Title: Status
1Status Trend Monitoring Databasefor
Salmonids in the Wenatchee Subbasin
Dr. Chris Jordan Project Sponsor Richard Kang
Team Leader Jeff Cowen - GIS Analyst Rod Davidson
Database Designer Martin Park Application
Developer Yazan Suleiman DBA and Java Programmer
2Project Goals
- Develop a database to establish the baseline
status of salmonids and their habitat in the
Wenatchee subbasin of the Columbia Basin - Determine population trends
- Evaluate the effectiveness of restoration
projects - Track protocols for data collection
- Integrate with GIS
- Provide easy access to the data through a web
interface - Serve biologists, natural resource managers and
land use planners
3Project Participants
- Database design and GIS support
- NOAA NW Fisheries Science Center
- Bureau of Reclamation
- Data Collectors
- US Forest Service
- WA Department of Ecology
- WA Department of Fish and Wildlife
- Chelan County Conservation District
- Yakama Nation
- Contract Manager
- Mike Ward of Terraqua Inc
4The Wenatchee Subbasin
5Establishing Sites
- 300 Sites Established
- in 2004 - 50 sites visited
- In 2005 and beyond
- 25 revisits
- 25 new sites
(Site WC503432-159 White River)
6Survey Types
- Habitat Quality
- (Including Thalweg Profiles)
7Data Flow
Data Collection Contracts Awarded 2004
Data Delivered to Contract Manager Winter 2005
Field Data Collection Summer Fall 2004
Data Delivered to SDM Spring 2005
Data Loaded into Database Summer 2005
Data QA/QC SDM and Contract Manager Summer 2005
Data Access Interface Fall 2005
8Anatomy of a Site
- A Stream Reach (500 meters or less), with its
X-Site, will have a center line, 11 cross-section
transects, plot frames, and numerous measure
points along the center line and along each
9Data Collection
11Other Data Submissions
12Protocol Manager
Monitoring Program
Revise Protocols/ Methods
Document Protocols/ Methods
Evaluate Protocols/ Methods
Data Collection Methods
Data Validation Methods
Data Summary Methods
Data Analysis
Status Trend Monitoring Database
Field Forms
Repository Database
Field Data Tables
13Geometric Context
- Whole Reach Values (X-Sites)
- Transect Values
- Transect Direction Values
- Profile Segment Values
- Thalweg Segment Values
- Thalweg Substrate Codes
14Data Loading Steps
- Stream Reaches are identified on a Stream in the
field and in the database - X-Sites with Site IDs and GPS coordinates are
loaded into the database - Coordinates are converted to GIS points and
related to DB via Network ID - The Reference Monuments are loaded and connected
to their Sites - Instruments and Team Member names are stored to
support building EVENTS from field data forms - Events are created for combinations of Team
Members, Instruments, Time-of-occurrence and
Site-ID - The Measurements are stored with connection to
the EVENT.
15Inside the Database
16Data Loading Challenges/Issues
- Common Excel spreadsheets not in identical
formats. - Site-Identifiers not consistent for all datasets
(X-Site) - i.e. Some were by Lats/Lons, Some were by
Site-ID, Some were slightly different Lats/Lons. - Determine the geometry of some measures and how
to represent that geometry in the DB. - Determine if an Integer item might also be
Floating Point value. - Capture all the codes and code-translations for
each survey type. For example, devising a way to
accommodate the ITIS and Non-ITIS codes for the
macroinvertebrate taxonomy.
17Data Loading Challenges/Issues(Cont.)
- Establish Wenatchee place holders for
attributes not included in prepared Protocol
Definitions. - Determine when a constant value should be
TIMESTAMPED because it might be re-measured. - Distinguish between REAL Raw-Data and summations
or averages of other data.
18Matching the Site Coordinates between Water
Quality and Habitat Datasets
19Wenatchee Data Received
Total Observations 224,747
20(No Transcript)
21(No Transcript)
22Tying It Together
23(No Transcript)
24Habitat Queries
- Channel Morphology
- Stream Profile
- Substrate Size
- Substrate Composition
- Fish Cover
- Large Woody Debris
- Canopy Cover
- Riparian Vegetation
- Human Disturbance
25A Rudimentary Query Fish Cover
26A Rudimentary Query - Macroinvertebrates
27New Data Sets
- 2005 Wenatchee field data 25 revisits and 25
new - 2004 EMAP and PiBo data for John Day
- Historic water quality and temperature data for
Wenatchee - Incorporate new version of Protocol Manager
- Expand web interface Java, HTML DB, Discoverer
- Data Quality Is the data correct?
- Data Queries Are we on target?
- Web Interface Is it useful?
- Data Sharing Who has access?