Title: Early
1Early Russian History
2Russia Today
3Former Soviet Region Compared in Latitude Area
with the United States
4Russias Time Zones
5Topography of Russia
6Siberia ? Permafrost
- Average temperatures of January vary from 0
to -50C, and in July from 1 to 25C - 150,000,000 population.
- A former gulag Soviet prison camp.
7Themes in Russian History
- Expansion by conquest.
- Need for warm-water ports.
- The necessity of a strong, central government.
8Early Russia
9Early Byzantine InfluencesOrthodox Christianity
10Early Byzantine InfluencesOrthodox Christianity
11Early Byzantine InfluencesCyrillic Alphabet
13Russian Boyars
14Russian Expansion
15The Mongols Invade Russia
16Ivan the Great (r. 1462-1505)
Ivan III Tearing the Great Khans Letter
Requesting More Tribute in 1480.
17The Rise of Russia
18Russia in the Late 1500s
Ivan The Terrible(r. 1533-1584)
19Michael Romanov (r. 1613-1645)
- The Romanov dynasty is established.
- The only Russian royal family ? lasted for 304
20Romanov Dynasty(1613-1917)
Romanov Family Crest
21Romanov Dynasty(1613-1917)
22The Pendulum of Russian History
Pro-WestFor Progress ChangeEncourage New
Ideas,Technologies, etc.
- Most Tsars
- Russian Orthodox Church
- Military
- Boyars
- peasants
- A few Tsars
- Intellectual elites
- Merchants/businessmen
- Young members of the middle class.
23Peter the Great (r. 1682-1725)
24Peter Cuts the Beards of His Boyars
25Execution of the Streltsy
26Battle of Poltava (1709)
27Russia Sweden After the Great Northern War
28Russia Under Peter I