Atomic structure, spectroscopy, and quantum mechanics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Atomic structure, spectroscopy, and quantum mechanics


Know the general concepts behind the experiments leading to the discovery of the ... Utilized work of Madame Curie on radioactive particles -- high speed electrons ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Atomic structure, spectroscopy, and quantum mechanics

Atomic structure, spectroscopy, and quantum
  • Chapter 5

Key concepts
  • Know the general concepts behind the experiments
    leading to the discovery of the electron and the
  • Understand the general character of the atomic
  • Know the relationship between wavelength and
    frequency of electromagnetic radiation (light)
  • Understand the term quantum of energy, and the
    quantum nature of light Eh?
  • Describe the photoelectric effect.
  • Understand how the line spectra of atoms led to
    Bohrs model of the atom. Also understand the
    drawbacks of Bohrs model.
  • Understand the wave nature of matter use the
    DeBroglie formula for calculating the wavelength
    of matter waves.
  • Explain the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, and
    know how it affects our understanding of the
  • Know that Schrodingers equation H?E? leads to
    the atomic orbital. Know the four quantum
    numbers used to describe an electron in any
    atomic orbital.
  • Be able to recognize the spatial representation
    of s, p, or d orbitals.
  • Understand how Paulis exclusion principle
    affects the population of electrons in any atomic
  • Know how to write electronic configurations, and
    know what these represent.
  • Understand the reasoning behind the shape of the
    periodic table.

Gods view of the world vs. our view of the world
  • Mos. 49. Believe in God believe that he is,
    and that he created all things, both in heaven
    and in earth believe that he has all wisdom, and
    all power, both in heaven and in earth believe
    that man doth not comprehend all the things which
    the Lord can comprehend.
  • D C 13019. And if a person gains more
    knowledge and intelligence in this life through
    his diligence and obedience than another, he will
    have so much the advantage in the world to come.
  • While we may not comprehend all the things which
    the Lord can comprehend, we are encouraged to
    obtain knowledge on all subjects, including the
    workings of creation. This is where the
    scientific method comes into play.

Models and the scientific method
  • There is always a model that will explain any
    related set of bona fide experiments.
  • Models should always start out simple and
    definite enough that predictions can be made.
  • A model is of limited value except as it
    correlates a substantial body of observable
  • Models that suggest important new experiments can
    be useful, even if the theory must be modified.
  • Henry Eyring, Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem. 28, 1 (1977)
  • It is important to remember that we will be
    discussing a series of experiments, data, and
    models. Models are meant to describe nature, not
    the other way around. We change the model in
    order to better fit new experimental evidence.
  • Models help us understand processes and
    mechanisms (how). Scientific models rarely, if
    ever, help us understand the underlying purposes
    of Nature (why). Increasing our understanding of
    our relationship to God will help in that area

The electron (e-)
  • Electric charge investigated from the 1800s, but
    detailed characteristics first outilined by J. J.
  • Thomson used a cathode ray tube to examine the
    electrons properties

Cathode ray tube Cathode rays radiation
produced in vacuum tubes that travels from the
cathode ( - lead) to the anode ( lead)
Thomsons discoveries
  • Nature of the cathode ray is independent of the
    cathode material.
  • A magnet can alter the path of the cathode ray
  • Electron charge to mass ratio
  • 1.76 ? 108 coulombs/gram
  • (Coulomb unit of charge)

  • Thomsons experiment is the forerunner of the
    mass spectrometer (more on that in a minute).
    Mass spectrometer measures the mass-to-charge
    ratio of particles.
  • With the mass/charge ratio known, something
    needed to be learned about the mass or charge of
    the particle in order to determine the remaining

Millikan oil-drop experiment
Produces Small oil drops
Used to Measure oil-drop size
Removes electrons From atoms in air
Attracts free electrons oil drop suspended
when Plate voltage is sufficient.
Fig. 5-2, p.177
Millikans observations
  • Charges on oil-drops are integral multiple of
    some factor that is the fundamental charge of an
  • What if you were working in Millikans lab? (5)

13.45810-19 C 17.30810-19 C
15.37310-19 C 28.84410-19 C
17.30310-19 C 11.54510-19 C
15.37810-19 C 19.21410-19 C
Electron mass
  • Fundamental electron charge 1.602 ? 10-19 C
  • With Millikans results, we can now find the mass
    of an electron. How?

Canal rays Protons
  • A protons mass is 1836 times larger than an
    electron. Thus, its charge-to-mass ratio is
    __________ than the z/m for an electron.

Fig. 5-3, p.178
Nature of the nucleus
  • First model Plum pudding model (or the
    gumdrop-popcorn-ball model)
  • Electrons are held close to nucleus in a blob.

Rutherford gold foil experiment
  • Utilized work of Madame Curie on radioactive
  • ? -- high speed electrons
  • ?-- gamma-rays (light), no charge
  • ?--alpha-rays 2 charge ? charged nucleus of
    He atom
  • Rutherford used ?? rays in his experiment, firing
    them at a piece of gold foil.
  • Predict what will happen in the experiment

Fig. 5-4, p.179
At the molecular level
  • Most alpha particles pass straight through
  • Some are deflected at very steep angles
  • This can only occur if the alpha particle is
    repelled at close range by a positively charged

The nucleus
  • Nucleus is very small, dense, highly charged
    center of the atom. Electrons spaced relatively
    widely about the nucleus.
  • Diameter of nucleus ? 10-14 m
  • Diameter of H atom ? 10-10 m 1 Å (Angström)
  • If H nucleus was 1 m in diameter, electron would
    be 10 km away (6.2 miles).

Table 5-1, p.175
Mass spectrometer
Fig. 5-8, p.184
Factors affecting ion deflection
  1. Magnitude of accelerating voltage
  2. Magnetic field strength
  3. Particle mass
  4. Particle charge

Fig. 5-9, p.185
Fig. 5-10a, p.185
Fig. 5-10b, p.185
Electromagnetic spectrum
?? c
  • as wavelength (?) increases, frequency (?)
    decreases. Product equal to speed of light in
    vacuum (c).
  • Some examples

Plancks constant
  • Blackbodies emit energy at all frequencies
  • Behavior of blackbodies could not be explained by
    classical physics

  • Plancks hypothesis Energy is released or
    absorbed from atoms in chunks, or quanta.
  • A quantum of energy E h?.
  • h 6.626 ? 10-34 J-s ? Plancks constant
  • Released or absorbed energy at frequency ? in
    whole multiples of h? (h?, 2h?, 3h?, etc.)

Photoelectric effect--Einstein
  • To remove an electron from a metal surface, a
    minimum energy (h?) is required.
  • Shining more light does NOT increase the
    energy, just the intensity of the light.
  • Below minimum energy (frequency), nothing
  • http//

Einsteins deduction
  • light is made of photons (light particles,
  • Light has both wave properties and particle

Bohr model of the atom
  • Line spectrum of atoms discrete lines vs.
  • Rydberg series empirically determined
    mathematical series that describes hydrogen line
  • R 1.097 ? 107 m-1

Bohrs description of the atom
  • 1. Electrons travel in orbits around nucleus.
    Only certain orbits, corresponding to certain
    definite energies, are allowed.
  • 2. An electron in a permitted orbit has a
    specific energy in an allowed state. An electron
    in an allowed state will not radiate energy.
  • 3. Energy is only emitted or absorbed when
    electrons move from one orbit to another. Energy
    is emitted or absorbed as a photon, Eh?

  • Advantages
  • Explains observed line spectrum of hydrogen.
  • Explains quantized absorbtion and emission of
  • Disadvantage
  • Model works only for hydrogen or other 1-electron
  • Bohrs model failed, but led to development of
    the next step

Dual nature of matter
  • DeBroglie Matter, like light, exhibits both
    wave properties and particle properties.
  • DeBroglie wavelength (matter waves)
  • Example of matter waves Scanning electron

So.why do we not exhibit waves?
  • Examples
  • 0.25 kg ball moving at 90 mph. What is the
    DeBroglie wavelength?
  • What is the DeBroglie wavelength of a helium atom
    (4.0 amu) moving 1000 m s-1?
  • Matter waves are observable only with very small,
    very fast particles. (atoms and electrons)

Experimental evidence of matter waves
Scanning electron microscope image of leafcutter
ant head
Heisenberg uncertainty principle
  • Because electrons are constantly moving very
    fast, it is impossible to know precisely both the
    position and momentum of an electron. (billiards
  • The nature of an electron is probed by using
    photons. But, the interaction of the photon with
    the electron changes the nature of the electron.
  • A well defined orbit of an electron around a
    nucleus cannot be defined. The precise behavior
    of an electron in an atom cannot be directly

Schrodinger equation H? E?
  • ? a wave function (from standing waves). Wave
    functions define a region of space where it is
    most likely to find the electron in an atom. The
    square of the wavefunction, ?2, represents the
    electron density of that wavefunction.
  • Orbitals Wave functions giving solutions to the
    Schrodinger equation. Orbitals are defined by
    three quantum numbers. Electrons in an orbital
    are defined using these numbers, plus one other.

Four quantum numbers used to define electrons in
Quantum number name symbol values
Principal n 1,2,3,
Angular momentum l 0,(n-1)
Magnetic m l - l, l
Spin (well talk more about spin later) ms 1/2, -1/2
(No Transcript)
Electron shells and subshells
  • Electron shell Orbitals that have the same
    principal quantum number
  • (same n).
  • Subshell Orbitals have the same principal and
    orbital angular momentum quantum numbers
  • (same n and l)

Representations of orbitals
  • There are two components of an orbital, its
    radial distribution and its angular distribution.
  • Angular distribution is commonly called the
    orbitals shape.

s, p, and d orbital shapes
  • Radial distribution An atom with n gt 1 has at
    least one node (an area where the electron
    density is 0).
  • As n increases, the number of nodes increases,
    and the distance from the nucleus to the highest
    electron density region also increases.
  • Lower energy regions are forced closer to nucleus
  • p. 208 209 in text give representations of s
    and p orbitals. You should know these. You
    should also be aware of the shapes of d orbitals
    (p. 209). f orbitals are shown on p 210, but
    they are rarely (never) encountered in this

Electron-electron repulsion
  • In the hydrogen atom, all orbitals with the same
    n have the same energy. However, in
    many-electron orbitals, repulsions between the
    electrons cause differences in energy between
    orbitals of the same n, but different l.

Pauli exclusion principle
  • no two electrons in an atom can have the same
    four quantum numbers.
  • ?The maximum number of electrons in any orbital
    is two. The maximum number of electrons in a
    shell (or subshell) is 2x the number of orbitals
    in the shell (or subshell).
  • ms 1/2 or 1/2 (up or down)

Number of.
  • Orbitals in a shell
  • Electrons in a shell
  • Orbitals in a subshell
  • Electrons in a subshell
  • n2
  • 2n2
  • s1 p3 d5
  • - l to l
  • s? p? d?

ORBITAL IS ____!!!
writing electronic configurations
  • Electronic configurations a method of
    describing the orbital arrangement of electrons
    in an atom.
  • orbital notation pictorially represents
    electron positions in orbitals.
  • Simplified notation notes the number of
    electrons in each subshell.

Hunds rule
What is degenerate?
  • For degenerate orbitals, lowest energy is
    obtained when spin is maximized. this means
  • Electrons will fill the subshell orbitals, one at
    a time, until each orbital has one electron.
  • All electrons will have the same spin (either up
    or down, or either 1/2 or 1/2)
  • Only then will electrons be paired.

  • Condensed electronic configurations
  • A shorthand for writing complete electronic

Aufbau principle
  • Describes the order in which subshells are
    filled. this order is
  • 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, 3d, 4p, 5s, 4d, 5p, 6s,
    4f, 5d, 6p, 7s, 5f, 6d, 7p
  • The ordering is due to electron repulsions in the
    higher orbitals

The periodic table
  • The shape of the table is a result of the order
    in which the orbitals in the atoms are filled
    with electrons
  • Different areas of the table indicate which
    subshell contains the valence (highest energy)
  • s-block
  • p-block
  • d-block
  • using the periodic table is an excellent way to
    remember the Aufbau principle.

Fig. 5-31, p.219
Exceptions to the rule in transition metals
  • p. 220, text.
  • These exceptions are due to the closeness in
    energy of higher number orbitals, and have to do
    with a balance between electron promotion and
    electron repulsion.

Table 5-5, p.220
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