MATE: MPLS Adaptive Traffic Engineering - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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MATE: MPLS Adaptive Traffic Engineering


Using IP-centric control plane (e.g., GMPLS) To provide QoS in optical network ... DAP(p) process (discrete autoregressive process of order p): large degree of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: MATE: MPLS Adaptive Traffic Engineering

MATE MPLS Adaptive Traffic Engineering
Elwalid, A Jin, C Low, S Widjaja, I. INFOCOM
2001, pp. 1300-1309. vol.3
  • Gyu Myoung Lee
  • Broadband Network Laboratory
  • Tel) (042) 866-6231

Term Project Schedule
  • Objective
  • Using IP-centric control plane (e.g., GMPLS)
  • To provide QoS in optical network
  • optimal network utilization and load balancing
    using multipath routing
  • aggregating the resources of multiple paths and
    reducing blocking probabilities
  • Key technology
  • Traffic engineering and QoS routing
  • Multipath routing
  • GMPLS control technology in IP over optical
  • Target
  • Survey paper related with the existing multipath
    routing mechanism
  • Apply multipath routing algorithm to supporting
    QoS using GMPLS control plane in IP over optical

Presentation Schedule
  • 9. July (TUE)
  • Study of Multipath Routing for QoS Provisioning
  • Ref) network control and management for next
    generation internet
  • 25. July (THU)
  • An adaptive flow-level load control scheme for
    multipath forwarding
  • 30. July (TUE)
  • Dynamic constrained multipath routing for MPLS
  • 1. August (THU)
  • A constrained multipath traffic engineering
    scheme for MPLS networks
  • 7. August (WED)
  • Fault tolerance and load balancing in QoS
    provisioning with multipath MPLS paths
  • 8. August (THU)
  • MATE Multipath Adaptive Traffic Engineering
  • 14. August (WED)
  • Performance analysis of burst level bandwidth
    allocation using multipath routing reservation

  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Motivation
  • Overview
  • MATE implementation techniques
  • Experimental methodology
  • Simulation results
  • Conclusions
  • Appendix MATE stability

  • Multipath adaptive traffic engineering (MATE)
  • Targeted for switched networks such as MPLS
  • Main goal
  • Avoid network congestion by adaptively balancing
    the load among multiple paths based on
    measurement and analysis of path congestion
  • Adopts a minimalist approach in that intermediate
    nodes are not required to perform traffic
    engineering or measurements besides normal packet
  • Does not impose any particular scheduling, buffer
    management, or a priori traffic characterization
    on the nodes

Motivation - 1
  • Internet traffic engineering is emerging as key
    tool for satisfy customers demands for fast,
    reliable, and differentiated service
  • Traffic engineering maximizing operational
    network efficiency while meeting certain
  • QoS routing meet certain QoS constraints for a
    given source-destination traffic flow
  • The emergence of MPLS
  • Provides basic mechanisms for facilitating
    traffic engineering
  • Explicit routing allows a particular packet
    stream to follow a pre-determined path
  • A packet is forwarded along the LSP by swapping
  • Support of explicit routing in MPLS does not
    entail additional packet header overhead

Motivation - 2
  • Several algorithms has been proposed to add
    traffic engineering capability in traditional
    datagram network using shortest path
  • Load sharing cannot be accomplished among paths
    of different costs ? Explicit LSPs and flexible
    traffic assignment can solve this problem
  • Traffic/policy constrains are not taken into
    account ? Constraint base routing
  • Modification of link metrics to re-adjust traffic
    mapping tend to have network-wide effects causing
    undesirable and unanticipated traffic shift ?
    LSPs are pinned down
  • Traffic demands must be predictable and known a
    priori ? Proposed in this paper

Motivation - 3
  • MPLS traffic engineering mechanisms
  • Time dependent mechanism
  • Historical information based on seasonal
    variations in traffic is used to pre-program LSP
    layout (changes on a relatively long time scale)
    and traffic assignment
  • May not be able to prevent significant imbalance
    in loading and congestion
  • State dependent mechanism
  • Used to deal with adaptive traffic assignment to
    the established LSP according to the current
    state of the network (based on utilization,
    packet delay, packet loss, etc)
  • In this paper
  • LSP layout has been determined using a long-term
    traffic matrix
  • Focus on load balancing short-term traffic
    fluctuations among multiple LSPs between an
    ingress node and an egress node

Overview - 1
  • The features of MATE (state-dependent TE)
  • Distributed adaptive load-balancing algorithm
  • End-to-end control between ingress and egress
  • No new hardware or protocol equipment in
    intermediate nodes
  • No knowledge of traffic demand is required
  • No assumption on the scheduling or buffer
    management schemes at a node
  • Optimization decision based on path congestion
  • Minimal packet reordering
  • No clock synchronization between two nodes

Overview - 2
  • Assumptions
  • Several explicit LSPs have been established using
    CR-LDP or RSVP-TE or configured manually
  • No two IE pair use same LSP, even though some of
    their LSPs may share links
  • The goal of in the ingress node
  • Distribute the traffic across the LSPs
  • The loads are balanced and congestion is thus
  • The traffic to be balanced by the ingress node is
    the aggregated flow (traffic trunk) that shares
    the same destination

Overview - 3
  • MATE functions in an ingress node

Overview - 4
  • Functions
  • Filtering and Distribution
  • facilitate traffic shifting among the LSPs in a
    way that reduce the possibility of having packets
    arrive at out of order
  • Traffic engineering
  • Decides on when and how to shift traffic among
    the LSPs
  • Monitoring phase detect an appreciable and
    persistent changes
  • Load balancing phase try to equalize the
    congestion among the LSPs
  • Measurement and Analysis
  • Obtain one-way LSP statistics such as delay and
    loss using probe packets
  • Estimator of LSP statistics from the probes may
    be obtain using bootstrap resampling techniques

MATE implementation techniques
  • Traffic filtering and distribution
  • Two-stage traffic distribution
  • Traffic measurement and analysis
  • Probe packet packet delay and packet loss
  • Bootstrap

Traffic filtering and distribution
  • Two-stage traffic distribution
  • First Stage the engineered traffic can be
    filtered and distributed into the N bins in
    numbers of ways
  • Per-packet basis without filtering
  • Filter the traffic on a per-flow basis (based on
    ltsource IP address, source port, destination IP
    address, destination port, IP protocolgt tuple)
  • Filter the traffic by using a hash function on IP
    fields (based on CRC)
  • Second Stage maps each bin to the corresponding

Traffic measurement and analysis - 1
  • Measurement process
  • Only the ingress and egress node are required to
    participated in the measurement process
  • For the purpose of balancing the load among LSP,
    the available bandwidth appears to be a desirable
    metric to measure ? difficult in MATE
  • Packet delay is can be a reliably metric
  • The probe packet is time-stamped at ingress node
    at time T1 and recorded at the egress node at
    time T2
  • Total packet delay (i.e., queueing time,
    propagation time, and processing time) - T2-T1
  • A group of packet delay ET2-T1Td
  • The reliability of the estimator can be evaluated
    by bootstrapping
  • The value Td is not required when only the
    marginal delay is needed
  • Clock synchronization is not necessary

Clock difference
Traffic measurement and analysis - 2
  • Packet loss probability is another metric that
    can be estimated by a group of probe packet
  • Estimated by encoding a sequence number in the
    probe packet to notify the egress node how many
    probe packets have been transmitted by the
    ingress node, and another field in the probe
    packet to indicate how many probe packets have
    been received by the egress node
  • When a probe packet returns, the ingress node is
    able to estimate the one-way packet loss

Traffic measurement and analysis - 3
  • Bootstrap
  • The bootstrap is a powerful technique for
    assessing the accuracy of a parameter estimator
    in situation where conventional technique are not
  • Most other techniques assumes that the size of
    the available set of sample space value is
    sufficiently large( e.g Central limit theorem
    asymptotic results)
  • In MATE, we can use bootstrap to obtain reliable
    estimates of the congestion measures of the mean
    delay and cell loss rate from a given set of of
    measurement obtained via the probe packets
  • By selecting a desirable confidence interval, we
    get a dynamic way of specifying the number of

Traffic measurement and analysis - 4
  • A basic procedure for computing a confidence

Experimental methodology - 1
  • Objective of simulation
  • Within a network that has multiple LSPs between
    some ingress and egress nodes, traffic
    distribution under the MATE algorithm is stable
    and load balancing is achieved
  • Networking Environment
  • Traffic conditions vary due to changes in
    network load (link utilization)
  • Traffic conditions vary due to correlation and
  • Two types of traffic
  • Engineered traffic needs to be balanced
  • Cross traffic background traffic that we have
    no control over
  • Traffic model
  • Poisson shot-range dependencies
  • DAP(p) process (discrete autoregressive process
    of order p) large degree of dependencies (our
    experiments, p 10)

Experimental methodology - 2
  • Two network topology
  • A single ingress-egress pair connected by
    multiple LSPs
  • Multiple ingress-egress pairs where some links
    are shared among the LSPs from different pairs
  • A considerable interaction between the pairs

Experimental methodology - 3
  • Two implementation
  • A small random delay is introduced before the
    algorithm moves from the monitoring phase to the
    traffic engineering phase upon detection of
    change in traffic conditions
  • This damping mechanism reduces synchronization
    among multiple ingress nodes
  • a coordination among the ingress nodes so that
    only one ingress node at a time enters the
    traffic engineering phase
  • This obviously requires a special coordination

Simulation results - 1
Unbalance situation one heavily congested LSP
and five lightly loaded LSPs Successfully reduce
the engineered traffic from the overload link and
distribute them to the underutilized links
The loss rate on the first LSP dropped from 40
to a value that is too small to observe
Simulation results - 2
Simulation results - 3
  • Engineered traffic
  • Travel from the ingress node to the egress node
  • The probe traffic required in the each phase of
    the algorithm is around 0.5 of the engineered
  • Cross traffic
  • Enters through the intermediate nodes and exit at
    the egress nodes
  • In order to balance traffic, the algorithms must
    shift traffic

Simulation results - 4
Simulation results - 5
Simulation results - 6
Conclusions - 1
  • Our focus on this paper
  • Apply adaptive traffic engineering to utilize
    network resource more efficiently and minimize
  • MATE
  • Distributed adaptive load balancing algorithms
  • No new H/W or protocol requirement in
    intermediate node
  • No knowledge of traffic demand is required
  • No clock synchronization between two nodes

Conclusions - 2
  • Simulation results
  • MATE can effectively remove traffic imbalances
    among that may occur among multiple LSPs
  • High packet loss rates can be significantly
    reduced by properly shifting some traffic to less
    loaded LSPs
  • Our algorithms have good stability and
    convergence properties
  • Future work
  • Consider more realistic networking environment
  • Examine the impact of MATE on the application

Appendix - MATE stability
  • Present analytical model of MATE and prove
    stability and optimality
  • Model

S1,2,3,s A set of IE pair Psa set of LSPs
(Ps? 2L) L1,2,3,l a set of unidirectional
links xsp amount of input traffic on LSP
p?Ps rstotal input traffic xs(xsp, p?Ps) rate
vector of s x(xsp, p?Ps,s ?S) the vector of all
Optimization - 1
  • The flow on a link l has a rate that is sum of
    source rates on all LSPs that traverse link l
  • Objective(Convex cost-linear constraints)

Total cost
Optimization - 2
  • Derivate of the objective functions with respect
    to xsp

Cl(xl) the first derivate length of link
l ?C/?Xsp the (first derivate) length of LSP p
  • Therom1(Result from Kuhn-Tucker theorem)
  • the rate vector x is optimal if and only if,
    for each pair s , all LSPs have minimum(and
    equal) first derivate lengths

Asynchronous algorithm - 1
  • Gradient Projection Algorithms
  • ? step size, xs(t) (xsp(t), p?Ps) ss rate
    vector at time t
  • ?Cs(t)(?C/?Xsp(x(t)), p?Ps )the vector of first
    derivate length of LSP p
  • Not Realistic
  • All updates are synchronized
  • Zero feedback delay

Asynchronous algorithm - 2
  • The new rates calculated by the IE pairs may be
    reflected in the link flows after certain delays
    the flow rate available at link l time t and is
    an weighted average of past sources rates xsp(t)

Asynchronous algorithm - 3
  • The weight alsp(t,t) depend on (l,s,p,t)
  • Latest data only
  • Latest average
  • IE pair s estimates the first derivate length of
    LSP by asynchronously collection a certain number
    of measurements(using probe packets)

Q A - Discussion
  • Traffic engineering using multipath in
    GMPLS-based optical network
  • Objective
  • Optical resource optimization (load balancing)
  • Reduce blocking probability
  • Fault tolerance
  • Control plane (Routing Signaling)
  • Traffic aggregation and classification
    (flow-level control)
  • Constrained-based explicit route setup (consider
  • What kind of constraints ?
  • Maximum hop count constraint
  • Maximum path count constraint
  • Node/link affinity constraint
  • Path selection policy
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