Title: Gzim Ocakoglu European Commission DG Enterprise
1Lithuania IDA Info-Day April 20, 2004
IDA Secure Communications Platforms TESTA and
- Gzim OcakogluEuropean Commission - DG Enterprise
- Vilnius, 20 April 2004
- TESTA at a glance
- Sectoral projects using TESTA
- What is TESTA? How to connect ?
- TESTA today
- The PKI service
- The future of TESTA
3TESTA at a glanceVocabulary...
4Sectoral Projects using TESTA
- Justice and Home Affairs
- Dublinet
- Trade
- Statistics
- Datashop
- Statel
- Financial Intelligence
- Humanitarian aid
- HOLIS (14 points)
- Environment
- ProcivNet-CECIS
- General applications
- IntraComm
- Circa
- Employment and Social Affairs
- Agriculture
- Transport
- Care II
- SafeSeaNet
- Tachonet
- Fisheries
- Fides
- Regional Policy
- Structural funds (SFC)
- Health and consumer protection
- Eudra projects
- Euphin
- New users coming soon .. - Justice and Home
Affairs (VISA,SIS II) - ...
5(No Transcript)
6What is TESTA ?. . . How to connect ?
7TESTA principles
- Trans European Services for Telematics between
Administrations - IP protocol on MPLS
- Separation from the Internet
- Registered but non-Internet routable address
range - Private domain-names (eu-admin.net)
8TESTA a domain-based approach
9TESTA a domain-based approach
10Generic services
11Architecture 62.62 addressing NAT
12TESTA architecture DNS
bxl-vpn.cec.eu-admin.net A
care.eu-admin.net A
curia.webmail.eu-admin.net A
emcdda.eu-admin.net A
emea.eu-admin.net A
europaplus.eu-admin.net A europarl-
ns.eu-admin.net A nap01.dac.lu.eu-adm
in.net MX
13Architecture DNS how it works
14Architecture DNS how it works
Local DNS Slave of eu-admin.net DNS
15Connected Countries
- ? Luxembourg
- ? Netherlands
- ? Austria
- ? Portugal
- ? Finland
- ? France in the process
- ? Sweden in the process
- ? Iceland
- ? Norway
- ? Belgium
- ? Denmark
- ? Germany
- ? Greece
- ? Spain
- ? Ireland
- ? United Kingdom
- ? Italy
16Connected Acceding Countries (with encryptors)
- ? Czech Republic - 01 03 2004
- ? Estonia - 18 03 2004
- ? Malta - 25 08 2003
- ? Poland - 13 01 2004
- Slovenia - 28 11 2003
- Cyprus 04 12 2003
- Slovakia 16 12 2003
- Hungary 23 02 2004
- Lithuania 16 03 2004
- Latvia 30 03 2004
17Connected EU institutions
- ? Council of the European Union
- ? European Parliament
- ? European Commission
- ? Court of auditors
- ? Court of Justice
- ? European Economic and Social Committee
- ? Committee of the regions
- Expected
- ? European Investment Bank
18Connected EU agencies
- ? CEDEFOP European Centre for the Development of
Vocational Training - ? EUROFOUND European Foundation for the
Improvement of Living and Working Conditions - ? EEA European Environment Agency
- ? ETF European Training Foundation
- ? EMCDDA European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and
Drug Addiction - ? EMEA European Agency for the Evaluation of
Medicinal Products - ? OHIM Office for Harmonisation in the Internal
Market (Trade Marks and Designs) - ? EU-OSHA European Agency for Safety and Health
at Work - ? CPVO Community Plant Variety Office
- ? CdT Translation Centre for the Bodies of the
European Union - ? EUMC European Monitoring Centre on Racism and
Xenophobia - ? EAR European Agency for Reconstruction
19Architecture Site Install
20Site location
- Concentration point for national agencies
- Security (physical protection, site security
officer) - SLA (availability, helpdesk)
- In function of projects of immediate interest
- Sectoral projects
- ...
21Cost sharing
- All costs covered by IDA for
- National administrative networks
- EU institutions and EU agencies
- Cost sharing for
- Direct to TESTA connected local administrations
- Back-bone costs are covered by IDA
- Local loop costs not covered by IDA (Leased line,
router, monitoring, installation)
22TESTA how to connect
Request connection
Request contacts
Send contact info Site info
Request installation
Send technical questionnaire start installation
Send technical data ( Unisys assist)
Site configuration test Request
acceptance Invoice
23Sectoral request for direct TESTA link
Request connection
Request for possible integration national
network request price connection
Price Offer
Inform sector assistance
Inform sector
Order direct link
24TESTA today
25Activities on Network Extension
- Connect national networks in all Member States
- Connect Acceding and Candidate Countries
- Integrate new users
- Environmental protection (PROCIV NET) on-going
- Energy and Transport (SafeseaNet, TachoNet)
26Activities on Security Enhancements
Lithuania IDA Info-Day April 20, 2004
- On the Eurodomain
- Finalise installation of line-encryption
- TESTA security accreditation on-going through
the TESTA SAP - For the border to local domains
- TESTA security accreditation for LDCPs (Local
Domain Connection Points) on-going through the
TESTA SAP - TESTA MoU code of connection between TESTA and
local domains (includes quality, SLA, security)
27Activities on Quality Enhancements
- On TESTA services and TESTA environment
- Enhance resiliency of generic services
- Portal and newsletter new database function
- Workbook and applications guidelines
- With end to end approach
- Promote SLAs in local domains through TESTA MoU
28Resiliency Component
- Primary Site
- Managed Resilient Firewall
- Managed SMTP Messaging Service
- Managed Intranet DNS
- 99.9 Monthly Service Availability (99.5 on
mailbox hosting) - Secondary Site
- Managed Firewall
- Managed SMTP Messaging Service
- Managed Intranet DNS
- 99.8 Monthly Service Availability (99.5 on
mailbox hosting) - Management and Support 365x7x24
30(No Transcript)
31(No Transcript)
32The PKI Service
33IDA PKI Services
- Provisioning of personal and/or functional
certificates (X.509v3 electronic certificates)
within closed user groups (the IDA sectoral
networks) - Provisioning of server certificates
- Related services registration procedures, CRLs,
34IDA PKI services
- Objectives
- ready to use by all sectoral networks of the IDA
programme - adaptable or extensible to the specific
requirements of some networks - Set-up steps for each user community
- requirements analysis
- definition of organisation and services
- service set-up
- routine management of the infrastructure
35Where can networks use the IDA PKI ?
- Web-based applications (SSL)
- protection of web-based information repositories
and client/server communications (server
authentication, client authentication, security
of communications) - Secure messaging (S/MIME)
- secure e-mail
- electronic signatures
- authentication
- Integrity
- Confidentiality (encryption)
36IDA PKI solutions
- Standard IDA PKI
- Normalised certificates
- Medium level of guarantee for the binding between
Functional Mailbox identity and public key - For sectoral networks only (as defined in IDA
legal basis) - Based on LRAO concept with remote registration
of users - LRAO training and accreditation
- Tailor-made IDA PKI
- For other types of Certificate Policies (e.g.
higher levels of guarantee) - Possibility of Face-to-face registration
- For qualified certificates (allowing advanced
electronic signature)
37IDA PKI Implementations
- In 2002 many mostly on PKI interoperability
testing - PKI test projects for ECA, DG FISH, DG JAI
- Council Pilot PKI CUG
- In 2003
- DG TRADE server certificates
- SG Greffe2000 PKI project
- ECA standard IDA PKI
- DG COMP standard IDA PKI (with eTokens)
- In 2004 some planned projects
- DG REGIO standard PKI CUG
- DG TREN server certificates for SafeSeaNet and
TachoNet - JRC server certificate
38TESTA the future
39Post 2004 Objective s-TESTA
- To define what TESTA will become after 2004 as an
IDA communication platform - To define the needs of communication at the
European level - the growing need for the exchange of information
between European administrations - the growing need of a secure and resilient
platform - gt new Call for Tender s-TESTA
40Functional needs
- Service levels
- between local the access gates
- application awareness service level
- Ease of use
- Support
- Consolidation of networks
- Subsidiarity
- Budgetary stability
- Sustainability
41s-TESTA post 2004 Working method
- TESTA Steering Committee
- Participants IDA, EC DI, Major Sectors (DG JAI,
DG TAXUD), the Council, - TESTA Expert Group Meetings
- The group meets 3 to 5 times and give regular
feedback to the TAC WHAM and the TAC - previous meetings held on 01/10/2003
- TESTA Project Management Board
- Participants like TESTA Steering Committee
42Further information
- TESTA web site
- http//testa.eu-admin.net (via TESTA access)
- IDA web site
- http//europa.eu.int/ISPO/ida/
- TESTA CIRCA interest group
- http//forum.europa.eu.int/Members/irc/ida/testa/h
ome (restricted access) - IDA project management
- European Commission, DG Enterprise D.2
- Entr-IDA_at_cec.eu.int
43Thank you
- Gzim Ocakoglu
- European Commission
- e-mail Gzim.Ocakoglu_at_cec.eu.int