Title: EMID Certification Status
1 EMID Certification Status
- EM selection
- Description
- Data-MC comparison
- Background
- Efficiencies
- EM reconstruction
- Geometrical corrections
- EM-scale corrections
- Electronic calibration
- Energy resolution
- Some preliminary physics studies
- Z mass
- Low energy ee- resonances
Sabine Crépé-Renaudin ISN Grenoble For the EMID
2 Documentation
- Certification documentation available on the EMID
web page - www-d0.fnal.gov/phys_id/emid/d0_private/
- certification/welcome.html
- Results presented here are based on version 1.2
- Corrections are available in D0 em_util package
3 Selection description
High pT and isolated electrons
- Emreco gt p10.08.00, CellNN and Scone algorithm
- Abs(id)10 abs(id)11
- 0.95 lt EM fraction lt 1.05
- -0.05 lt isolation lt 0.1
- HMx9 lt 100 (depends on purity/efficiency
needed) - HMx9 8x8 matrix without CPS energy (Michel
Jaffré) - available from p10.11
- Note will be called HMx8 for version gt
p10.14.00 - Note Possibility to compute this new Hmatrix
for p10.08 to p10.10 version (thanks to Scott
4 Data-MC comparison PT gt 20 GeV
- Data EM_HI trigger, EM objects of pTgt 20
- pre-shutdown data
- MC QCD plate MC
Marc Hohlfeld
5 Data-MC comparison e from Z
Data di-EM sample around Z mass MC Zee plate
Sergey Burdin
6 Background studies single EM rate
- Data pre-shutdown data, EM_HI trigger, 0.5
pb-1, - pT gt 20 GeV, emfrac gt 0.95
Marc Hohlfeld
Note MC has been rescaled (x2)
7 Fake rate measurement
- Post-shutdown data, Rate vs pT
- Jet triggers, 2nd unbias jet, Standard EM
Shaohua Fu
Blue HMx9 lt 100 Red HMx9 lt 50
Integrated from pTmin to 200 GeV
8 Efficiencies measurement L1
Sarosh N. Fatakia / Ulrich Heintz
- Post shutdown data (240 k events)
- Compute turn-on curves for single EM trigger wrt
a trigger with lower threshold (max ET trigger
tower used) - Translate the curves to efficiencies for EM
object (matching ET tower with) - EM frac gt 0.95, isolation lt 0.1,
- HM9 lt 50
- Needs to remove hot cells carefully
9 Efficiencies measurement L3
Ia Iashvili
- Last runs before shutdown
- Use L3 mark and pass info
- Select good EM objects
- EM frac gt 0.9, isolation lt 0.2,
- HM41 lt 200, h lt 0.8
- EM_LOW rejection 15
- EM_HIGH rejection 5.5
- (rejection comes mostly from differences in
energy scale between L1 and precision readouts)
10 Efficiencies measurement offline
Leo Chan
- Offline efficiency
- Preselection efficiency (acceptance)
- ID efficiency
- Preselection efficiency measured by MC
(p10.06.00) - Indeed good data-MC agreement for eta
distribution (see Sergey plot below)
11 Efficiencies measurement offline
- ID efficiencies
- Select di-EM objects
- Required one is good quality EM-object, if the
Mee reconstructed is in Z mass window assume the
second is good also. Apply ID cut to this second
object. Compute efficiency after bgd subtraction - Efficiency 0.99 - 0.53 for standard cuts in CC
- Require SMT track matching for one EM object
allow to reduce significantly the background - Efficiency HMx9 lt 1000.940.060.05
- HMx9 lt 50 0.940.060.05
- HMx9 lt 25 0.820.090.05
Leo Chan
Yuri Gershtein
12 Reconstruction
- Aim improve electron reconstruction and compute
EM-scale -
- Geometrical correction (from MC)
- Cuts for phi cracks
- Correct for energy variation with h due mainly to
different amount of material present in front of
the calorimeter seen by electron at different
physical eta - EM-scale (data / MC comparison)
- Rescale data electron energy to obtain right Z
mass - All correction functions available in em_util
13 Geometrical corrections
Sabine Crépé-Renaudin
- Obtained on single e- from MC (p10.08.00)
- Available for both CellNN and Scone algorithm in
CC - Fit energy variation with eta and then compute
this variation as a function of energy (5 to 250
E loss vs eta
14 EM-scale correction
Marie-Claude Cousinou / Alexis Cothenet
- Compare data and MC Mee distributions
- Pre and post-shutdown data
- Standard selection
- Apply geometrical correction for CC
- Etrue E (1 e )
- Fit Mee and find e which maximize a likelihood
Mee91.5 GeV (89 GeV without corrections)
- Results
- e 5.6 0.7 (CC)
- e 0.95 2. (EC zlt-150)
- e 11.2 2.5 (EC zgt 150)
15 Energy resolution
Sabine Crépé-Renaudin Yannick Arnoud
- Scone
- s (E)/E(0.230.10)/?E ?
- (0.2020.006)/E ?
- (0.0040.002)
- CellNN
- s (E)/E(0.250.10)/?E ?
- (0.2020.006)/E ?
- (0.0030.002)
Fit Zee mass and reproduce it using MC and
varying energy resolution parameters a, b and c.
Not enough statistics to get precise result
16Electronic calibration
Robert Zitoun
- Takes into account
- Cell by cell gain (ADC/DAC) dispersion (5 to 10)
- ADC to GeV non linearity (300 MeV
underestimation per cell) - Improves both Zmass mean and resolution
- -gt EM-scale correction will need to be recomputed
Di-EM mass, after geometrical corrections
Di-EM mass, after geom. corr. elec. calib.
17 Results Z mass
- Z mass from standard EM selection and ET gt 20 GeV
- Pre and post-shutdown data
Marie-Claude Cousinou / Alexis Cothenet
Final plot after all corrections
18 Low mass resonances
Certification results are used for physics !
Oleg Kouznetsov
Sergey Burdin
U ???
Very preliminary !!
19 Conclusion
- Stable results for Moriond analysis
- Updates with post-shutdown data
- Results become available for both CellNN and
Scone clustering algorithms - Energy corrections will be updated in near future
for EC and EM-scale recomputed after R. Zitoun
electronic calibration - Use of combined EM/tracks information has started