachers believe humans and dinosaurs co-existed.
  • More than half of Americans believe suffering
    and death are Gods punishment for sin.
  • Almost half believe God made people in their
    present form less than 10,000 years ago.

Fast Facts (cont)
  • About 30 of Americans are fundamentalist
    evangelicals or conservative Roman Catholics.
  • A strong majority of U.S. evangelicals and
    Catholics believe that the Bible, not the will of
    the people or the U.S. Constitution, should be
    the basis of law public policy.
  • Three times as many Americans believe in the
    virgin birth as in evolution.
  • The U.S. has a larger proportion of highly
    emotional Pentecostals Charismatic
    Christians than backward, poverty-stricken, and
    strife-ridden Nigeria.
  • One third of Americans describe themselves as
    spiritual but not religious meaning vaguely
    superstitious but non-committal to any sect or
    set of beliefs.

Fast Facts (cont)
  • Six out of 10 believe the bloody predictions of
    the Book of Revelations - all who do not believe
    Jesus is the Messiah will die a horrible death
    and be tortured in hell for eternity.
  • Half of all Americans believe in ghosts.
  • Three in 10 believe in astrology.
  • Eight in 10 believe in miracles.
  • Almost seven in 10 believe creationism should be
    taught in high school science classes - believing
    that Darwinian evolution is just another
    theory meaning just as plausible as the Genesis
    creation story.
  • Mostly from Age of American Unreason.

In Other Words
  • Most skeptics in general, and Secular
    Humanists in particular, worry about Americas
    collective mental health and for very good
    reasons as we shall see in upcoming sessions.

Top 10 Myths About Secular Humanists
  • Myth 10. There are no atheists in foxholes. Oh
  • Reality There is compelling testimony from
    thousands of soldiers who have faced combat
    bravely and never wavered from their non-theistic
    worldview. Just visit http//www.atheistfoxholes.o
    rg a website for our atheists in combat in
    Afghanistan and Iraq.
  • Fear of death does not compel everyone to
    believe in nonsense. Atheists in general and SH
    in particular are well aware that they will die.
    To us, death means nothingness rather than
    eternal torment.
  • To many atheists, heaven hell are the
    same. Hell is where God pours gasoline over you
    and lights you on fire so you writhe in anguish
    forever - no time off for good behavior no potty
    breaks. Heaven is where you have to put up with
    an capricious, jealous, petty, and unimaginably
    cruel deity forever. So whats the difference?

Top 10 Myths (cont)
  • Myth 9. Secular Humanists are godless
    communists. Say what?
  • Reality Godless, yes! Communists, no!
  • Communism is a failed political and
    economic system that violated all of the basic
    premises of Secular Humanism, including respect
    for universal human rights.
  • SH recognize (and history proves) that
    capitalism is the best system for creating
    wealth. Without wealth, we would all be destitute
    and miserable, as was the case in Russia and
    China before they embraced capitalism.
  • But we also know that capitalism is not
    very good a distributing wealth equitably. So
    some compromises in economic policy are necessary
    if we are to achieve social justice, meaning
    equal opportunity/equal rights.
  • Most SH favor a blend of capitalism
    socialism such as the case in the United States,
    UK, and Germany with government programs such as
    Social Security and Medicare.

Top 10 Myths (cont)
  • Myth 8. Secular Humanists worship humanity.
  • Reality we recognize that people are capable of
    great self-sacrifice and generosity. They are
    also capable of horrific cruelty and indifference
    to the suffering of others.
  • We do believe that proper education from a
    young age will generally result in responsible,
    compassionate adults who value critical thinking.
    In fact, we think this kind of education is the
    only way to save our children grandchildren
    from themselves and each other. Ultimately, it is
    our only hope.

Top 10 Myths (cont)
  • Myth 7. Secular Humanism is a religion. Not so!
  • Reality To be a religion, a worldview must
    embrace the supernatural.
  • A worldview that lacks supernaturalism is,
    at best, a philosophy. SH is a philosophy or
    ideology, rather than a theology, and Secular
    Humanists, by definition, do not believe in the
    supernatural. We dont care what you believe
    unless it harms others. Unfortunately, all
    religions harm the innocent and vulnerable as we
    shall see in Session III.

Top 10 Myths (cont)
  • Myth 6. Atheists, such as Secular Humanists, are
    arrogant. OK, but compared to whom?
  • Reality Arrogance is defined as offensively
    exaggerating ones own importance. No one is
    more arrogant than those who consider themselves
    Gods Chosen People and all others are heathens,
    heretics, and barbarians.
  • No one is more arrogant than the dogmatic
    faithful who believe that their worldview does
    not have to be supported by empirical evidence
    and sound logic and that anyone who does not
    believe as they do deserves to suffer in this
    life and will be condemned to a horrible
    existence in the afterlife.
  • No one is more arrogant than the
    willfully ignorant faithful who refuse to
    seriously consider new evidence and reasoning
    that challenge their long-held and intransigent
  • We Secular Humanists can be assertive in
    our beliefs. We take a certain pride in our
    beliefs because they are actually intellectually
    defensible. We are enthusiastic about our
    worldview and our ability to defend it rationally
    because we believe it will lead to less
    suffering, fewer preventable deaths, and
    widespread social justice.

Top 10 Myths (cont)
  • Myth 5. Atheists have no reason to live.
    Definitely not true!
  • Reality Secular Humanists know that when the
    faithful make this unsubstantiated claim, they
    mean that without God, life is meaningless.
    This is absurd!
  • Most SH live very meaningful lives,
    deriving ample meaning joy from family,
    friends, work.

Top 10 Myths (cont)
  • Myth 4. Secular Humanists want to outlaw
    religion. Oh, dont tempt us.
  • Reality Secular Humanists believe that religions
    all religions are not just silly, but
    dangerous. However, we know that religion cannot
    be stamped out by criminalizing it.
  • That would be like trying to outlaw human
    nature. The Soviet Union and Communist China
    tried using the harshest methods imaginable. But
    we are willing to work hard to keep religion out
    of domestic foreign policy so it can do less

Top 10 Myths (cont)
  • Myth 3. Secular Humanism is the religion of
    public education. If only this were true!
  • Reality Unfortunately, religious fundamentalists
    are trying to inject religion into our
    pluralistic public education (prayer in school,
    creationism is science class, etc.) SH want
    public education to be based on reason and
    compassion, not superstition and dogma.

Top 10 Myths (cont)
  • Myth 2. Secular Humanist ethics are really based
    on Christian values. Dont bet on it.
  • Reality About the only thing Christian and
    Secular Humanist ethics have in common is the
    Golden Rule, which is more or less rational and
    predates Jesus by several thousand years.

Top 10 Myths - Numero Uno!
  • Myth 1. Secular Humanists, like all atheists,
    are immoral. Not so! We have some morals.
  • Reality Secular Humanists are morally opposed to
    cheating, lying, and stealing. We even oppose
    murder. We do believe that exploiting others is
    wrong. But widespread belief in this myth keeps
    us from being elected to public office and
    exerting more influence.
  • In superstitious America, it is nearly
    impossible for an avowed atheist to be elected to
    public office. We are less popular than Muslims,
    but slightly more popular than pedophiles. Yet,
    more than 90 of the U.S. prison population is
    religious and mostly Christian. The 10 of
    Americans who are atheists comprise less than one
    tenth of one percent of U.S. inmates.
  • The region of the U.S. that is most
    religious (Christian), the states of the Old
    South, have by far the highest rates of teen
    pregnancy, child abuse, rape, theft, and murder.
    The most secular regions of the U.S. have the
    lowest rates of social dysfunction and

Suggested Reading
  • 1. http//
  • A site written by Christians to rebut
    criticisms of faith in general and Christianity
    in particular.
  • 2. http//
  • A site written by atheists to rebut
    claims of faith in general and Christianity in
  • 3. http//
  • A site written by skeptics detailing
    Biblical non-sense.
  • 4. The Atheists Bible an illustrious collection
    of irreverent thoughts. Ed. Joan Konner
  • End Session I
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